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Sunrise Kisses

Page 16

by Krista Lakes

  “Please, Bastian...” I whispered one more time. The sound of his name was his undoing. He kissed me just as the car pulled to a stop in front of the house. It was a short kiss, but full of raw passion.

  He had my seat-belt undone in an instant, picking me up in his arms and carrying me up the steps to the main entrance. Elijah opened the door, but that was the last I saw of him as Bastian carried me up the stairs and to his bedroom, kissing me the entire way.

  I loved his bedroom. It was obviously Sebastian's private space, and I loved being surrounded by the things he had chosen. The room was painted to match the sand outside and every piece of furniture was practical yet beautiful. It was comfortable and welcoming with a tranquility that made sleep come easily in that room.

  But not tonight. Tonight, the bed was anything but tranquil.

  I kissed him, hard and fast as he entered the bedroom. He let my feet go to the floor as he took me in his arms, fisting his hand into my hair and making sure that I couldn't escape his lips. His kiss sent a bolt of hunger through me so strong, I wasn't sure I could survive it.

  The all consuming thought of having him naked spurred my fingers to the hem of his shirt. He only paused long enough from his kisses to pull it over his head before greedily finding my mouth again. I arched into him, wanting bare skin to skin but tolerating having just my hands on him for the moment.

  His skin was smooth and hot under my fingers. The ridges of old scars flowed into the strength and firmness of his muscles. Just touching him was a drug and I couldn't get enough. Neither could he.

  With a growl, he turned and pressed my back into the wall by the door. With the wall to my back he had me pinned in the most delicious way. It wasn't frightening or intimidating, other than how turned on I was becoming. Every nerve wanted him to press harder, to take me in any way he wanted.

  I needed him closer, so balancing on one foot, I wrapped my other around his waist, pressing my aching need into his groin. A deep rumble of lust echoed through his big chest as his hand went to my thigh and slid up under my dress.

  The pads of his fingers were rough against the vulnerable flesh of my inner thigh. It made the fire burning in my core spark even higher. I pressed my dampening lacy panties against the hardening bulge in his pants, loving that he obviously wanted me as badly as I did him.

  My fingers went to his pants, struggling with the buttons for a moment before loosening them. I tugged hard on his pants and underwear until they pooled at his ankles. The only thing keeping his erection from completing me was the thin lace of my panties.

  Our eyes met. His pupils were huge with pure lust that had me panting and pressing against him harder. His fingers tightened on my thigh, and he rocked his hips into mine. His brows came together and he glanced toward his desk in the other room. The drawer with his condoms was so far away and he would have to let me go to get them.

  I wanted him in me. Joined to me. No, not wanted. Needed. I needed him to soothe the ache between my thighs more than I needed to breathe.

  “Don't stop,” I gasped, grinding into him with desperate want. I put my hand on his cheek, peering into his eyes and making sure he knew I wanted this. “I'm on the pill. Just don't stop.”

  I didn't know it was possible to have my heart beat so fast at just a look. He growled, thrusting the thin lace of my panties to the side and thrusting his hard member deep into my throbbing, needful core.

  He glided upward, filling me completely with one swift, powerful motion. I gasped, my mouth opening at the pleasure of his entrance and the way his eyes widened in ecstasy. He groaned softly as he began to repeatedly bury himself deeper and deeper into me. I arched into him, crying out as he completed me again and again.

  His strong hands cupped my ass and he used the wall as leverage to drive into me. It was easy to lift my other leg around his waist, pumping my legs with his hips for more. He held me easily, rocking into me with powerful thrusts that rocked the axis of my entire world.

  The fever pitch inside of me grew, and my thighs tightened and contracted around his waist. His teeth bit down gently on my shoulder, the sharp edge of pain shocking my system into overdrive. My core clenched, surprising me with the sudden blinding swirl of colors that filled my vision. Bastian didn't stop his carefully timed thrusts. I barely heard him groan with pleasure as my body contracted and convulsed around his.

