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Winston Brothers Box Set

Page 41

by Lewis, Stacey

  “It won’t,” I assure her. “I’ll stop by later when Reed is here. Thanks for giving me the info I needed.” After a quick kiss to her forehead, I shut the front door quietly behind me and pull out my phone. As a Winston, I have connections most people don’t, and I’m not afraid to use them.

  Those connections, and my money, can get me just about anything. Let’s hope this time it can get me the one thing I want most… Melody.

  Chapter Nine


  Sitting at my computer, I stare at the screen knowing I need to write this article. No matter how much I will the words to come, they don't. Instead, my mind drifts to Remy. I wonder what he's doing right now. Probably lounging in his office at Winston Industries pretending to work while he racks up the millions.

  I nibble on my bottom lip, my thoughts focusing on the night we shared... remembering the way he made me feel, the things that he did to me and how he brought me to climax again and again, never asking for a single thing in return.

  That is what separates the men from the boys.

  Men take care of women.

  Boys just take… there's a difference.

  My phone dings, vibrating against my desk, and the noise pulls me from my thoughts. I grumble as I grab the hand-me-down phone with a cracked screen and squint to read the message.

  MOM: Are we still meeting for lunch at the diner? I’m here, but I don’t see you.

  It takes me a moment to shuffle through my thoughts, and then my gaze moves to the little time in the corner of my computer screen. Fuck! It’s already noon. I shoot her a text back to say I’m on my way and slip my feet into my heels, grabbing my purse before hurrying for the door.

  How did I fucking space on lunch with my mother? I haul ass downstairs via the elevator, then rush out of the building and onto the sidewalk. Franky’s, the diner we always have lunch at, is centered perfectly between the newspaper and the dentist’s office where mom works.

  While I’m a somewhat new journalist, who gets paid by the story instead of the hour, my mom is a dental hygienist, who doesn’t make nearly enough money to pay for the things her and Maddie need.

  My heels click against the concrete and within minutes I’m entering the restaurant. Ten minutes late but still here.

  I walk inside, trying to calm my panting and realizing that I really need to work out more. Mom’s sitting at our regular table, so I walk over and drop down into the seat across from her. When I finally catch my breath enough to talk, I notice my mother is grinning from ear to ear. I haven’t seen her smile like this in years since she was with dad actually.

  Fear, worry, excitement… they all creep into my belly.

  “Not to ruin the mood or anything, but why are you so happy?” I look over the menu even though I know I’m going to order the same thing I always do while waiting for her answer.

  She’s practically vibrating in her seat with excitement. “You know right? The hospital called and told you?” The expression on her face can only be called elation and I feel my heartbeat start to pick up as I start to hope for good news.

  “No, no one’s called me. What happened?” I’m trying hard not to get excited myself. There have been so many ups and downs with Maddie and her treatment. I’m scared, even if it’s good news. It never stays good.

  Mom freezes, her expression slowly changing from excitement to confusion. “What do you mean? They said you helped pay. You didn’t?”

  What is she talking about? “Pay for what? I have no idea what you’re talking about? I didn’t pay for anything. The last time I was at the hospital was a few days ago.” I don’t dare bring up when Maddie said about not wanting to continue the treatments if it doesn’t work this time. Mom would have a full-blown panic attack if she knew.

  The happiness in her dark eyes dims and I’m almost angry with myself for having to be the one to tell her I didn’t do whatever great thing she thinks I did. “But… I thought maybe you found a grant or something? Maddie was accepted into the program for the experimental drug they suggested. I thought you knew and were just wanting to surprise me.”

  My mouth drops open, then shuts again, shock consuming me. “I….” I stumble over my words because I know what this means for Maddie. This could be the cure to her cancer, then end to her exhaustion, and the fight for her life. I can’t tell my mom I didn’t have anything to do with it, when she clearly thinks I did, but I have to find out what the hell is going on.

  Who could’ve paid for that kind of bill?

