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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Vol. 8

Page 21

by Fujino Omori

  Eina didn’t want to give up and believe that they would all just die off; she wouldn’t let them.

  She bore several invisible scars from the pain of past events. Even so, Eina joined adventurers in her own way.

  “That goes for the rest of you, too. Never get too close to an adventurer. You’ll just have to deal with the familia, and they won’t leave anything behind, not even money. You always get the short end of the stick…And if you do end up with one, squeeze his pockets dry before he passes on!”

  That last line got a dry laugh out of the other receptionists.

  Even though there was a joking tone in her voice, the senior receptionist’s message was a warning as well as advice.

  Not just to Eina but to all her younger coworkers.

  They were known as the “flowers” of the Guild. However, unless the young women managed to create a solid wall between work and their personal lives, it could become hell on earth.

  The receptionists said their good-byes, and Eina set off to go home by herself.

  Crossing Northwest Main Street, she continued north from the Guild Headquarters and into the northern district.

  Many Guild employees chose to reside in the north district because of the high-quality housing and community. The Guild had also built a share house there for the receptionists. In fact, the Guild owned several buildings in the area and allotted them to its employees.

  Everybody’s friend…Well, I can’t deny that.

  It was already late at night, but Eina was surrounded by activity on either side of the street as she walked.

  While it was nothing compared to the main streets, warm light and jubilant voices floated from the open windows of several bars in the area. The street was completely illuminated by magic-stone lamps, so much so that she could see down each of the alleyways.

  The senior receptionist’s words replayed in her head, making her feel a little depressed.

  “…I’m not trying to be Miss Congeniality, but it must look that way.”

  Eina had no intention of fishing for compliments or going out of her way to receive praise. However, the extra time and effort she spent with adventurers might be misinterpreted by her coworkers.

  Her desire to help adventurers was genuine. She wasn’t about to change her way of interacting with them. But at the same time, a part of her knew that might complicate things.

  In truth, there were more than a few adventurers who felt a connection with the always-friendly Eina. Dormul and Luvis were perfect examples.

  More than likely, her coworkers’ relative aloofness made her stand out even more.

  Eina whispered to herself and sighed while readjusting the bag over her shoulder.


  Zip! A cold chill ran up her spine as she felt someone’s gaze on her back. Eina looked over her shoulder.

  There were several people outside, standing on top of the stone pavement. But no one was looking her way.

  She didn’t recognize any faces, either. Tilting her head to the side, she turned forward again.

  Then, after taking just a few steps…


  She felt that mysterious gaze again.

  Her heart beat so hard she couldn’t breathe for a moment. Trying to act like she hadn’t noticed, Eina walked casually for a few moments before spinning around as quickly as she could.

  The side street’s nightlife reflected in her emerald eyes. A straight road, no twists or turns.

  She knew this area like the back of her hand, so the black shadow that jumped out of her line of sight stuck out like a sore thumb.

  Whoever it was was wearing a black hooded robe. A few moments passed before it cautiously peeked around the corner of the building and kept staring at her.

  Zip! Another jolt of the spine, and now a cold sweat.


  She started moving again, toward home, at a faster pace.

  One thought after another racing through her mind, she drew near to the share house.

  Almost no one was out on the street anymore. Sure, there were plenty of people in the bars, but her only defense was the light coming from the magic-stone lamps. She was uneasy, to say the least.

  Still following me…?!

  She could still feel the gaze plastered to her back. Whoever it was, they were persistently following her.

  Leaving the high-class community behind, Eina emerged onto a quaint, classy-looking street. However, it was completely empty and lit by only the occasional magic-stone lamppost every few meders. Her pursuer must have sensed the change in circumstances because he felt closer than ever.

  Eina was running; she didn’t even notice. Holding her bag close to her chest, she dashed down the stone pavement as fast as her legs could carry her. Completing the last leg of her journey in what felt like an eternity, she finally arrived at the front gate of the share house.

  Through the gate and up to the building. Eina put her hand on one of the outside pillars and tried to catch her breath as she looked around. All she saw was her neighborhood shrouded in night. No hooded figure, nothing out of place.

  Clutching her ribs to get a handle on her racing heart, Eina didn’t move from that spot.

  “What?! You were stalked last night?!”

  “M-Misha! Not so loud!”

  It was morning in the lobby.

  Adventurers were beginning to come through the front doors when Misha shrieked after hearing Eina’s story.

  Quickly covering her mouth with both of her small hands, she whispered a muffled “S-sorry!” to her friend.

  “He didn’t try anything fresh, did he? Did you see his face?”

  “He didn’t touch me, but I never got a good look at his face…There was a hood in the way.”

  Eina explained every detail of the previous night’s events.

  The two waited patiently for adventurers at the neighboring counter windows. However, Misha’s concern wouldn’t let her stay silent, and she leaned closer.

