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Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals

Page 21

by Robert James

  “As a matter of fact yes Sharon” I replied “Now go back to the lounge, sit down and I’ll return everyone to normal. You won’t remember a thing” I assured her.

  “But I want to Lord Robert!” Sharon exclaimed. This time her voice held respect and even warmth “I’m witnessing history and personally serving the one who will soon lead the entire New World” She declared stubbornly, not moving.

  “Once you cross that line, nothing will ever be the same” I warned.

  “Will anything be the same after today Lord Robert?” Her eyes and that oh-so-sultry but strong voice convinced me she was sure. We stepped back out of the room and I unfroze its remaining eleven occupants. They stood looking at each other, understandably confused.

  Governor Barry was the first to speak, after looking at his watch.

  “I don’t know what’s going on here, but Lord Elton is due any minute now”. The others checked their watches. Blake saw that Sharon was missing and was just about to say something about it when the console started to blink. Almost automatically, Julia picked it up and snapped.

  “Governor Barry’s office” Then she snapped to attention and almost stammered “Yes Lord Elton. Not now no, Lord Elton. At the Clearance House Lord Elton” and “Yes my Lord” In answer to Elton’s short, sharp questions. Shaken, she returned the hand piece to it’s cradle. “He’s on his way here” Julia told the other men.

  “With his fleet?” A suddenly alarmed Governor Barry asked her.

  “No, he’s only got one of those T.T.V. craft” She told him. The plan had worked, by now Zoran would have control of Elton’s other two T.T.Vs. The ‘here’ Julia had spoken of was the third floor of this building, so they quickly tidied up and went down to greet their Lord, radiating almost every emotion imaginable. All of them completely forgetting that they were leaving Sharon upstairs. I told her to wait there and followed the others down. Elton’s T.T.V. looked huge; it filled the road outside and was two stories high. When the doors swished open and the transom lowered, a brown clad younger version of Zoran did the whole routine.

  “You are honoured by the presence of Lord Elton of the Divine House of Brown” He announced grandly.

  All of them grovelled sickeningly, kissing his proffered hand. This was a very different Elton to the thirty year old youngest brother I’d met at Supreme House. Here he was God, and he quite obviously liked to drink from their worshipful well.

  “Enough, enough” He barked regally, when he was well assured of his absolute supremacy among these probably more intelligent people. He walked up to the Governor and hissed venomously.

  “Where is my Brother Barry?” Right in the poor man’s very frightened face.

  “I, I really don’t know my Lord. I would give my life to know that you might slay him” The Governor avowed..

  “Oh come now Barry” Elton’s voice was cold “Let’s not be so melodramatic” He added, thawing slightly “No one needs to die. I’m just here to take him home” He lied easily “Only the Supreme One sits in judgement” He said with carefully feigned reverence. They passed within inches of me, as Lord Elton suddenly decided that the roof was where he wanted to be. I moved quickly out of the building’s doors and onto the big T.T.V’s still lowered transom. The two guards only got a glimpse of me when I was already there. I froze them and Elton’s older spokesman, before any of them could sound the alarm. I did the same to the other three guards and the two beautiful, near nude girls who lay on Elton’s bed in his lavishly decorated cabin. With the laser weapon in my hand, I entered the cockpit of Elton’s T.T.V.

  “Good Morning Gentlemen” I said quietly but firmly, they saw me and began to get up, but I held up my hand “You know that I can kill you and you cannot harm me” I pointed out quietly “If I wanted to kill Lord Elton, I could have done that already” I reasoned. They sat back down, afraid, but curious as well.

  “Speak with either of the other two Captains” I told Elton’s Captain. He did as instructed and was told that Zoran had taken both craft, in my name. The Captain then told his three man crew.

  “What is it you wish me to do Lord Robert” He asked, resigned to the reality that things were beyond his control.

  “Why don’t we go and pick up Lord Elton” I suggested, grinning to myself at this unplanned turn of events.

  The Captain ordered the transom up, but got no response, then I remembered and promptly unfroze the guards. Then they did as ordered, all were still unaware of my presence aboard.

  “Tell your crew what has happened” I ordered the Captain “And please remind them of who I am. No one will be hurt if they obey my orders, understand?” The Captain nodded, confusion growing in his eyes, as he did just as he’d been told to.

  “Just hold off on that assent for a moment Captain” I ordered.

  “Yes Sire” He replied dutifully. I turned and entered the main cabin. The old man stood waiting with the five young guards, who stiffened and saluted.

  “You are?” I asked Elton’s older spokesman gently. Surprised, the old man looked at me strangely

  “I am Salam Sire, you don’t know me?” He asked curiously.

  “I have forgotten much old man” I told him, adding “And I have discovered much as well. Are you well and good with Zoran?” I enquired of the old man.

  “Oh yes Lord Robert” His reply held genuine warmth “We are lifelong friends”.

  “Then speak with him and you will know the truth” I suggested. Elton’s two party girls hadn’t felt the need to get dressed yet. They came to the door of his cabin, pathetic in their course attempts to attract my favour.

