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The Daddy Dilemma

Page 101

by Tia Siren

  I had told the man—who had just gone down on me—I wanted a baby. Not only wanted, but was spending money to get one. It was going to be baby and me, and there would be no three.

  I wasn’t personally familiar with the dating scene, but I was pretty sure that was still a sure-fire way to scare a man off. It wasn’t like he didn’t know, but I think hearing me say I wanted to get pregnant while in a relationship with him, but not pregnant by him, was a turn-off. He hadn’t seemed all that pleased by my revelation.

  It was a very odd situation indeed.

  “I’m sorry. This is a bizarre conversation to have after fabulous sex,” I said, feeling foolish.

  He shrugged. “Not so weird considering how we met. I have heard a similar version of this conversation, but usually I’m wearing my white coat and looking very doctorly.”

  “I want a baby. I know that sounds totally crazy, but I want a baby more than I want a man. Does that make sense?”

  “It does, but I don’t think you should take the man option completely off the table. I’m a good man,” he said with a big smile. “Want me to show you how good?” he teased.

  “You’re bad.” I leaned up and kissed him before resting my face on his bare chest. I couldn’t believe I was lying naked on the floor in my dining room with Mason Chambers.

  I started giggling.

  He groaned. “Not again.”

  “Sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Every time we have sex, I end up feeling all giggly.”

  “Giddy, you mean. I think I like that. It’s different, but I’m okay with different,” he said, trailing his fingers up my arm.

  “Did you ever think we would be here—like this?”

  “No. Never. I wanted it, but I didn’t think I would ever get the chance to be with you. I thought I had burned that bridge, blown it to bits and then bulldozed the pieces.”

  I giggled again. “That’s extreme. I’m glad it happened.”

  “Glad enough to see me again?”

  “Yes, but I don’t want your baby.”

  “Ouch. That’s kind of rough and maybe a little early to call, don’t you think?” he asked in what I hoped was a teasing manner.

  I sighed. “You know what I mean. I don’t want your sperm. I don’t want to have your baby unless that was my only option. Then I would be cool with your baby. I think you would make very cute babies,” I said, realizing I was only making the situation far worse. “I should stop talking.”

  He chuckled. “I get it. It would be very odd for me to take you out once and ask you to have my baby.”

  I moved to stand up, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me against his chest. He cradled me against him. His arms protectively held me, making me feel secure and cared for. It was an odd sensation that I was unfamiliar with.

  “I’m sorry,” I mumbled against his bare chest. “I’m crazy. I have issues, and I don’t want to bring all this baggage to you. You are a good guy, Mason. I truly believe that, but I feel like I’m damaged goods. What if you get with me and realize the girl you loved back then is gone and in her place is this crazy woman with a severe case of baby fever and a biological clock that is screaming for attention?”

  “You’re not crazy. We all have some baggage. Baggage is what makes us unique. It adds character. Oh, and I love babies. Hell, I made it my mission in life to bring more babies into this world. I love my job, and I love seeing the healthy babies that are born to loving parents because I was able to help them.”

  He was a good guy. I knew that. I loved that he helped women like me who would otherwise never get to have a child of their own.

  “You’re a good egg, Mason. Really, you are, and you seem to have your shit together. I can’t say the same. I would hate to bring you down. You are a successful doctor. How are you not married?” I blurted out.

  He started laughing. His voice vibrated through his chest and moved my head up and down as he did.

  “You couldn’t bring me down,” he said, squeezing me again. “And I’m not married because I never found the right woman for me. I always assumed I would know when I met her. I haven’t met her. I don’t think,” he added in a quiet voice.

  I moved my hand to his chin, leaned up on my elbow, and gently kissed him. “You’ll know. I hope. I would like to say I knew when I married Mitchel, but honestly, I didn’t. I had hoped I would eventually feel that way, but I never did, and, well, you know how it ended.”

  “What happened?” he asked. I debated how much to tell him, but he was a friend as well as a lover. I didn’t mind talking about my failed marriage if he was willing to listen.

  “Honestly, I think it was wrong from the very beginning, but over the past couple of years, things got worse. I wanted a baby. He always said it wasn’t the right time in our lives. Then he started to tell me I was crazy for wanting a baby when our lives were so good as they were.”

  “It isn’t out of the ordinary to want children. I’ll help you get a baby, Lara, by any means necessary. We can do the artificial insemination or IVF, or, you know, there are other more natural ways to get pregnant,” he said, jerking his hips upward.

  This time I pushed away from him and managed to get to my feet before he could stop me. I stood up and stared down at him, not feeling the least bit self-conscious about my nudity. “Have you lost your damn mind?”

  He blinked. “What?”

  I watched as he stood up, shaking my head the whole time and backing away from him. He grinned at me. It was that same goofy grin I remembered from our younger years. He could always make me laugh, even when I was mad at him. All he had to do was flash that silly grin. I knew he knew exactly what he was doing. Girls in school would practically fall at his feet when he blessed them with one of those megawatt smiles.

