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My Wife His Groupie: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 1

by Lexi Archer



  What's A Hotwife?

  1: The List

  2: Front Row

  3: Backstage

  4: Meet and Greet

  5: Tour Bus Tour

  6: Wife, Mother, Groupie

  7: Aftershocks

  More from Lexi Archer

  My Wife, His Groupie

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2015 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, May 2015

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  What's A Hotwife?

  What is a hotwife? It's more of a lifestyle than a term. Put simply, it's a committed couple who has decided to let the woman stray, usually while the husband watches her straying!

  The term is "hotwife," but really it's much broader than that! Married, engaged, or just dating, the only constant is a committed couple who decides to change the traditional rules of that commitment to allow for a little extracurricular fun!

  There are two things that separates the hotwife from cheating or cuckolding: love and respect. The hotwife couple puts their relationship first. The excitement comes from watching the sexiest woman in the world get it on with another guy in the most intimate and personal live porn performance that's possible for two people committed to one another mind, body, and soul!

  My stories are for the couples who are thinking of opening up their relationships. For the men who fantasize about their wives with other men but could never put that feeling into words. For the ladies who think it would be so hot if their fella watched them with another man. For anyone who's ever had an interest in opening their relationship for a little sharing!

  These fantasies are for you. These stories are yours. I hope you enjoy them!

  1: The List

  I had a moment of profound satisfaction as I saw the look on Jake's face when I stepped out of the bathroom in my outfit for the night. "Eat your heart out" I thought to myself as he looked me up and down.

  And why shouldn't my husband looked me up and down? I was dressed to kill. I had on a sparkly tank top that shimmered in the light and was translucent under the right circumstances. Under that I had on a naughty black bra that said I was open for business. Down below I had on a skirt that barely went down past my pussy, and a black thong underneath that to match my bra thank you very much. In short, I was a walking wet dream and I knew it. I'd deliberately dressed up for the concert tonight.

  "Like what you see?" I asked.

  His mouth worked silently for a moment and I did a quick twirl. A twirl that was sure to lift up my skirt just a bit giving him a nice view of my ass. An ass that was still in damn good shape considering I'd been married for a couple of years and had a kid. It had taken a hell of a lot of time on the exercise bike to get back to my pre-kid figure, but I was proud of it. I was sure I'd be able to give any of the little twenty something groupie wannabes at the concert tonight a run for their money!

  "Damn Cindy!" Jake said.

  I leaned down on the bed and started crawling across the sheets. "Now don't you wish you'd agreed to come to the concert tonight?"

  "I don't know…" he said.

  I leaned even closer. My lips were almost brushing against his ear and I saw him shudder. I could see goose bumps rising on his body. Good. That was exactly the kind of reaction I was going for. I wanted him to regret every moment that I was out.

  Only from the way he was grinning up at me I had a feeling he was going to be feeling anything but regret while I was out on my own tonight at the concert with front row tickets and exclusive backstage passes thanks to my best friend having more money than sense. I could tell what was working through my husband's head before he even said it, and I braced myself to keep from rolling my eyes because I'd learned that really hurt his feelings whenever he brought this up no matter how ridiculous I thought it was.

  He opened his mouth. Here it came. Damn it.

  "You didn't forget that the lead singer is on your list, did you?"

  Okay, so I only rolled my eyes just a little bit. I figured that was progress. The list. I think every couple does it as a joke. I know I thought it was a joke when we were putting it together. Five celebrities that we could have a little extramarital fun with, no strings attached, and with no consequences from the spouse.

  I thought it was a joke before Jake revealed his little fantasy to me. I still had trouble believing it. What kind of man got off on the idea of his wife with another man? After that fantasy was revealed the list became a little less funny, though it was still just one of many fantasies he spun out in dirty talk while we were fucking. Me being naughty with some guy Jake caught me eyeing on vacation. Me being naughty with the sexy new intern at the office. Me being naughty with a rock god like Lee Davis while I was at a concert.

  All of those fantasies had one thing in common: they were never going to happen. Now if only my husband would realize that. If only he'd realize he was the only man for me.

  Still, I knew how to indulge him even if I didn't understand. There were plenty of areas of our marriage where he gave me the same consideration, though usually not in the bedroom since I was pretty vanilla aside from indulging his fantasies.

  So I leaned down to whisper in his ear. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? Your innocent wife, the mother of your children, with her legs up around some rock star's shoulders with his cock pounding in and out of me?"

  Jake turned and looked at me with wide eyes. That was part of the game. I acted like a slut and he acted like he was scandalized, though from the way I felt his cock stirring against me he was anything but scandalized.

  "You wouldn't!" he said.

  I wouldn't, but that would ruin the game if I came out and said it outright. So I played along. I smiled and leaned forward to peck him on the lips. "Wouldn't I? I have backstage passes, and my husband isn't going to be there to keep me good."

