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The Seventh Chakra

Page 73

by J.R. Bowles


  John and Zolar left Billy to park the truck while they headed for the hotel suite. Upon entering they found the solemn faces sitting around staring at Rudy's body. Every head turned to John as if he had all the answers.

  “Billy told us.” John said.

  “We've examined him the best we could and it looks like he might have had a heart attack.” Michael explained his voice sounded as if he had a lump in it.

  Jackie walked over and hugged Zolar and then John. She said, “He must have had a weak heart and after that last opening it must have given out.”

  “I suspect you're right.” Zolar said as he sat down on the floor.

  Michael got up and offered John his seat. “It scared me too. The only thought I had was that I was going to be stuck there forever. When the center closed he must have been so terrified by the experience his heart gave out.”

  It was then that Billy joined them. Upon entering he sat down crossed legged on the floor. The group was quiet again. It was Billy who broke this silence.

  “Well what do we do now?”

  “What do you mean?” Zolar asked Billy.

  “We've got to be in Roanoke and we've got a body on our hands.”

  “I guess we should call the cops or something.” Jackie suggested.

  Bernie shook his head. “I don't think that's such a good idea. I've dealt with New York's cops. It'll take them a couple of hours to get here. Then they will have us up the rest of the night asking questions. I think we just have to get rid of the body.”

  “We can't do that.” Jackie protested. “It's not humane.”

  “I agree but we can't just leave the body here and if we call the cops then they will probably tell us not to go anywhere until they do an autopsy.” Bernie said.

  “I agree with Bernie.” Billy said. “We've got to do something with the body.”

  “Yeah,” Zolar nodded. “I hate to do it to him to but I think it's necessary. But let me ask you a question. I don't know if you have thought about it but did his soul or his energy force return from being stuck out in what John and I have figured out was hell.”

  Mindy thought to herself but did not speak. “I hope he is. I wanted to get the little bastard. He should suffer for foiling my plans.”

  Michael made a low groan. “I never thought about it. What if he's trapped out there in the void?” He shook his head, “Trapped for all eternity.”

  “Yeah, but what can we do.” John asked.

  “I don't know, John.” Michael said. “Is there possible anything we can do. Through the joint bonding we brought Bernie back alive.”

  They were all quiet for a moment. It was Zolar who spoke. “We can try.”

  “What do we need to do?” Michael said hopefully.

  “I don't know. Why don't we just form a circle and join hands and concentrate on finding him.”

  The others quickly agreed. They all moved to the floor and sat down joining hands. Even Thomas made no protest but felt no compulsion to help them. They all clasped hands and after several minute’s the room began to fade. They were back in the void but this time they were not separated but were bound into an energy bond. In the distance they sensed that Rudy was in fact there. They tried to pass a thought communications to him in hopes that their energy could draw him to them. They tried but failed.

  As the room returned they let loose of each other's hands.

  “I'm sorry.” Zolar spoke. “I had hoped it would work.”

  “He's trapped there for all of eternity, alone.” Michael murmured. “It's my fault. I shouldn't have brought him back for the opening.”

  “Michael,” Morgan patted him on the shoulder, “you can't blame yourself for this. All of these things which have happened so far are beyond our control.”

  “Morgan's right Michael, no one's to blame.” Jackie said as she hugged Michael. She understood how Michael felt. Nobody should have to spend eternity like that all alone with nothing, not even memories.

  Around the room a great sadness was felt and tears flowed on several cheeks. Mindy even managed to force her eyes to water. Inside she felt vindicated. If she couldn't have Rudy's life energy then nobody would.

  “We've got a lot to do.” Billy broke the mood. “If someone will help me with Rudy's body, I'll put it on the elevator. That's where they found a body several days ago. Maybe they will think he was electrocuted or something. Two bodies on one elevator in less than a week….”

  “I'll help you.” Michael volunteered. “Billy's right. We've got a big day ahead of us and we need to get some rest before we head out to the airport.”

