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Time For Love Box Set

Page 121

by Karen Deen

  “Please, take me.” I’m hot and bothered. I want relief, but more than that, I want relief from Kane. No one has ever taken me to the places he keeps taking me. The white light, the stars behind my eyelids and my body on such an overload of senses.

  He just keeps his hands sliding over my body, kissing, breathing and tormenting me. I can’t keep still as my body is starting to move itself trying to find relief.

  “Please, Kane,” I murmur.

  “What do you want, Red? Tell me what you need.” That voice hits me right in my core.

  “Touch me. God, I’m begging you, touch me.” He laughs at his victory and then my world begins to explode.

  Over and over again.

  How is it possible to come so many times in one session? They never told me about that part in Sex Education classes at school. Either that or Kane definitely listened more than I did.

  Feeling like a trashy girl doing the walk of shame, still smelling like sex, wearing the same clothes as last night, I stand at the door of Kane’s room waiting for him to grab his phone and key. Just enjoying the view of him from behind. It reminds me of that night I first met him at the hospital and watching him walk away. A body that good-looking is dangerous, I’m sure. He would be in high demand in any bar he entered. The women would be fighting over who got to take him home for the night.

  I go to open the door as he walks towards me. He leans forward to put his arm on it and keep it closed. His actions keep me cornered between his body and the wall.

  “I had a great time, Lilly. I just want you to know that.” He has his hand on my cheek and is looking at me with such intensity. “You’re a very beautiful woman and what we had last night is hotter than I’ve ever known. Thank you for the pleasure you gave me. I hope you enjoyed our fun too.” Leaning in, his lips touch mine, so gentle and soft. I open for him, letting him take what he wants.

  As we finally break apart, I look deep into his eyes. “It was a night I don’t think I’ll forget for a long time. Fun seems like too soft a word to describe last night, but yeah, I had a great time.” Part of me wants to say let’s do it again tonight. It would break all my rules, but I know it would be hot as hell breaking them.

  “If I did want more than fun, Lilly, I would want to explore it with you. I just can’t offer that.” His hand on my cheek starts stroking softly.

  “Me too,” I whisper. We stand frozen in the moment until my phone breaks the silence, again.

  “Shit.” I jump and reach into my bag seeing it’s Alesha. I don’t answer this time just message back that I’m on my way.

  Kane opens the door for me and as I step through it, I know it’s all over. No more touching, no more panty-dropping kisses, no more spankings. Damn, this is no fun at all anymore.

  We ride the cab in silence back to my hotel. Kane doing all the gentlemanly things of opening doors for me, paying the cab driver and walking me to my door. The worst part is that Xavier messaged him and he’s joining us for the day. So, he’ll be right there, all day, just watching me and I can’t touch him. We agreed not to share with anyone about our night. Not that it’s their business but it’ll keep it from being awkward when we do socialize together. He heads back downstairs to meet up with the others as if he’s just arrived.

  Standing in my shower trying to freshen up quickly and pull myself together, I can still feel Kane everywhere. I need to put a stop to this right now. Like I said, no awkwardness in the morning. Remain friends. Act normal. Bring back the confident Lilly who does what she wants in life.

  Turning off the taps and reaching for my towel, I’m standing looking in the mirror. Right, let’s go shopping. If anything brings out the best in me it’s to get out there and punish my credit card. Coming home with a pair of new shoes at a minimum.

  Strutting my stuff across the foyer of the hotel, I’m feeling every single one of those spanks Kane delivered last night. I can’t let him notice, though. Seated in the café is Grant as well as the others I’m meeting.

  “Morning, shoppers, are we ready to hit this town?” Perky Lilly is back!

  All three boys groan like they’re being dragged to prison.

  “Oh, stop it. If you don’t want to come that’s not my problem. I’m not making you. Up to you, boys. But I’m leaving here with Alesha, and no one is taking her with them. I’m not shopping on my own.” I glare at Xavier making sure he understands I don’t care if she is his fiancée, she was my sister first.