  "That's not even funny to joke about Cindy!" he said. He was starting to sound really pissed off, but the way he pulled me on top of him so that his cock was grinding against me was telling a different story. I smiled down at him and he winked.

  I grinded my pussy against him and gasped out the lead singer's name a couple of times acting like I was fucking him. Let him think about leaving me high and dry while I enjoyed my front row tickets and a backstage pass to the biggest concert event of the year. I still couldn't believe I was going to get to see Promise Forever! More importantly I couldn't believe I was going to get to see Lee Davis, the sexy lead singer of Promise Forever. A man that I'd lusted after for so many damn years.

  I could use that. I looked down and locked eyes with Jake.

  "You know why he's on my list, right? I've been fantasizing about Lee Davis for so long. Longer than I've known you. I bet he's a real man. I bet he's fucked so many girls that he knows what he's doing. I bet he'll show your naughty wife a real good time!"

  And to be honest I was starting to get worked up as I continued the litany of dirty talk. Usually I didn't get that into the dirty talk, but I think that the intersection of my husband's fantasy and my very real
and long running fantasies about Lee Davis were doing something to get me just as worked up as Jake usually got when we were doing this.

  Hell, just thinking of Lee and his rock hard muscles made me weak in the knees and wet between the legs! I thought about his rock hard body over me, as he pulled my legs up and ran his cock along my married slut, as he devoured my tits and treated me the same as he'd no doubt treated countless groupies before. Fuck was that a hot fantasy!

  But it was just a fantasy.

  I shook my head. I looked at my husband who was looking very happy about me being so excited about seeing Lee Davis. And I smiled at him. Leaned in to kiss him again as I stopped grinding against him even as I felt a familiar twitching start in his cock. I paused for a moment, poised over him wondering if I'd pushed him too far but no. He groaned in frustration and I knew I'd brought him right to the edge without pushing him over.

  Good. Let him stew a little.

  "Don't worry baby," I said. "We both know that list was just a fantasy anyways!"

  He smiled at me, but I could tell that his smile was uncertain. I could tell that he was wondering if I was a serious or if I was joking. And for a moment there I'd wondered if I was serious or if I was joking… But no. I was a happily married woman!

  I needed to remember that. Especially tonight of all nights. Especially considering how carried away I just got.

  Of course my husband didn't have to know that. Particularly since I'd wanted him to come along to this concert with us and he'd told me in no uncertain terms that he had absolutely no interest in going to see Lee Davis or Promise Forever. Not even when I promised to do the most depraved things possible to him later that night as a payment for coming along.

  "Is it just a fantasy?" he asked.

  "I guess you'll just have to wait and find out later tonight, won't you?" I said with a wink.

  He looked confused. I'd never gotten this into the fantasy before. He was always complaining that he could tell I wasn't really into it but even I could tell there was something different this time around. That I was already so fucking turned on. I wondered if he was wishing he'd agreed to come along now.

  Sure I was going to have some fun with Katie, but that was nothing compared to the fun I'd wanted to have with my husband. I'd wanted a night staring at the glorious Lee Davis, meeting him afterwards backstage, and then going home and pouring all of that energy into my husband. Maybe even pouring some of that energy into my husband while we were at the concert.

  "You can just sit there and think about whether or not you really should've gone to this concert tonight babe," I said. I blew him a kiss and then I closed the door behind me, leaving him in our bedroom to think about his fantasy and whether or not it was going to be fulfilled tonight.

  Not that it was going to be fulfilled. I probably wouldn't get more than a quick picture with Lee Davis backstage, but Jake didn't have to know that.

  I giggled as I made my way down to the front door, and my phone buzzed. I looked down. Katie was waiting for me outside. Prompt as always. Of course why wouldn't she be prompt when we were heading for front row seats to a Promise Forever concert and a chance to meet the great Lee Davis afterwards?

  As I walked out to her car she had a huge grin on her face and when I climbed into the passenger side I could see she was dressed in an outfit similar to mine. Not for the first time I wondered if we were really still cut out to wear outfits like that. It was the sort of thing we might've worn five years ago when we were still fresh out of college, but now that I was a mom it seemed wrong somehow even though I still fit into them just fine. Even though I still looked damn good. The epitome of the young MILF ideal.

  Yeah, there was no need to worry. These outfits might be about five years too young for us, but I figured no one could tell the difference. We still looked young enough to pull them off. To look like the young groupie type. And I smiled as I thought of that. I got a thrill as I thought of acting like a groupie.

  But nothing was going to happen. I fixed that firmly in my mind. It's not like a rock star like Lee Davis would be interested in a suburban housewife like me anyways. Not when he had his pick of younger girls in equally slutty outfits to choose from. So I just smiled at Katie and decided to enjoy myself and forget all about the list and my husband's fantasy. This was going to be one hell of a night even if my husband's wildest dreams didn't come true.