  “I can take all of the luggage in my truck and two passengers.” Billy offered. “I'll leave my truck in long term parking.”

  “Everybody turn in, Billy and I will handle this.” Michael said.

  “Zolar and I will be look out, so nobody sees you put him on the elevator.” Bernie said.

  Morgan and John left together followed shortly by Mindy and Jamal.

  “Mind if I sleep here?” Jackie asked as her body shuttered at the thought of sleeping alone. All alone like poor Rudy.

  “Go ahead.” Bernie answered. “Where ever you want. This won't take us long.”

  “I'll go to my room.” Thomas said.

  “No.” Michael said. “Wait here until we're finished. Then you will sleep in my room.”

  “I've got some packing to do.” Thomas protested.

  “I'll help you pack and then we'll go to my room. I'm not letting you out of my sight.” Michael barked.

  Thomas shrugged and leaned back in the chair defeated. Bernie and Zolar went out first and shortly Zolar returned.

  “We've got the elevator up here. All's clear. Bernie's holding the door.”

  Michael and Billy carried Rudy's limp body out and Zolar followed behind them.

  “Jackie,” Thomas said, “I know you can't help being involved in all of this but don't you see how evil it is. We've already condemned someone to hell.”

  “Thomas I know you mean well but there's a lot more going on than just the Anti-Christ. I know that's what you believe John is, and he very well may be, but I've already experienced the center opening.” She shook her head. What could she say to Thomas to make him understand? “I'm afraid I can't quote scriptures to you but let me say John is not hate. He doesn't have an evil bone in his body and I think you realize this.”

  “He's not what I expected but I do know the powers we are dealing with are not natural.”

  “No they aren't natural.” Jackie agreed. “That's what makes John so special.”

  “The Bible tells us that in the end of times there will be people proclaiming to be Christ returning. It's all be prophesied”

  “But John hasn't made any of these claims. Don't you see, like Jesus himself he learned with each day what was happening to him? Let me ask you something. What action has John done to deliberately hurt anyone? He was instrumental in bringing Jamal back alive. He saved Azid when the car hit him. How can anyone that's done these things be the Anti-Christ?”

  “The Bible says these false Messiahs will do wonders and that man will be fooled.”

  “Okay.” Jackie was becoming angry. “You tried to stop him. You deliberately and with malice killed Bernie. Don't you realize you broke one of God's commandments? You killed and not just killed, you viciously cut his heart out. If anyone's the Anti-Christ it's you. If it hadn't been for John and the center opening Bernie would be dead. You, you self-righteous pompous ass, are a murderer.”

  She was right. Thomas told himself, he was a murder.

  Jackie's voice was trembling from anger. Never in her entire life had she experienced such wrath.

  “And if you do anything to hurt John, I will personally send you to the fate that Rudy who was undeserving got.” She stood up in front of Thomas and shook her finger at him. “I can do it to.” Her face was red and a low gr
owl formed in the back of her throat and erupted as a piercing screech. The lamp on the table exploded at the vibration of her voice. Splinters of glass spread out throughout the room. The lamp shade and the internal metal frame collapsed.

  Thomas's eyes froze in horror. When the glass exploded Jackie was shocked. She was so surprised by the explosion she quickly calmed down.

  She heard the other's returning but before the door opened she said to Thomas. “Let that be a warning.”

  When the guys entered they surveyed the shattered lamp. Bernie was the last one in and shut the door behind him.

  “What's going on in here? What happen?” Bernie said looking accusingly at Thomas. Bernie clinched his fists. The other three men looked at Thomas and awaited his answer.

  “Back off guys.” Jackie said. “I did it. I sort of got angry.”

  “Sort of got angry? Remind me not to get you completely angry.” Billy said.

  “I don't know what happen but we were talking and I threaten Thomas. I was so angry and then the lamp just exploded.”

  “It's these centers.” Michael said. “Remember we have abilities. We have to learn to control them.”