  “More...” I gasped as my body fell from the sudden high. I needed more of him. All of him. I was a drowning woman and he was air. I couldn't get enough of him.

  A wordless, lustful, growl reverberated through his chest and he spun from the wall and tossed me onto the big bed. I bounced twice as he kicked his clothing away from him and stalked toward the bed.

  He was all muscles and masculine power. Huge. Strong. And ready for more.

  I slithered out of my panties, tossing them to the floor before reaching behind my neck to find the zipper to my dress. Bastian didn't wait for me to find the zipper, let alone let me undo it. His hands caught the back of my skirt, pulling me to him using my dress like a rope.

  “Get on your hands and knees,” he commanded. His voice was husky and primal with desire. I melted a little, quivering in the deep recesses of my core for more. I had the power to make his voice that rough with want, and the power to give him more.

  My knees rested on the edge of the bed while my hands met in the middle. Bastian still held my skirt bunched in his hands like reigns as I wiggled my hips, inviting him back into my trembling heat. The tension in the skirt increased as he filled me to the hilt.

  I cried out, falling forward and screaming with pleasure into the bed. The sensations and emotions rolling through me were primordial and animalistic, turning me on in such a primal way that I was about to explode. I loved it.

  I could hear him panting behind me, his grip on my dress tightening as he took me. I clawed at the bedspread, desperate to stay on this plane of existence and not vibrate off into another without Bastian. I loved the small noises of effort and pleasure he made.

  I leaned forward, needing to see his face. I wanted to watch him, to see his pleasure and not just feel it. I twisted back, seeing the flicker of controlled anger at losing my body flicker across his face.

  “Lay down,” I commanded, my voice surprisingly steady.

  He didn't hesitate, but he moved with languid beauty that made my breath catch. He was so beautiful. And all mine.

  I put one leg on either side of him, enjoying the way his eyes ran up and down my body and the cocky grin spreading across his face. His hands went to my hips, holding the dress up so he could watch as I slowly lowered myself onto him.

  Using my hips, glutes, and thighs I started to dance. Up and down, circles and gyrations, I let my body find a way to let him touch every inch of my insides. Bastian whimpered and his eyes rolled back into his head as his fingers clamped harder on my hips.

  He thrust upward, unable to control his own body's reaction to the pleasure I was causing. I paused, holding myself just out of his reach. I was in control.

  Bastian swore, trying to raise his hips to find me. When I didn't give him what he wanted he struggled to stay still. Every muscle in his chest was taut and drawn as he used every ounce of his willpower to remain still and thus have me continue.

  I began my slow dance once he settled. I loved the tightness in his jaw and the frown of concentration as he focused on the pleasurable sensations without following through on the natural inclination to join in.

  The power of another release was growing in my center again. Leaving me to my own movements, it wouldn't take me long to climax again, doing exactly what felt best for me. I sped up and Bastian's eyes flicked open, realizing what was happening.

  He shifted his grip on my hips so that his thumb came to rest directly on my pleasure center. Watching me with confident eyes, he began to move his thumb in small circles that matched the cadence of my dance on his manhood.

  “Fuck...” Bastian groaned. “You're so
beautiful, Ava...”

  It was his eyes that did it. The truth shining there, the emotion and the raw desire in his beautiful gray eyes. It sent me spinning and skittering into unfathomable pleasure. Every muscle in my body tightened and stretched at the same time. I forgot to breathe. I forgot everything but Bastian and what he was doing to me.

  I sagged against his chest, gasping and still trembling on the aftershocks of the most powerful orgasm of my life. Bastian's fingers found the zipper of my dress, pulling gently and then moving to pull the dress off. I sat back slightly to allow the fabric up and over my head before Bastian tossed it to the floor.

  Bastian's fingers traced the line of white lace on the cup of my bra. My nipples hardened under the silky fabric, aching to be touched. I whimpered, ready to evaporate the bra with just the power of my mind. Bastian chuckled, wrapping his arms around me and then rolling so that he was on top.

