Book Read Free

The Trophy Wives Club

Page 14

by Ali Spooner


  “Yeah, wow. That felt wonderful.”

  “We have things to talk about later,” Marley said.

  Luna looked confused. “Good things, or something else?”

  “I think it will all be good.”

  “Can we do it now?”

  “No, we need to finish work today, then we’ll have all afternoon to talk.”

  Luna’s face turned into a frown. “You’ve got me worried.”

  Marley initiated the second kiss, and when she broke it, she whispered. “Don’t worry. Just trust me on this.”


  Luna nodded and left the flat, her head whirling, and her thoughts spinning off in a thousand directions. I don’t think there’s anything I’ve done wrong, so I can’t be in trouble. Besides Marley said everything was good, so I’ll have to trust her. Damn, that was cruel of her to mention something and then make her worry for hours. I’ll have to figure out a way to pay her back for that. She grinned to herself and took the stairs eager to start the day.

  Lindy was coming in the front door as Luna hit the bottom of the stairs. “Good morning, Boss. Are you ready for a workout?”

  “I will be in just a few minutes. I need to drop my bag and I’ll meet you in the gym.”

  “Would you mind if Marley joined us for a workout this morning?”

  Lindy smiled at the offer. “No, not at all. It will give me someone to commiserate with as you work us to death. I’ve only got an hour to work out today though. I’ve got an engagement I need to attend today.”

  “That’s no problem. We’ll finish up in plenty of time for you to shower and be on your way. I’ll see you in a few then.” Luna grabbed fresh towels and walked to the workout room.


  Lindy dropped her bag and hung her outfit in the locker room and then swung by the office to see if Marley was there. She was surprised to find the envelope she had left for her still sitting on the desk. I hope I didn’t jeopardize my relationship with Marley with my request. She’s working out with us this morning, so it can’t be that. Maybe she’s just been too busy to collect her fee.

  When she walked into the gym, Marley had already arrived and was talking with Luna. She could feel the electricity in the air between them and smiled as they turned in her direction. There is definitely something growing here. “I hear you are to be my partner in torture this morning Marley.”

  “Oh, come on, it’s never that bad,” Luna remarked.

  “Easy for you to say. You’ve got the body of a goddess,” Lindy replied.

  “Made from hard work, so let’s get busy ladies and start stretching. Lindy’s on a timeline this morning.”

  It didn’t take long for Luna to have them both sweating as she put them through their routines. She would walk between Lindy and Marley, correcting posture during an exercise, using her hands and instructions to show them the correct methods. Neither of them complained of the personal touch as Luna was always gentle in her approach. She kept an eye on the clock and when it was near the time to halt the exercise, Luna called them together to sit on the floor. “That was quite a workout for both of you this morning. I want you to end it with some gentle stretching to relax and help your muscles cool down.”

  Lindy admired the way the uniform fit Luna’s body as she moved along with them. The choice of the bright colors accented her dark skin, and her muscles seemed to ripple below the fabric. Down girl, she spoke to her inner child. Now is definitely not the time to play. She found herself grinning and invigorated by the workout and bounced up from the floor. “Thanks for a great workout and great company, Ladies. I’ll see you both on Monday.”

  “Have a great rest of your weekend, Boss,” Luna said as she and Marley also stood.

  “Enjoy your car shopping tomorrow,” Lindy tossed back at them as she walked toward the door.

  “We will,” Marley called back to answer.


  When she turned back to Luna, she found her smiling. “Are you ready for some time in the bath?”

  “Let me just freshen up here and drop off the towels while you rinse off.” Luna picked up the used towels and was in the process of cleaning the equipment when Marley left.

  “I’ll meet you in the bath.”


  Lindy had undressed and was about to step into the shower when Marley arrived. “I hope I didn’t scare you off with my request yesterday.”

  “I wasn’t expecting that conversation, I’ll admit, but no, I’m not scared. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and plan to broach the subject with Luna today.”