  “I didn't realize they could be used on demand.” Jackie said offering an excuse. “I thought that when they were needed they just happened. I guess I'm going to have to be careful.”

  “All of the centers have to be careful.” Michael said. “I've used mine several times; a couple of times when I shouldn't have but I'm learning to control it. I guess we should have talked about this before.”

  “I haven't used anything but telepathy.” Bernie said.

  “Me either, but I'm glad to have got the warning.”

  “What was going on that made you so angry?” Billy asked Jackie.

  “We were talking and I reminded Thomas what he had done to Bernie and I'm afraid I threaten to send him to the same place that Rudy is stuck, if he did anything at all to try to hurt John. And that's when the lamp exploded.”

  “Do you realize what has happened?” Zolar asked.

  “No.” Jackie said as she looked at Bernie her eyes opened wide as if to ask Bernie if he knew what Zolar meant.

  “We, all of the centers, have these powers. What if one of us was the cause of Rudy being stuck where he is?” Zolar responded.

  “Wait a minute.” Bernie interrupted as he flopped down in a chair. “Supposing we did have that power and I'm not sure yet if we do, but suppose we do have the power, why would one of us do that to Rudy? He was gay but he was likeable enough.”

  Jackie, Michael and Zolar sat down. They sat there thinking about what Zolar had said.

  Finally Jackie spoke up. “Zolar, he was coming on to you but I don't think it made you mad enough to do that to him.”

  Zolar shook his head. “I didn't do it. If anything I was the one that come on to him. I used him to find Bernie.”

  “Michael you seemed pretty close to Rudy. You even spent a night with him.” Bernie suggested.

  “Hey, I liked the guy. I know I abused him and used him but if you think I would have hurt him in anyway like that you're mistaken. How about the preacher there his religion teaches that homo's will burn in hell.”

  They all turned to look at Thomas.

  “No, it couldn't have been him.” Michael defended him in his next breath. “I'm wrong about that. Even if Lamb would do something like that, since his center hasn't opened yet, he wouldn't have the power to do it.”

  “How about one of the others?” Billy asked.

  “But why would any of them have a reason to do something like that?” Michael said.

  “At least we know it wasn't Billy or Morgan.” Jackie said. “They don't have the power and I don't think John has the power to do it by himself. If he did, it would be by using one of us. That's seems to be the only way he has any power. So far anyway. After Thomas's center opens I'm not so sure, but as of now I don't think he can do it.”

  “Mindy either. She's not part of this. She was drug in by Jamal.” Bernie said. “So that just leaves the rest of us.”

  “Mindy's nice but she's too nice.” Billy interjected. “I've never trusted anyone that always seems to be smiling. They're the type who ends up stabbing you in the back.”

  Michael shook his head in agreement. “There is something about her I just can't seem to put my finger on, but there's something that's not quite right.”

  “I think we're letting our imagination run away with us.” Bernie said. “She hasn't done anything. Just listen to us. We're sitting around accusing each other. We need to be sticking together now of all times. We've got a big day ahead of us.”

  “You're probably right.” Michael agreed. “But it was strange the night Azid was killed she just happen to go out for a walk to get some cigarettes and Jamal had Azid follow her.” He paused and stood up. “Azid was never seen alive after that.”

  “But how could she have done it. Azid was a big man. Most men couldn't have overpowered him enough to have done what was done to him.” Bernie protested.

  “Well I don't know.” Michael said. “Come on Thomas, it's time we get some shut eye. Good night everybody.”

  Thomas nodded his good bye and followed Michael.

  “I think it's time for all of us to get some sleep.” Billy said. “I'll see you in the morning. Jackie are you sleeping here?”

  “Yeah, Bernie and Zolar are very comforting to sleep between. You can join us if you want to.” Jackie offered.

  Billy grinned as he saw Bernie scowl. “I don't think Bernie likes that idea. I'll go on back to my room.”