  “It’s so damn exciting. It’s like God is looking down on us for the first time since your father left and saying, just keep pushing on.” Tears form in her eyes, and I clasp her hand in mine. The stress and worry of the last few years show in her face, but she’s beautiful.

  I love the positivity pouring out of her. Seeing her so happy is all that matters to me. The waitress comes to take our orders before we can continue, and once she’s gone, I try to turn my focus back to my mom’s rambling. It’s a lost cause, because the fact that somebody paid big bucks for my sister to be accepted into the experimental drug program gnaws at me.

  Why would someone do that? People this day and age aren’t kind and if they are, they aren’t spending money like that out of pure kindness.

  Mom’s voice drags me back to reality just as the waitress returns with our plates. “I’m worried about you sweetie. You’ve barely eaten any of your food, and you’re so distracted.”

  “Oh, I’m okay Mom. Just tired. I’ve got tons of work to do for the paper. Plus, I’m picking up some extra hours at the bar, so I haven’t really been getting the best amount of sleep.” I confess, even though I know I’ll scolded for doing so.

  Mom frowns. “You know, now that your sister is in the program you can probably quit your second job. We’ll be able to pay down some of the other bills now instead of trying to pay them and save for the treatment too.”

  “Yeah, I probably could, but I want to be able to help you out with bills as much as possible. I know dad is refusing to pay a single dime to you.”

  A sour look twists her mouth. “Your father will pay for the things he’s done to us someday.” Reach across the table, she covers my hand with hers. “I want you to quit that other job, Melly. You need to concentrate on your writing.” Her eyes hold mine and I can see the determination in hers. “Try and get some more sleep, sweetie. You’ll age faster than hell if you keep living life the way you are.” I choke on my water as I take a sip of it.

  “Seriously, mom. I’m not even thirty yet.” She laughs back, and I relish in the moment of us doing something other than talking about Maddie and her illness, not to mention the looming debt waiting to bury us alive.

  Mom’s gaze slips to her watch and I know it’s time for her to get back. We pay our bills and say our goodbyes. I pull out my cell and text my boss letting her know I need to take an unexpected half-day due to family issues. She knows about Madison, so she won’t question it.

  Then, I’m off, taking the subway to the hospital so I can figure out who the hell it is that just made our life ten times easier.

  * * *

  The woman behind the receptionist desk in the billing department gives me a look that says she can’t believe I’m yelling at her about this. “What do you mean you can’t tell me who paid everything off?” I know she doesn’t understand why I’m so upset about not owning money to them anymore.

  “I mean…” She pauses, typing a few more letters into the computer before starting again, “I’m going to need some identification. I can’t just give this information to anyone.” I bite my tongue because I seriously want to lash out at her. I’m the one who’s been paying everything for months.

  Pulling out my driver's license, I drop it on top of the desk. “If you can’t just ‘give that information to anyone’ how was someone able to pay for the treatments? That’s an awful lot of money to come from an anonymous donor.”

  Bridget, her name tag says, finally picks up my ID
and looks it over before handing it back to me. When she speaks again, I almost lose it.

  “What is it you wanted to know?” She asks politely, though it’s still snotty as hell.

  My teeth are going to break with how hard I’m clenching my jaw. Between breaking the heel on my favorite shoes on my way onto the subway platform and dealing with this witch, I’m so done with today. “I want to know who paid a payment on my sisters account today.” Silence follows, and then with a few more clicks on the computer she finally speaks.

  “It looks like a Remington Winston made a payment to bring your balance to zero yesterday.” She squints at the screen as if she can’t really believe what she is seeing, and then it hits me, the name she just said.

  Remington. Winston.

  My eyes bulge out of my head and my heart hammers in my chest. “Thanks.” I’m barely aware of taking my ID back and shoving it into my purse before walking back upstairs to the main level and out of the hospital. Using the app on my phone to request a ride-share, I wait outside while anger, sadness, elation, and pure frustration consume me.