  “That sounds promising.” Lindy grinned and stepped into the shower. “I’ll keep everything I have crossed that it goes well.”

  “Thanks, Boss,” Marley said as she removed her workout clothes and tossed them in a dirty clothes bag. She grabbed a fresh towel and walked into the shower to rinse the workout sweat from her body. She lingered in the shower, enjoying the feel of the water pulsing against her skin and when she turned the water off and reached for a towel, the locker room was silent. Lindy had already dressed and was gone. Marley patted her skin dry and slipped a thick robe over her body. She tossed the wet towel in the bin and made a stop by her office. She saw the envelope sitting on her desk. She had forgotten all about it after her conversation with Lindy. She opened it to find four one-hundred-dollar bills and slipped the envelope deep in the back drawer of her desk, where several other envelopes were stashed. Those will easily make a healthy down payment on a new car. She smiled and closed the drawer. Now to talk to Luna.


  Luna had wiped down the equipment and took care of the dirty towels before walking into the Roman bath to rinse off in the shower and wait for Marley. She was already sitting in the bath, enjoying the water when Marley walked into the room. Her heart began to race as Marley took her robe off, hung it on a hook and walked naked toward the pool. She is beautiful. Moves with such cat-like grace I feel myself watching her every move.

  “How’s the water?” Marley asked as she carefully took the first step into the bath.

  “Heavenly,” she answered as she reached for Marley’s hand. “Even better now that you’re here.”

  “You are such a smooth talker,” Marley teased. “Damn, this does feel good though.”

  Marley sat beside Luna and laid her head back against the headrest designed in the edge of the bath and closed her eyes. She moaned softly as the water caressed her skin.

  “So, what’s all this mysterious conversation about you alluded to this morning? That was pretty cruel of you by the way.”

  Marley popped an eye open and looked at Luna. “Can a girl get five minutes of peace and quiet?”

  “Okay, five minutes, but you’re driving me crazy.”

  Marley smiled. “I know. It’s payback for giving me three extra minutes on the treadmill.” She closed her eyes and smiled.


  “Uh, uh, five minutes,” Marley repeated.

  Luna slumped back in her seat and stared at the painfully slow ticking clock. When the final seconds ticked away, she turned to Marley who was watching her. “Okay, spill it.”

  “Thank you for giving me five minutes.”

  “You’re welcome. Please? The suspense is killing me.”

  “Okay, so yesterday I had my normal Friday massage appointment with Lindy, and then she wanted an extra session. She was in an unusual mood and asked for me to use a strap on with her.”

  “I take it that’s not a norm with you? I use it often with her.”

  “No, not at all. A first actually. Which, started a conversation with her afterward.”


  “Firsts, and never ever. Lindy is an incredible woman.”

  “I agree with that. I take it she kinda blew you away with something, with the way you’ve been acting the last twenty-four hours.”

  “She did indeed, and it’s forced me to think about the future seriously.”

  Luna turned toward her quickly making the water between them splash into Marley’s face. “You’re not leaving the club, are you?”

  Marley wiped the water out of her face. “No, nothing like that. I love it here. What she asked, involves you, and I had a lot of thinking to do about my past decisions to stay away from you because of your reputation as a player. Your one and done history, I’ll admit was a huge factor in that decision.”

  “I have my own reasons for that, but I’ll hear you out. What is it that Lindy wants that has you so conflicted?”

  Marley felt herself taking a deep breath. She hadn’t figured out a way to gently ease into the conversation, so she just blurted it out in one breath, “So, Lindy has never experienced a threesome.”

  “Really? That’s kind of surprising. I thought everyone had done it at least once.” Luna chuckled as she watched Marley’s face.

  “Hey, now. I haven’t either,” Marley informed her with a scowl. “Some of us, aren’t as experienced as others when it comes to sex.”

  “Okay, I’ll take that. So, what has you so nervous?”