  “You can stay if you want to.” Bernie said begrudgingly. “Jackie won't be alone with me or Zolar. Wait a minute did she spend the night alone with you?” He asked Billy.

  “Sure did. Oh, and by the way she didn't mind that I sleep in the buff.”

  “What!” Bernie huffed. “What's the matter Jackie am I too old for you?”

  “Billy tell Bernie, we just slept!” Jackie gritted her teeth.

  “Oh, okay. Bernie, Jackie and I just slept together.” Billy said and raised his eye brows and smiled wickedly.

  “Billy!” Jackie warned. “I'll break another lamp.”

  “All right, don't get your jets in an uproar. Bernie, we really just slept together, nothing else.” Then he added, “But I do sleep in the raw and if she took advantage of me while I was asleep, well, I just have no idea.”

  “Good night Billy.” Jackie barked.

  “Good night, ya’ll.” Billy said and left.

  “Are you guys finished playing?” Zolar asked. “I'm tired. I had a busier day than you did and I'm ready for some sleep too.”

  “Okay.” Bernie said.

  Jackie had finished in the bathroom and was in the middle of the king size bed. She had removed her clothes and laid them on the chair so Bernie and Zolar both could see them. The sheets felt cool against her bare body and she smiled at the thought of teasing Bernie. She had thought about it and had decided that if she ever had sex with any of three it would probably be Bernie. But not tonight, I'm just going to tease him tonight.

  Bernie finished before Zolar and was the first one to come into the bedroom. The suite had two bathrooms and Jackie had used one while the guys had to share the other.

  Jackie smiled at Bernie when he spied her clothes. “Well maybe Billy boy taught you something worthwhile after all. But I'll teach you the rest.” He had put his clothes back on after his short shower because he figured Jackie would want them to sleep in their clothes again. He hadn't really believed Billy when he said he slept without his clothes. As he started to remove his clothes Zolar walked in.

  “Am I interrupting anything?” Zolar asked as Bernie stood there in his underwear.

  Slowly he slipped his underwear down and stood there for Jackie to inspect fully. Neither Jackie nor Bernie responded to Zolar. Zolar watched as Bernie pulled bac
k the cover exposing Jackie's lovely luscious body fully exposed to both men's eyes.

  Zolar sighed audibly, smiled in defeat turned the light off and left the room pulling the door closed behind him.

  “Zolar!” He heard Jackie shout.

  He opened the door and flipped the light back on.

  “What?” He said.

  “Aren't you coming to bed?” She asked.

  “I don't believe in three-somes.” Zolar answered.

  “We're not going to have sex. Just nice warm bodies all snuggled together.”

  “I don't think I can stand this anymore.” Bernie growled. “I've got a boner so hard I'm about ready to explode.”

  “Well if you don't want to sleep with us you can just go get in the other bed.” Jackie ordered.

  “Oh, come on Jackie.” Bernie pleaded.

  “No!” She snapped back. “Come on Zolar slip out of your clothes and get in bed.”

  Bernie didn't move, he just laid there frustrated.

  Zolar snapped the light out and headed toward the bed.

  “Would you leave the light on, after tonight I don't want to wake up in the dark?” Jackie asked.

  He snapped the light back on and went over to the other side of the bed. He removed all of his clothes and like Bernie paused as she inspected his body. He slipped beneath the covers beside her. He too, found himself becoming aroused.

  Jackie pulled Zolar up against her and kissed him. Her body was soft and warm against him. She then rolled over and did the same to Bernie. Bernie tried to extend the kiss by forcing his tongue in her mouth but she pressed her lips tight to keep out his intrusion. She then rolled over and laid on her back.

  “Jackie,” Bernie grumbled, “Aren't you afraid we might rape you. This is inhumanly painful.”

  “No, I'm not worried Bernie. I trust you.”

  Bernie and Zolar both turned their back to her. After time eased their pain, and exhaustion of the day deflated their lust, all of them drifted off to sleep.


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