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The Trophy Wives Club

Page 11

by Ali Spooner

  “You were gone long enough for me to finish my beer.” She was getting ready to catch Chancy’s attention to signal for a fresh one when Alex returned to the bar and smiled at her. When she saw Marley’s empty bottle, she reached out her hand. “Let me replace that for you.”

  “Thanks,” Marley handed her the bottle.

  She turned to find Luna watching her with interest. “Should I be jealous?”

  “You have to admit, she’s not hard on the eyes if you are into the androgynous type.”

  “Which you seem to be.”

  “I appreciate a good body, quick smile and passionate eyes.”

  Luna grinned, “We can continue this exploration of your favorite body types later. Right now, you need to dance with me.”

  Marley laughed at her comment and allowed Luna to lead her to the dance floor. Just as they arrived, the frantic dance beat ended and a slow, love song began to play. Oh great, I get to be pressed up close to the hottest body in here. Eat your heart out, Ladies. She imagined eyes like daggers boring into her back right now, as a dozen or more ladies would die to be in Luna’s arms.

  Luna’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she spun Marley around, and pulled her close. The cologne she wore, blended well with her body heat and chemistry. Marley found herself feeling lightheaded for a moment. She leaned into Luna’s body for support. When their bodies made contact, Marley felt a shiver from deep within. Their bodies molded together in a perfect fit and Marley felt herself melting into Luna as they moved across the dance floor. The heat between their bodies was almost unbearable and ignited her soul. Damn, I want this woman. Her nipples were so erect, it was almost painful and Marley wondered if Luna could feel them pressed into her skin. Why am I thinking these things right now?

  Luna was an excellent dancer and easily led her across the dance floor. She was careful not to allow her hands to wander over Marley, as they were often prone to do with a dance partner. She felt Marley’s body quivering and looked down into her eyes. “You cold?”

  “No, I’m okay, was just feeling a little lightheaded.”

  “You want to go home?”

  Marley shook her head and leaned in closer to Luna. “Your body feels warm. Are you sure you’re not running a fever?” Luna’s hand caressed Marley’s forehead. “You’re hot and you’re starting to sweat. Come on, I’m taking you home.” She cut their dance short and handed Chancy a twenty and the fresh Corona to Alex. “She’s not feeling well, so we’re going to call it a night.”

  “Thanks,” Alex replied and watched them leave the club.

  When they stepped outside, the cooler air did little to refresh Marley. She dug her keys out of her pocket and handed them to Luna. “Would you mind driving? I’m feeling a bit nauseated.”

  “No problem.” Luna raced ahead to open the car door for Marley. “Do you think it was something you ate?”

  “I hope not. That meal was perfect the first time. I bet the second time wouldn’t be near as nice.”

  “Let’s get you home and settled. Do you have anything for nausea or do we need to stop for something?”

  “I’m pretty sure I have something in my medicine cabinet. Just get me home, and hopefully, I can sleep this off.”

  Luna jogged around the car and slipped in behind the wheel. She started the engine and turned when she heard Marley lower the window for fresh air. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I think so. I’ll let you know if I need you to pull over.”

  “Hang on and I’ll get you home as fast as I can.” Luna shifted into gear and reached over to place her hand on Marley’s shoulder. She could feel the heat rising up to meet her. This is not good.

  Luna had nearly made it back to the club when Marley cried out, “Pull over.” Thankfully traffic was light and she pulled off the road immediately. Marley flung the door open and staggered out two steps before losing the contents of her stomach. Luna put the car in gear and searched the console until she found a few napkins. She grabbed her bottle of water and raced around the car.

  “You okay?” She wet one of the napkins with the cool water and handed it to Marley to wipe her mouth.

  “Thanks. Sorry about that.”

  “No need to apologize. Wipe your face and then take a small sip of water to rinse your mouth. It wouldn’t hurt you to drink a little bit either, tiny sips though.”

