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D'zia's Dilemma

Page 23

by Keri Kruspe

  A scattering of freckles remained on cheekbones higher and sharper than before. Her dark-blonde tresses mixed with a soft umber shade the same color as D’zia’s. Now her hair was longer and thicker, extending past her shoulders as her tresses curled above the curve of her bottom.

  She reached up to brush the slight point at the tip of her ears. A delicate pleasurable tingle shivered down her spine. Damn, no wonder D’zia went crazy when she touched him there.

  A couple more steps and she stood in front of the reflective glass with wide eyes. Her normal, gray eyes were now dual colored. Dark gray was on the outside while a lighter gray surrounded her oval pupil, now a reflective dark green.

  Was that her? She brought her fingers up to trace the unusual tattoo around the left side of her temple. It swirled up her forehead and down her cheekbone in a beautiful intricate purple knot. The swirls and curls were sharp and elegant in design. In the middle of the rounding loops at her temple, a clear, multifaceted diamond crystal rested within her skin.

  D’zia came up behind her and wrapped her in his embrace. His clear dual-colored teal eyes crinkled in pleasure when he met her gaze in the mirror.

  For the first time, she noticed the identical tattoo on his face, except on the opposite side. She smiled as the tension pinching the back of her neck loosened. It had to be the MalDerVon TrueBond scroll he’d told her about. She liked that they were now a matched set. Taking in a deep breath, she asked, “I gather us getting together wasn’t supposed to go this far. So what happened?”

  His mouth tightened before he answered. “Um, apparently Dr. Knum’Nz injected you with some type of experimental serum to turn you into a Zerin.”

  Her heart pounded. “Where am I, in some kind of comic book universe? Well, shit…why’d he have to do that?”

  He pulled her closer to his broad chest.

  She leaned back, taking the comfort he offered.

  D’zia’s shoulders slumped as he glanced at the larger Zerin before he brought his attention back to her. “I’m not sure, but he said something about using you to test a serum he’s created. He hopes this will help to solve the galaxy-wide spread of female infertility.”

  “But how does changing me from a human to a Zerin do that?” She blinked and tried to fight the tears clogging her throat.

  He gave a slight shake of his head. “I admit I don’t understand all the science behind it, but what I can tell you is we’re taking the asshole back to Zerin and forcing him to reverse it.” He shrugged his massive shoulders, the movement pulling her with him. “And if he can’t, I’ll kill him.”

  A warm tingle of gratitude filled her when he stated he wanted it reversed. Her face relaxed at his unwavering acceptance of her as a person…no matter what she was.

  “D’zia, we’re running out of time,” the other Zerin interjected.

  It wasn’t hard for Lora to pick up the male’s impatience. “Time for what? And who is your friend?” Lora pulled out of D’zia’s soothing embrace to turn around and examine the other male. The newcomer was a handsome devil, scars notwithstanding. Short, mahogany hair brushed the tops of his shoulders. His eyes were pretty with their different colors of navy blue and hunter green; his strong jaw sported a close-cropped scruffy beard. That snug black, tight attire screamed “badass” from head to toe, but Lora beamed up at his massive height, positive this imposing male was no danger to her.

  “Lora, this is M’alalu Ki E’eur, a longtime friend of mine.” D’zia stayed behind her and put an arm around her shoulders.

  She loved he was a tactile person, touching her as much as possible.

  “Please, call me Ki.” The male gave a slight bow of respect with a hint of a smile. He narrowed his eyes at her TrueBond. “We have to go now. If I don’t show up within the next ten microclicks, Maynwaring will kill Sherri.”

  “Sherri? You’re going to get Sherri?” Lora grinned. Yay! Someone was going back for her friend. “Oh, thank you!” She grabbed one of Ki’s large hands in a grateful hold with both of hers. “Thank you!”

  D’zia’s chest heaved and he tensed behind her, which caught her attention. The feel of his compact muscles as they bunched and moved against her skin was enough to make her want to cross her eyes in a surge of desire. Her nipples stiffened and caused her pussy to throb with each beat of her heart. What was weird was her palms secreted a thick oil. She wanted to cover a naked D’zia and revel in their combined potency. She took in a deep breath and filled her nose with his intoxicating scent. Damn it! Now her whole body was a hormonal fest, demanding her to do something about it.