  “This is really bad, Eina! Talk with the bosses and see if you can’t get a bodyguard! Some of Ganesha Familia’s best are still in the city—one of them could take you home tonight.”

  “D-don’t you think that’s going overboard? It might’ve just been my imagination.”

  Misha still spoke much louder than she needed to, and Eina shrank back away from her.

  She thought that getting a familia involved, even one with close ties to the Guild, was going much too far. And yes, there was a real possibility it was all in her head.

  But above all else, she didn’t want to receive any special treatment.

  “Overboard? How’s that going overboard? It was a while ago, but I’ve heard stories about this kind of thing—young girls being targeted, followed, kidnapped, and taken outside the city!”

  “I doubt that…This is Orario, after all. Gate security thoroughly inspects anyone leaving the city, and who would dare target a Guild employee…?”

  “But, but, but…! There’re so many rumors about girls being sold to brothels, and even some about a group of Rakian soldiers who found a way inside only recently…!”

  Eina gave her friend a suspicious glare as the pink-haired girl started spouting baseless conspiracy theories.

  Misha was fond of the rumor mill. She probably picked up a few stories around town and repeated them to anyone close by who would listen.

  She was about to say something else when an adventurer appeared at her counter window. Misha reluctantly left it unsaid and went back to work. Eina soon did the same.

  But…I’m sure I was being followed.

  Just thinking about it sent shivers down her spine.

  Trying to ignore the problem made her even more anxious. It wasn’t going away.

  She knew she shouldn’t believe anything out of Misha’s mouth, but…Goose bumps ran down her arms.

  Her train of thought carried her to a place she didn’t want to go, making her body tremble.



  She knew that voice. Her eyes popped up right away.

  Bell was standing in front of her, looking rather confused.

  Apparently, he had lined up in front of her window, and it was now his turn.

  Focus! I’m working!

  She quickly smiled after scolding herself.

  “Sorry about that, Bell. I zoned out for a moment there. What can I help you with today?”

  “I…I have a question about something in the Dungeon…”

  That was all Eina needed to hear, and she stood up from her seat.

  She left Misha and the other receptionists at the counter and met Bell in the consultation box as soon as she gathered some documents for the meeting.

  “What? You’ve already conquered the seventeenth floor?”

  “Yes, thanks to all the help we got from Takemikazuchi Familia……So we’d like to make a serious attempt to prowl the nineteenth.”

  Both sat on opposite sides of the desk in chairs that were waiting for them in the soundproof room. Bell cut right to the chase and explained the situation.

  The boy had just registered his second level-up less than a week ago.

  Although she didn’t show it, Eina was absolutely stunned by Bell’s incredible pace. He was already Level 3.

  He held the record for the fastest level-up. Pretty much everything the boy sitting in front of her did surprised her in one way or another.

  “Um…Miss Eina.”

  “What is it, Bell?”

  “Did, um, something happen?”

  Eina’s eyes shot open at the question.

  “You just…don’t seem like yourself today…”

  Eina had thought she was pulling off a great acting job by pretending that today was business as usual. Apparently, her mask was showing some cracks.

  Cracks big enough for the boy to notice, at least.

  “I don’t know if I can help or not…But if you want someone to listen, I could, um…”

  Bell’s words became muddled as his cheeks turned pink. He scratched the back of his head and said, “You always listen to my problems, Miss Eina.”

  Maybe it was because Eina was still rattled from last night, but seeing the bashful boy try to offer help gave her the slightest warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

  Words left her mouth before she knew it. Forgetting her position for the time being, she accepted Bell’s offer.

  “Last night…”

  She recounted everything that happened and watched the boy’s expression change several times during her story. He was speechless when she reached the end. Smiling wanly at his reaction, Eina dimly looked to Bell from across the desk.


  If Bell was willing to walk her home…

  If he was willing to become her bodyguard, just as Misha had suggested…

  Her train of thought got that far before…No, how stupid! She frowned at herself.

  How shameful it was to even consider that.

  “Sorry. Please forget everything I’ve said, Bell.”


  “This is my problem, and it’s not that serious. I’ll find a way to fix it myself.”

  Surely it would be a nuisance for him to be dragged into this, so she took back her words.

  Back in Guild-employee mode, Eina repeated to Bell that she was fine and tried her best to smile.

  However, Bell interrupted her before she could say anything else.

  “Th-this probably is serious! Definitely serious! Rakia’s trying to invade, and even inside the wall…!”


  The boy pressed forward as if he knew something. But one look at Eina and he realized his mistake. Oops! It was written all over his face. Rolling his shoulders and clamping his mouth shut, Bell somehow managed to keep the information from coming out. He scrambled to change the subject.

  “If you think I can help, please ask! I’m not sure how much good I can do, but if you need a bodyguard or anything, just say the word!”

  Bodyguard. He said bodyguard. Eina’s eyes opened wide once again.

  “You’ve helped me so much, Miss Eina…So please!”