  He kissed me softly. It was gentle, but full of need and power. He was in control now. I was at his mercy, but looking into his face, I knew I was safe. He would only take me to wonderful places.

  His hips began to pump and his hand tightened on my shoulder, putting me right where he wanted. I writhed under him, completely under his control and at his pleasure. I loved the way he felt and the fact that he was growing harder and going faster only proved that he found me the same.

  With every inch he moved deeper, not just owning my body, but a piece of my soul. One I wanted to give him. I wanted him to have me completely, to be completely his.

  I felt it then, an orgasm so big that it put my previous ones to shame. It was going to shatter my mind. It started at the tips of my toes and rippled up, through my calves, into my thighs and detonated in my core. I rippled around him, quaking and spasming in indescribable ecstasy.

  Bastian's fingers tightened on my shoulder and his body stiffened in response to the pleasure racking through mine. Every muscle of my body was trying to draw him deeper, to take him further into me. He started to shake and his thrusts rocked the bed.

  I wanted it all. I wanted him. His eyes met mine, asking and yet not asking at the same time.

  “Take me, Bastian,” I whispered, urging him with my hips. “I'm yours.”

  My name fell from his lips as he buried himself so deeply my breath caught. He claimed me completely. His eyes held me prisoner the same way he held my body prisoner. Fireworks were going off in his eyes. I watched galaxies explode and create in the depths of his eyes.

  It was a beautiful eternity before he collapsed, hiding his head in my shoulder. His breath was hot and heavy on my skin and our bodies sticky with sweat, but I didn't want him to move. I never wanted to move from this spot, never wanted to have him leave me.

  I was wanted here. Safe. Desired. No one had ever made me feel that way before. Not just the sexual part, which was off any chart I had ever had, but the protected and desired part.

  I breathed him in. He smelled so good, I couldn't get enough of him into me.

  He rose slightly, a crooked grin spreading across his handsome features. He touched my cheek, and I turned and kissed his palm before cradling my cheek into his fingers.

  I had never felt like this before. It was a pleasure so deep that I wasn't sure how either one of us was going to survive without it.

  He rolled to his side, tucking me into the nook of his shoulder. His arms encircled me, wrapping me in his warmth and protection. I was safe here. I would always be safe with him.

  I closed my eyes, feeling sleep coming to finally claim me from the stresses of the day. Bastian's breaths were a soothing melody that was drawing me into calm serenity. I knew this couldn't last. He was a billionaire and I wasn't part of his world. But, even knowing that, a spot of warmth settled in behind my breastbone and didn't leave even as I drifted off.

  Chapter 20

  I entered the details for the last painting in the room into my tablet. I needed to turn on a light, but the light from the hallway was just enough for me to finish. The appraisal was going faster than I had anticipated, which was wonderful. It meant I could justify spending time with Bastian without feeling guilty about not working.

  This was supposed to be a job. Except it was so much more than that now. This was a vacation, a job, and something else. A romance? A fling? I didn't know what to call what was going on between Bastian and me. I just knew that I was enjoying it.

  I still felt a little guilty about my father, but being ahead on my work even helped with that as well. I had continued to receive updates from him, the nurses, and even Jackie. Everyone promised he was doing just fine and that I had nothing to worry about, but I still felt like I had abandoned my father to hook up in the Caribbean. I knew that wasn't true, but it still nagged at me. Working helped that feel better.

  The small hairs on the back of my neck tingled, telling me that someone was watching me. Turning slowly, I found Bastian leaning against the door frame. He filled the doorway, both in presence and body. His lean muscles were tight under a dress shirt with a tie and dark slacks that accented the wonderful curve of his ass.

  “Are you spying on me?” I asked, grinning playfully.

  He stepped forward, walking into the room and making my heart start to speed up. I loved the way he moved. “You get this little line, right here,” he said, gently touching my forehead with one of his fingers. “It's quite charming.”

  I couldn't help but blush a little and smile. He stepped closer, putting his hands on my neck, preparing to draw me in for a kiss. His arms flexed, showing me his muscles. I loved those muscles.

