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The Daddy Dilemma

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by Tia Siren

  “I have to take this in the office. I think I have a lead on some new product,” I said excitedly.

  I loved finding new things that no one else had in the city. It was hard to do. But I had made a name for myself in the organic world of baby things, and sellers were willing to work out good deals with me that were mutually beneficial.

  “Score us a good deal!” Kali said with a smile.

  After spending nearly thirty minutes talking with the potential client and arranging for a box of samples to be sent, I hung up the phone. The picture that had been sitting in the drawer was now sitting on my desk. It wasn’t the ultrasound picture that had grabbed my attention. It was a picture of Mason, Brian, and me at the beach twenty years ago.

  We were all so young and carefree. I remembered that day like it was yesterday. Mason and I had just started seeing each other. When Brian had asked if I wanted to tag along and head to the beach that day, I had jumped at the opportunity. It meant I could spend the day with Mason without worrying about anyone catching us. Of course, we had to keep our hands to ourselves, but we’d had so much fun, just the three of us.

  I smiled looking at the picture and ran a finger over Mason’s face. He had been a very attractive teenager, but as a man, he was devastatingly handsome. I saw him through different eyes than I had before. This wasn’t a guy I thought was super cute. This was a man I wanted to share my life with in every way.

  I released a heavy sigh. I didn’t need to deny myself his company. He was there for the taking. All I had to do was reach out. What could it hurt to explore a relationship with him? There was no pressure to make anything happen. A few meals, a few laughs, and maybe a little sex. That was all.

  I reached for my phone, held it in my hand, and debated what to do. Was I brave enough? I couldn’t live my life worrying about getting hurt by a man.

  You can do this.

  I couldn’t call. I doubted he would answer anyway. It was the middle of the day, and he was probably busy at the office.

  Text. I could send a text. If he didn’t respond, I didn’t have to hear the rejection. I decided I loved texting.

  About that invitation…

  I sent the text. It was vague, but he would know what it meant. The ball was back in his court. I put the phone down, not expecting a response anytime soon.

  When my phone chimed, letting me know I had a new text message, I froze. I looked at my phone but didn’t touch it. What if he told me to get lost? What if he said I had missed my chance?

  I couldn’t look at it. What if it wasn’t even a message from him? It could be anybody. Hell, it could be Kali in the front. I quickly checked the monitor. She was chatting with a customer. It wasn’t her.


  I was a grown woman acting like a little girl waiting to see if a boy would pass a note back, and when he did, I was too afraid to read it.

  “Grow up, Lara.” I scolded myself and grabbed the phone.

  Friday work for you?

  I almost cried tears of joy and relief upon reading his message.

  Yes. What time?


  Sounds good.

  I stared at the phone and debated apologizing for being so rude yesterday. I didn’t want to appear desperate, but I was sorry for the way I had acted. I didn’t care if it made me seem weak. Apologizing for being a bitch didn’t make me weak.

  Sorry about yesterday.

  I waited for his response. I wasn’t sure what I wanted him to say, but I had to get it off my chest. I wasn’t normally rude and I’d hated how it had made me feel the rest of the day. I could be a strong, confident woman without being mean.

  It’s okay. We’ll talk Friday.

  Somehow, I knew it was okay. He wasn’t going to hold it against me or make a big deal out of it. Unlike Mitchel. I stopped myself. I had to quit comparing him to Mitchel. Mason and Mitchel couldn’t be more different. For so long, it had been the other way around. Now I wanted to forget all about my ex-husband and focus on my future. If Mason was in that future, fine, but I would be okay either way.

  I walked back up front to find Kali checking her phone. There was a huge grin on her face.

  “Brian?” I asked.

  She winked. “He’s a naughty, naughty boy.”

  I held up a hand. “I don’t want to know.”

  She giggled. “I’m teasing. We’re going to go out. I’m so excited. I really hope he is as nice as he pretends to be.”

  “He is. For the most part. As long as he isn’t deciding what’s best for you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I thought you said you were over all that.”

  “I am. I promise. I won’t mention it again.”

  “Good. So, what’s his favorite color? I may need to do some shopping before our date.”

  “No way. I am not helping you pick out lingerie for you to wear for my brother. We aren’t there yet,” I joked.

  She shrugged. “Suit yourself. I doubt the color will matter anyway.”

  I shook my head and walked away. “You’re so bad. I don’t think my brother has any idea what he is getting into. Don’t tie him up. Not yet. Break him in gently, you wicked woman.”

  As I walked back to the office, I heard her giggling. This could either go really great for them or Brian was going to hate me for letting him go out with her. Unlike him, I could let him make his own decisions about who he dated. I secretly hoped she scared the hell out of him with one of her crazy outfits. The woman loved roleplaying. I had to laugh while thinking about the cop uniform she tended to favor. I had lived vicariously through her for years and knew far too much about her sex life, but it was all in good fun. She was an open book and unashamed about her choices. I couldn’t fault her. I always lectured her about being careful, and she assured me she was.

