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The Trophy Wives Club

Page 17

by Ali Spooner

  “I didn’t want you to think that you were only a conquest for me. I’ve loved you for years, but it’s taken a long time to build up the confidence to trust anyone after Melissa.”

  “That certainly makes sense. I hope I never do anything that will ever question our trust for one another.”

  “If I died today, I’d go out of this world a happy woman because of you. Not just for realizing there is an us, but also for the opportunity to work side by side with you at the club. It alone has been a dream come true.”

  “For all of us, I think. I still have to pinch myself from time to time.”

  “Me too. Let’s go get a beer.”

  “Are you actually going to drink a beer?”

  Luna grinned. “Probably not, but you never know.”

  Marley turned the ignition on. “You never cease to surprise me.”


  When they arrived at Sister’s, Alex had also just arrived for her shift. She stepped out of a Porsche and strolled across the parking lot. “Someone is stepping up in the world fast,” Luna said as she nodded toward the dark figure walking into the back door of the club.

  “Definitely a nice ride.” Marley reached for her hand. “Let’s go get a drink.”

  Heads turned when they walked inside hand in hand and Alex grinned up at them from the bar. “Good afternoon ladies.”

  Marley returned her smile, “Hello again. How are you?”

  “Doing well thanks.”

  “We couldn’t help but notice your new ride,” Luna grinned. “That’s one fine car.”

  Alex looked up at her. “Danna has loaned me her late husband’s pride and joy until I can save up enough for a Harley.”

  “I didn’t realize you knew Danna,” Marley smiled.

  “We met here in the club.” Alex picked up a towel and started wiping down the counter.

  Luna’s face lit with a smile, “A woman with excellent taste. When you get hooked up maybe the four of us can take a ride.”

  “I’d like that,” Alex smiled back. She turned to Marley. “I am so indebted to you for giving me a job at TWC. Everything is working out between the two places and I would have been so bored just working at Sister’s.”

  “We’re the ones who should be thanking you for joining the team. You’ve brought so much experience with you, including how to do a proper Nuru massage,” Marley answered.

  “Now I’ll be able to get that ride faster with the money I’m bringing in. But more importantly, I’ll be able to help out my family.”

  “Speaking of your family, have you found a solution for your citizenship issue?”

  Alex grinned. “Danna is helping out with that too. It won’t be overnight, but it’s a start.” She picked up the rag from wiping down the bar. “What can I get you, ladies?”

  Luna settled onto a barstool next to Marley, “A bottle of water for me, and a Coors Light for the lady please.”

  “Coming right up,” Alex spun on her heel and began to fill their order.

  Marley couldn’t help but admire the fit of the jeans over Alex’s tight ass. She looked back to find Luna smiling at her. “See something you like?”

  “Nice, but not as nice as yours.”

  “Great answer,” Luna replied and leaned in to kiss Marley.

  Alex placed their drinks in front of them. “So, is this a new development between y'all? Are you together now?”

  Luna looked at Marley who nodded and smiled. “Yes, we are a couple now.”

  “I know that will break the hearts of many of our customers,” Alex stated.

  “I’m sure everyone will be just fine. There’s a new kid in town for them to flirt with,” Luna grinned at Alex.

  Alex shook her head, “I’m amazed at the number of offers I get on every shift I work. There’s no way I have the energy to tackle them all even if I had the interest, especially with all the special services I offer at TWC.”

  Marley smiled at Alex. “Has Danna captured your heart?”

  “That would be a very good possibility. She’s an amazing woman.”

  “You’re planning to stick around for a while then?” Marley asked.

  “Atlanta seems to be a great spot to put down some roots.”

  “It’s an awesome place, full of opportunity for those who are searching to improve their life. It’s been great for me and has brought me to the woman of my dreams,” Luna told Alex.

  “Oh my, someone has been bitten badly,” Alex said with a wink to Marley. “Congratulations, Ladies.”

  “Thanks. I feel like I’m a lucky woman to finally be able to see what I’ve been missing for years.” Marley leaned into Luna. “I have to admit it still feels like a dream.”

  Luna bent her head and bit Marley’s earlobe.

  “Ouch,” she cried out.

  “Okay, that’s no dream,” Luna chuckled.

  Marley laughed but warned Luna. “You just wait until we get home.”

  Luna wiggled her eyebrows. “I can’t wait.”

  “You two are adorable,” Alex said.

  “You wouldn’t believe the romantic words that ooze out of Luna,” Marley teased.

  Alex nodded. “Yes, I would. All I needed to see was the way you two look at each other. You look perfect together.”

  “Not perfect, but we’re working on that.” Luna placed a ten on the bar. “Drink up so you can take me home.”

  “Forget the rest of the beer. Give me a call later in the week, Alex. I’d like to talk to you about sharing the wealth a bit. Maybe you would consider doing some training sessions on what you learned at the Ranch.”

  “Will do Marley. Have fun.”

  “I plan on it,” Marley chuckled and grabbed Luna’s hand.

  “See ya Alex,” Luna called as Marley rushed her toward the door. She heard Alex laughing as they stepped outside.


