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Time For Love Box Set

Page 56

by Karen Deen

  There’s not many times I cry, but today is one of them and I can’t stop the tears. I’m so happy and proud. Taking a seat on the bed next to Zara, the love of my life, I cry big ugly tears and we hug each other with our baby girl between us. This is what I dreamed of all those years ago when we first met. She laughed at me when I told her one day I would make her my wife and she would carry my children.

  Our little family has only just begun.

  Our love knows no boundaries.

  We dance as one, always and for the rest of our lives.



  Firstly, I would like to thank all the readers for supporting my writing and taking this crazy journey with me. The beautiful words of encouragement after Love’s Wall was released, gave me the confidence to write this book. The Stevenson family continues to tell me their story with the next book, Love’s Hiding, already underway.

  They say the universe is a powerful force and often gives you what you need at the right time in your life. There is a special lady who has walked into my life. She has given me so much guidance, knowledge, encouragement and love that I am not sure I would be where I am without her. You have the biggest heart and in your crazy life always find time for me. I am so blessed to have found you and love you from the bottom of my heart for all you do. Thank you will never be enough.

  To my amazing beta team, Nicole, Sharon and Vicki. You take my babies and pull them apart. You give it to me straight. You are the women who make me a stronger writer. You push me to pull out that extra piece of the story I didn’t know was still hiding inside me. You are the best team a girl could ask for and my strength when I need it. I will always be so grateful to you for all you do for me.

  Sarah Paige at Opium House Creatives. What would I do without you? You have given me the most beautiful cover for Love’s Dance and suffered through editing and formatting this book along with my many questions. You are a beautiful soul who has taken me to the next level. I can’t thank you enough for all you do for me including holding my hand through this maze of publishing books.

  Thank you to my mum who never stops believing in me and supporting my dream. To my family who always supports me, encourages me and loves me for who I am.

  To my besties, Charmaine, Nicole and Sharon. We have been through so much life together and it just keeps getting better. We laugh a lot, we cry but we never stop living. Can’t wait for our next adventures, I am sure there will be many more to come. Love you girls.

  This book in many ways was for my children Josh, Caitlin and Aimee. My biggest wish for you in life is to be happy, healthy, loved and living your dreams. Life has many twists and turns, but never stop dreaming. When it is time the dream will happen. It may not be the way you pictured it or at the time you expected but it will be what is meant to be.

  To my husband, who every day tells me to keep reaching for that dream and does whatever he can to lift me up to reach for the stars. You are my rock and the love of my life. Thank you for always believing in me and loving me through the good and the bad.

  Thank you to all my readers. I hope you enjoy Love’s Dance as much as I loved writing it. I can’t wait to share the next book with you.

  Happy reading xx

  Love’s Hiding


  Copyright © 2018 by Karen Deen

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in either, electronic, paper hard copy, photocopying, recorded or any other form of reproduction without the written permission of the author. No part of this book either in part or whole may be reproduced into or stored in a retrieval system or distributed without the written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locations or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and owners of products referred to in this fiction which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Published by Karen Deen

  Formatted by Kellie Clarke

  Edited by Opium House Creatives

  Cover Design by Opium House Creatives


  Dedicated to my journey. One I am grateful to be travelling. To all the ones I love, I’m grateful you are by my side xx.



  It takes away the pain. Every single time it numbs me.

  It stops my brain from functioning and remembering. Who I was. Where I came from. What has happened to me. It feels good, and I’m not ashamed of it. I’m not committing a crime. I’m just getting through each day, the best way I know how. One day I will need to stop this. It will be time to think about a future. But, up until now, I haven’t been sure I’d ever have one.

  The quiet calmness that’s been around me for the past year is starting to let me believe that I might just be able to dream of that house, the one with the man who adores and respects me. The man who never asks me to do things that are morally wrong or who will never take advantage of me. Two children waiting at the gate for me, and a big fluffy dog who will run silly around my legs as I walk in the front door. A place with Love, that’s what I crave. But it’s a dream I don’t believe I will ever come close to achieving. The reality is, it’s just a dream, and I’d be foolish to believe dreams ever come true. Especially for me.

  Staring at myself in the mirror of nightclub’s bathroom, I see a woman who is never going to be what I dream of. With makeup that makes me look like I should be the woman out there dancing around the pole, black eyeliner that achieves that slutty look, men take one look at me and know what I’m offering. My outfit is like a neon sign reading, ‘ready and available for a good fuck for one night only.’ Going cheap. That’s what I look like, and most days that’s what I feel like, too. Not worth too much to anyone. The blonde wig I have on and the contact lenses that darken my hazel eyes to a deep brown, almost black, hide the real me. Tonight’s outfit is one of my most loved. A leather skirt that looks and feels like it’s been molded to my hips. It shows my curved arse perfectly and draws the attention of every man as I enter the room, and a matching black leather bra-crop-top that barely covers anything. My breasts squeeze into it nice and tight, pushing my cleavage out for all to see. My nipples hide just under the leather, driving the ogling men crazy, thinking about what it would be like to taste me.