  If this thing with Mason did turn out to be something, I would have to go to Kali for advice. I was a novice, a rookie with no real experience. I didn’t think missionary style and me on top occasionally made me an experienced woman. I had a feeling Mason would have plenty of tricks under his belt—literally.

  The thought gave me goosebumps.

  Chapter 16


  It felt as if the past two days had dragged on forever. I’d vowed not to call her or text her. I didn’t want to pester her and scare her off. Instinctually, I knew to approach Lara with caution. She was gun shy. Understandable after her last failed relationship. I had to prove to her I was worth a shot. I wouldn’t fail her or mistreat her. I wanted her in my life, and I would wait if that was what she needed.

  I rang the doorbell, and she immediately opened the door.

  “That was fast,” I said in surprise.

  She laughed. “Doorman let me know you were headed up.”

  “Ah, the spy. Got it. Ready?” I asked, trying to play it cool.

  Seeing her was making my palms sweaty. Seeing her in a pretty blue dress was making it even harder to keep my hands to myself.

  “Yep. I’ll grab my purse.”

  We headed down to the lobby, and she climbed into my car.

  “I didn’t make reservations. I figured we’d wing it. What are you in the mood for?”

  The words weren’t meant to be an innuendo, but my guilty conscience made them feel that way. I wanted her so badly, it was making me a little crazy. My dick was in a state of semi-erection. I wasn’t going to rush her. I couldn’t.

  “Pizza?” she offered.

  “Definitely. I know a great place.”

  I drove to the place I had found on the outskirts of Mission Bay. It wasn’t overly trendy and reminded me a lot of an old mob hangout. It was a little kitschy, with the red checkered tablecloths and candles in the center of each table, but the food was delicious. The restaurant was family owned and had been around forever. It was one of the best-kept secrets in the city.

  “Are you still a pepperoni kind of girl?” I asked, remembering the many pizzas we had shared in our youth.

giggled. “I am, but it’s pizza. Anything works for me.”

  The pizza was delivered, and once again, we found ourselves talking about anything and everything. It was easy talking to Lara. I loved hanging out with her. I didn’t feel like I had to hide anything. She knew me back when. I didn’t have to put on airs or try to hide my past.

  Once our meal was finished, we decided to take a walk.

  Hand in hand, we strolled through the city, talking about how much things had changed, some good and some bad. I couldn’t help but notice the time, and as much as I didn’t want to, I asked if she was ready to go home.

  She was. I drove to her building, parked, and waited. Did I kiss her good night? Did I walk her to the door?

  “Did you want to come in for a drink?” she asked nervously.

  I looked at her and hesitated for half a second. If she was offering, I couldn’t refuse. I hadn’t pressed. This was all her.

  “I’d like that,” I said, turning off the car.

  I knew this could be exactly what she’d offered—a drink and nothing more. It was enough for me, I told myself. I wouldn’t risk pushing her. I had realized tonight that she was the one. I would do anything to make sure I didn’t ruin this by rushing her. I had to take my time and let her get used to the idea of me.

  We rode up to the top floor in silence. I couldn’t speak. If I did, I would probably say something idiotic. When she opened the door to her home, I walked in and found myself stunned by the transformation since the last time I had been in her house.

  “Wow! This looks amazing! You’ve been busy,” I said, taking in the vivid color scheme and the new furniture.

  She smiled. “Yes, I have.”

  I turned to tell her how nice it looked but never got the chance. She launched herself at me. My hands went around her waist, and I pulled her in close. My mouth greedily covered hers, taking all she was offering and not thinking about the potential for regret later.

  Her hands were frantically pulling the shirt from my jeans. Her dress was a series of tiny buttons that were not going to be easy to undo.

  “How much do you like this dress?” I asked, my mouth hovering over hers.

  She told me what to do when she tugged my shirt open, sending buttons to the ground. That was all I needed to know. I yanked and felt fabric tearing under my fingers. Several of the tiny buttons dropped to the tile floor, making a little tinkling sound.

  I reached up to her shoulders and pushed the dress down her arms. I managed to get it around her waist but encountered more of the stupid buttons. Another hard rip and it was loose. I pushed it over her hips and then lifted her up to straddle my waist. Her long legs wrapped around me. Her mouth went to my now bare chest and started kissing my nipples.

  “Lara,” I mumbled into her mouth. I carried her to the large dining table, not knowing where her bedroom was. She was in no state of mind to answer silly questions, and I planned on feasting on her anyway. The table was the perfect place to eat.

  I dropped her on the table, only then getting a glimpse of the skimpy outfit she had on. She had dressed with the intention of me seeing her. I knew that.

  I ran my hand over the lacy bra that did little to contain her breasts. “This is for me?”

  She wrapped her arms around my neck. “Yes.”

  “I like it.”

  She kissed me, nibbling on my lower lip and making me crazy with need. My hand ran down her naked back. I left her bra on.

  “Lie back,” I instructed her, pulling my mouth from hers.