  Remy doesn’t even know me, yet he’s done the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. Somehow, I still want to claw his eyes out and tell him he has no right to do such things. I never asked for his help… or anyone’s for that matters.

  Tears sting my eyes, because I know I’ll never be able to repay him, which means I’ll be forever in his debts.

  Fuck. I curse him, wiping away the tears the slip from my eyes and run down my cheeks, staining them with proof that I do still feel. I use the trip back to my apartment to plan my next move.

  Remy Winston… I’m coming for you.

  Chapter Ten


  I expected a phone call at the very least, but when two days pass and I haven’t heard anything from Mel, I wonder if the money was even deposited into the account. Maybe she hasn’t been told what I did for her family, and especially her sister, yet. It’s not like I can go ask her. If I bring it up, it will only sound like I did it expecting payment in some form from her, which is the opposite of why I did it.

  Nerves take flight in my stomach, because I know Mel will eventually make her appearance and show her disapproval for what I’ve done. It’s only a matter of time.

  Finishing up a meeting with Reed and Ryker, I head back down to my floor, finding Jared, the floor manager, motioning for him to follow me back to my office. “Please set up a meeting for next week at one. It’s mandatory.”

  I’ve barely finished the sentence when a mass of black hair and perfectly tan skin catches my eye. Turning away from Jared, I’m just in time to see Melody coming straight to my office, fury radiating out of her.

  Jared’s eyes grow huge as he excuses himself back to his desk before she reaches us. It’s as if he too can feel the fire brewing inside this woman, my woman.

  “Who the hell do you think you are Remy?” Her lip curls into a sneer with her anger, but it doesn’t have the intended effect on me. Instead of looking angry, she looks adorable as fuck.

  “If this is about….” I’m cut off before I even get the chance to finish my sentence.

  “Oh, you bet your ass this is about the money. I didn’t sleep with you to have you pay for my sister’s medical bills. I don’t need your pity money.” She growls, fire flickering in her eyes. It takes everything in me not to grin, knowing I’d most likely die right here if I do so.

  “I didn't do it because we had sex….” Again, I’m cut off before I can explain and now it’s starting to piss me off.

  “Obviously, you see me as some kind of whore. You wouldn’t have paid for something you had no business knowing about otherwise. I mean, was it that good you had to invest half a million dollars? Seriously, Remy. I’ll never be able to pay you back.” With her fists clenched at her sides, and her body pressed against mine, all thoughts that don’t include me picking her up and fucking her senseless on my desk get shoved out the damn window. I can feel eyes on us, and know this conversation is best saved for behind my office door.

  Instead of shoving her away, I take her hand and pull her all the way into my office. As soon as the door shuts behind her, she starts in on me

  “I will not accept your pity money Remy. You can take it and shove it straight up your…” If she’s not going to let me talk then I’m going to reason with her the best way I know how: sex.

  When our lips touch it’s an explosion of want, hate, and lust. Our teeth clash with the force of the kiss, and within seconds I find Mel peeling away my jacket, tie, and reaching for my belt.

  “I hate you.” She whimpers as I pepper her throat and chest with kisses, my hands ripping at her button-down blouse, causing the buttons to scatter across the floor.

  “No, you fucking don’t.” To keep her from saying it again, I take her lips with mine, thrusting my tongue in her mouth. Before either of us realize it, we’re both naked, my dress slacks tangled around my ankles, and her pencil skirt in a heap on the floor.

  I lift her, carrying her over to my desk and sweeping half the contents to the floor so I can lay her out on top of it. I don’t care if the entire office hears us so long as they know this woman is mine, and I am hers, regardless of what she says.

  “Remy.” She gasps, as I grip the lace thong she’s wearing and rip it from her body. My cock strains toward her pussy, more than ready to take her, but as the true gentlemen I am I find it necessary to make a woman come before I fuck her.

