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The Trophy Wives Club

Page 16

by Ali Spooner

  Luna breathed in deeply, “You smell delicious.” Her lips kissed softly down Marley’s neck.

  Marley felt Luna’s warm breath on her skin and her lips set her desire aflame. She felt a rush of moisture between her thighs. Damn, she is so sexy. A simple kiss has me so turned on. “That feels fantastic.”

  Luna’s breath caressed Marley’s ear, “I hope to make you feel completely satisfied.”

  Marley’s hands fell silent as she allowed her body to enjoy the sensations Luna’s lips were sending her. “I have no doubt you will.”


  Luna’s hands slipped open the belt on the robe and it fell open, allowing her hands to caress down Marley’s front, making long strokes down her soft skin. She stepped closer as Marley leaned back into her body. She had no doubt Marley could feel the pressure of the mount against her ass as their bodies pressed together. She heard a soft gasp as her hips ground into Marley. She raised her hands to gently cup Marley’s breasts, her nipples erect in anticipation. Luna rolled them between her finger and thumb as her mouth sucked Marley’s ear lobe into her mouth. She felt Marley’s hips rock back into her and when she looked into the mirror, she found Marley’s eyes glassy with desire. The mirror gave her a perfect view of Marley’s body. She slipped the robe off her shoulders and kicked it from between them on the floor. “So beautiful,” she whispered as she planted soft kisses down her neck. Her right hand glided down her body and came to rest on top of her. She could feel the heat and moisture escaping Marley’s body as her hand cupped her mound, squeezing gently, making Marley moan. She slipped a finger between silky lips and stroked slowly through the growing wetness.

  “That feels so good,” Marley growled.

  Luna teased her entrance with slow strokes and she could feel Marley pressing her hips forward urging her to enter her. Her thumb stroked across Marley’s clit and she groaned loudly in pleasure. “Spread your legs for me.”

  Luna felt Marley’s movement as she exposed herself, opening her legs to shoulder width. She could feel a trembling in Marley’s wetness as her fingertip probed inside. Marley was hot and wet with need, but Luna wanted to make sure she was relaxed and well lubricated before she introduced her to the strap on.


  Marley felt the harness and the dildo attached to it pressed against her and her hands grabbed Luna’s shorts and pulled her closer. She could feel the firmness of the dildo through the soft fabric and the image of Luna thrusting into her made her heart pound with excitement. She felt her breathing quickening as her hips rocked into Luna. She couldn’t believe how incredibly turned on she felt, her every contact with Luna’s body sending waves of pleasure coursing through her.

  Luna moved from behind Marley to stand in front of her and leaned down to kiss her. Her hands kneaded her breasts as Marley’s tongue hungrily entered her mouth. Marley broke the kiss after several heated minutes. “I need you to make me come.”

  Luna’s response was a smile as she turned Marley’s body pressing her against the wall and she knelt in front of her. She spread Marley’s legs and placed her left leg over her shoulder, exposing her center to her eager mouth. She leaned forward, planting soft kisses on Marley’s center as she leaned back on the wall for support. Her tongue probed into the depths of Marley’s vagina, her teeth grazing sensitive spots as she thrust her tongue deeper inside. Her face was coated with juices as she felt the first waves of pleasure crash through Marley and felt her hands grab her hair and pull her mouth tighter against her.

  Marley cried out, “Oh, fuck yes, Luna.” She was thankful for the support of the wall behind her. Her legs felt weak as the orgasm rocked her body. Luna kissed her mound softly and then rose to take her in her arms. She could feel the tremors in Marley’s muscles as she pulled her close.

  Marley felt weak, but her orgasm made her hunger for more of Luna. “You have way too many clothes on.” Her hands pulled the shirt over Luna’s head and then pushed the shorts down her hips. Luna kicked them away and the dildo pressed between Marley’s thighs. The heavy silicone toy brushed across her lips as Luna kissed her and slowly rocked their bodies together. “I want you to fuck me, Luna.”