  2: Front Row

  When we got to the venue I decided I needed to go to concerts with Katie more often. Talk about primo seats! We were right at the front and we were dead center stage. There was a microphone right in front of me that was sending a tingle in between my legs because I was almost certain it was going to be the microphone Lee used.

  We sat through the opening band, some act that hadn't been famous for a good for a good fifteen years or so back when I was a starting high school myself and Promise Forever was first starting to get really popular They were okay for a has been act but I was ready for the main event. Actually I would've been just fine if we could go to a concert and skip the opening act entirely. It was so rarely anyone I was interested in seeing anyways!

  So Katie and I suffered in silence as the lead singer for whoever-the-hell-they-were did his thing and acted like he was still a rock star rather than someone who was probably getting one hell of a favor from Promise Forever.

  Eventually they got done and played the one song that everyone in the stadium sort of remembered from back in the day when they were still sort of famous. Then it was more tedious waiting while I wished I'd gotten a beer or something with alcohol in it to break up some of the tedium of waiting for the main act.

  "I wish they'd just fucking go on already," Katie said. "I need to see Reg in those tight jeans!"

  I rolled my eyes. "What is it with you and that drummer?"

  "He's a sexy man!" she said.

  I didn't understand it, but the drummer was considered to be the second sexiest member of Promise Forever behind Lee Davis himself. Still, he wasn't my type. Too much muscle for my taste. I liked a guy who was ripped, but not someone who looked like he did nothing but bodybuilding.

  I was about to turn to Katie and continue the debate when it happened. Finally.

  The lights went down and the stadium was immediately filled with shrieking. I was surprised they were still big enough to fill a stadium, but I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised. They were one of the biggest acts back in the day when I was younger, and they'd put out hit after hit since then. Sure they hadn't been as big a deal recently, but who cared? They could probably retire and not tour again for the rest of their lives and still be fabulously wealthy, but Lee said in an interview that he loved seeing the fans. And there was one fan in the front row center who was very much looking forward to seeing him, let me tell you!

  My voice added to the shrieking that echoing through the stadium. If I screamed like this for much longer I was going to destroy my voice, but I didn't care. Then the lights came on and he was standing there right in front of us, the spotlight illuminating his muscular body which was already slick with sweat. His long hair flying this way and that as they launched into one of their signature songs.

  And if I thought I was screaming loud before, well that was nothing compared to what I was doing when I saw Lee right in front of me. When he looked down at me, our eyes locked for a moment, and he smiled at me. Lee fucking Davis actually smiled at me! Rock god, muscular hunk Lee Davis who could have any girl he wanted and he was looking down at me and smiling. I'm sure it was all part of the show, but for that one moment it was as though there was magic between us. It was as though there was electricity connecting us. And it was going straight down to my pussy where I was absolutely and immediately fucking drenched!

  I spared a guilty thought for my husband sitting at home and stewing, thinking about me doing exactly this. Probably fantasizing about me doing exactly this. I'd promised myself that it wouldn't happen, I always told myself that it was just a fantasy w
hen we were dirty talking, but as I looked up at this rock god before me I realized I didn't give a fuck. He could do whatever the hell he wanted to me!

  Not that he was going to get close enough to do whatever he wanted to me anyways. I figured it was safe enough to have those sorts of thoughts considering there still wasn't a chance in hell they would actually happen.

  I knew that I was just going crazy in the moment. That it was just wishful thinking. But as the concert went on I could swear that he kept glancing down to where Katie and I were sitting. And every time he did it made me go weak in the knees and moist between my legs. Let me tell you, there's just something about being under the scrutiny of a rock star like Lee Davis that makes you reconsider all of your life choices. And suddenly I could understand all those girls who followed around rock bands for a chance to get with one of these guys.

  The next big excitement came when he was running along the stage and clasping everybody's hand. Girls were surging forward, security was desperately trying to hold them back, and I was positioned absolutely perfectly because I was right in the front row already holding my hand up and screaming as though I was some sort of crazed teenager instead of a woman who was nearly thirty with a husband and kid waiting at home.

  I didn't care though. In the moment I was a crazed fan. This was the sexiest star in the world. As he reached m, his eyes locked with mine and he grabbed my hand. Only this time he didn't let go right away like he had with every other girl along the stage. He just held it and stared down at me.

  And as he stared down at me I realized he wasn't just staring at me. His eyes went from my eyes down to my neck, down along my tits which were proudly on a display thanks to the particularly slutty top I was wearing. Down past that to my shorts, my legs, and then back up.

  Holy shit. Did Lee Davis actually just check me out? I'm pretty sure Lee Davis just checked me out! All the other people he just stopped and slapped their hand or grabbed for a moment, but with me he was just standing there, staring, his finger lightly stroking along my finger in a small simple gesture that was threatening to knock me on my ass from the intense feelings it was causing! He licked his lips and smiled.


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