  Gripping her thighs, I drag her ass to the very edge of the desk, pushing her legs back so they’re resting against her chest. Her perfectly pink pussy glistens with need, begging and tempting me to fuck it, suck it, own it.

  “You might be furious with me, but you’re fucking dripping with need for me too.” I grin smugly, sinking two fingers inside her. She bucks her hips as if she can’t get enough, and when I pull my fingers out of her tight channel, bringing them to my lips and licking them clean she moans. I watch as her arousal heightens, the lust swirling in her eyes making my balls tighten with the need to come inside her.

  Fuck. I can’t come yet, not when I haven’t even tasted her. Pushing the thoughts of my own arousal away, I sink to my knees and stare at her perfect pussy, my fingers tracing the seam of her entrance before pinching her swollen clit.

  She jumps, moaning her pleasure as I manipulate her flesh. Melody wants this just as much as I do.

  “Remy…. Please…” She cries out my name, and fuck, I love having her at my mercy. It’s the only time she ever shows even a hint of vulnerability. Any other time she’s got her walls up so high you’ll never see the woman on the other side. With her plea for a release I lick at her clit, my tongue flicking against the swollen bud furiously.

  Within seconds she’s writhing, back bowing and her ass trying to grind against my face as I hold her down, giving her just enough pressure to bring her to the edge but not push her off. Her fingers tangle in my hair, pulling and scratching, urging me further and pushing me away all at once.

  When she’s panting, and her legs are shaking, I sink three fingers inside her tight cunt, pounding them into her and only stopping when I feel the tightening of her walls that signals the beginning of her orgasm. My eyes find hers and I watch as she falls apart, her chest rising and falling as she tries her hardest to catch her breath. Her body bows, and her hands are clenched tightly into fists as her pussy squeezes my fingers so hard, I feel the pressure in my dick.

  I take a mental picture of her like that, vulnerable, and so fucking beautiful it almost hurts. A black halo of hair frames her against the wooden desk as I rise, pulling her forward and crashing my lips into hers without another thought.

  Biting on her plump bottom lip until she whimpers, I then turn her around, easing her belly down onto my desk. Her feet hang slightly off the edge and I love knowing she’s so tiny, so fucking perfect for me.

  “I’ve thought about fucking you since the moment I woke up in your bed and you’re weren
’t there.” I growl against her shoulder, kissing the skin so softly she shivers.

  “Fuck me.” Mel gazes at me over her shoulder, her back arching as she pushes her ass toward me. I bend at the knees slightly and prod against her entrance, my cock saturated with her release when I pull back.

  “Oh, I’m going to fuck you Melody. I’m going to fuck you so hard; you’ll remember me for days. Every time you move, you’ll feel me. Every time you think of another man, you’ll envision this moment between us. You’re mine Melody, all fuckin’ mine.” With that, I slam into her to the hilt. My teeth finding the sensitive flesh of her throat and sinking into her silky skin. A muffled cry of pleasure escapes her, but she doesn’t tell me stop, instead one of her hand’s snakes around, grabbing onto my hip and urging me forward, encouraging me to pound into her even harder.

  And I do. I fuck her until I know neither of us will be able to be mad after this. Pictures and books rattle off my desk, clattering to the floor loudly, but none of that matters. Only the sounds of my skin slapping against hers and her cries of pleasure mixed with mine matter.

  Feeling the distinct tingling in my balls I slow down, wrapping Melody’s long black hair around my fist and easing her chest forward. I enter her slowly, the motion pushing her lower body against the desk while suspending her upper body with each thrust.

  My molars grind together as I hold off my orgasm, my teeth finding her earlobe. I suck on the flesh, marking it with my teeth and mouth.

  “You’re mine Melody. Mine. Your pussy is mine. Your body is mine. I don’t want you seeing anyone else. I just want you for my fucking self. Do you want that?” I purr in her ear, feeling the small flutters of her pussy, edging me closer to my release.


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