Book Read Free

The Trophy Wives Club

Page 18

by Ali Spooner

  “I will be right back then,” Lindy said and spun away from the door.

  Marley took several deep breaths as she mentally rehearsed what she wanted to say to Lindy. She was pacing the room when Lindy returned.

  “Are you okay Marley? You seem a bit tense.”

  “No, Lindy I’m fine. I was just waiting for you. Come on in and we’ll get started.”

  Lindy closed the door behind her and slipped off the robe and handed it to Marley. Marley hung the robe as Lindy laid face down on the massage table.

  “Do you have any trouble spots we need to work on today?”

  “My neck seems unusually tight for some reason.”

  “I’ll give it some special attention then. How was your weekend?”

  “Busy, Jay Dub had several functions planned for us to attend. Those so-called social engagements are so stuffy. Luckily for me, some of the other members were also attending so we could sneak away for some girl chat.”

  “That doesn’t sound too painful,” Marley said as she filled her hands with warm oil and started massaging it into Lindy’s shoulders. “Ooh, you are tight.”

  “Mmm-hmm, and your hands feel great. How was your weekend?”

  “It was fantastic. Very relaxing and enjoyable.”

  “Is that a purr I hear in your voice?”

  Marley felt her face flush and was glad Lindy couldn’t see it. “I think you know me too well,” she answered.

  Lindy chuckled. “Well, you have been bringing me pleasure of all types for some time now. I should be able to read you.”

  “That you do. Luna and I had a great weekend together.”

  “Does that mean that you have finally taken the plunge?”

  She chuckled. “You have a less than delicate way of putting things, but yes after a long talk, Luna and I made love this weekend. Several times if you must know.”

  “All I can say in my defense is it’s about damned time. She adores you and I think you feel the same for her.”

  “I do, and I’m glad that I’ve finally realized what I’ve been missing for so long. She makes me feel so complete, among other things.”

  Lindy’s body shook with her laughter. “I can definitely attest to the ‘other things’ you speak of. She knows how to please a woman.” Lindy shifted her body. “So, does this mean that you’re a couple?”

  “Yes, I believe so. We went to a club last night and didn’t stay long. We weren’t interested in anyone there besides one another. We’re going to take things one day at a time and see where it leads us.”

  “That sounds like a smart decision. I’m sure there are many broken hearts to see the two of you together. You are both very attractive women.”

  “Thanks,” Marley said as she began to work on Lindy’s neck. “You feel a bit out of alignment. Do you have a chiropractor who could do an adjustment?”

  “I was thinking the same thing. Yes, I’ll make an appointment when we are done here.”

  They fell silent while Marley finished the session. “Roll over for me and I’ll work on your front side.”

  Lindy turned on the table. Marley had her back turned to her to refill her oil and she took a deep breath before turning back around. She was ready to discuss Alex and delaying the threesome. There was no need to hold back any longer. She must have been frowning when she turned back around.

  “Marley, why are you frowning so? Is everything okay?”

  “I’m sorry, Lindy I was just deep in thought. There is a couple of things I want to talk to you about.”

  “By all means, spit it out before you get permanent wrinkles,” Lindy teased. “You know you can tell me anything unless you have plans to leave.”

  “Heaven’s no. I love it here.” Lindy relaxed a bit. She began caressing the oil into Lindy’s skin. “Part of the conversation Luna and I had this weekend was about your desire to have a threesome.”

  “Oh, good lord, is that what you’re so tense about? Don’t let that stress you.”

  “It isn’t that we are not interested in helping you fulfill that fantasy, it’s just that we are so new together we aren’t prepared to share one another with someone else. We want our time together to be just us for now. Does that make any sense?”

  “It makes perfect sense, Marley, so relax. I have a bit of a confession to make to you.”


  “Trust me, I’ve always had the desire to experience a threesome, and there are no others I’d rather share that with than you and Luna, but I’ll admit I was manipulating the two of you.”