  “Put some clothes on and cover your whorish hides” I ordered

  them coldly, then I returned to join the four men in the cockpit.

  “Alright Captain, take her up” I ordered. But he hesitated, worried.

  “Er Sire, with respect Lord Robert” The Captained coughed “Er, I wondered if, well, I’m happy to pilot the craft Lord Robert, but we don’t need the crew, the guards or Salam” He pointed out “So can we not leave them down here?” The brave and caring Captain looked at me, his eyes pleading. I stepped toward him and put my right hand on his shoulder.

  “You think Lord Elton would fire on his own ship to kill me” I asked, a little surprised. But not as surprised as I was at this loyal Captain’s soft but vehement reply.

  “Lord Elton would not give our destruction a moment’s thought” He told me, looking directly into my eyes “If he has to kill all of us so he can kill you Lord Robert, he will” The Captain replied.

  “Captain” I looked into his weather beaten face “Although Lord Elton doesn’t know it yet, he cannot kill me again” I assured him, adding “And, I promise that I will not let him harm this ship”.

  “If Lord Elton killed you, how is it you are here?” He was quite understandably confused.

  “Zoran seems to understand that better than I do” Was my truthful reply “Now let’s ease on up to the rooftop and see what Lord Elton is up to” I ordered kindly, adding “I assure you men, you have nothing to fear” As I looked around at the decidedly nervous crew.

  The T.T.V. lifted silently till we could just see the twelve people from the cockpit. They were all looking out toward the port, their backs to us.

  “Open the doors and put the transom out just level with the roof” I told the Captain and walked back into the cabin. When the door opened I stepped out onto the landing platform.

  “We can’t stand around up here all night” Growled Elton “Don’t you have ways to track people down” He rasped at the Governor and his frightened staff.

  “Of course Lord Elton” Replied a younger man “But not one sophisticated enough to track one such as Lord Robert…or you Sire” He added wisely.

  “I’m going down to my craft to wait” Elton told them imperially, then turned to go back down stairs. He stopped still when he saw his T.T.V hovering there. Then he started toward it angrily.

  Elton strode across the rooft
op towards his unlit T.T.V, demanding to know who had given the order to move it from the Captain in the well lit cockpit, even though he couldn’t hear him in there.

  On my signal, Salam turned on the entranceway lighting and Elton stopped dead in tracks, his mouth still open, but wordless.

  “I thought you might like a lift Brother dear” I said, with feigned fraternal affection. Suddenly, Elton found himself and his hand immediately shot into his brown kaftan.

  “I wouldn’t recommend that Elton” I told him, pointing my small but devastating black tube at him. He relaxed and tried to smile.

  “Hey Robert, how’d you get on there” Elton did his best to hide the fury boiling inside.

  “Just saw it parked downstairs and hitched a ride Elton.” I replied keeping it all light and airy “I heard you wanted to talk to me” I added. He visibly relaxed, taking his hand out of his kaftan.

  “That’s right Robert” He started walking toward me “The old man is pretty upset about Marg and Peter and we need to work this out” He said as he continued walking slowly towards me.

  “No silly tricks Elton” I warned, adding “If you really want to know the truth I’ll tell you”.

  “I already know the truth Robert” He replied quite matter-of-factly “We just want to know why?” He was too sincere. Even as I put my weapon back in my pocket, I knew what would happen.

  Elton was just five or so metres away by now and, with both hands visible, I moved back into the doorway so he could enter. I figured that once he was inside the craft, he would not be able to use his awesome weapon without killing himself. I doubted he’d be willing to go that far, just to rid the family of me.

  “Really Robert, its better if we keep our differences to ourselves” He continued amiably, adding “I’m sure we can sort it all out, I’m sure we can” Elton was all smiles.

  “Well I’m sure glad to hear that Elton” I matched his tone and turned to enter, watching my younger Brother’s reflection in the shiny door. Sure enough, his hand flashed back to his kaftan pocket, he withdrew his weapon and pointed it at me.

  “Get out of my ship Robert” The true Elton spoke, his voice dripping with gleeful menace.

  Without reaching for mine, I turned to face him, about to speak. Without a word he fired and, as I had with the black hooded man in the Supreme House garage, I merely cupped my hands and it reflected straight back to Elton, boring a plate sized hole through his stomach. He looked down in disbelief, looked up and, incredibly, he fired again. This time, the tiny reflected beam removed his whole head. Lifeless, his still smoking body fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. The eleven men and women who had run for whatever cover they could find, when they first saw me, came out with hands raised, just as Sharon stepped out of the stairwell door and walked over to them.

  “For heaven’s sake put your hands down” I told them “I have no quarrel with you people”.

  “Lord Robert is telling the truth Governor Barry” Sharon reassured them, walking quickly around Elton’s body and over to me.

  “What in the hell is going on?” The thoroughly confused Governor Barry demanded to know.