  He snaked his arm out and pulled me into his chest again. “I was only offering a suggestion. I could save you a lot of money and countless doctor visits.”

  I slapped his bare chest and headed for my bathroom. I grabbed my pajamas and slipped them on. I didn’t see him in the dining room when I came out and assumed he was in the guest bathroom. I decided I needed a drink after that. It wasn’t like I was pregnant yet and one drink wasn’t going to hurt my fertility.

  I poured two glasses of wine and headed back into the living room. I had promised him a drink after all. When I returned, he was dressed.

  “I’m sorry,” he muttered. “I didn’t mean to make you mad, again. It seems to be a habit of mine.”

  I handed him the glass of wine. “It’s okay, but you can’t joke around about stuff like that. Me getting pregnant is very serious business.”

  “I know that, which is why I offered my services, in a very non-clinical manner.”

  “Mason,” I warned.

  “Lara, it isn’t like we don’t know each other. People who know less about each other than us have babies all the time. At least we have a pretty good idea of what the other likes and dislikes. We have history.”

  “Which is exactly why we can’t have a baby together. It would be together. I don’t want to share my baby. I want it to be mine. I don’t want the baby to be a burden or something that ties anyone down,” I explained.

  He shook his head. “You’re imposing someone else’s issues on me. I’m not like that.”

  I groaned in frustration. “Maybe you aren’t. Maybe you are. Have you ever gotten anyone pregnant before?”


  “Then you can’t know how you will respond. I don’t want to put that kind of responsibility on anyone. We don’t even know if we are compatible. I certainly don’t want to try to co-parent with someone who doesn’t share my values and beliefs.”

  “It isn’t like we couldn’t talk about this stuff. Lara, you have to know there are some risks of you having multiples with the hormone therapy and the insemination process. Are you ready for two, three, or even more babies at once?”

  I tried not to flinch, but hearing him say it was a little alarming. “I know t
he risks.”

  “Do you? I think you are so desperate for a child, you are overlooking some of the facts about the choice you have made. I’m not saying not to do it, but I am saying you need to be sure.”

  “I don’t want a baby with you, Mason. I want to keep this part of my life separate from the other,” I explained.

  He looked at me as if I had slammed my head into a wall. “Really? You don’t think this part of your life has anything to do with the other part of your life?” He gestured between our two lower bodies.

  “You know what I mean!”

  He gave me that same irresistible grin. “I don’t think I do, because this part of my body,” he said, cupping his dick through his jeans, “could make this part of you pregnant.” He reached out and placed his hands between my legs. “I wouldn’t mind a bit helping you. I could be excellent help.”

  The man was persuasive, but I had thought long and hard about this and knew what I wanted. “I can’t,” I whispered. “I like this”—I reached out and grabbed his dick, causing him to moan low in his throat—“but I don’t want to ruin it by having something go wrong between us.”

  He stared at me, those eyes reaching into my very soul. “Fine. The offer still stands if you change your mind, Lara.”

  “Thank you.”

  He walked to the door. I took his still full glass of wine and gave him a quick kiss before he left. “Good night,” he said and walked away.

  I locked the door behind him, took the full glasses to the kitchen, and poured the wine down drain. Later in bed, I lay wide awake, wondering how in the world my life had gotten so strange.

  I’d had sex with an extremely attractive man who asked to impregnate me. I’d told him no because I preferred a random stranger to get me pregnant instead so I never had to know the father of my child. Totally normal.

  Chapter 18


  I didn’t call Lara. I wasn’t sure I was supposed to. We’d left things on kind of a weird note. She wanted me, but she didn’t want me to be her baby daddy. The woman was complicated, but I could work with that. For now I would let her decide how this was all going to go. I didn’t want to push her and potentially scare her away.

  She was scheduled to come in for another blood test today. It was a routine checkup, and I didn’t need to stop by the appointment, but I would hopefully see her.

  “She’s getting ready to leave,” Junie said in a low voice as she passed me in the hall.

  I didn’t have to ask who she was talking about. It was Lara. Junie had been needling me about her since she saw me drag her into that lounge last week. That had been a mistake.

  “Thanks,” I murmured.

  I saw the nurse leave the room where Lara’s checkup had taken place. I knocked on the door and let myself in. She looked up from the paperwork she was reading.

  “Hi,” I greeted her.

  “Hi. Is this an official visit or one of those visits where you ask me out?”

  I smiled. “Consider it professional courtesy. I’m checking on a patient. That’s all. So, how’s everything going?”

  She shrugged. “We’ll see what the tests show. My uterus hasn’t been very hospitable. Hopefully it’s had a change of heart and will be a little friendlier.”

  I laughed. “Good way to think of it.”

  She looked at me, and things suddenly got awkward.

