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My Wife His Groupie: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  And he leaned down and shouted. He had to shout to be heard over the music blasting through the arena, but he was so close to me and that his shout might as well be a whisper for all the noise surrounding us and drowning him out.

  "Do you have backstage passes?" he yelled.

  I looked up at him, staring without quite understanding. And then I blinked. I realized what he was asking. And I spared a brief guilty thought for my husband, but holy shit this was Lee Davis standing right in front of me asking me if I had a backstage passes. No doubt he was going to get them for me if I didn't already have them.

  Only I could answer that question without feeling too guilty. I smiled.

  "Sure do!" I shouted. I glanced over to Katie who was the source of those backstage passes. She was staring in disbelief with her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. I don't think she could hear what we were saying over the blasting music, but Lee leaning over the stage talking to me was enough to flummox her.

  For that matter I wasn't sure if he could hear me. Who knew how deaf he'd gotten over years of touring with his band with a deafening racket surrounding him almost every night of the week? Only he seemed to understand. He smiled, nodded. And then he pulled away.

  Then he nodded and he was moving along. Meanwhile I was out of breath. I was wondering if I was crazy, if I'd imagined all of that. If this wasn't some sort of fever dream and I was making up the whole thing. Getting tickets, him checking me out, him grabbing my hand like that, actually leaning in and asking me if I had backstage passes!

  It had to be a dream!

  I stood there in a daze. The vibrations from the massive speakers were pumping through my body. They were also giving one hell of a treat to my pussy which was already positively orgasmic thanks to what had just happened. Lee Davis. Asking me if I had backstage passes. I didn't think I was crazy anymore. That was a question that had a promise written all over it. The question was did I want to follow through on that promise? Did I want to fulfill my fantasy and take one for my husband at the same time?

  All of a sudden I was starting to wonder if I should even follow through on going backstage to meet the band, because if I did then I might do something crazy. Something I had permission to do, for sure, but it still felt like a betrayal now that I was in the moment and things were getting real.

  I felt a pinch and I turned to see Katie still staring at me with wide-eyed disbelief.

  "What the fuck? Why'd you do that?" I shouted.

  "I just figured you'd want to make sure you weren't dreaming right about now you slut!" Katie said.

  I smiled and then we both devolved into a fit of giggles as we hugged one another. I couldn't believe it. I pulled away and Katie locked eyes with me.

  "So what are you going to do? You just caught the eye of Lee fucking Davis!"

  I shrugged. "We'll go meet him, have a little meet and greet, get an autograph, and call it a night."

  "If Lee Davis looked at me like he was looking at you I wouldn't be calling it a night at just getting an autograph!" Katie said.

  I shook my head, a frown coming to my face. Did I want to go through with this? Did I want to follow through on the promise that his question was making? I thought of my husband, sitting home alone thinking of just this. I thought of how he'd been so adamantly opposed to coming out here. And I thought about how Lee Davis probably wouldn't make a move like that if I had my husband standing right next to me while I was up here in the front row. I felt a flash of irritation at that. He was the one who'd been so sure he didn't want to come.

  I decided to make him regret that. I pulled out my phone and dashed off a quick text message.

  "Front row seats. Lee Davis just grabbed my hand and asked me if I had backstage passes. I think rock star really wants to see your wife after the concert..."

  I put my phone back in my back pocket but I could feel it buzzing even before I'd gotten halfway there. I smiled. Good. Let him stew on that for awhile. Let him fantasize about that for a bit.

  I elbowed Katie. "We'll see what happens."

  She giggled again and looked at me as though she knew exactly what was going to happen. As though it was inevitable. In my mind I told myself that it wasn't inevitable. Of course from the way my body was reacting things were probably a lot more inevitable than the rational and analytical part of my brain would like to believe. I was a woman, with urges, and Lee Davis had been a fantasy for so many years. And technically he was on the list, even if the list had started out as a joke that turned sort of half serious when hubby revealed his fantasy about me with another man.

  I pushed those thoughts away. That could wait until after the concert. I'd worry about all of that shit when we were backstage. For now I wanted to enjoy the show.

  3: Backstage

  We started making our way towards the backstage area when they started their second encore. They still hadn't played their biggest the number one hit, but I figured it would be well worth missing that to avoid the rush of people who were inevitably going to be trying to rush backstage whether or not they had backstage passes like we did.

  It felt like it took forever to make our way through the press of bodies, but eventually we got up to security and flashed our passes. One of the guards, a big muscular hulking thing with a bald head, smiled and stepped aside to allow us through. And then he immediately moved back into place with a scowl on his face as other women tried to rush into the opening we'd just created.

  Other women who didn't have the backstage passes we did. Tough luck girls.

  They were just starting up with that number one hit, the opening strains of "Sit on my Love," as we made our way into the backstage area. Hey, what can I say? They were talented musicians, but they were also vulgar musicians. That was a part of the appeal back in the day. I don't think there's a successful rock band in history that made it by appealing to the parents of the youth demographic rather than appealing to the youthful desire to freak the fuck out of their parents.

