Book Read Free

The Trophy Wives Club

Page 12

by Ali Spooner

  “It’ll probably take us a couple of hours to get the last of the equipment set up and tested. Do you want me to come to get you when we’re done?”

  “Yeah, if I haven’t already joined you.”

  “See you later.” Luna smiled and left Marley’s flat for her assigned one. She was thrilled to have her own private haven for the upstairs services, even though she would not be living on site. It gave her a space to freshen up and relax in private whenever she needed a break.

  Luna keyed up her sound system and stripped out of her clothes. “Shower water to one twelve,” she commanded as she entered her bathroom.


  Marley stopped by her massage room to pick up some blank discs with the intention of downloading new music for massages while she organized her paperwork. Pepper and Haley were coming through the door as she left the room. “Good morning, you two.”

  “Hey, Boss. How are you doing?”

  “Good, Pepper. Thanks. Luna will be down in a bit. She’s taking a shower.”

  Pepper chuckled. “Did y'all have a good night out on the town?”

  “We did until we had to cut the night short. I ended up getting sick on the way home.”

  Pepper frowned. “You okay?”

  “I feel much better this morning. I think it was something I ate, or maybe a twenty-four-hour bug. A good night of sleep and a hot breakfast worked wonders.”

  Haley smiled at Marley, “It was probably a good thing Luna stayed out here last night then.”

  “She took very good care of me. I’d probably still be in bed in agony if she hadn’t been there to tend to me last night.”

  “You need help with anything this morning?”

  “Thanks, Haley, but I’m just going to do some paperwork and burn some new music.”

  “You can start the laundry and help us set up the equipment,” Pepper said and placed an arm around her girlfriend’s shoulders. “We’ll see you later then.”


  Marley immersed herself in the music while she filed her paperwork and reviewed the final plans for the grand opening. All of the evaluations had been completed and the staff was excited about the new opportunities available to them. When she checked her watch, she found that three hours had passed since she entered the office. She removed the final cd from her computer and left the office. After dropping the music at her massage room, she continued down the hall to find Luna working out. She stopped to watch her movements. Every lift of her arms pulled her t-shirt up her torso and solid abs were evident. A light sheen of sweat glistened on her arms and legs and when she turned, Marley could see the back of her shirt soaked through. She took a deep breath and stepped into the room. “Sorry, I lost track of time.”

  Luna turned toward her and smiled. “No problem. I was just testing out some of the equipment. I went ahead and plotted out a routine for you. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. This is your specialty, so I trust you’ll know what’s best.”

  “Come with me then and we’ll perform a walk through.”

  Marley listened carefully to Luna’s instructions and on several occasions, Luna placed her strong hands on her body to correct a grip or movement. Confident in her skills as an instructor, Luna smiled when Marley correctly followed a sequence without complaint and even though they weren’t doing an entire routine, Marley had broken out in a sweat. “Okay, that’s enough for now. I don’t want you to over-do things until you’re back to one hundred percent. We have an incredibly busy week ahead of us and you need to be rested.”

  Luna handed her a towel to wipe her face. “If you’re feeling better tomorrow, would you join me for some sushi?”

  Marley wiped her face. “I’d love to.”

  “Great, can I call you tomorrow afternoon and we’ll make it an early night?”

  “That sounds wonderful. Thanks again for everything.”

  Luna smiled warmly at her. “You’d do the same for me.”

  “Yes, I would. But I still appreciate you caring for me.”

  “It was my pleasure.” They started walking toward the stairs. “I’m going to grab my bag and head home. Call me if you need me.”