  Luna was surprised by the pleading tone in Marley’s voice. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  “I am more than ready. I want to feel you inside me.”

  Luna nodded and led her to the bed. “Lay on your back and lift your hips so I can put a pillow under you.”

  Luna placed the pillow under Marley’s hips then retrieved the lubricant from her shorts pocket. She heard a soft laugh from Marley.

  “I’m not sure you need that. I am so wet.”

  “Yes, you are, but I won’t risk a dry toy hurting you. I want this to feel good for you.”

  She nodded and watched as Luna’s hand coated the toy with the lube. She smiled as Luna approached the bed.

  Luna lay beside her and her hand stroked down Marley’s body as she leaned in for a kiss. “Promise to stop me if you don’t feel comfortable, okay?”

  Marley smiled. “Stop worrying and fuck me, silly.”

  Luna positioned her body between Marley’s legs. The toy lay atop her mound and Luna took the shaft in her hand and ran the tip up and down the length of Marley’s lips. Marley reached down to part her lips and Luna placed the tip of the toy inside her entrance. She shifted her weight and leaned forward above Marley as the dildo slid slowly into her. She looked into Marley’s face watching for signs of discomfort, but all she saw in her eyes was excitement.

  Marley felt inch after glorious inch glide slowly into her, moving smoothly as Luna’s hips pressed into her. She felt her muscles relax welcoming Luna deeper into her. She couldn’t keep her hands off of Luna. She caressed down her back to her ass, feeling the flexing of her muscles as she drove the toy deeper into her. When Luna was buried inside her, she could feel the heat from her skin seeping into her as they were mound to mound. She felt so pleasantly full with Luna’s weight resting on her hands as she looked into her eyes.


  Luna felt the toy sink to its full length and felt Marley’s skin next to hers. She waited for several seconds to allow Marley to relax and then began a slow rhythm with her hips. “Music on,” she called out and a cd of tantric music began to play, a gentle beat at first, building a rhythm faster and faster, allowing Luna’s movement to match the music as it built to a crescendo. Marley’s hips rose with each thrust of Luna’s hips as they locked eyes and were lost to everything but the growing passion between them. A bead of sweat ran down Luna’s back as she thrust deeply into Marley and when her legs wrapped around her hips, she knew Marley’s orgasm was seconds away. She thrust wildly one last time and Marley groaned loudly as her hands gripped the sheets, her orgasm making her body quake in pleasure.

  Luna was at the edge of orgasm when Marley exploded, but she was unable to come watching the pleasure roll across Marley’s face. She slowly withdrew the toy and rolled over to the side of the bed. “Get up on your knees.”

  Marley cocked an eyebrow but moved into position, her hips just off the side of the bed.

  Luna placed the toy at her entrance and slid deep on the first thrust. “Oh damn, you feel so good,” she groaned as her hands locked onto Marley’s hips.

  “Damn… that feels good. Fuck me, Luna.”


  Marley could feel Luna’s hips slapping her ass as Luna thrust into her, penetrating even further, her body still reeling from her orgasm. She never imagined anything could feel this good, but Luna hit every one of her erogenous zones with her movements. She listened to Luna’s breathing becoming ragged and she knew Luna was close to climaxing. “Come with me baby,” she cooed.

  The sound of Marley’s voice spurred Luna into a primal zone she had rarely ventured into as her hips pounded into her lover. Her legs were growing weak as her energy moved to her core and her body exploded. She cried out just as Marley screamed and they collapsed on the bed. Luna used the last of her energy to roll of
f Marley carefully withdrawing the toy. She was gasping for breath as she turned to look at Marley.

  Luna unfastened the harness and lifted her hips to remove the strap on from her body, lowering it onto the pile of clothing on the floor.

  Marley moved to lay her head on Luna’s shoulder. “That was fantastic.”

  “I rather enjoyed it myself,” Luna grinned.

  Marley’s fingers trailed down the front of Luna’s body from her chin to her navel. “I just thought your body was perfect before, but in motion, it’s even more beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you approve ma’am.”