  “…Thank you, Bell. But this is my job. You don’t owe me anything for my support.”

  Finally calm, Eina put together a solid argument.

  The reason that she listened to Bell’s problems and gave him advice was only because she was employed by the Guild.

  She strengthened her position by saying that she was flattered Bell was willing to go out of his way to help her, but politely declined.

  “—Th-the armor!”

  “The what?”

  Bell had found his counterargument.

  “The vambrace! The one that you bought for me! Please consider this my way of paying you back!”

  That was a long time ago.

  Eina had suggested he needed new armor, and the two of them had gone to investigate options together.

  On that day, Eina had bought him an arm-size shield, a vambrace, as a present.

  He was right. That wasn’t part of her job.

  It was a decision she had made on her own, and the fact that she hadn’t asked for any kind of reimbursement spoke volumes to the meaning behind it.

  “…So persistent.”

  She could tell by the look in his eyes Bell wasn’t going to back down. Eina accepted the defeat.

  A long sigh escaped her lips, muscles in her face tightening. But even so, she smiled at the boy.

  “If you insist, I’ll take you up on it. I’m counting on you, Bell.”

  “I-I won’t let you down!”

  The sun sank behind the city wall as night began to show its face.

  Eina was seated at the reception counter with her coworkers, as usual, when she spotted Bell, back from the Dungeon, making his way to the Exchange. The two nodded to each other, and she got up from her seat.

  No one else noticed their brief communication.

  “My apologies, but I must call it a day.”

  “Oh? Going home early? See you tomorrow.”

  She gathered her things between brief conversations with her coworkers. Misha looked up from her all-out battle with the paperwork taking over her desk with concern in her eyes. Eina waved her off, saying not to worry.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting, Bell.”

  “It’s, um, no big deal. Shall we…?”

  “Yes, let’s go. Just…until I get home. Counting on you.”

  “I-I’ll do my best.”

  Eina, who had exited Guild Headquarters’ rear door, found Bell waiting for her. The two set off together.

  It was official: After their conversation, she had asked Bell to become her bodyguard.

  The boy had left his allies to protect her during her commute home from work immediately after emerging from the Dungeon.

  “Sorry about all this, Bell. You must be tired from Dungeon prowling.”

  “Not really. We came back early today, so I’m still in good shape. Nothing to worry about.”


  She traveled the same road as always, but this time there was another set of footsteps accompanying hers.

  The streets were alive under the darkening red sky because, just like Bell, other adventurers were returning from the Dungeon. The bars were starting to fill up with demi-humans left and right, making it difficult to navigate the throngs.

  Eina and Bell did their best to avoid bumping shoulders with other people as they weaved their way through the crowd.

  …This is a little nerve-racking.

  It was nothing too drastic, but she could feel how close they were.

  They had yet to decide how long this would continue, but the thought of going home with Bell every day got her heart pumping. She hadn’t forgotten about her mysterious pursuer by any means, but she couldn’t overlook the boy next to her shoulder as they walked side by side.

  Her eyes darted around as she wondered what the other pedestria
ns thought of them.

  Bell had never been through this part of the city before and was taking it all in. Eina leaned forward, trying to sneak a peek at his face.


  At that moment…

  Bell’s aura completely changed, catching Eina by surprise.


  “…We’re being watched, probably.”

  “We are…?”

  Unlike yesterday, she had no idea.

  Eina might have been dumbstruck by his acute senses, but the serious, focused look on Bell’s face stunned her even more.

  His ruby-red eyes scanned the crowd and surrounding buildings, leaving no crevice unchecked.

  Her heart skipped a beat.

  While it felt strange to see Bell acting like an honest-to-goodness adventurer, her pulse quickened ever so slightly.

  So he has this face, too…

  She’d seen flashes of it while watching the War Game…but seeing him like this in person was making her a little excited.

  She watched him carefully for several moments before the tension left his shoulders.

  “I think…it’s gone. Whoever it is might be hiding, though…”

  “Y-you can sense that, Bell?”

  “Yes. Something’s pretty much always watching me, so I’ve gotten good at noticing…”


  “Um, it’s nothing.”

  Bell’s keen perception had been developed under the powerful gaze of a mysterious goddess. The results made Eina tilt her head.

  And if it was true, that all but confirmed that she had a stalker. Last night wasn’t a figment of her imagination after all. Someone was following her.

  A cold chill worked its way under her skin, when suddenly—the flow of the crowd shifted without warning.

  Eina was swallowed by a wave of humanity before the surprise could even set in. Bell’s white head was about to disappear.

  A hand burst from out of nowhere and took hold of her wrist.

  “A-are you okay?”


  Bell had somehow managed to find a crease in the mob. Eina’s words sounded wispy when she responded.

  Five strong fingers held her hand and weren’t letting go.

  Still connected, Eina couldn’t help but blush.

  “Ah…Oh! Sorry!”

  Bell realized why she was redder than usual and immediately released his grip.


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