  “Yes, um, I mean you’re welcome,” Ki responded. Thank God, he was oblivious to her wandering, lustful daydream about his friend. “But if I don’t show up with the MindWipe antidote or the Erkek doctor, the pirate is going to kill her.”

  It took a few moments for Lora’s brain to register what Ki said. “Wait, why is he going to kill her?” Talking about Sherri made her think of Chloe, and she became angry. Instead of meeting the alien mate of their dreams at the Exchange, Lora and her friends were instead in mortal danger. Humph, they’d never had a chance.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” she ground out before Ki answered. She wasn’t sure who she was mad at or where to focus her anger except at the Zerins in the room. She shrugged out of D’zia’s hold and faced them with her fists on her hips. “First me, then Sherri, and let’s not forget Chloe. Did anyone from that miserable ship find a mate at the Exchange at all?”

  “Hey now, it wasn’t…” D’zia started.

  “Don’t forget Aimee!” JR10 interrupted him. “Remember, they kidnapped her first.”

  Lora raised her left eyebrow toward D’zia. “Are you serious?”

  “Jeez, you’d think you organics had better things to do besides getting kidnapped all the time,” JR10 observed from D’zia’s shoulder.

  “While I’m sure this is a worthwhile discussion, it is something we should address later,” Ki’s deep voice squelched her brewing argument. “Right now we have to concentrate on getting Sherri back.”

  “True that.” Lora closed her eyes to let her anger go. It was more important to get Sherri out of danger before she argued the merit of the Zerins handling of the Exchange. Besides, she was sure Sherri, Chloe, and now Aimee, would love to be part of the conversation. The idiot Zerins wouldn’t know what hit them.

  Ki addressed D’zia. “Where’s the Erkek? We’ve got to get going.”

  D’zia gave her a quick glance with a frown before he turned to leave toward the back of the ship. “This way. Elemi has confined him for us.”

  Lora followed Ki. She had no desire to see the icky Erkek again, but no way would she leave D’zia’s side any time soon. She was smart enough to admit she was lost in an alien world in an alien body.

  They stopped, and Lora caught herself in time before she plowed into Ki’s massive back. Hitting that would be like smashing face-first into a brick wall.

  “Damn, D’zia,” Ki’s deep voice rumbled when he barked a laugh. “Did you have to leave him like that? It’s hard to tell where his body begins with his arms and legs tangled up.”

  Lora smelled the Erkek’s spoiled body odor before she saw him. She had to squirm around the male blockade to take a peek.

  Sure enough, the ugly green alien was in a semi-sitting position. His arms were bound behind him, one leg sprawled open, and his other twisted at an awkward angle. His head rested on the floor between his knees.

  She joined in Ki’s laughter. Stupid alien wasn’t so scary now, was he? Rat bastard.

  “Elemi, would you wake up our guest, please?” D’zia’s wide smile showed plenty of sharp, pointy teeth at the Erkek’s discomfort.

  “I see you’ve got a slave collar on him,” Ki observed.

  Lora had forgotten all about the hateful choker. She reached to see if it was gone and heaved a sigh of relief when her neck was bare of the hateful thing.

  “You got a way to control it?”
The larger male continued. He stood with his arms crossed and his legs splayed as he studied the prone alien. The matte-black one-piece suit absorbed the light, lengthening his massive frame.

  “Got it covered, big guy,” JR10 intoned from his perch on D’zia’s shoulder. “I can zap him anytime you want.”

  Ki glanced at the spybot. “Zap? I assume you mean you have maximum and comprehensive control of the device.”

  Sitting on D’zia’s shoulder, JR10 twisted his bulbous head and met D’zia’s gaze. “See what I mean? He’s hysterical.”

  “Only you would think so.” D’zia clasped his hands behind his back as the Erkek stirred and woke up.

  Lora stepped closer to D’zia and twined her fingers around his biceps as the puke-green alien opened his black eyes with the diamond-shaped pupils. He shook his head before he squinted at the three staring at him. When his eerie eyes slid to her, they widened and a vile smirk crossed his nonexistent lips.