  “I can see why the ladies rave after a session with you.” Marley watched Luna’s brow furrow. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “With them, it’s just a service. With you, it was something special for me.” She shifted slightly to look Marley in the eyes. “If this was going to be my one time with you, I wanted it to be memorable for both of us.”

  “It was very memorable, and it won’t be the last time.”

  Luna smiled and pulled Marley in for a deep kiss. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear those words from you.”

  Marley rolled on top of Luna. “I shouldn’t have made you wait so long.” Her lips caressed Luna’s face. “I hope to make that up to you.”

  “You won’t get any argument from me.” Luna’s husky voice vibrated against Marley’s lips.

  Marley made love to Luna with intensity, bringing her to several climaxes over the next hour then collapsed in her arms. She snuggled into her and they slept for several hours, bodies entwined and smiles playing across their faces.


  The music was still playing when Marley woke and crept from the bed to empty her bladder. When she returned to the bed, Luna was awake and stretched out on her side. Marley grabbed a bottle of water and took a drink, then handed it to Luna. “Hungry?”

  “I could eat. We’ve burned a few calories tonight.”

  Marley chuckled. “Yes, we have.”

  “Leftovers?” Luna asked with a smile.

  “Sounds perfect to me.” Marley located her robe and put it on while Luna found her shorts and T-shirt.

  After finishing the leftovers, they snuggled on the couch and watched a movie until Marley couldn’t keep her eyes open. “Let’s hit the sack,” Luna suggested.

  Marley didn’t offer any resistance when Luna took her hand, pulled her up off the couch and led her to the bed. She removed Marley’s robe and shed her clothes before climbing in behind her, snuggling up to Marley’s back. “Sweet dreams,” she whispered and kissed Marley’s neck.

  “You too,” Marley’s sleepy voice answered as she pulled Luna’s arm over her waist.


  Luna stretched and her eyes popped open when she felt the warm body lying next to her. Marley was curled on her side still asleep, allowing Luna to watch her. Her chest rose with every slow breath and her lips twitched with a smile. You are so perfect. Tempted to reach over and brush a stray lock of hair from her face, Luna fought off the urge choosing instead to enjoy the precious moments before Marley woke and the calm would be destroyed with words. She breathed in the scent of her hair, the soft musky smell of their lovemaking warming on her skin. Marley sighed in her sleep and her eyes began to flutter open. When she looked into Luna’s face, she opened her mouth to speak. Luna quickly covered her lips with a finger, then replaced it with her lips. She wrapped Marley in her arms and held her tight as they kissed. Luna deftly rolled Marley on to her back and began to kiss down the front of her body, her lips and hands burning a trail of desire as her head disappeared between Marley’s thighs. Her tongue swirled inside Marley’s entrance, causing her hips to rise from the bed eager for a deeper kiss. Luna felt the smile grow and then buried her face in Marley’s silky wetness.

  Marley exploded in orgasm and gasping for breath, managed to reach for Luna’s face and pull her up. Luna rolled onto her side, smiling at her. “You’re so pleased with yourself, aren’t you?”

  “A fine good morning, errr afternoon to you, Dear.”

  “Afternoon?” Marley lifted her head to look at the clock. “I can’t believe we’ve slept this late.”

  “Me either. That was one of the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had, and to wake up next to you was glorious.”

  “Do you always wake up this sweet?” Marley grinned up at her.

  “Umm no. Usually, I’m rather sluggish in the morning from tossing and turning, but I don’t think I moved at all last night.”

  “That wake-up call. Wow, let’s just say a woman could get used to that.”

  “Could you?”

  “I could indeed.” Marley reached over to stroke Luna’s face.

  Luna pressed her cheek into Marley’s hand. “I could wake up next to you every day.”

  “How would you feel about a shower and grabbing something to eat? We still have time to look at some vehicles today. Maybe after, we could stop off at Sister’s for a drink before coming home.”

  “Home. That sounds good to me.”