  “You were what?” Marley stopped massaging and looked into Lindy’s eyes.

  “I hope you will forgive me, but I knew making that request would make the two of you at least talk about the chemistry between you. I hoped my suggestion would bring the two of you together for the first time. I know both of you well enough by now to know you wouldn’t go into that kind of situation blindly.”

  “Well, you were correct about that. Neither of us wanted our first experience together to be shared.”

  “Trust me when I say I’d still love to share that experience, but now is not the time. Do you think you can forgive me?”

  “That is quite a relief to hear actually, and we both owe you thanks for lighting a fire between us.”

  “Honey, that fire was lit a long time before, I just added a bit of fuel to it.”

  The blush rose up Marley’s neck to her cheeks. “You certainly achieved that.”

  “If and when the time ever happens, I will be a happy woman, but just having the two of you in my life is more than enough.”

  “Thank you, Lindy. You can’t know how stressed we were about disappointing you after all you’ve done for us.”

  Lindy reached up to stroke Marley’s face. “The two of you have made me a happy woman again. I owe you so much more than you’ll ever know. This place is beyond a dream come true for me, and all the other members.”

  Marley moved to lean on the edge of the bed. “There is something else, I’d like to suggest. Since Alex has started, more of the women are asking specifically for her because of her skill with Nuru massage. Remember how we tried to implement that technique and just having the supplies wasn’t exactly cutting it?”

  “Yes, I remember that. I know I enjoyed my time with her. I am still a little concerned about her immigration issues.”

  “Danna is helping her out with that. I think it is time to consider giving her an expanded role at TWC. Not only has she perfected the Nuru massage, but she has some knowledge in some other very specialized techniques.”

  Lindy cocked an eyebrow. “Do tell.”

  “While working at a brothel in Nevada, in addition to learning about Nuru massage, she also discovered something called a Yoni massage. From everything I’ve researched, I think that would be a huge success here. It doesn’t hurt that she’s tall, dark and handsome either.”

  “Like Luna?”

  “Similar, yet different. I think the ladies here would be very pleased with a new offering.”

  “Can you arrange for a meeting so we can discuss this with Alex?”

  “Just tell me when and I’ll make it happen?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon if possible. Jay Dub’s going to Washington tonight.”

  “I’ll do my best to make it happen. Will you be staying around after your appointment today?”

  “I’d like to soak for a bit before showering and going home.”

  “I’ll make a call then and see what I can arrange.”

  “Perfect,” Lindy answered and closed her eyes for the final portion of the massage.

  When she was finished, Marley pulled the sheet over a very relaxed Lindy. “All done, take your time and I’ll check in with you before you go.”

  “Thanks, Marley,” Lindy answered and Marley slipped out the door.

  She walked down the hallway to find Luna finishing a routine with one of the other members. When Luna looked up to see her, Marley nodded toward the door. L
una nodded and turned back to her client.

  “You did great today. See you on Wednesday?”

  “Yes ma’am,” the woman answered.

  “Great, enjoy the rest of your day.”

  “Oh, I plan to. I have an appointment with Pepper in an hour upstairs.”

  Luna chuckled and walked toward Marley. “What’s up?”

  “I need to call Alex and arrange a meeting. I should probably have her number memorized after all the last-minute calls, but I don’t. Thank God she finally got that cell phone.”

  Luna laughed. “Yeah, she finally entered the twenty-first century. I’m sure we have Danna to thank for that. Did it go well with Lindy?”

  “Yeah, it did. She’s going to soak a bit, but wants us to set up a meeting with Alex tomorrow afternoon if we can.”

  “Okay, let me pull out Alex’s file with her cell number and I’ll meet you in the office.”

  “Thanks. By the way, you look delicious.”

  “I’m smelling a bit ripe. You up for a soak later?”

  “You bet.”

  “I’ll see you in a few minutes then,” Luna returned to the gym to track down Alex’s number.