  “Oh, well what do we have here?”

  His falsetto voice scraped her nerves.

  “By the Holy Deity, do I do good work or what?” He struggled to sit up, using his double-jointed elbows to push off the floor. He stood behind the hot waves of the force field.

  “Shut up, puntneji,” D’zia’s tone was hard. “No one wants to hear your irritating voice.” He said to his friend. “Ready to go, Ki?”

  “Go where?” Lora squeezed his biceps. Was he going somewhere without her again?

  “Nothing for you to worry about, my gariad.” He patted the back of her hand. “Ki and I won’t be long. You wait here…”

  Okay, his confident, clueless statement told her he needed a lesson. “I don’t think so, buster.” She raised her left eyebrow and jabbed a finger at the middle of his chest twice. “You’re not going anywhere without me.” She folded her arms and tapped her foot in a sharp tattoo to show she meant business.

  “No, it’s too dangerous,” D’zia said as he faced Ki. “You stay here and we’ll…”

  Lora reached up and squeezed the tip of his ear.

  His eyes widened as his face flushed red.

  She swore he panted in reaction. Yeah, take that, buddy. “You are not leaving without me.” She warned him in a low voice before she let go.

  “Damn, what’s with you human women and violating my ears?” D’zia grumbled. He rubbed his offended appendage with a glare.

  “Human women? What do you mean…what other human women have you been with?” Lora’s face flushed as she moved closer with arms crossed.

  “Children, focus now…argue later.” Ki stated without taking his attention off the captive. “Ship, release him.” He made his command abruptly.

  “Unable to comply. I do not recognize your authority,” came Elemi’s mechanical response.

  And just that fast, Lora’s anger melted. She hid a smile behind her hand. Ha…good to see Elemi’s snobby attitude was against anyone who wasn’t D’zia.

  “It’s okay, Elemi.” D’zia interceded before Ki acted on the thunderous scowl crossing his snarling features. “Please release the forcefield holding the prisoner.”

  The waves of the forcefield dissipated.

  Dr. Creepy Ass gave them a guarded perusal.

  As for Lora, it was the first hint of intelligence she’d ever seen coming from him.

  Ki grabbed the wiry alien by his double-jointed upper arm without a word. The Zerin dragged the unwilling captive back to the main chamber with D’zia and Lora close behind. He stopped and faced them, tightening his grip on the Erkek, which caused the scientist to twist his face.

  Yeah, the creep deserves any pain he gets.

  “Have your ship materialize us in the main chamber. Maynwaring is waiting to do the switch.” He gave a steely-eyed glare at D’zia.

  “Fine, but let me grab a shirt and shoes before we leave,” D’zia said.

  The ship was more than eager to serve D’zia and a drawer opened next to him.

  “Elemi, please provide Lora some shoes as well.”

  Yeah, she’d forgotten she’d taken her shoes off so she could see her changed toes.

  D’zia took out a dark-blue shirt and pulled it on over his head.

  Those delicious ab muscles pulled and bunched before he covered them. Damn, she hated to see all that glorious skin covered. Soon, she’d lock her man in a room for some uninterrupted naked time together.

  D’zia tossed her a roll of Zerin slippers before he bent down to pull black boots on. His hair floated and braided into a tight man bun on top of his head.

  She grinned, fascinated by the show. She couldn’t wait until she could do that. Maybe during their alone time, she’d ask him to show her how. Sitting, she put on the eggplant-colored slippers as D’zia finished and stood next to his friend to show he was ready.

  Ki hadn’t removed his death grip from the Erkek scientist.

  “I think it would be better if we gagged this piece of danka shit before we go.” D’zia had grabbed a disintegration blaster and a holster from a nearby counter. He wrapped it around his lean hips before he pulled the blaster out to inspect it. He gave a slight nod before he put it back in its sleeve.

  “Agreed,” Ki nodded. “Got anything around here to use?” He swiveled his head to search for a suitable gag.

  The captive tried to struggle as he whimpered. “No, wait,” Dumb Nuts argued. “I don’t want…”

  “Don’t care what you want,” Ki muttered. He didn’t pay attention to his hostage as he continued his search.