  “You’ve just seen the tide turn Governor” I replied “I can now pretty much guarantee you that you’re on your own” I told them all “All the New World States will have to manage themselves from now on” I advised them “You are all free of the Supreme House’s domination from this day forth” I declared rather grandly.

  “You’re not taking over the Supreme One’s place?” Deputy Flake asked cautiously.

  “No Deputy Flake” I replied “My reason for being here is to release you – not take anything from you” I told the surprised man.

  “But you are taking me, aren’t you Lord Robert” Sharon’s seductive voice was insistent.

  “Are there any services you won’t provide” I asked her softly.

  “None at all my Lord” She replied silkily and brushed past me on her way into the T.T.V.

  Chapter Ten

  “Lord Robert, may I speak on behalf of the four T.T.V. crews” Our T.T.V. Captain asked, at our first ‘council of war’ meeting, back on Arc Island the next day.

  “Of course Captain” I answered and sat back as he stood.

  “Well Sire, we all know you’re right in what you do and, well, the balance of power has certainly swung over to you, no doubt about that” The Captain agreed “But, well, there’s three T.T.V. crews died already and, well Sire, with your five against their four, it’s for sure you are gonna win, but.” He hesitated.

  “But more good men will die, whoever wins” I finished for him.

  “Exactly Lord Robert, that’s just what I was getting at” He exclaimed, relieved.

  “Captain, to tell you the truth, I haven’t finalised my plans as yet” I told him “But I have no intention of storming the citadel, so to speak, believe me” I assured him “Nor do I have any intention of killing Lord Edmond, Lady Ursula or the Supreme One” I added, pleased to see the T.T.V. crews’ relief “If any one of them dies, it will be by their own hand, just as it was yesterday, with Lord Elton, and earlier with Lady Margaret and Lord Peter”. It was clear that satisfied them. Our first draft of the takeover plan called for cutting off the Supreme House’s communications, which, with the co-operation of all the New World States, would be quite easy. Getting that co-operation, however, might not be so easy.

  Once cut off, a small group, including Zoran and I, would have to find a way to get back into the Supreme House compound. My invincibility should get us to the Supreme One himself, so once we were inside we were there. The four T.T.V.s stood, as if guarding the Town hall, just across from where we sat, in a large room just above the balcony. The crews and guardsmen mingled with the people of Stonebridge and Peta Millwell was a living legend among them. We had arrived late the night before, with neither Sharon nor I too keen to sleep in my late Brother’s bed, even though Sharon had relocated the two floosies, before we had left Port Rualé. Governor Captain Millwell put us into two rustic but comfortable guest rooms.

  As I stripped off and prepared to get into bed, a light tap was followed by a soft and sultry voice.

  “Lord Robert?” Sharon whispered softly, staying behind the door. I went over, opened the door and wordlessly led Sharon over to the side of the bed. She was completely refreshed, but the little party dress had seen one too many parties. Looking me straight in the eye, her hands went to the waist of my shorts, I put a hand on each sculptured shoulder and the thin straps that held up the little party dress slid down her slim arms. As she shook out her thick, shoulder length blonde hair, the dress slipped down her perfect young body. All she had on underneath was a brief lacy pair of black panties. My shorts and those panties soon joined the party dress on the floor, as we explored enough pleasures to ensure we both slept really well, when we finally got to sleep!

  The crew, with the help of the Arc Island leaders, had retrieved our T.T.V. early the next morning, so that by the time we came to the window, around mid morning, it sat alongside our three new acquisitions. They were all back in uniform and very much enjoying the thrill of our near bloodless victory. I was asked to speak to the men, in front of the people of Stonebridge. That seemed like a good idea, so I agreed. Zoran suggested that the T.T.V.s should leave their special band radios on, so the other T.T.V. crews could hear me. Then Sharon suggested an international phone link up, with a dozen radio stations and, by the time I was to speak, it was to a worldwide audience.

  The New World was about to hear the truth, and so would my family. Zoran, looking younger and happier than I’d ever seen him, cleared his throat and walked over to the microphone that had been set up in front of the Arc Island Town Hall’s balcony. Large as the crowd was, you could have heard a pin drop.

  “Know ye all who can hear me that you are now to be privileged by the words of Lord Robert of the House of Red” Zoran announced, adding very deliberately “The Supreme Commander of the New World’s peace keeping
force” He stepped back smiling, as the crowd roared their approval. I’m quite sure the old man knew the effect his words would have on the people at Supreme House. The crowd quietened as I approached the microphone.

  “Standing before me are fifty of the bravest men on this planet” I began, and again the huge crowd roared their approval. I took a deep breath “On this day, I announce to all who can hear me, that I have founded the New World Peace Keeping Force” My voice told the world, to more wild applause from my Arc Island audience “This force comprises of these men and their four, formidable T.T.V craft. On my command, they can reach any corner of this planet, to deal with any Nation which attempts to transgress the rights of any other” My voice paused till the cheering died down “As of this day, no Nation is bound to obey the Supreme House commands” My voice decreed of it’s own accord. That last line made the two thousand strong live Stonebridge audience go completely berserk.


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