  Marley nodded and took the water, rinsing her mouth and spitting the vile tasting liquid into the grass. Then she leaned back into the car and took a small drink. “That’s so much better. Thank you.”

  “No problem. Can you handle a few more minutes until we get home?”

  “Yes, I don’t think I have anything left.” Marley allowed Luna to guide her into the car and secure her seatbelt.

  Luna deactivated the alarm and then set it once they were inside. She helped Marley up the stairs to her flat. “Are you up to taking a shower after you get some anti-nausea meds and some Tylenol in you?”

  “Yeah, I think I need one now.”

  “If you’ll take the medicine, I’ll make you a slice of toast or a bagel to help soak up some of the acids in your stomach. I know you bought bagels. Is that good?”

  “Probably a good idea, with some water. Thanks for taking care of me Luna.”

  “That’s what friends are for,” she used Marley’s keys to open the flat. “I’ll give you a few minutes after I hear the shower running to make your bagel but call me if you need help.”

  “Thanks,” Marley made her way into her bedroom for a t-shirt and panties before walking into the bathroom. “Water to one hundred twelve,” she instructed and slipped out of her clothes, tossing them into the hamper. She dug through the medicine cabinet until she found what she needed and swallowed the pills. Then she brushed her teeth. When she stepped into the shower, she couldn’t help but moan at the feel of the water against her skin.

  Luna heard the shower running and walked to the kitchen to find the bag of bagels and some softened butter. She checked to make sure there was plenty of cold bottled water and dropped the bagel in the toaster. She leaned against the counter while she waited on the toaster. Marley’s reaction to Alex’s physical appearance had surprised her. She felt a pang of jealousy at the way her eyes had devoured Alex’s body. Other than being a bit taller than Alex, they had pretty much the same build, but Marley never looked at her like that. Or did she? She had never noticed such a visceral reaction from Marley. The bagel popped in the toaster and the sound made her jump. She laughed at being startled back to reality. Luna heard the water shut off and the shower door open. She smiled as she spread a light coating of butter over the toasted bread and took out a bottle of water. She placed the bottle beside the bed and turned to see Marley walking toward her in an oversized t-shirt, and her hair still damp from the shower. She felt her heart flutter. “How are you feeling?” She felt the quiver in her voice and hoped Marley didn’t catch it.

  “Much better. Thanks.”

  “Come have a seat on the bed and I’ll get your bagel.” She twisted the cap off the water and handed it to her. “Go slow.”

  “Yes, Mom.” Marley smiled and took the bottle of water.

  “I know you’re probably tempted to guzzle it but start with small sips.”

  “I do feel like a sponge. I’ll take it easy though.”

  Marley took a seat and was watching Luna when she turned back around. Her smile was brilliant for someone who had been physically ill just minutes ago. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.” Luna handed her the plate holding the toasted bagel.

  “Will you share it with me?” Marley took the plate and offered the other half to Luna.

  “It does look good.”

  “Come sit with me.” Marley tucked her legs under the covers and patted the bed beside her.

  Luna sat on the edge of the bed and took a bite. “This is good. If your stomach is up to it, I’ll cook a nice breakfast for you in the morning.”

  “I’m looking forward to one of you
r omelets. I’m sorry we had to cut the night short. I know you were looking forward to a night of dancing. I feel bad that I took you away from the fun, but thank you for taking care of me.”

  “No problem. Besides, I got the dance I wanted.” She winked and relaxed back onto the bed. “Do you realize that’s the first dance we’ve ever shared?”


  “Yes, seriously and we’ve known each other for a few years.”

  Marley smirked. “You’re usually swarmed by women who want to dance with you once you hit the club.”

  “Sometimes. Thank you for dancing with me.”

  “It was my pleasure. You’re a great dancer.”

  “It’s something that comes easily to me. Like breathing.”

  “I wish it came that easy to me. I feel like I flounder like a fish out of water. All spasmodic and stuff.”