  Marley sat up in bed. “I definitely need a shower.”

  “We both do.” Luna stood and offered her hand to Marley.

  Chapter Twelve

  Luna peered into the window of a sleek black Rubicon Jeep.

  “You would look great behind that wheel.”

  She turned to Marley. “You really think so?”

  “Irresistible. Not that you aren’t already, but this Jeep would be the icing on the cake.”

  Luna pulled out her phone and took a photo of the window sticker. “I think this is the one.” She grinned at Marley. “Ready to pick out your Land Rover?”

  “I’ve already taken a peek at what they have in stock. I’ve narrowed it down to Midnight Black or Sky Blue.”

  “Well let’s go check them out.”


  Luna was tickled when Marley decided on the black. “I guess we have some wheeling and dealing to do with Danna.”

  “I think I’ll let you do the negotiations. She has a rather soft spot for you.” Marley chuckled.

  “Does that bother you?”

  Marley reached for Luna’s hand. “Not in the least.”

  Luna’s face turned into a frown, “You know I think there’s something I need to share with you before we move on.” She turned to face Marley in the seat. “There’s something that’s been bothering me about your comment about me being a one and done type person and I need you to understand why.”

  Marley hung her head. “I know that was a pretty insensitive thing for me to say. I’m sorry that I’ve hurt your feelings.”

  “You were spot on about my reputation, but not the reason why I have been that way. When I was twenty, I met a woman ten years older than me when I was out clubbing. At first, I thought she was just flirting with me but as the night wore on, she asked me to go home with her. I was still young and even though I’d had a few one-night stands, I didn’t recognize the signs of a master manipulator.” Luna ran her hand through her hair, a habit she had when she was stressed or nervous. “Melissa had it all. She was beautiful, a successful businesswoman, lived in a gorgeous home in Buckhead and drove a flashy red sports car. I was driving a beat-up old truck and living in an apartment with three other women at the time. Common sense should have told me, I was way in over my head, but Melissa showered me with attention and expensive gifts for a week before asking me to move in with her.” Luna lifted her head and Marley could see tears in her eyes.

  “My friends tried to warn me about Melissa, but I thought I was head over heels in love with her and I turned a deaf ear to their warnings. Things were fantastic for about a month until one night, I came home from work to see a Hummer parked in the garage, next to her sports car. I opened the door and walked in through the kitchen and found Melissa in the arms of another woman. I looked at her and she stared back at me. I asked Melissa, what the fuck was going on, and she turned to me. Luna, she said, this is my partner J
ill. She’s just returned home early from a tour of duty in the desert.”

  Luna’s hand stroked through her hair. “I stood there like a dumbstruck idiot when I realized I had been played.”

  Jill smiled at me. “So, this is the adorable play toy that’s been keeping you company while I was away?”

  Melissa must have seen the rage in my face as reality hit me. “You are more than welcome to stay. Quite frankly, Jill would be delighted if you did.”

  “That woman actually told you that?”

  “Yeah. I guess she felt I was so desperate, that I had no other options.” Luna took a deep breath. “I told them both to fuck off, went to the bedroom and packed what I could and left the rest behind. My heart and confidence were shattered. My old roomies took me back in and helped me lick my wounds and slowly recover from my experience with Melissa. Since then, I’ve trusted no one with my heart. Until now.”

  “Oh Luna, I’m sorry you had to go through that experience and at such a young age. No wonder you don’t trust people with your affections. I’m so sorry for misjudging you.”

  “I should have been honest with you years ago and maybe you wouldn’t have formed that impression of me, but it’s a hard story for me to tell and few people know the details. Melissa used me for her own selfish desires. I was vulnerable and ripe for the picking. After that, I vowed I would never let anyone that close to me again.”

  Marley reached across the seat and took Luna’s chin in her hand. “I can’t promise you lavish gifts or a high-profile lifestyle, but I can hold your heart as tenderly as I can and give you all the love I have to offer.” She wiped away the tears from Luna’s cheeks. “Thank you for sharing that with me.”


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