  “But, I do think I like it better when you smile,” he said softly, soliciting another smile. “Yes, I definitely like it better when you smile. It's close, though.”

  “I like it best when you smile,” I replied. I loved the way his hands felt on me. I pressed my palms against his chest, feeling the rock hard pecs underneath.

  “Really?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. He smelled so damn good. I didn't know how anyone could smell so wonderful.

  “Your whole face lights up,” I whispered. My heart was fluttering. Every nerve in my body screamed for his touch. He leaned forward and pausing just above my lips. I held perfectly still, smiling as he hovered just millimeters from kissing me. “It's absolutely breathtaking.”

  It was hard to think of anything but his hands on me. The way his fingers caressed my skin and how he seemed able to elicit pleasure from just looking at me properly. I pressed my hips against his, asking but not taking.

  “Though, there's another face that I think you like just as much,” I whispered, watching his lips. They were so perfect. Full, yet masculine.

  “And which one is that?” he asked, his perfect mouth curving into a curious smile.

  “This one,” I replied, making the most ridiculous “O” face I possibly could before dissolving into a fit of giggles.

  “I do not look like that,” he said, his face stern and serious. It made me laugh even harder. He shrugged. “I guess I'll just have to prove it to you”

  He released me and undid the top button of his shirt, loosening his tie in the process.

  “Right here?” I asked, looking around the room. There was a small lounge chair and a writing table from the 18th century, but most of the room was dedicated to the art on the walls.

  “Why not?” he purred, unbuttoning each button one at a time. I gasped a little when he slid the shirt from his shoulders. I loved how broad they were and how strong every inch of him was. The suit was nice, but naked was even better.

  “I guess it is still your house,” I whispered, my mouth watering at the sight of his body. He was all strong lines and sinew. Every inch of him radiated strength and desire.

  “Damn straight,” he agreed. His voice was low and hungry. His eyes shone with want.

  Heat skittered through my belly, then directly south. The confidence in his voice only turned up the flame from slow burn to forest fire.

  He dipped his head and let h
is lips slide along my throat, igniting yet more flames along the sensitive skin. Bastian paused at the delicate hollow of my throat, right where my pulse was beating out his name. He nipped at my collarbone, sending a tremor of sheer desire straight through my core.

  I arched my hips, begging him for more. I needed more. I didn't care where we were anymore. I didn't care about the work or the 18th century furniture. All I knew was that I needed him. I needed him more than I had ever needed anyone.

  That alone surprised me.

  I had never craved Chad this way. I had never felt this alive with anyone. Bastian had the ability to turn me on with just a glance. The way he looked at me... I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

  As he nibbled on my shoulder, pausing only for a moment to draw my shirt up and over my head, I realized I was falling for him. And falling hard. It wasn't just the sex, though what he was currently doing to me was making it hard to think of anything else.

  It was how he made me feel.

  Safe. Wanted. Perfect.

  I closed my eyes, reveling in his arms. I was falling for him. I was falling for the billionaire.

  A billionaire.

  “Something wrong?” Bastian asked, pulling back, his eyes dark with lust and want. I had frozen without meaning to. He was a billionaire. I couldn't be falling for him. I shouldn't be falling for him. It was like falling for a prince, and I was no Cinderella. There was no way I would ever fit in his billionaire world.

  I shook my head, pushing the dark thoughts aside. “No, keep going,” I murmured, arching my hips into his again. My body didn't want him to stop and was urging my mind to follow along.

  “You taste so good,” he murmured, running his tongue along the ridge of my collarbone. Uncontrollable fires of need raged within me. I focused my attention on Bastian, ignoring the emotions rolling around inside of me.

  Right now, Bastian wanted me. Here, on this island, in this room, he wanted me. I didn't know how long this feeling could last, but I knew I couldn't waste this moment. For today, I just wanted to think about how he made me feel. To enjoy this moment, even knowing that I wasn't worthy of it.


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