  “She wants her first experience to be with you and me?” Marley saw the recognition of Lindy’s request bring a scowl to Luna’s face. She was glad it was only temporary as Luna then smiled.

  “Hence the dilemma?”


  “What’s your biggest concern?”

  “Honestly, I don’t want our first experience together to be with someone else. I’d prefer it to just be the two of us.”

  Luna’s eyebrows raised. “Are you saying that you’d be interested in having sex with me? Finally?”


  “No, you don’t want to do this? Why are we having this conversation at all then?”

  Marley watched Luna turn away from her to hide the hurt on her face. Marley reached out and took Luna’s chin in her hand and turned her face to her. She could see the tears in Luna’s eyes. “I don’t want to have sex with you. I want to make love with you.”

  A tear slid down Luna’s right cheek and Marley brushed it away. “Do I need to say it again?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “I want to make love with you, Luna.”

  “You have no idea how long I’ve longed to hear those words. I want you to know that I’ve changed. I don’t want anyone but you. I know we both give pleasure to the members of the club, but as you’ve mentioned, that’s sex, not lovemaking.”

  “I’ve felt that change in you, and that played a large part in my decision.”

  “Have you agreed to Lindy’s request?”

  “No, but I told her that I’d discuss it with you.”

  “Is that something you really want to do?”

  “She’s done so much for both of us, but she assured me there was no pressure if we declined her offer. To be honest, I can’t think of two women I’d rather have my first experience with.”

  “Wow, this is so not what I thought we’d be talking about today.”

  “What did you think?”

  “I had no clue, so you’ve blown me out of the water.”

  “Do we tell her yes?”

  “I think that depends on us. We may make love and realize it’s not at all what we envisioned it to be.”

  “Do you really think that will happen?”

  “No, but we may decide we don’t want to share us, with anyone else.”

  Marley raised her hand to Luna’s forehead, in a mock effort to check her temperature. “My you have changed. That was a romantic thing to admit.”

  Luna stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. “I can be very romantic.”

  “I’m certain you can be.”

  “When I’m inspired.”

  Marley grinned. “Now you know one of my never ever things, but I don’t know yours.”

  Luna closed her eyes in thought. When she opened them again, she looked at Marley, “I’ve never had a professional massage.”

  “I can handle that today. With great pleasure. I’ve been dying to get my hands on that body of yours.”

  “You could have at any time. You know how much I adore you, right?”

  “Yes, but the timing wasn’t right. It is now.”

  Luna leaned into her and kissed Marley. Each kiss felt better than the last, and now she had hope that they would only continue to get better.

  “Let’s relax here for a bit and then we can heat up those leftovers. Afterward, if you’re ready for a massage, we can take it from there.”


  After soaking for a short while, Marley opened her eyes to find Luna, with her head resting on the wall of the bath and her arms stretched along the wall. She quietly moved in front of Luna and straddled her outstretched legs. She lowered her body into Luna’s lap and smiled when Luna’s eyes popped open. Luna remained silent, watching every move Marley made as she stretched out her arms and used her fingertips to trace from the bed of her palms, down the length of her arms and up to frame her face. Marley felt Luna shiver in the heated bath and recognized the desire burning in Luna’s eyes as she leaned her body forward and kissed her deeply. Yes, this feels so right. She continued the kiss until they were nearly breathless and then, rested her body back on Luna’s legs.

  “Wow, I hope that felt as good to you as it did for me,” Marley whispered.

  Luna raised her hand to stroke Marley’s face. “I have a confession to make.”

  Marley cocked an eyebrow. “Oh really? Do tell.”

  Luna locked eyes with Marley. “When you kiss me like that, for a few seconds my whole world turns black, like nothing else matters but the feeling of your kiss.”

  “That’s a relief. I thought it was just me. Nothing like that has ever happened before for me.”

  “Me either, but it’s an amazing feeling. Like a small orgasm, all in itself.”