  “Well, looks like I’m shopping then too. If I’ve got to suffer, then so do you, boys. Lilly will be buying us beers at the end of the day. Won’t you?”

  I laugh at him. “Now that will depend on what’s left of the shopping budget by the end of the day.” Now it’s Alesha and Grant’s time to laugh.

  “What budget? You see something new and shiny, you buy it. That simple. I doubt you even know what a budget is.” Grant is up and standing with his arm around me by this stage, squeezing me on the arm. “Not that we would want you any other way, Lil.”

  “Right, let’s get this shopping day underway. Zara has given me a list of all the best shops to check out.” I hold up my phone to show them a list that fills my screen.

  “Fuck,” Kane grumbles under his breath while he and Grant start heading to the concierge desk to hail a cab so we can head downtown first. The boys are quiet during the ride while Alesha and I are chatting about where to start shopping first. As we climb out of the cab, not one of the boys is smiling.

  “If I’m getting dragged along for today, you can help me find a present for Zara.” Grant looks to both Alesha and I as we’re walking along the pavement heading for the first set of shops.

  “Ooohh! Jewellery?” I get excited.

  “Not a chance. Calm yourself. No, just a nice winter coat. I don’t want her cold here when I’m away. I need to know she’s being looked after late at night getting back from the theatre.” Behind the tough exterior of my grumpy older brother is such a soft heart. It kills his controlling nature to be so far away from Zara and not be with her every day. He just wants to protect her but knows he needs to let her take this time to live her dream before she’ll be ready to settle down with him. His heart would never take that away from her.

  “Clothes. Just as fun. I’m sure Alesha and I can sort that for you. What about you, Kane, need any help shopping for something for your lady friend?” I’m sure he doesn’t have anyone, but it doesn’t hurt to get the confirmation you want. Not that it should matter to me.

  The look in his eyes tells me he knows I’m baiting him. The little smile that comes to his face tells me he’s about to challenge my little flirt.

  “Well, there’s this one girl that I have that’s really into whips and chains. So, if you see a sex shop, let me know and you can help pick them out.” He’s so proud of himself, trying to get a rise out of me.

  “Fuck you’re weird,” Xavier says, taking Alesha’s hand and walking towards the shop. Grant just glares at him and doesn’t even warrant him a comment.

  “Can’t say I would have any idea about that but to each their own, I suppose. She must be a little wild one, Kane?” I stare him down with a sly grin.

  “You have no idea how wild she can be,” he says directly at me then walks past leaving me standing there fumbling to think of something smart to say back. Bastard. I’m supposed to be the one who wins at these games. Not him. Plus, I’m still reeling at the thought of whips and chains. The spanking was good but not sure I’m into anything that hardcore.

  “Hurry up, Lilly, otherwise you’ll miss all the fun,” he calls over his shoulder, winking at me knowing that he has purposely used the word fun so I can catch the double meaning.


  I should have said no flirting when I laid out the rules for the morning after. He’s not making this any easier. I giggle to myself as I start after them. Well, at least it isn’t awkward, that’s one plus. Not sure how long I’ll last with the in-your-face smartass. I need to up my game an
d I think I know just the place.

  We spend the morning shopping and listening to the boys grunt, groan and complain at every stop. The only time they shut their mouths was when we were shopping for the coat for Zara. Grant was focused and glared at them which was enough to shut them up straight away. Mission accomplished with a long deep burgundy coat with a tie in the middle. The color will look fabulous with her dark hair and Grant was happy because it wasn’t black so it would be safer in the dark. This man has it bad with playing the protective boyfriend. The safety was the last thing I thought of as I picked it. It looked beautiful and stylish and I knew it would suit her. No point arguing with my brother. We all just nod and move on.

  Lunch was spent sitting in a little restaurant where we all shared a Thai banquet accompanied by some wine and beer. Now that the boys are fed, I think I can stretch them out another few hours at least before they really let loose with the complaining.

