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D'zia's Dilemma

Page 24

by Keri Kruspe

  “Because this is the scientist who created the serum in the first place.” Ki’s inflection held a thread of cool detachment.

  Lora shuddered watching him. Her friend’s life was on the line and his cavalier attitude made her nervous.

  “With him in your arsenal, not only would you be immune to the weapon’s effectiveness, but you’d have the only antidote in the galaxy to barter with.”

  D’zia hadn’t moved during the conversation, but he had a loose grip on the top of the blaster strapped to his hip. His breath was even, with no sign of agitation.

  Somehow, she didn’t think this was the first time he and his friend Ki had done something similar. Instead of being nervous about having a relationship with someone used to dealing with an intergalactic warlord, D’zia became a tempting badass in her eyes. She licked her bottom lip as she pulled her gaze away from him to pretend she was there for a reason. She smoothed her features and crossed her arms before glancing at Sherri, trying to convey a sense of confidence to her friend.

  Sherri’s eyes widened, and then narrowed as she shook her head.

  No clue what that meant. Lora let it go and brought her concentration back to the conversation.

  The colorful swirls on the orb stopped as if considering what Ki said. “Hmm.” The swirls started again. “I’m flexible when the opportunity presents itself.” The still, black clad figure holding the globe rolled back a few feet. “Sit, we will begin the discussions.”

  Two sexbots came in, one orange and one lime-green, holding trays of food and goblets.

  The tantalizing aroma of savory meats and baked bread surrounded them. Lora’s stomach rumbled and her mouth watered. She hadn’t eaten since she woke up and she was starving.

  “No, not necessary,” Ki told him. He shook the Erkek who squirmed again. “This won’t take long and we have to be going.”

  Both sexbots stiffened before they left, taking the tempting smells with them.

  Lora frowned. Time to concentrate on the drama around her and not her grumbling tummy.

  “As you wish,” Maynwaring demanded. “Begin.”

  “You will transfer five hundred traxillian credits into an account of my choice immediately.” The Zerin’s stern voice was rock solid. “You will give me the human female and allow us to leave unimpeded. You will never again seek me out. Nor will you enter into any bargain or deal with any living or nonliving entity that involves me or those affiliated with me in any capacity.” He paused as his voice growled. “Ever. This will terminate any and all dealings we’ve ever had with each other.”

  Living or nonliving? Lora wasn’t about to ask what that meant. And she didn’t know if five hundred traxillian credits was a lot of money, but it sure sounded like it. Especially since the pirate didn’t answer right away.

  “Is that all?” The orb drawled as the colors flexed in shades of red and orange. “Why don’t you ask for half of my holdings as well?”

  The last question was rhetorical, right?

  “Don’t push me, Maynwaring.”

  Ki’s soft but ominous voice sent shivers down Lora’s spine. Lordy, she’d never want to get on this guy’s bad side.

  “You won’t like what happens if you do.”

  An unexpected chuckle came out of the orb as the colors resumed their normal pattern. “All right, agreed…you sacrilegeous son of an aHxxjt’s whore. Give the puntneji to…”

  In the middle of Maynwaring’s sentence, the Erkek broke out of Ki’s hold and ran.

  At the same time, Sherri got free from the sexbot’s grip to run in the opposite direction.

  Both ran at full speed, wild-eyed and in a dead panic. They were looking over their shoulders as they frantically tried to escape and missed the threat before them. They plowed into each other…hard. The impact was so severe it caused the Erkek to fall flat on his ass as Sherri flew backward.

  Right into the glowing orb of the Dread Pirate Maynwaring.

  Everything slowed.

  Lora watched in horror as the back of Sherri’s head hit the hands holding the orb.

  The pearl-white ball flew into the air and stopped before it started downward in a graceful arc.

  Sherri landed on her back with a loud “oof.” Her head tilted up and she screamed as the orb fell straight toward her face.

  Lora ran to Sherri, frantic to swat the large orb away before it shattered on her friend. She was too late; the orb’s trajectory was much faster. Instead of the loud crash she expected, the ball instead went “poof” and popped like a soap bubble.

  Lora stopped dead in her tracks. Confused, she held her hand up to her chest as if it would help her thundering heart.