  I know how to seduce a man. Pure and simple. They are all after one thing.

  My body, and I know how to use it to an advantage.

  Time to find tonight’s man who will help me take away my pain. I hide the shame under the guise of a different person when the sun goes down. This is my life now. I don’t know how to be any other way.

  They took that away from me, and no one has ever been able to give it back.

  Not then, not now.

  Probably not ever.

  Love doesn’t exist, and I am better off accepting the fact. It hurts less.

  So instead, I make sure I find what makes me feel good. For the short term anyway.


  “Come on, Luke, your shout. Get the shots lined up on the table. Don’t think you’re getting out of it,” Andrew yelled to me from across the table.

  We’d been at the nightclub for a solid few hours of drinking, and I’d become well on my way to losing any rational thought. Although I wasn’t keen on any more shots, I never bowed out of my round. That’s just a dog act.

  “You’re the only one that runs when it’s your shout, you tight arse. I am on it, but then I’m tapping out after this round. Time to head home for the night.” I turned towards the bar, scanning the room like usual.

  My mind suddenly focused on the tight arse at the bar. She seemed more interesting than the drinks order I was supposed to be getting. From behind, I
admired the view of her well-rounded hips that narrowed into a tiny waist. Her back was well-tanned and on full display for all to see. Long blonde hair cascading down her spine looked perfect to grab a hold, wrapping it tightly around my hand while I positioned that arse where I wanted it. I wasn’t looking for a woman tonight, but I couldn’t take me eyes off her. She hadn’t even turned around, but I just knew I wouldn’t be disappointed when she did.

  I waited to see if she was on her own. I might not have been the gentleman my mother thought I was, but I would never hit on another man’s woman intentionally. You needed to show some respect.

  Right now, watching her running her hand up her leg to play with the bottom of her very short leather skirt, all I could think about was how much I would love to see what was under it.

  Andrew’s voice shouting for me to hurry up woke me from my trance. It also got the attention of the mystery woman. Finally, she followed the noise, turning to look over at our table.

  Holy shit.

  If I thought she looked attractive from behind, the front view had blown me away. She looked like all sorts trouble, and I wanted to find out just how much.

  Her eyes looked at the boys like she was scanning for fresh meat. Obviously not seeing anything that piqued her interest, she turned back to the bar and sipped her drink.

  Game on.

  She certainly ticked my boxes, now it was time to see if I ticked any of hers.

  Stepping closely behind her, I lowered my mouth to her ear. “I wouldn’t take a second look at any of them, either. Take it from someone who knows them. Just little boys in men’s bodies. You look like you need a real man who knows how to worship a woman’s body.”

  Waiting for her reaction, I stood back to give her space. Her shoulders rose slightly, taking a deep breath to calm herself. Slowly, she turned around to face me. I waited for her reaction, her eyes slowly looking me up and down, leaving a burning sensation on my body where her eyes had been.

  “You’re right. I’m looking for a real man who can satisfy me.” Her eyes never left mine. Slowly licking her lips, she continued. “When you see one, can you send him in my direction?” With a dismissive smile, she turned back to the bar.

  She was good at this. She had me by the balls, and knew it.

  “When you’re ready to leave with that man you are looking for, I’ll be waiting by the door. Right after I make sure I honour my drink shout.” I trailed my finger down the side of her neck across her bare shoulder. She may have been good at playing cool, but her body was traitorous.

  I caught the eye of Matt, the barman, who had that smirk knowing exactly where this is heading. “Four more of the same for our table, thanks, Matt.” I slapped the money onto the bar. “Keep the change as a tip. See you next time.” I turned and headed back to Andrew and the guys.

  “I’m out. Drinks are on their way. I’m off to get me some of that nice piece of arse.” I walked away to the sound of my mates cheering. Heading to the door, I wondered if I had done enough to pique her interest. She’d certainly piqued mine.

  The second roar I heard from the boys, told me I had her hook, line and sinker.

  It was time to have some fun, and see what pleasure the little vixen and I could give each other. That was the beauty about being away at college. There was no one to judge me and I was free to play the field. It was rare I’d sleep with the same woman twice, although, there had been a couple since I moved here. College was made for both a good time and a short time. Not many of us looked for a long-term relationship.

  Staring at the gorgeous woman approaching me, there was no way she was looking for a long-time thing either. Just one night to have a good time. That, I could definitely give her.

  Chapter One


  One thing I missed about college was being with my friends. When I was with them, I could just be Luke. Not anyone’s son, brother or boss. I could be as stupid as I wanted and clown around without anyone making comments. There had been some crazy times with those friends. There were stories my family would never hear about.