  “I’m going to take it easy and call it an early night. I promise, nothing strenuous.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Luna disappeared upstairs as Marley walked back to her office to store her workout sheet and shut down her system. She heard Luna’s bike growl as she walked back through the front room and decided to slip into the Roman bath to relax. She undressed and rinsed off in the shower before slipping into the hot water to soak her body. The warmth surrounded her and caressed her skin with a softness that reminded her of Luna’s touch as she modified her grip or straightened her back as she performed her routine. She laid her head against the wall of the bath and closed her eyes. Why am I thinking of Luna so much? Am I falling in love? Why do I crave the feel of her hands on my skin? So many questions, with no answers in sight. Marley had always managed to ward off Luna’s flirtations, knowing that her reputation as a player would only leave her broken-hearted, but lately, she had witnessed a change in Luna. Yes, she was one of the most popular requested staff by the members of the club, but Marley had come to grips with that. She too was now someone that gave pleasure to more than one woman, with no love or affection attached. It was a job, one that they were both excellent in performing, so in that sense, they were no different. Luna had been so busy with the start-up of the TWC that she didn’t have the time or energy to hit the clubs for the one night stands she was famous for, but if given the time would she fall back into the routine? Was she willing to give the obvious connection they had a chance and risk having her heart broken? “So much to risk, but so much to gain.”

  The warm water soothed her body and within minutes, she felt relaxed and decided she would shower upstairs, grab a bite to eat and then crawl between the covers of her bed. She slipped into a robe and climbed the stairs to her flat. She showered and dressed for bed before stepping into the kitchen. She was surprised to find a note from Luna.

  Thanks for a great morning. I hope you feel fantastic tonight!


  She smiled and re-read the simple note several times as she made a sandwich and took a bottle of water from the refrigerator. She ate at her small table and felt her cheeks ache from smiling at the note. Maybe things are changing between us.

  When she slipped between the sheets, she hugged the pillow Luna had slept on close to her body and buried her face in the scent lingering in the linens. She drifted off to sleep still smiling and dreamed of Luna.


  The next few weeks flew by. The grand opening was even more successful than Lindy had anticipated and went off without a hitch. They were also so busy working with clients that Marley had seen very little of Luna, and she found that she missed the intimate time they had shared prior to opening full time. Even Lindy had been pulled away to deal with professional obligations. Marley had her booked for a Friday night massage and was waiting in her office for her to arrive. Luna popped her head into the room. “I’ve got a couple of appointments tonight, but would you like to grab something to eat later?”

  “That sounds great. We haven’t seen much of each other for a couple of weeks.”

  “So, you miss seeing me, like I miss you?”

  Marley couldn’t resist the grin on Luna’s face. “Yes, I do. It’s been crazy busy.”

  “I should be done by seven. What about you?”

  “It depends on what’s going on with Lindy. I have her session coming up, but I’m not sure if she wants more.”

  “If she is me, I most certainly do, if you’re up to it,” Lindy said as she stopped beside Luna.

  “Hey, Boss,” Luna said.

  “Good evening ladies. Sorry for eavesdropping, but I’d love an appointment with Marley after my massage.”

  “No problem. I’ll see you later.” Luna left to prepare for her appointments.

arley smiled up at Lindy. “I have the room ready when you are.”

  “Let me slip out of these clothes into a robe and I’ll be right there.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” Marley followed her from the office and went to the massage room. She checked the warming oil and turned on some of the new music and waited for Lindy.

  Lindy stepped inside. “I am so ready for your magic hands.”

  “Rough week?”

  “It’s been more busy than usual, but it’s over and now I can get some relaxation with you. How has business been here?”

  “It couldn’t be better. The members seem to be very happy and the staff is really enjoying working here. Lay down and I’ll have you relaxed in no time.”

  “I do love the sound of that.” Lindy laid down on her stomach and Marley started her massage.

  “You are tense. Let me know if I go too deep.”

  Lindy chuckled. “That sounded so sexual coming from you.”

  Without thinking, Marley smacked Lindy’s ass. “You know what I meant, silly.”

  “Oh, that felt good.” Lindy’s voice dropped to a purr.

  “Sorry, that was just a reflex.”

  “I didn’t mind at all.”