  Marley went to her office and sat at her desk. She admitted to herself she was excited at the possibility of Alex expanding their services. Her presence would allow Luna some relief when it came to providing services to the ladies upstairs. Luna truly enjoyed her work, but the first few weeks after the club opened, she was exhausted from all the extras provided to the new members. The extra activities had slowed some, but it was still a physical strain for her.

  Luna walked into the room and handed her a note. “Here’s Alex’s cell phone number. I’m sure we’ll be able to get ahold of her in time. Hopefully, she’s adapted to having a cell phone enough that she never leaves home without it.”

  “I hope so. I’d like to have this set up before Lindy leaves.”

  “Umm, did you update Lindy on Alex’s immigration issues?”

  “She doesn’t know the detail. I told her Danna was helping to resolve the issues. I think I’ll ask Danna to talk to Lindy and maybe she can set her mind at ease.”

  “That’s a good idea. Let me know how I can help. I’ve got another appointment, but pull me if you need me.”

  “I think I can handle this.”

  Luna stepped in for a kiss. “I’ll be back for more of those.”


  Marley picked up the phone and dialed Alex’s number. She floated the idea of having a meeting to talk about a possible expansion of her role and the services at TWC. Alex seemed thrilled with the possibilities. She mentioned needing to check with Sister’s first, but tentatively set up the meeting for eleven. Marley asked to talk to Danna if she was close by and then laid out her proposed plan for Danna to talk with Lindy about Alex’s immigration status and what they were doing to resolve the issue.

  Marley ended the call and slipped her cell phone in her pocket and walked to the Roman bath to update Lindy. She was excited about giving Alex more responsibility and wanted to clear her entire afternoon to spend at the club and begin to set everything up if the meeting went as well as she expected it to.

  “We have a tentative meeting set up for eleven.”

  “Thanks, Marley. I know you are excited about this too.”

  “Yes, I am. I think the expanded and refined services will be a wonderful direction for the club.”

  Lindy sighed and sank deeper into the water. “She’ll be perfect. I might have to experience this Yoni massage for myself.”

  “That she will.” Marley walked back to set up for her next appointment. As she walked by the workout room, Luna was working with a member. Luna caught her eye and winked. “Damn, I’m one lucky woman,” Marley said softly to herself and walked down the hall.

  When she walked by the reception desk, Haley called out to her. “Your next appointment is running about fifteen minutes late.”

  “Thanks, Haley.” As she started to her office, her cell phone rang. A smile lit up her face when she recognized the number. Alex had wasted no time checking with Janice. She pushed the button to accept the call. “This is Marley.” She listened as Alex thanked her again for the interview and asked for details about the meeting. “There will be an opportunity for you to show off your talent to Lindy, so bring your ‘A’ game. I know you’re a professional, so relax and do what you do best, and you’ll be perfect. She already experienced the Nuru massage, so maybe you can show her the Yoni massage that I told her about. That’s great, we’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Marley walked back to the reception area. “Lindy will probably be gone by the time I’m done with my appointment, so please let her know everything is set for tomorrow. She’ll know what I mean.”

  “Does this mean Alex will be spending more time here at the club?”

  Marley smiled at her intuition. “Probably so, Haley.”

  “Awesome,” she said and turned to answer the phone.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Marley finished her massage and sanitized her room. She was changing clothes to spend some time in the bath when Luna’s upstairs client walked into the locker room with an extremely satisfied grin on her face. Marley returned her smile. “Have a great night.”

  “I doubt it could get any better. But thank you, Marley.” She turned away and started the water for a shower.

  I understand that completely. I’m ready for my next dose of Luna too. She pulled on a robe and walked down to find the bath empty. She slipped off the robe and stepped into the soothing water. The room was quiet, except for the gentle lapping of the water and Marley found herself completely relaxed. Her eyes were closed and she didn’t see Luna entering the room.

  Luna slipped off her robe and stepped into the bath. “You look very relaxed,” she stated, causing Marley to startle.