  It was a time in your life where you just let your hair down. Party hard. Play the field and get some life experience. Neither of my brothers were ever like that and I was pretty sure my mom and dad would be horrified at what I got up to. It was all in good fun and nobody ever got hurt. There may have been some pretty killer hangovers the next day but that was the worst of it. My college roommate, Andrew, was the ring leader, always seeming to drag me into trouble. Every time I made a conscious decision to party less, study more, Andrew would convince me otherwise. ‘Just one drink at the party over in the girls’ dorm and then we’ll head home to study,’ he’d say.

  The next morning, I would usually wake in one of the girls’ beds, or back in my room with a girl I had brought home. There was no attachment wanted from the girls either. They were playing the field just like we were. I would never treat a girl with disrespect. It was a mutual one-night stand and we were all having fun doing it.

  My grades were okay, but not as high as they should be. I managed to scrape through and pass all my subjects enough to graduate. There were a few stern lectures from Dad along the way but nothing I couldn’t handle. Lilly would always warn me that Dad was after me before I arrived home. She would overhear him talking with Mom, then message so I got my story straight. Lilly was the most like me out of all my siblings. My two brothers, Grant and Zach, were far more serious, with Grant being the CEO of our family building company, and the oldest of the kids. He liked to take on a father role which drove me insane. One father was enough in this family.

  Zach and I got on well and were closer than I was with Grant. Zach had the gentler side and liked to keep the peace between Grant and I when we clashed. It was the only way I could manage to work with my big brother. Sometimes, it got to the point where if it weren’t for Zach, there would be words said I knew I’d regret. That would upset my parents who loved that we all worked together as a family, and I didn’t want to disappoint them. Zach kept me out of trouble.

  My sisters, Alesha and Lilly, were different. Lilly, the youngest, was wild like me. She loved to party, shop for expensive shoes, makeup, and clothes. She called it her hobby. Alesha was quieter and more reserved. Lilly dragged her along in life trying to get her to be a bit more spontaneous. Alesha had a lot of Grant’s serious side but enough of Zach’s sweetness to balance her. We were all different but fit together as a tight family unit. Working together would be the end of some families but we seemed to be able to make it work. If we argued at work, we still managed to walk away and leave it at the office. That was important to me. At the end of the day, my family meant the world to me, and I would be shattered if anything ever came between us.

  Although I finished college a few years ago, I still kept in touch with Andrew. He was my best buddy and we’d always be close. He was now living out at Black Box Cove on the West Coast. I didn’t get out to see him that often, but occasionally we both tried to visit each other at home, or meet in Vegas for a boys’ weekend, and away from all the prying eyes of our families. Some of the other boys joined us, and I usually flew home with a foggy head and nausea from a weekend full of drinking and little eating. I missed these guys, but I was starting to realize, I wasn’t as young as I was in college. My body didn’t bounce back so easy now.

  Andrew’s family owned a boat building company which he now ran with his brother and father. When I stayed, we often went out on one of the boats. I loved the water. It brought a calmness with it. To be out on the ocean, away from the world was just perfect. The last time I visited, we spent three days out at sea on a luxury boat. I couldn’t help thinking what it might be like to enjoy that with a beautiful woman. One to snuggle up with on the deck, dive in for a swim with the dolphins, or lay on the deck and watch the stars. It was the first time I’d ever thought about a woman being more than a one-night stand. But as soon as we hit dry land, that thought was gone. I wasn’t ready for anything serious
, yet. No one had come along and made me think of anything else other than a good night out having fun, and then how good she would be in my bed.

  My parents had the perfect marriage. Their relationship was the epitome of perfect love between two people. One day I wanted that, too. Just not yet. There was plenty of time. I was still young and having fun, much to Grant and my parents’ disgust. On more than one occasion, Grant’s voiced his opinion about not taking life more seriously, especially work. I didn’t know what his problem was. Life was too much fun to waste being serious. He needed to get his head out of the office and live a little. I didn’t think he had ever really let go and played up, or got so drunk he didn’t know what he’d done the night before. That would drive him crazy. He couldn’t stand not being in control, or being so drunk he’d sing karaoke until three in the morning.

  One day, I would love to see that happen. I had a feeling I might be waiting a very long time.

  None of my siblings had settled down with partners. I didn’t know why they pressured me to stop fooling around. Zach was the closest to achieving that, but he broke up with his girlfriend a few months ago and he’d been a mess ever since. He didn’t share much of what happened, but I knew it really hurt him. My guess was someone else became involved but I couldn’t be sure. I didn’t really take to his girlfriend. Something always seemed off with her. Although they seemed to be happy, Zach never really looked at her like she had that spark. The one that you should have when you find your soulmate. Although he was hurting now, I thought it was for the best. He needed to get out and start playing the field again. I’d leave him a little longer, and then I’d drag him out on the town. I’d find him someone that helped him get over her. Or have fun trying.


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