  Clothes began hitting the floor between heated kisses as they entered Marley’s flat. They spent hours exploring one another’s bodies at a leisurely pace. After sating their appetites, Marley lay snuggled in Luna’s arms. She enjoyed cuddling in Luna’s warmth, her head resting on Luna’s chest, listening to the strong beating of her heart. “How are we going to play this tomorrow when everyone is back at work?”

  Luna let her hand stroke down Marley’s arm. “I think we should remain professional in front of our clients but be open with our co-workers, and Lindy of course. I doubt we’d be able to hide anything from them anyhow.”

  “I agree. I’m very proud to be with you, but I don’t think we should flaunt our attraction in front of clients. Would it be selfish of me to tell Lindy we aren’t ready for a threesome with her?”

  “I was hoping you’d feel the same way. I want our time to be just us. At least for now. If you change your mind down the road, then so be it. Lindy will understand.”

  “Yes, I think she’ll be disappointed, but will understand our new relationship. Maybe down the road if you’re still interested.” Marley snuggled back into Luna. “Are we going to be okay with each other providing services to the clients?”

  “I can’t promise I won’t be jealous of them spending time with you, but as long as I know it’s just business and I’m still in your heart, I’ll be fine.”

  Marley’s face turned up to Luna. “You are definitely in my heart. I love you.”

  Luna smiled at the words she’d longed to hear from Marley. “I love you too.” She bent down and kissed Marley.

  “Thank you for a fantastic weekend,” Marley scooted down in the bed beneath the covers.

  “It’s just the beginning,” Luna replied.

  “Spoon me then until I fall asleep.”

  “I’ll spoon you anytime.” Luna chuckled as their bodies molded together.


  Marley awoke snuggled into Luna’s warmth. She couldn’t resist running her fingers down Luna’s abdomen, her fingers gliding over the ripple of muscles, her touch leaving a wake of gooseflesh as her lover began to sti

  “You don’t know how long I’ve yearned for that touch,” Luna whispered.

  Marley looked up into Luna’s eyes, “I’ve dreamed of you so many times.” She shifted onto her side, propping her head in her hand. “I was so scared I’d fallen for you and it would only lead to a broken heart.”

  “I would rather die than hurt you. I’ve loved you for so long.”

  Marley leaned down to kiss Luna. “I’m glad our hearts have finally met.” She smiled sweetly. “When I woke a few minutes ago, I had an idea running through my head. I think it may prove to be an excellent one.”

  Luna rolled over on her side to face Marley. “Do tell, my love.”

  “It’s time to offer Alex more responsibility. She could be like a preceptor or something. I think she’d make a great trainer for the other less experienced staff who provide our special services.”

  Luna’s face filled with confusion. “I thought you wanted to wait a bit longer.”

  “Originally yes, but I think she will bring a whole new level of skill to the club that would keep Lindy and several other members very satisfied.”

  Luna chuckled. “Let me read between those lines. Alex will keep Lindy so satisfied you won’t need to be in a hurry to satisfy her desire for a threesome.”

  Marley frowned. “Is my motive that transparent?”

  “Only to me, but I think it’s a great idea. Not only will it benefit the club, but it will help Alex financially reach some of her goals by giving her a bit more money with the expanded responsibilities. Why don’t you set it up? I think she’s been living with Danna.”

  “How do you think Danna will respond? She might not like it if Alex is spending more time at TWC, or providing services to more of her friends.”

  “That can’t be our concern. I would hope Danna would see the wonderful opportunity Alex has to make a lot more money. If she really loves her, I think she wouldn’t stand in Alex’s way.”

  “I’ll talk it over with Lindy and see what she thinks about the idea. I know she really enjoyed the pseudo-interview when Alex gave her a Nuru massage.”

  “Ha! I bet she’ll jump at the chance to take a lead role in training the other interested staff. Just from the short conversations we’ve had, I can tell she loves pleasing women as much as I do.”

  “Let’s hit the shower and get this day started. Lindy will be here early this morning.”

  Luna rolled off the bed and held out her hand to her. “I’m just waiting on you.”


  Marley’s first appointment wasn’t until ten, so she completed some paperwork in her office. Several times she took a break to get something to drink, which gave her an excuse to walk pass the workout room to see Luna working with a client. Her heart fluttered at the sight of Luna’s movement. She was beauty in motion, a light sheen of sweat making her skin glow as her muscles flexed and relaxed.

  Pepper was wiping down some equipment and caught Marley’s attention. She grabbed an armful of towels and walked out to the hall. “I’m so glad the two of you have finally come to your senses, Luna has been waiting on you for years.”

  They started walking down the hall to the laundry. “I was too afraid I’d just be another conquest and she would break my heart.”

  Pepper chuckled. “A few years ago, that may have been true. Luna has been hurt deeply before. I think the fact that you could resist her charms was intriguing to her and made her pay more attention to you.”

  Marley chuckled. “A temptation that was so hard to resist. I’m glad we took the time to become friends before we became lovers. There’s so much more to Luna than her talent to please a woman and that drop-dead gorgeous body.”