  “That is a perfect description for it.” Marley smiled and leaned forward for another kiss. “Do you think this could be our sign that maybe it’s time for us to be together?”

  Luna’s devilish grin returned. “I sure hope so. I want you so badly, more so than ever before.”

  “Soon, I think,” Marley said, as she stood and offered Luna her hand.

  Chapter Ten

  After eating the leftovers, Marley and Luna sat at the table in their robes from the bath. “I do believe that was even better than last night.”

  Luna patted her stomach. “Without a doubt. That will always be one of my favorite places to eat.”

  “Mine too. Would you like more tea?”

  “Yes, a bit if you don’t mind. I never dreamed I’d enjoy sweet tea so much.”

  “It can be addicting. I should have warned you.”

  Luna smiled as she took the refilled glass from Marley. “You should have.”

  “I’m finding out there are many things about you are addicting.” Luna reached out to pull Marley into her lap. Her eye’s searched Marley’s and saw a look of desire deep in them. “One of them being your kissable lips.” She leaned into a kiss. “So sweet and intoxicating.”

  “I am so enjoying this romantic side of you, but don’t let it replace the cocky side of you.”

  “What cocky side?”

  “The one that’s confident about everything she does and knows she’s the best.”

  “That’s not really me. I hope you know that. It’s just a persona. I actually question myself if I’m ever enough.”

  “You are perfect, just as you are.”

  “All that matters, is that you think so.” Luna wrapped her up in another kiss, and when it ended, Marley was nearly breathless.

  “I think we’d better head downstairs if you’re going to get a massage today. Give me a minute to change.”

  “Please don’t.”

  “Please don’t what?”

  “Don’t change. I want you to be nude as you massage me.”

  “That is highly unprofessional, Miss.”

  “It’s just you and I, and I promise I won’t tel
l anyone.”

  “Okay, Miss Cocky, let’s go.” Marley stood and pulled Luna to her feet. “It will take a few minutes to warm the oil.”

  “I know what we can do while we wait,” Luna said as she puckered her lips.

  “C’mon you,” Marley reached for her hand and led her downstairs.

  “Ooh, the inner sanctum.”

  “That’s right. The gym is your domain, and this is mine. You can have a seat on the table while I get ready.”

  Luna slid back to take a seat as directed while Marley turned on the warmer and placed a bottle of oils inside.


  Then she turned on soft music. Marley was tempted to use the same music she had used with Lindy, but had second thoughts. “Are there any tender areas or ticklish spots I should be aware of before we start?”

  “My shoulder muscles have been tight lately, and my toes are ticklish.”

  She grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind. Off with that robe, Ma’am. Do you want a sheet to cover you?”

  “Only if you recommend one.”

  “No sheet then. Roll over onto your stomach please.” Marley stepped back to allow Luna to position her body comfortably on the table. “How does that feel? The face padding okay?”

  “Very comfortable.”

  “Good, just close your eyes and let the music sink into you.”

  Marley stood back and marveled at the beautiful body stretched out in front of her. From the chiseled shoulders that narrowed to firm hips, there wasn’t a flaw on her body. Her ass cheeks were beautifully rounded and hollowed on the bottom as they connected to her thighs. Her thighs were arced to perfection, not large, but solid and in perfect symmetry with her upper torso. With proper nutrition and training, Marley could easily see Luna entering bodybuilding competitions and winning. There was no doubt Luna’s body turned many heads, both male and female, and she had never hesitated to let her physical attractiveness seduce the woman of her choice at the bars, but she felt that Luna had grown beyond that woman. She watched the rise and fall of her body with each breath and found her hands eager to touch Luna. A change in the music brought Marley back to the task at hand. She checked the temperature of the oil and found it ready. She removed her robe, poured a portion into her hands and rubbed it into her palms as she approached the table. “I’m going to start at your neck and work my way down to your feet. Let me know if I use too much or too little pressure. It’s not supposed to hurt. Okay?”


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