  Kane became a very handy bag carrier for the day. Now it’s time to put my plan into action. Spotting a Victoria’s Secret shop, I walk with a mission towards it, calling over my shoulder that I won’t be long. Grabbing Alesha by the arm, we enter the shop with Xavier calling out to us, “Don’t spend too much, baby, they never stay on long enough anyway.” Alesha blushes bright red and Grant thumps Xavier on the arm, growling about too much information on his sister.

  “Lilly, I don’t think this is the type of shopping we need to be doing with the boys waiting for us,” she says shyly.

  “On the contrary, this is the perfect shop. Xavier will love the anticipation. You’ll thank me later.” She walks away from me to mask her embarrassment. I’m hoping, though, that Kane will enjoy the show he is about to get from me. He’s the real reason I’m in here shopping.

  I start picking up different lace panty and bra sets in red and black. Lifting them up to the light and holding them out in front of me in the direction of the window. Where of course Kane is propped up against a pillar staring straight at me. The other two have their backs to me so I can really play it up. Holding it against my body to pretend to size it up and letting him picture what it might look like. He didn’t get to see me in any underwear last night, so I hope this is driving him crazy. He likes to think I’m wild, let’s see how wild I can drive him.

  Moving to the satin and sheer little baby doll outfits, I pick up a white one with satin bra cups and trimmed in lace. The rest is sheer with a lace edging around the bottom. I slowly run the satin along my cheek to feel the softness on my skin. Kane shifts his stance and straightens up with his full attention on me. The boys could be talking about orange elephants walking on the moon with rainboots and he would have no idea. Seeing him getting so restless has me feeling proud of myself. Judging from the reactions, I know exactly what I’m buying and making him carry back to the hotel. I don’t know why I bought them because it’s not like he’ll ever get to see them but there is no way I can walk out of the shop without them.

  With my purchase wrapped and packed in the beautiful bag, I walk out with Alesha looking a little flushed with a bag she quickly hands to Xavier and starts walking away with her arm hooked in his. She didn’t show me what she purchased but I’m just glad she’s getting her sexy on.

  I hand my bag to Kane, finding it hard to contain my cheekiness. “Do you need me to hold those while you adjust yourself there, big boy? You should know better than to play with fire.”

  “Walk,” is all he says in a strained voice that means business. The one that he knows makes me weak for him. I turn and follow the others, but on the inside, I’m mentally giving myself a point on the scoreboard. One point to Lilly, zero to Kane. I love playing this game.

  I hear Kane behind me growl under his breath.

  “So much for no fucking awkwardness the day after, I knew you’d be trouble.”

  Oh Kane, you have no idea how much.

  Chapter Eight


  Ever tried walking a few blocks in and out of shops with a hard-on that won’t seem to back off? It might have something to do with the hot piece of ass that keeps walking in front of me. Tight black jeans with knee-length boots. Hips that are swaying just that little bit harder which I’m sure is for my benefit. Knowing that hiding under those jeans are my handprints on her pale skin is keeping my cock raging. Thank god Grant and Xavier have finally cracked and had enough shopping. Or should I say, following the girls while they shop. Grant is heading off to see Zara in between shows while we all head back to the hotel for drinks before dinner.

  Once I dump these bags, I’ve decided I’m out of here. One drink and I’m done. I can’t spend another night with Lilly. I need to walk away now and put some distance between us. She’s winding me up like I’ve not been before. Little vixen knows exactly what she’s doing to me.

  The girls head to the elevator with their spoils from their day while I head into the bar with Xavier, for a well-earned beer. He keeps looking at me as I’m downing it quicker than normal.

  “What?” I glance over at him.

  “Nothing.” He smirks lifting his beer to his lips.

  “Yeah right. Spit it out.”