  Luna couldn’t hold back her laughter. “I can assure you that you aren’t spasmodic. You just need to relax and let the music take you.”

  Marley swallowed the last bite of her bagel. “Maybe you could give me some lessons?”

  “I’d love to, but right now you need to get some sleep. I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep if that’s okay.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine. You need to get some rest too.”

  “I will.” Luna stood and waited for Marley to slide down the bed and pulled the covers over her. “Sleep and I’ll see you in a few hours.” She watched Marley close her eyes and turned off the bedside lamp, leaving the room lit only by the bathroom light. She walked over to a small bench at the end of the bed and sat down to watch her friend sleep. Even in the dim light, she could see the relaxed smile on Marley’s face. So beautiful.


  Two hours later, Marley awoke to find Luna slumped over on the bench sleeping. She climbed down the end of the bed and gently shook her awake. “Hey, sleepyhead.”

  Luna startled from her touch, “I guess I fell asleep.” She stretched. “I wanted to make sure you were okay before I left.”

  “You don’t have to go to another flat, but you do have to at least get comfortable.” Marley patted the bed beside her.

  Luna wiped her hair out of her face and kicked her shoes off. She walked around the side of the bed and slipped between the sheets. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better. Thank you. You don’t have to sleep in your clothes.”

  Luna chuckled. “It’ll be okay. I’ll just slide my jeans off.” She sat up on the side of the bed and slipped the jeans down her body.

  “Have you forgotten already that we have shared a bed before?” Marley teased as Luna slipped under the covers. “That’s got to feel better.”

  “Yeah, it does. I was getting a crick in my neck.”

  “Snuggle in then.”

  Luna was thankful the only light in the room came from the bathroom. She was certain her face was flushed as she climbed into the warm bed next to Marley who had turned away from her. She stretched out on her back, her body barely touching Marley. She could feel the quiver of excitement creeping in and then soaring when Marley spoke.

  “I said snuggle silly. Unless you’re scared, I might hurl on you,” Marley chuckled.

  “No, I think you’re past that stage.” Luna turned on her side and moved close to Marley, carefully draping her arm across her waist. Lord, please don’t let her feel me trembling. Marley wouldn’t understand how much she turns me on.

  “Doesn’t that feel better?”

  “Yes, it does. You’re warm. Do you think you’re running a fever?”

  “I don’t think so, just toasty warm under these covers.” Marley grabbed Luna’s hand and pulled her close. “Relax, I’m okay.”

  Luna felt her body soften as she melted into Marley’s back. She could feel the warmth seeping through the thin fabric of Marley’s shirt as she closed her eyes and willed sleep to take her.


  An hour later, soft moans from Marley woke Luna. She was curled around Marley’s body, her hand clasped with Marley’s. She realized Marley was dreaming and she smiled wondering if Marley was having as beautiful a dream as she had been having before she woke. In her version of the dream, she and Marley were tangled in bedsheets, their bodies soaked with sweat from heated lovemaking. The content expression on Marley’s face, made her relax and snuggle back into Marley and drift back to sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  When Marley woke hours later, she found she had turned and was entwined in Luna’s arms. Luna looked so peaceful as she slept, a slight curve to her lips suggested a smile as her eyes moved side to side as she dreamed. I wonder what she’s dreaming about. A lock of dark hair had fallen into Luna’s face and she was tempted to brush it back, but she was afraid to move in fear of waking her sleeping friend. She had seen a much different side to Luna last night, from the playful womanizer she was accustomed to seeing. Luna had shown great compassion in caring for her at her most vulnerable when she was heaving her insides out. She was close enough that every time Luna let out a soft purring sound a warm breath caressed her skin. Marley wondered if Luna had ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms or if she had strictly been a love them and leave them happy type of woman. She knew Luna had a reputation as a fantastic lover, but she’d never heard of her getting emotionally attached to anyone. In the years she had known her, she’d never known her to go home with the same woman more than once. What was it that made Luna tick? She was pondering that thought when Luna’s eyes flew open and she pulled away from Marley.