  “I agree, and I think you’ll find a deeply romantic woman now that you’ve moved beyond the physical attraction.”

  Marley felt her face flush. “She is definitely a romantic.”

  The front door opened and Marley’s massage client walked in. “Good morning, Ladies,” she announced when she saw Marley and Pepper.

  “Good morning, Elizabeth. I’ve got room one set up for you when you’re ready.”

  “Thanks, Marley, let me drop off my things and slip into a robe and I’ll be right there.”

  Marley split off from them and walked into her office to look at her appointment calendar. Lindy was scheduled at two for an appointment. She was a bit nervous about the conversation she would have with her boss, but she felt certain Lindy would honor her wishes.


  Marley finished the massage and was sanitizing the room when she looked up to see Luna leaning against the door frame watching her work. “Hey.”

  Luna returned her smile. “I hope you’re hungry. I went for sushi and couldn’t make up my mind.”

  “Tell me you didn’t get one of everything,” Marley teased.

  Luna shook her head and chuckled. “No, but there is probably more than you, me, Haley and Pepper can eat.”

  Marley picked up the linens from her massage. “Remind me to never take you to the grocery store hungry. It would cost a small fortune.” She watched the smile grow on Luna’s face. “Let me drop these off and wash up and I’ll meet you for lunch.”

  “Awesome. What do you want to drink?”

  “I’ll stick with water. Thanks for going for lunch. I was getting hungry.”

  “My stomach was growling so loud, Pepper turned up the music.”

  “Ha, you better go feed that beast then. I’ll see you in a few.”

  Marley walked to the laundry and dropped the linens in a hamper, then returned to the locker room to wash her hands. She was smiling at herself in the mirror as she lathered her hands. One good thing about being a massage therapist, the oils kept her hands soft and smooth. She loved the feel of warm flesh under her touch. The ripples of Luna’s body made them feel on fire. Yep, you’re a goner. Marley turned the water off and reached for a towel.


  When she walked into the juice area, her eyes fell on a table covered with trays of sushi. “Oh, my word, you weren’t kidding,” she told Luna.

  “Nope, I couldn’t decide, so I got a little bit of everything. I did remember one of your favorites,” Luna grinned. “A super cowboy roll, with steak and shredded lobster.” She handed Marley the tray with the succulent morsels. “There are a few new items I’ve never tried that I thought we could test out. The chef put a few pieces together in a sampler.”

  “This looks fantastic.” Marley took the tray and slipped into a seat at the table.

  Haley was seated across from her. “Pepper and I’ve decided to let Luna be the one to pick out all of our lunches.”

  “She certainly did a marvelous job on this one,” Marley replied and took a bite of her cowboy roll. She let out a deep moan and opened her eyes to find all of them looking at her. “What?”

  The group broke out in laughter. “I think we’d all agree you just had a mouth orgasm.”

  Marley nearly choked and reached for her bottle of water. She took a long drink. “I’d have to agree. That taste was orgasmic.”

  Luna winked at her lover. “I’ll make a note to order cowboy rolls more often.”

  “Oh, yes.” Marley chuckled and took another bite.


  Luna and Marley packed up the leftovers to take up to Marley’s flat. “I guess we don’t have to worry about what’s for dinner,” Marley said as they climbed the stairs.

  “I could watch you enjoy sushi every day,” Luna said as she placed the leftovers in the refrigerator. She turned around and took Marley in her arms. “That was almost like foreplay.”

  Marley chuckled. “That was a most enjoyable lunch. Thanks for ordering and delivering it for us.”

  “It was really good. Provides a lot of fuel for working out too.”

  “Maybe I ate too much then. I’d love nothing more than a nap right now.”

  Luna glanced up at the clock. “What time is your next appointment?”

  “Lindy is coming in at

  “Do you plan to talk with her about her request and adding more to Alex’s role here?”

  “Yes, the sooner the better.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “A little bit, yes. I hate disappointing Lindy after what she has done for all of us.”

  Luna leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Relax, Lindy will understand.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  “I have an appointment in fifteen minutes, but you could nap for a half hour,” Luna suggested.

  Marley shook her head. “I think I’d better stay alert. I’ve still got some budget work that can keep me busy.”

  Luna kissed her softly and stepped back. “I’m going to brush my teeth and head back downstairs. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Marley answered and watched her walk into the bathroom. Marley busied herself making the bed they had left disheveled earlier that morning. She picked up a pillow and buried her face in Luna’s scent.

  Luna returned from the bathroom and kissed her. “I’ll see you after my appointments. Good luck with Lindy.”

  “Thanks,” she answered and walked into the bathroom. She heard the door close and picked up her toothbrush. “Everything is going to go as planned,” she spoke to her image in the mirror.


  Her watch alarmed on her wrist, notifying her she had ten minutes before her appointment with Lindy. She left her office and entered the massage room to turn on the warmer and light a scented candle. She had just turned on Lindy’s favorite music when a light tap sounded on the door. She turned to find Lindy standing in the doorway.

  “I hope you are getting ready for me. My body is in dire need of your magic hands.”

  “I’m all set. You want to change and I’ll wait for you here?”


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