  “There’s a scrim-backed, pressure sensitive tape coated with polyethylene strip in the cabinet over there,” JR10 told them. He was once again perched on D’zia’s broad shoulder. He pointed a small, spiky leg in front of him.

  Elemi responded to JR10’s gesture and opened the drawer without comment.

  D’zia pulled out a silver roll about two inches wide.

  Curious, Lora went over to see what he had. “Is that duct tape?” She couldn’t believe it. She followed him back to where Ki stood with the creepy doctor.

  “This?” D’zia pulled a strip before biting it off with his sharp teeth. “Yep, you humans should be proud. The best damn invention in the galaxy.” He smacked the piece of tape over the sputtering Erkek’s mouth.

  Jeez, who’d have thought the humans’ contribution to the galaxy was duct tape?

  “Okay, that’s done. Let’s go,” Ki’s no-nonsense tone left little doubt about his impatience.

  “Lora, stand next to me at all times. When we do the swap, it’s your job to hold on to the human woman. That will give Elemi a way to get us back to the ship together.” He gave her a stern glare.

  She returned the glare with an innocent one of her own…blinking eyes and everything.

  “Agreed?” His eyes narrowed.

  “Yep, no problem.” She gave him a wide smile. Not that she intended to leave his side, but shit happened all the time….

  He leaned in to give her a quick kiss. “I just know I’m going to regret this….” he whispered before he straightened. “JR10, send the plan Ki and I discussed earlier to both JR11 and Elemi so they know what to do. I don’t have to tell you, timing is important if we’re going to finish this the way we want to.”

  “On it, boss.” The little bot scurried to burrow into D’zia’s hair on the top of his head.

  JR11 took her place at the nape of Lora’s neck. The AI was such a part of her, Lora paid no attention when JR11 moved around her body and hair.

  Satisfied everyone was in place, D’zia gave the order. “Okay Elemi, let’s do this.

  Chapter Eleven


  Once again, Lora stood in the Dread Pirate Maynwaring’s lair, surrounded by cozy wood paneling. Fluffy, inviting pillows encircled the empty round table in the center of the room. The lighting was warm and the air was fresh and clear.

  Yep, everything was the same…well, except for her gagged friend Sherri from the StarChance held in a firm grip of a cherry red sexbot.

  Lora had to smile.

  Instead of bowing and trembling in fear, Sherri tried to wiggle out of the sexbot’s hold. Hatred blazed from her expressive brown eyes. No mystery on what was on her friend’s mind as her beautiful face twisted in anger. Lora couldn’t see that they’d physically hurt her, thank God.

  The black burka-robed robot stood still in the middle of the room as the glowing, multi-colored orb pulsated in random swirls.

  “Ah, M’alalu Ki E’eur, so good to see you are finally here to complete your mission.” The colors moved to the sound of the unisex voice. “And look, you’ve brought friends with you. How nice, please introduce us.”

  Yeah, she’d show him nice. She’d kick him right between the balls…if he had some.

  “No need for introductions except for this one.” The huge Zerin shook the captive Erkek for the pirate’s attention. “This is Dr. Knum’Nz, previously employed by Chancellor U’unk in his bioresearch division.”

  “Oh?” It was a deceptively bland reply. “I confess I am well acquainted with the Erkek. However, I do not recall our agreement including any type of organic being. I specifically requested the antidote for the MindWipe weapon, instead of this vile, sub-life creature.”

  Wow, something she and the pirate agreed on. Not that that made them besties or anything.

  The alien doctor’s khaki face turned a putrid orange. His breath huffed in and out under the tape, making his eyes bug out like one of those stress balls when squeezed. Lora had to stifle the urge to laugh aloud. Not a good idea to bring attention to herself.

  “I’ve brought you something better than a sample of the antidote, so we’re going to renegotiate.” Ki informed the other in a calm voice. His stoic expression was granite hard and unemotional.

  If Lora hadn’t seen his frantic push at D’zia to get the scientist to Maynwaring, she wouldn’t believe he gave a rat’s ass about the outcome of their discussion.

  “And why would I do that? I’ve already warned this gnotdile reptile off my planet.” Though the voice came out of an inanimate orb, the condescension was unmistakable.


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