  A sticky, clear blob covered Sherri’s face in a thick goo.

  It reminded Lora of the ectoplasm in a comedy ghost movie she’d seen as a kid. Afraid her friend couldn’t breathe, she started toward Sherri when Ki’s large palm grabbed her arm and stopped her. “Wait, I’ve got to help her!” Lora struggled, trying to get loose. “She can’t breathe!”

  “No,” his deep voice rumbled. “It’s too late, the metamorphosis has already begun.”

  The sorrow in his voice took her aback for a moment. She took in his scarred face, and sure enough, deep lines bracketed his mouth and eyes. Oh my God, that can’t be good! What was going on? “But…”

  He shook his head. “Wait.” His tone came out thick and low.

  Sherri’s face was now clear of the snot-like goop. It had turned into a misty fog that burrowed into her nose, ears, eyes, and mouth. Soon her face was clear, but her eyes remained opened and unblinking.

  Lora wriggled to go to her friend and Ki finally let her. She rushed to Sherri’s side, followed by the large Zerin. As she touched the other woman, Sherri blinked and took in a deep, sputtering breath.

  “Sherri…Sherri!” Lora grabbed the other woman’s shoulder in a firm grasp. “Are you okay?”

  Sherri’s eyes widened at her. “Who are you?” She paused as her eyes unfocused. “What? Who are you?” She shrieked as she sat up. Her arms crossed over her eyes before she flung them aside with a frantic howl. “Are you fucking kidding me? Get out of my head!” She pulled her short hair and shook her head.

  Ki pushed Lora aside, causing her to fall on her butt as he pulled Sherri up into his massive arms.

  More shocked than hurt, Lora couldn’t understand why Sherri had panicked. She watched in amazement as the Zerin male crooned to Sherri in a soothing tone. His back was toward her so she couldn’t see what was happening between them. What in the hell was going on? Lora stood to glance around.

  D’zia had subdued Dr. Crazy Pants who had a dazed expression and unfocused eyes as his jaw slackened under the loosened duct tape. A line of drool dripped from the corner of the Erkek’s thin khaki mouth.

  “You okay?” D’zia came to her as he dragged the scientist by the arm behind him.

  She nodded and rubbed her bruised posterior. “Yeah, good thing I’ve got plenty here to cushion my fall.”

  D’zia’s stare followed Lora’s hand as she rubbed her butt. “Yeah.” He grinned. “All that glorious skin just begging me to lick and bite it.”

  Lora stood next to him but kept well away from the comatose scientist. She nodded to the Erkek. “What’s up with the zombie boy?”

  D’zia’s head tilted as his mouth tightened into a frown.

  “I’ve got him under my control,” piped JR10. He peeked out of D’zia’s hair to perch on top of his head.

  “Wow, the slave collar can do that?” She bent to make sure it was secure.

  Dilated diamond pupils were cross-eyed and the drool formed a line of spittle down his neck to pool on the floor.

  D’zia ripped the duct tape off the wet mouth and dropped it.

  Sheesh, the slave collar was better than a roach motel…evil doctor can check in but he can’t check out. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Hmm, it wouldn’t take much to walk over to kick the vile creature. She sent D’zia an evil smirk. />
  He narrowed his eyes as he waved his forefinger back and forth. “No, no, mustn’t hurt the evil mad doctor. There are others ahead of you.”

  “Well, pooh.” Lora crossed her arms. “Spoilsport.” She wouldn’t have hurt Dr. Creepy…much. She only wanted to take an itsy-bitsy swipe at him. Was that too much to ask? Glancing around the room, she gave a little shiver. She couldn’t wait to leave this place. Hopefully for the last time. She threw her shoulders back. “Okay, can we go now?”

  D’zia winked. “Hey, Ki!” He raised his voice to get the other Zerin’s attention. “Ya ready?”

  Lori watched Ki’s broad back rock as he held Sherri.

  It took a moment before Ki swiveled his head to nod at the Erkek. “You got that one under control?”

  “Yeah, the noxious little slug isn’t going to give us a bit of trouble.” D’zia gave a mild kick to the comatose male. “Are ya, asswipe?”

  Oh sure, he gets to kick the jerk and she doesn’t. How’s that fair?

  “Good,” Ki murmured and turned around to face them.