  Okay, maybe the Monkeys. But that's it.

  As we were walking through the backstage area I saw another couple of girls come in behind us. They looked just as excited, though they were probably a couple of years younger than us. I fought the urge to scowl. It wasn't polite to think bad thoughts about the younger generation. So what if they'd probably discovered the band on a greatest hits album rather than listening to their first major hit like I did and attending concerts on their first major tour. I wasn't going to get all hipster and snooty about the band.

  As we walked along I caught a glimpse of what I would consider to be the true "backstage" area. Roadies carrying instruments. Sound technicians doing who knows what with wires. And I thought I could even see somebody from the band. I squealed in excitement as I saw a guy I was pretty sure was the drummer walking around.

  The final strains of Sit on my Love had faded and I figured the band was back there somewhere. I also assumed that was the backstage area that we were going to with our passes, but as I walked towards that heaven of roadies and technicians and maybe even a glimpse of one of the people in the band another person from security stepped in our way.

  This one was even beefier than the last to the point that he didn't have a neck. I'm talking like his domed bald head, why is it that all security guys at concerts seemed to have that domed bald head, was more of a dome that went straight down to his shoulders than a head and neck.

  The point I'm trying to make is that the guy was a fucking mountain and no sooner had Katie and I moved towards that backstage area than he was standing there in front of us, a beefy arm blocking us from going any further. Damn it.

  "What's the big idea? We have passes!" I said.

  "Trust me, you don't have backstage passes for this area," he said.

  "Then what the hell are these passes good for?" I asked.

  The guy jerked his head off to his left, our right. Away from the stage. Away from the real backstage area. Away from the tantalizing glimpses I was getting
of members of the band walking around doing their thing after the show.

  "Those get you into the green room. It's that way. The band will be over there shortly."

  "This is bullshit!" Katie said.

  I turned to her and nodded. "Definitely! What good are backstage passes if they don't get you backstage?"

  The guy shrugged, though it was more like a mountain that was moving. I half expected to see rubble and boulders come crashing down from his insanely thick neck, but of course nothing like that happened.

  "I don't make the rules, I just enforce them," he said. He sounded like he didn't care at all. And why would he? His job was to keep us out and he was just doing his job. He was crushing our dreams, but for him it was just Tuesday. Or Saturday. You get the point.

  That didn't stop me from thinking he was a huge asshole. "This sucks."

  "What's going on here?"

  I felt a thrill run through me. I felt an impossible heat as though my entire body was on fire. As though I'd just contracted a fever in the space of seconds. Suddenly I was transported back to school when I was a silly girl with a crush staring up at a poster and dreaming about the day that I would be Mrs. Lee Davis. I felt weak in the knees, and I almost started shivering. All of that from a few words. Damn!

  But could you really blame a girl for reacting that way? Because when I turned and looked past the mountain that was a bouncer I saw him standing there. Lee Davis. Looking every bit as gorgeous in person as he had out on stage.

  It was Lee Davis. Lee Davis was standing right there, looking every bit as amazing as I'd always imagined wearing a leather vest and nothing underneath that which showed off his sculpted body perfectly. Looking every bit the rock god he'd been when he was up on stage singing to the crowd, reaching down and touching my hand. I shivered again as I thought of that brief moment of contact.

  Of course he probably wasn't going to remember me even if he had asked if I had backstage passes. He probably did that with all the girls. Tried to make them feel special. It would be easy enough for him to do that. A quick question, a brief clasp of the hand, and they go home thinking they had the ultimate groupie experience. Meanwhile all he would have to do is run backstage, toss on some hand sanitizer, and be good to go.

  He looked at me and his eyes lit up. I felt another chill run through me. Damn it. It wasn't fair for one man to look that good. It wasn't fair that one man could make me feel this way with just a look.

  "You!" he said.

  "Me?" I said at the same time that Katie said "Cindy?"

  "Cindy? You're the girl from out there! Front row seats? Right in front of the microphone? You said you had a backstage pass?"

  I blushed even as I felt that I was in very real danger of melting into a puddle of hormones on the floor. I was definitely melting down between my legs, with a flush of arousal and a dampness that hadn't come on so suddenly in years. He remembered me. Okay, so I guess that had been more than just a quick experience in the front row.

  I didn't know what to say though. What did you say when you met your idol? When you met a man you'd been fantasizing about since you first started fantasizing about men in that way? I felt every inch the schoolgirl that I was when I first fell in love with Lee Davis. Not the confident married woman I'd been for years. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. My mouth opened but nothing came out. I was tongue-tied. I wanted to kick my brain for betraying me like this!

  I felt an elbow hit my side and I let out a surprised yelp. I glanced over to Katie who was looking at me with an irritated expression, and then she nodded towards Lee before she hissed. "What the hell are you doing? Lee Davis just said he recognized you from the concert! Go get him!"