  Marley shook her head at her behavior as she continued the massage. It may have been an unprofessional action, but she felt Lindy’s muscles begin to relax as she kneaded deeply into her muscles.

  “Is this new music?”

  “Yes, it is. Do you like it?”

  “Very much so. It’s got a sensual sound and its effect, with the rhythm of your hands, is incredibly relaxing.”

  “It’s from the tantric genre, inspired for sensuality and arousal.”

  “It’s definitely working.”

  Marley smiled and continued working down Lindy’s body. When she finished and asked her to roll over, she could see the puckering of Lindy’s nipples, exposing her arousal. She added more of the warm oil and began massaging the base of her neck. “Do you have big plans for the weekend?”

  “I plan to come for a workout tomorrow and maybe hit the sauna and bath. Sunday, I’m sleeping in as long as possible. What about you?”

  “We have a light schedule tomorrow, so a bit of relaxing here too. Luna and I have been talking about maybe looking at some new cars, so we may do some window shopping.”

  “That’s always fun. What are you looking for?”

  “I think Luna wants a Jeep and I’ve always dreamed of a Land Rover.”

  “If you find something you like, work with Danna. I’m sure she can arrange good deals for you both.”

  “I will definitely keep that in mind. We can always use a good deal.”

  “She thinks very highly of both of you, so I’m sure she’ll make it work. It’s good to have connections.”

  “Yes, I’m learning that quickly.”

  “Are you still happy here Marley?”

  “Very much so. This is a dream come true for many of us.”

  “For the members as well. The ladies have gushed about the staff and the services provided. I think even a few of them enjoy coming for workouts now.” Marley chuckled at her comment. “What better way to relive tired, stiff muscles, and the bedroom boredom at home?”

  “The way I see it, it’s a win-win situation all around.”

  “As long as our libidos don’t wear you ladies out. I worry you don’t have much time for your own social life being so committed to the success of the club.”

  “I think the extra activity may slow down a bit once the members realize it’s not a passing thing and we will be here to provide services. I think they are enjoying the experimenting of the variety of techniques offered and will settle into their favorites eventually.”

  “Well, I certainly have mine. You and Luna provide everything I could ask for.”

  Marley felt her cheeks flushing. “Thank you.”

  “Speaking of Luna. You seem to be drawing closer. Have you given any further consideration to the two of you evolving to more than friends?”

  “We have become closer over these past few weeks, but that’s all.” Marley felt the heat rushing through her body. She knew she was lying. She was falling in love with Luna and nothing could stop the train wreck of emotions that were going through her mind every time she thought of Luna.

  “I just hope you won’t sacrifice your need for companionship to ensure the members’ desires. Your long-term leadership here is very important to our success.”

  Marley chuckled. “I’ll take that under advisement, Boss.”

  “Not just as your employer, but as a friend as well.”

  “I do consider you to be a friend. You’ve given me so much already, but I promise I won’t let life pass me by without finding hope for love.”

  “Now we’re talking. I do love the L word.”

  “How are things going with Jay Dub?”

  “Same old same old. He’s so busy with this case and who knows what else, I haven’t seen much of him. I’m usually satisfied and asleep before he comes home. I’m pretty certain he is satisfied too.”

  Marley could feel the tension creeping back into Lindy’s body and mentally kicked herself for bringing up the sensitive subject. She focused her skillful hands on the insides of Lindy’s thighs to bring her back to a state of relaxed arousal.

  “Damn, you know how to make a woman feel great. I hope you didn’t mind an impromptu session tonight.”

  “I’d never turn you down. You should know you’re my number one,” Marley replied and winked at Lindy.

  “I bet you say that to all the women.”

  “Absolutely not. I’ve kept my clientele down to a minimum. The others don’t mind the extra attention and it gives me time to focus on management.”