  She hesitated and looked nervous.

  “Trust me,” I said.

  With one last kiss, she leaned back on her elbows, putting the matching black lace thong on full display. I ran a hand between her breasts, which were straining against the lace, and ran my other hand between her legs to feel the lace there. She was wet. I could feel it through the panties.

  “Lie down,” I told her again, my voice gravelly with lust.

  Once she was flat on her back, I got to work on her pussy. I pulled the lace panties down and nearly blew my wad when I laid eyes on the thin little landing strip that barely covered her opening. That was new.

  I ran a finger over the area. “For me?” I asked.

  Her body twitched under my touch. “Yes.”

  “I like it. You’re beautiful, Lara. I want to taste you.”

  I dropped to my knees at the edge of the table, my face between her legs. She shyly tried to close them, but I pushed them open wider. I reached up to spread her lips open and then dove in. Her legs closed, squeezing my head. I licked and sucked, using one hand to push her legs open again. She was quivering and mewing.

  “Let it out, Lara. Let me drink you.”

  “I can’t,” she wailed.

  I pushed a finger in while sucking on that hard little knot that I knew would drive her over the edge. She definitely could. Her body began weeping sweet juices. I lapped it up, drawing out her orgasm as I did.

  I stood between her legs and leaned over her to kiss her. I needed to feel her breasts and quickly undid her bra. She was limp on the table. I stepped out of my pants and underwear, needing to feel her around me.

  “I’m going to fuck you right here on this table, Lara.”

  Her eyes widened. I didn’t give her a chance to change my mind. I slid inside her. Her head went back, and her chin thrust into the air as I pushed deep. My hands massaged her tits, tweaking her nipples as I drove into her. One hard thrust pushed her back several inches, pulling me out.

  She gasped and looked at me in horror. I grabbed her hips, slid her back to the edge of the table, and held her in place while I slammed into her over and over. Her head rolled back and forth against the table, her hair fanning around her. I knew she was close. Her pussy was tightening around me. I gripped her hips and rocked with lightning speed into her over and over.

  She screamed as the climax took over her body. I kept pounding in. As soon as it started to wind down, I pulled her off the table and spun her around.

  “Down!” I grunted, pushing her face to the table. She didn’t hesitate and laid her torso on the table.

  I pushed in, and she groaned low and deep in her throat. Reaching up, I grabbed each of her hands and put them on the table beside her body. I closed my hands over her wrists, keeping her hands pinned and her breasts pushed into the table as I rocked into her body. She pushed her ass back as she arched her butt up, taking me deeper.

  “Fuck!” I yelled, not expecting the exquisite sensation to rip through my dick and spiral throughout my body. The move stole away the control I had been barely holding onto.

  I released her hands and grabbed her hips and fucked her hard and fast with so much strength that the table moved.

  I shouted as my orgasm slammed into me with such force, I nearly blacked out. She was moaning with her own climax, but it sounded far away. I fell onto her back, unable to stay upright another second. I gave myself a few seconds to catch my breath before I pulled out of her and stood behind her.

  She lay splayed on the table, her perfect, full ass in the air. I palmed one cheek and squeezed. She groaned in response. I pulled her limp body up.

  “Good?” I asked, still out of breath from the exertion.

  “More than good. Amazing.”

  We stood there, naked, her body pressed against me, leaning into me for support.

  “I need to sit,” she said, and she plopped down on the floor. I sat beside her. When she lay down, I followed her all the way to the floor.

  “You sure you’re okay?” I asked, a little concerned.

  She smiled and then kissed me. “Yes.”



  “I think you wanted that. Am I right?” I asked, knowing the answer. She had put in some serious effort to look good for me tonight.

  “I did.”

  “Why did you wait so long? Make me work so hard?” I grinned.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I wanted sex,
but I wasn’t sure what I wanted from you.”

  “As in you did that with someone else in mind?” I asked.

  She leaned in and kissed me again. “No. It was all for you. I meant I don’t know what I want this to be. You and me. It’s unexpected.”

  “Okay. So is there a you and me?”

  “I don’t know. I want a baby, and I certainly don’t expect you to make that kind of commitment to me, but I need you to know it’s what I want.”

  A thought crossed my mind, but I quickly pushed it away. I hadn’t used protection. Oddly enough, I knew she wasn’t ovulating now, so hopefully it would be okay. I knew she would not be happy if I were to have gotten her pregnant.

  “I understand. I don’t know quite how I feel about that, but I want you, Lara. We’ll figure out the rest,” I told her, hoping the words were true.

  She didn’t look convinced, but that was okay. I could work on that, especially if it meant getting to have sex with her. Her body was incredible. I could feel my dick stirring back to life.

  Chapter 17


  I was an idiot. He had fucked me senseless. That could be the only explanation. My brain was scrambled in the best way. I didn’t know it was possible to get your mind rattled during a rather exuberant sex session, but I was living proof that it could happen. I didn’t regret the sex, but I regretted my inability to speak like a normal human.


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