  Sherri lay boneless with her head resting on his enormous chest, eyes closed, and breath steady.

  “We need to get back to your ship right away.”

  Unsurprisingly, D’zia agreed without a comment. It was obvious there weren’t any trust issues between the two.

  “JR10, contact Elemi…” Before he finished his statement, Lora and everyone else was back on the AI ship.

  “…and have her get us back…” D’zia stumbled. “Damn bug. Give a male the courtesy of letting him at least finish his sentence.”

  “If I’d known you were going to call me a bug, I’d have let her leave you there.” JR10 harrumphed.

  “Do not worry, filos D’zia,” the feminine ship crooned. “I would never leave you behind.”

  D’zia’s face darkened before he whispered, “Thank you, Elemi. Would you please put this puntneji back in confinement?” He let go and the Erkek dropped hard to the floor.

  Ooh, that must have hurt when his bald, splotchy head hit with a solid thud.

  The Erkek disappeared as D’zia walked over to his friend. “How is she?”

  “What’s wrong with her?” Lora asked. She stood next to D’zia to peek at the unconscious woman. Should she be so pale? She didn’t get an answer but the large male faced D’zia.

  “Is there a sleeping pad I can put her on?” His tone came out bland.

  If not for the throbbing vein at the side of his neck beating a hard tattoo, she might have believed he didn’t care.

  “Yes, this way.” D’zia led him down the dim, narrow passageway.

  Lora followed, itching to get answers.

  “Should Elemi do a body scan on her?” JR11 whispered to Lora.

  JR10 must have heard her. He piped up, “Whaddya think, Ki? Should we have a body scan done on her?”

  Since the ship wasn’t that big, it didn’t take long to enter the sleeping quarters where Ki placed her on the soft pad. “Yes, please. Have it done while we talk.”

  A soft glow encased the prone woman.

  Elemi manufactured a small sofa next to a large chair for them to sit in.

  Weary, Lora plopped into the sofa with D’zia and scooted close as she clasped his hand. Intertwining their fingers, she rested her head on his shoulder. “Do you know what happened to her back there?” she asked Ki in a soft voice, trying not to wake Sherri up while the medical unit worked. “Will she be all right?”

  Ki wiped his hand down his face, exasperation evident through the tense lines around his full mouth and closed eyes. After a few silent moments, he opened them and leaned forward to rest his forearms on his thighs. With an aggressive hand through his hair, he stared between her and D’zia. “I guess the only way for you to understand the significance of what happened to Sherri is to start at the beginning.” He gave a deep sigh and concentrated on his clasped hands. “I first met The Dread Pirate Maynwaring around seventy-five years ago.”

  Startled, Lora studied the Zerin’s face. She would have guessed his age around thirty-five or maybe forty. Given his opening statement, he must be much older. She peered at her TrueBond, who didn’t react. Her guess had been that D’zia was close to her own early thirties. Okay, she’d get him to talk about Zerin physiology later.

  “By accident, I found out the pirate’s well-guarded secret, which almost cost me my life.” A small self-deprecating smile curved his full lips as he brought his attention back to them. “Maynwaring once had a corporeal form around a thousand planet cycles ago. Instead of dying, he somehow found a way to have his essence transferred into that globe to prolong his worthless life. It shouldn’t be a surprise to know the only race who had this ability vanished without a trace not long afterward.”

  “Let me make sure I understand.” Lora hated to interrupt but didn’t want to get lost in the narrative. “This Maynwaring is like a spirit in a bottle?”

  Ki nodded. “Yes, essentially he was.” He frowned and rubbed the sides of the trimmed beard along his square jaw and continued. “When he was first freed from his physical body, he perpetrated a variety of depraved crimes against a majority of the species within the galaxy. As his reputation grew, so did his criminal organization and their wide-reaching influence. There isn’t a system or species within the Milky Way he isn’t involved in…one way or another.”

  “Ah, as a former member of the AoA, I’m sure you had to deal with him more than once. D’zia’s tone was matter-of-fact.

  Ki gave D’zia a blank glare. “Who says I had anything to do with the AoA?”

  Lora couldn’t wait to hear what the AoA was. She’d have to make sure to ask D’zia about that later.