  I shook my head and then somehow I was back in control. I still felt weak in the knees, I still felt as though my legs were going to collapse out from under me at any moment, but at least I could try and put on a good show. Put up a front. Act like I was the confident woman I knew I was even if I felt like a giddy schoolgirl in the moment.

  "Yeah, that's me," I said. And I was immediately kicking myself. That was the best I could come up with? I finally had a chance to meet Lee Davis and all I could say was that I was me? Damn it. That was the kind of line you used if you were a wizard trying to find a burglar, not if you were a married woman meeting the man of her dreams!

  "I'm glad you made it back here," he said. "I was worried you might not actually have those passes!"

  That was odd. He looked almost sheepish for a moment. Why would he think I was making up those passes. Why would the great Lee Davis think a girl would ever lie to him? Then again, he'd probably known plenty of girls in his time touring the country. And who knew what had happened over those years to make him think I might not be telling the truth?

  "Well I'm here," I said. "And I was hoping to get back there to see the band, but we had a little problem…"

  Lee looked at the bouncer. "What's the problem?"

  "No problem if you say there's no problem Mr. Davis," the bouncer said, holding up his hands.

  Lee grinned and smacked the guy on the shoulder. "No problem Dave. I know. Just doing your job. These two can come through."

  I felt like I was Cinderella walking into a fairytale of my very own. Sure it was a sleazy rock 'n roll fairytale with one of the most notorious groups of my generation, but I'd take it. He reached out and I took his hand again, only this time he didn't let go.

  I turned to Katie and flashed a quick uncertain smile, but she just shook her head and had a huge grin on her face. The message was clear enough. If Lee Davis takes your hand, whether or not you're a married woman, you take it! I wondered what Jake would think of this, but it's not like I could tell him about it right now. He'd go crazy when I brought it up later though!

  Lee took us through the backstage area and introduced us to everybody in the band. Not that it was necessary to introduce us to everybody in the band. Katie and I already knew who every one of them was. Hell, I could probably list off their names in my sleep. Even the ones who'd replaced some of the original people from the band over the years. They were all very friendly and very nice. I noticed Katie blushing when she was introduced to Reg the drummer.

  Through it all I could hear the crowd chanting off in the distance. Lee saw me looking out and so he pulled me over to get a quick look out on the stage. Far enough back that we couldn't be seen, but close enough that I could definitely see the crowd gathered out there. Women shrieking and screaming for the band to come out and do another song even though it was obvious they were done. And I thought about how that could have been me out there if I didn't have backstage tickets. Damn.

  "All those women out there screaming for you," I said.

  Lee came up beside me and shrugged. "Occupational hazard I guess."

  He grinned as he looked down at me, and I saw him look me up and down again. That quick look sent a thrill running through me. Shit! I was backstage with Lee Davis and he was checking me out! Why couldn't this fantasy have come true about five to seven years ago when I was unattached?

  Of course there was a little voice in the back of my head telling me that this fantasy could still come true even though I was attached. I just had to get over that little problem of being married and feeling like it was cheating even if my husband assured me it wasn't as long as I had his permission. That was a bit of mental gymnastics I still had trouble completing.

  Then I felt something that really made me wish I could get my mind to jump through those hoops. Lee's arms snaked around me and I could feel his muscles pressing against my exposed back. I close my eyes as an involuntary shiver ran up and down my body. Damn he felt so muscular, and his body was still slick with sweat from being out on the stage that I was staring out at even now. Feeling his body against me, smelling him, it was almost too much. And I was so damn wet between my legs! Lee Davis was actually getting up against me! Holy shit!

  He did one better though. His other arm wrapped around me and then
his entire body was pressing against me. I froze, unsure of what to do. Unsure that this was actually happening. Not quite believing that this was actually happening!

  Only his muscular body pressed against me was all too real. The rock hard and sculpted muscles on his chest, his stomach, were really there. And then, holy shit, I felt something else that was rock hard and just as sculpted pressing against me. Except it was pressing against my ass as he pulled me against him.

  I felt a fire raging in my pussy where his cock was obviously connecting with my ass. Where he was grinding against me. Not even bothering to be subtle about it. And why should he bother to be subtle? This was Lee fucking Davis, we were backstage at a concert he'd just rocked, and he could have his pick of any girl out there and yet he was grinding up against me.

  I took in a quick breath, so quiet that I didn't think it could be heard over the roaring crowd outside, but he was close enough that he could feel it. He laughed a low laugh behind me. And he pressed against me even harder to the point that he was practically dry humping me and the only thing separating us from being projected on the massive screens and being seen by everyone at the concert was a thin curtain we were hiding behind.

  A good thing too. I'm sure if those women saw me then nothing would stop them from rushing the stage and ripping me to shreds for getting the chance to feel what they were all fantasizing about.

  "You know I could have any girl I wanted out there," he said. I shivered again. He was just making a plain statement of fact. A plain statement of fact that I knew was absolutely true. He really could have his choice of any girl out there. And yet he was grinding against me.


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