  “Nothing, just enjoying my beer and thinking about dinner then what dessert I’m getting that might be wrapped in a Victoria’s Secret package. How about yourself?” Now his smirk has cracked into a full-blown laugh.

  “Fuck off,” is all I can manage.

  “What, no dessert for you tonight? Thought you were sorting that last night. How did you mess that up? She looked keen when we left. You were practically dry humping her on the dance floor.”

  “Not sure, just leave it alone.” I hate lying to Xavier, we usually don’t keep anything from each other. He knows all my deepest darkest thoughts. I have no problem keeping a straight face from plenty of practice, but I don’t want to be doing it to him. I need to change the conversation and get out of here. A night in front of the television in the hotel room watching some trashy movie is sounding inviting, right after I shower to take care of myself.

  Damn her for being such a sexy woman.

  Room service and a few beverages from the mini bar will have to keep me company.

  “Right, I’m not sure what happened but I’ll leave it for now. I’m sure there’s a good reason. You ready for another night on the town?” Xavier looks at me a little puzzled. He can see right through me.

  “Nah, man, I’m going to bail and head back to the hotel. Been a big few days. Got an early flight and I’ve already heard that there are a few things happening back at work that will need my attention as soon as I’m back.”

  “Really? Thought you were looking forward to hanging out for the weekend. You can find someone else tonight to take your mind off your upcoming stress.” He takes the last gulp of his beer and then waits for me to answer.

  “Yeah, sorry. Just all caught up with me today. You have fun with the girls, though. Tell them I said goodbye and will catch up with them back home.” I stand, getting ready to leave and throw money on the table to cover the drinks. “Tell Lilly I covered that round of drinks she was supposed to buy, so she owes me, and I’ll let her know when I’m ready to collect.” With that, I pat his shoulder and walk out into the chaos of New York City and blend into the crowd. Lilly owes me more than the cost of the drinks. More like something to ease the pain in my pants she created. I can’t help but chuckle as I walk back to my hotel. That woman is one hot firecracker. I knew it the first moment I saw her. The last twenty-four hours just confirmed that.

  God help any man who tries to ever pin her down.

  She is a wild spirit that’s not ready to be contained.

  Good on her for living her life the way she wants.

  Walking another block helps to wear off some of my pent-up energy. At least I might be able to settle down to relax tonight and not be thinking about my little red vixen.

  Who the fuck am I kidding?

  It’s going to be a long night!

  The papers on my desk
are starting to blur together. My hands are in my hair, pulling lightly on it to try to kickstart my brain. I must be missing something. Working the case of a missing woman is really getting to me.

  The exhaustion of the last few shifts is really kicking in tonight. It’s been a week since I got back from New York. Between this case playing on my mind and Lilly invading my sleep, I’m really wound up. Shutting off my computer and lamp on my desk, I know the best thing for me is to hit the gym in Xavier’s apartment. Hopefully he’ll be home and we can have a few beers when we’re finished. He’s my sounding board. I can tell him anything and it never leaves his lips or gets spoken about outside his apartment. Well, anything except that I fucked his future sister-in-law. That one needs to be kept on lockdown between me and Lilly and go no further.

  “Hey Kane, you leaving for the night?” my commander calls across the room from his office.

  “Yeah, boss. You need me for something?” No matter how exhausted I am, if the job calls, I answer.

  “It’s alright, son. Head home for the weekend. It’ll wait until Monday.” He looks at his computer screen like he’s checking something before he speaks to me again.

  “You sure, boss? I’ve got time. Is it something about the Woodley case?” Sheree Woodley has been missing for ten days. Went to meet an online date and never made it back home. Woman in her early twenties, quite pretty, successful job, plenty of friends but too easygoing with dating. Didn’t give anyone any details of where she was meeting this guy, his name or even an indication of how long they’d known each other. Our forensic IT guys have been looking into her search history but are struggling to come up with much at the moment. Except for the last mobile tower her phone pinged off before it went into radio silence.


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