  “Oh, hey. I didn’t realize where I was for a few seconds. Did I wake you with my snoring?”

  “No, I think it was the growling of my stomach.” Marley glanced at the clock. “I can’t believe we slept so long. It’s after eight.”

  “Wow. I guess we needed the rest. I’ve got to admit that was a great night of sleep for me.”

  “After you got into the bed?” Marley couldn’t resist teasing Luna.

  “Yeah, this bed’s much more comfortable than your bench.” Luna smiled and propped up on her elbow. “So, you’re ready for an omelet?”

  “I feel like I could eat a whole one by myself this morning, but I better stick to a half.”

  “Let me freshen up a bit and I’ll start cooking. Do you want to shower?”

  “That’s probably a good idea. I woke up once soaked in sweat from breaking a fever.” Marley groaned as she ran her hand through her hair. “Yes, definitely. I need to tame this bed head.”

  “If my opinion matters at all, I think you look adorable first thing in the morning.” Luna slipped into her jeans and walked around the end of the bed.

  “It matters a lot, thanks,” Marley felt the heat rise to her face and turned away from Luna.

  Luna headed toward the bathroom to wash her face. “Enjoy your shower then. Do you think your stomach can handle some coffee or apple juice?”

  “Juice yes, but I don’t think I can handle the acid in coffee just yet. Maybe, after I eat.”


  After Luna freshened up, she gave the bathroom over to Marley and walked into the kitchen to survey supplies. She opened the refrigerator and placed a bottle of apple juice into the freezer to get it chilled then removed ingredients for her monster omelet. She heard the water come on in the bathroom and began whipping up a half-dozen eggs in a bowl. She was busy cooking and didn’t realize Marley had walked into the kitchen.


  Marley propped against the door frame and watched Luna creating her masterpiece. Intensity was written all over her face as she carefully folded the egg concoction in the frying pan. She had seen that same intensity as she watched Luna working out. She was physical perfection in movement as she worked her body and Luna was no less intense in the kitchen. It was only when she spoke that Luna realized she had entered the kitchen. “That looks delicious.”

  Luna looked up to see Marley step into the kitchen. “Hey, welcome back. How do you feel?”

  “Much better thank
you. My stomach is growling to get a taste of that omelet. Is there anything I can help with?”

  The toaster popped up. “Yes, you can get our toast, and pour some juice. I put it in the freezer to get it nice and cold.”

  “Perfect.” Marley went to work pouring the juice.

  “After we finish setting up the equipment, do you think you’re up to walking through a workout? I don’t want you lifting, but we can set up your routine.”

  “Yes, that would be nice. I’ll work on some paperwork while y'all finish.”

  Luna cut the omelet in half and served it onto plates. Marley was seated at the table as she approached.

  “You’ve got my mouth watering.” Marley’s eyes sparkled with excitement as Luna placed the plate in front of her.

  “I say we forego hot sauce today.” She chuckled as she took her seat.

  “Yeah, I agree that probably wouldn’t be a good idea.”

  Luna watched Marley as she took a bite. She moaned loudly.

  “I didn’t think this could taste better than the first, but this is heavenly.” Marley took a long drink of the juice. “Damn, I feel like a sponge.”

  “You probably dehydrated a bit last night. Go slow though. Try not to gulp even though that’s what your body is telling you to do.”

  Marley nodded as she took another bite. When there was only a small section left, Marley pushed her plate away. “I can’t eat anymore.”

  “Do you mind if I finish for you?”

  “Please do. It was too good to waste. I’ll clean up if you want to take a shower before Pepper and Haley arrive.”

  “I can do both.”

  “No way. You’ve taken such good care of me, it’s the least I can do, especially after such a nice breakfast. Go, and I’ll see you later.”


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