  Marley’s thumb stroked softly across Lindy’s swollen clit. “I do love you focusing on management,” she replied after gasping from Marley’s touch. “I’m ready to go upstairs to work on those management skills with you.”

  “Run through a shower while I clean up the room and I’ll meet you in just a few minutes.”

  Marley offered her hand to Lindy to help her off the massage table. “Steady on those legs now,” she teased. “Anything special you’d care for tonight?”

  “I want you and your strap on deep inside me tonight,” Lindy admitted. “I need a good hard fucking.”

  “As you wish. I’ll get the room ready.”

  She watched Lindy leave the room and began cleaning and reorganizing the massage room, before rushing upstairs to her business flat to prepare for Lindy’s arrival. The sheets were pulled back and extra pillows placed when Lindy arrived in a robe. Her freshly showered body was already flushed with arousal as Marley slipped the robe off Lindy’s shoulder with a tender kiss. Lindy relaxed onto the bed. “I’ll be back in just a moment.” She turned on music that would start off slow and build to a pulsing beat which would provide an excellent rhythm for fucking, then slipped into the bathroom. She stripped out of her uniform and fastened a harness around her hips. Luna had purchased a few new toys for her and she placed one of them on the mount, securing it in a position that would provide them both maximum pleasure. She donned a robe and returned to the bedroom and turned the lights down low. She removed the robe and Lindy’s eyes fell below her waist, her eyes hungrily appreciating the size and length of the new toy.

  “I look forward to feeling that inside me,” she growled with anticipation.

  “A new purchase I thought you might enjoy.” She entered the bed and lay next to Lindy, the toy grazing the skin on her thigh as Marley moved closer. The music was still soft as her hand and mouth began exploring Lindy’s body. She could feel the arousal growing for Lindy as her body arched to meet her every touch and the scent of excitement filled the bed. Lindy’s tongue danced wildly in her mouth and she groaned deeply when Marley’s hand cupped her vagina. She could feel the wetness and heat filling her hand as she gave it a soft squeeze.

  “Oh, hell yes,” Lindy cried when Ma
rley slipped a finger inside to test her readiness. “I need you deep inside me.”

  Marley reached over for a tube of lubricant and poured it into Lindy’s eager hand. She could feel the tug of the straps pressed against her clit as Lindy’s hand slid up and down the shaft of the dildo, covering it with the silky lube. When Lindy had finished coating, Marley grabbed a pillow and positioned it beneath Lindy’s hips raising her off the bed. She maneuvered her body between Lindy’s legs and placed the tip of the shaft in Lindy’s opening. Marley looked into Lindy’s passion filled eyes as she leaned forward, lowered her hips, slowly sinking the dildo into her body. The music began with a slow pulse and Marley easily matched the rhythm, which grew perfectly with Lindy’s desire. Using a strap on used muscles Marley didn’t often use, but she could feel the improvements she had gained in the few weeks of workouts Luna had designed for her. She could feel the power of her thrusts as her energy entered Lindy, eliciting loud groans of pleasure as she grabbed the sheets in an effort to build her climax to its highest peak. Marley lost herself in the music, allowing the beat to become one with her body as she gave pleasure to Lindy. She finally understood Luna’s description of losing control to the music and the sound of her lover as she thrust deeply inside them. Just the thought of Luna made it difficult for Marley to hold back the orgasm from the straps rubbing across her clit with each movement of her hips. She was relieved when Lindy called out and her body began convulsing, her arm covering her mouth to prevent a scream. With a final deep thrust, Marley came with a similar result, her body quaking from the exertion of making love to Lindy and she barely caught her body from collapsing on top of her. She rested her weight on her elbows, the dildo buried inside Lindy. A bead of sweat dripped from her chin onto Lindy’s chest as they struggled to gain their breath.

  Lindy looked into her eyes, “Holy shit, where have you been hiding that girl?”

  “I’m not exactly sure where that came from. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “Heavens no, that was fucking fantastic. Excuse the pun.”


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