  “Oh, hey,” Marley stammered as she wiped the water she had splashed from her face. “So relaxed, I didn’t hear you enter. Are you done for the day?”

  Luna lowered her body into the water next to Marley. “Yes, ma’am. It’s been a long day and I’m very happy to end it soaking with you.”

  Marley could hear the weariness in Luna’s voice. They had been working hard for several months and she knew the pace hadn’t slowed much, especially for Luna. The women just couldn’t get enough of her ‘special attention’, and now their relationship was adding to the physical exertion. She couldn’t help but smile at the last thought. “I think it’s time we have a quiet dinner and a relaxing evening alone.”

  Luna wiped the hair back from her face. “I won’t argue with you at all. I’m worn out tonight.”

  “Let’s soak for a little bit and we can shower, then I’ll make us a nice salad for dinner.”

  “That sounds great. I think I worked off lunch about two,” Luna grinned.

  “You must be starved then. Do you want to eat first?”

  “Nah, we’ll stick to your plan. Do we have some meat to put on the salad?”

  “Yes, Dear,” Marley answered. “I planned on adding some grilled chicken slices. I know you need your protein.”

  “Thank you, my love,” Luna answered and leaned in to kiss her softly. She stretched her legs out in front of her. “So, everything went well with Alex?”

  Marley nodded, “Everything is arranged for tomorrow. All she needs to do is show up and work her magic. I already know she’s excited about the prospect of expanding her role here.”

  “She’d be crazy if she wasn’t. This place is amazing for many reasons. I have to admit, she’s really added something to the club.”

  “I’ll agree with you there even if I am a bit biased. I love it here.”

  Luna laid her head back and closed her eyes as they fell silent for a short while as the water caressed their tired bodies. She finally lifted her head and looked at Marley. “If we don’t get out of here soon, I don’t think I’ll make it through dinner.”

  “Let’s head upstairs then,” Marle
y answered and stood in the shallow bath. She held out her hand to Luna.


  After a quick shower, they dried off and donned clean robes. As they left the bathroom, Marley pointed to the couch. “Go relax and find us something to watch while I make our salads.”

  “You don’t need my help?”

  “Nope, I’ve got this covered.”

  “Thank you.” Luna kissed her and walked to the couch. She picked up the remote and started surfing while Marley busied herself in the kitchen.

  She prepared two salads, adding extra chicken to Luna’s and called out to her. “Honey mustard or ranch?”

  “Honey mustard, please. You sure you don’t need my help?”

  “Come get us bottles of water unless you want something else,” she answered. She added the dressing to the salads and took out two bottles of water and handed them to Luna. “You can grab a couple of napkins too. I’ll bring the salads.”

  “Wow, those look delicious.”

  “I hope they will be,” Marley replied as she picked up the two large bowls filled with the chopped salads and followed Luna back to the living area.

  When Luna swallowed her last bite, she stood and picked up the bowls. “You cooked, so I’ll clean. Do you need anything from the kitchen?”

  “Just you,” Marley answered and relaxed back on the couch.

  With a quick peck to Marley’s forehead, Luna walked to the kitchen. She rinsed the dishes and placed them in the dishwasher. When she returned, she stretched out on the couch and relaxed in Marley’s arms. “Is this comfortable for you?”

  Marley pulled Luna’s back into her chest and draped her arms around her. “This is perfect.”

  They relaxed, watching a sitcom together until Marley felt Luna’s breathing deepen. She was so relaxed she was nearly asleep. She was enjoying the warmth of Luna’s body tucked in close to hers and had given up on trying to follow what was happening on the television set. With Luna in her world, she was more than content with her life. She was excited to have someone to share her dreams. Luna was the perfect fit for her. She heard a soft snore escape Luna and stifled a giggle. She pulled her arms tighter around Luna and gave her a gentle squeeze. “Let’s go to bed, Luna.”


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