  “Busy tonight?” I asked and knew right away I had crossed her line. Here we go.

  “I’m a patient. Nothing more,” she said, standing and heading for the door.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure what was allowed and what wasn’t,” I said, holding my hands up in a proclamation of innocence.

  “It’s fine. I need to be going. It was good to see you, Dr. Chambers.”

  She left the room, and I stood there staring at the door. I had fucked up again. I would have to ignore her the next time she came into the office. That seemed to be the safest option.

  I headed into the hall to find Junie looking at me. “What?”

  “Again?” she said. “You have no game,” she muttered.

  The words were a little strange coming from a woman who was old enough to be my mother.

  “Thanks. Want to grab some lunch and then you can lecture me and tell me how little game I have?”

  She chuckled. “If you’re buying, sure.”

  “It’s a date. I’ll see you in about twenty minutes. We can head across the street and get a big, fat, greasy burger.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  My phone vibrated in my coat pocket. I pulled it out and saw there was a text message. I quickly unlocked the screen and grinned when I realized it was from Lara.

  See you tonight?

  I was half-tempted to show the message to Junie to prove I hadn’t been a complete failure.


  Pick me up at my place.

  I immediately felt better. I needed to learn her rules. She wanted me, but not in the office. Got it. I could do that. I went into the next room to meet with a new patient. Then it was off to lunch with Junie.

  She was a lot like my mom and had provided me with a lot of advice over the years—some solicited, some not so much, but it never stopped her from giving it anyway.

  “Burger?” I asked her when we sat at our usual table in the diner.

  “You know it.” She grinned.

  The waitress knew us well and quickly came by to get our order, knowing we had a limited lunch hour. The practice was busy. I didn’t think it was right for me to spend an hour or two at lunch when I could be helping one more family fulfill their dreams of having a child.

  “So,” she started. “Spill. Who’s Lara?”

  “I told you, an old friend.”

  She nodded. “And you are head over heels in love with the woman. Don’t you think that might be an ethics violation?”

  I shrugged. “She doesn’t think so, and I keep it professional at the office.”

  She smiled. “I’m happy for you. She’s a beautiful woman, and the few times I have talked to her, I like her. I can tell you care deeply for her. Your eyes give you away every time.”


  She nodded. Our plates were delivered, and we quickly scarfed down our lunch. We talked casually while we ate. She had said her piece, and I was happy to have her acceptance and advice this time. We finished our meals and walked back across the street to the office. At the end of the day, I left and headed down the street to a gym I had passed earlier. With the whole Sally business, I needed a new gym. I was never stepping foot in the other one.

  I signed up for a new membership and took advantage of the huge indoor pool they had. It felt good to get back in the water. I showered in the locker room and quickly headed to Lara’s house. I was right on time.

  When she opened the door, she was wearing a short silk robe. I checked my watch to make sure I wasn’t early. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. Then she dropped the robe to reveal her nude body.

  Her hands were all over me as she pressed her naked body against my fully-clothed one. It took me about four seconds to strip off my pants, with her help. I didn’t even bother with my shirt. It could stay on. I grabbed her and kissed her, forcing her mouth open with my tongue. She opened wide and I plunged in. My hand moved between her legs, where I discovered she was already wet.

  “Damn, Lara. You’re so wet.” I moaned against her neck as I lavished the area with kisses. I wanted to lick every part of her. She had her hand wrapped around my dick and was ruthlessly squeezing and tugging. I could feel her need and decided I would have to lick her body another time.

  Right now she wanted to be fucked, and I was not about to deny her. She led me by my cock down a short hall to her bedroom. A huge four-poster bed was against one wall. I followed, kissing her as she stroked my cock, switching between hard and soft tugs as she walked to the bed.

  She turned, pushing me against the bed. My legs hit the mattress, and I sat down. Sh
e growled and pushed me over so I ended up flat on my back. With her straddling me, I managed to scoot back far enough on the bed to give her space to put her knees on the bed. Without warning, she sat down on my dick. She was already primed and needed no help from me.

  “Fuck.” I groaned out loud. Her pussy was so hot and wet. I could die a happy man just as I was, buried deep inside her.

  Her hips rolled forward, taking me in further before she pushed back, her ass pushing over my thighs. She sat up straight and forced her hips down even lower, taking me in that last few centimeters. I was buried to the hilt. She stole my breath away. Neither one of us moved. It felt too good as we were.

  I reached up and grabbed her breasts, squeezing them gently at first until she started to move back and forth with deliberate motions. Her breasts thrust out and her head dropped back. Her hair trailed over my legs, creating a soft butterfly feel that was a complete contradiction to the hot, wet pussy that was squeezing my dick.

  “You’re so hot. I could fuck you all day,” I moaned.

  She rolled her head back and forth. I tweaked her nipples before moving my hands to her hips, preparing to take control of the pace.

  “Do you want to come?” I asked, already knowing the answer.


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