  D’zia gave a short bark of laughter. “Oh, please!” He snorted. “You and Qay aren’t as good at keeping secrets from me as you think you are.”

  The other male frowned and narrowed his eyes. “Qay was never part of the AoA.”

  “Yeah, tell me something I don’t know,” D’zia retorted. “Not only were you a member, but you were one of their covert generals. So when you and Qay became friends, I had to make sure nothing you did would end up biting him in the ass.” He gave a dimpled, wide-faced grin. “After all, it is my duty to protect him at all costs. Whether he knew it or not.”

  Ki’s thick, black eyebrows raised. “Well, I’ll be damned. You had me fooled.” A hint of a smile. “Well done.” He spoke the last statement in a soft hush.

  D’zia gave a slight nod in acknowledgement.

  Lora wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but evidently, a deeper understanding had just solidified between the two. Ah, how adorable, their bromance was solid.

  “As I was saying,” Ki resumed his explanation. “Maynwaring’s hold on the galaxy has been unbreakable. Until now.” He aimed a worried gaze at Sherri across from him. She didn’t move except to breathe in measured movements. “I suspect his essence has been transferred to her.”

  The glow from the medical unit turned off.

  A growing horror at his suggestion pounded in Lora’s head. It was hard to think it through. “You think he’s somehow…I don’t know…possessed her?”

  He avoided her eyes as his massive shoulders tensed. “We won’t know for sure until she wakes up.”

  Sherri gave a low moan.

  Ki went to her with Lora and D’zia close behind.

  Sherri opened her brown eyes to reveal dilated pupils. Confusion marred her expression, her brows furrowed as her lips pinched. “Ki? What’s going on?” Her gaze darted between Lora and D’zia, before she focused on Lora while her chest heaved in deep, short breaths. “Who are you?”

  Lora chewed on her bottom lip as she glanced at D’zia before she answered her friend. “You don’t remember me? I’m Lora. You know, we met aboard the StarChance.”

  Sherri’s brows lifted. She brought a hand to cover her chest as she swallowed. Her breath evened out. “I don’t know who you are, but you’re not Lora.”

spread at the back of Lora’s neck. “What’s that supposed to mean?” She put her hands on her hips. “I’m Lora Callahan from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We met aboard that stupid ship heading for the Exchange.”

  “Hey, that ship isn’t stupid…” D’zia began but Sherri interrupted.

  “I don’t know what kind of dumb Zerin game you’re playing.” Sherri struggled to sit until she rested on her elbows. “My friend Lora is human!” The last word came out through clenched teeth.

  “Well…what do you think I am?” Lora waved her arms up and down her body.

  Sherri cocked her head and squinted. “A Zerin?”

  “What? No, I’m not…”

  “Lora,” D’zia whispered. He put a hand on her arm.

  Startled, she stopped before she glanced at her hands under his. Her vision slowed, her chest became heavy as she took in the shimmery skin over her three fingers and one thumb. Tears welled up as the memory of her reflection confirmed the change from who she had been, down to the cellular level. Only then did her lost humanity sink in and overwhelm her. She couldn’t take in a breath…where was the air? She couldn’t breathe….

  In a blanket of fog, she vaguely grasped D’zia had swooped her up in his arms and taken her out of the small room. But where could she go to discover where she’d gone? Sobbing, she wound her arms around his strong neck and gave in to the unexpected bout of weeping.

  Damn, she hated it when she lost control. And this attack was worse than anything she’d ever experienced before. Even when the scary Chancellor held her hostage, she didn’t fall apart like this. Deep sobs racked her body and she didn’t notice D’zia had stopped walking. Before she realized it, she was sitting sideways on his lap, drenching his shirt with tears and snot.

  How romantic.

  D’zia sat there and didn’t say a word. He held her in a tight embrace and rubbed her back.

  Her grief was a violent tsunami as she experienced the death of self at the whims of a lunatic who had rewritten her very existence. Enfolded within D’zia’s safe arms, his heart gave her a steady thrum of comfort. He was her anchor. Time slowed and passed. With her emotions spent, she nestled in her lover’s arms and basked in his support, trusting as a child. And like a child, she ran her watery nose on her sleeve before she pushed away from his warm chest to blink up at him.


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