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Winston Brothers Box Set

Page 42

by Lewis, Stacey

  “Tell me you want it, Melody. Tell me you want my cock inside you as much as I want it to be there. Tell me…” I growl, upping my pace.

  “Oh God...Fuck yes, I want it.” She stumbles over her words, her pussy tightening then exploding as she finds her own release. I move in and out of her a couple more times before my own release takes root, my toes digging into my dress shoes, and my jaw tightens while my eyes close. There’s only one thought in my head as I fill her pussy with my release.

  It’s never been like this. Never.

  When the post-sex euphoria wears off, I release Mel and pull out of her. My body is covered in a thin sheen of sweat, but I smile when she barely moves and a soft, sleepy sigh slips from her lips. I see some of my semen drip out down her leg, and I wonder if she’s on any type of birth control.

  I didn’t think to stop and use a condom... again. Fuck.

  “Are you on any type of birth control?”

  Melody’s cheeks turn pink at my question “What?” She seems taken back by my question and slightly embarrassed all at once. “What do you mean you didn’t use a condom?”

  “Uh, Mel, you were here. Did you see me even have time to grab a condom?”

  She shoves up off the desk to glare at me, but all I can focus on is her naked body and how it’s on display for me. Unfortunately, she doesn’t let me look for long, because when she realizes I’m staring at her tits she huffs out an annoyed breath and covers her chest with on arm. As much as I don’t want her to, she starts searching for her clothes, covering that beautiful body so I can’t see it any longer.

  “That’s not even the point, Remy,” she tells me once she’s covered again. “How could you have sex with me without using a freaking condom?”

  Well, shit. “I guess now isn’t a good time to tell you I didn’t use one last time either, huh?”

  Mel’s eyes practically bug out of her head, her mouth dropping open dramatically. “Oh. My. God.” Her lips start moving, but she’s not making any sound and a lip reader I am not. She’s staring up at the ceiling and avoiding meeting my eyes until finally, she sags in relief. “Thank goodness.” I lift one eyebrow in question, a talent that comes in handy, and after a few more seconds, she explains. “I think it’s the wrong time of the month for me to get pregnant, so we should be good.”

  For reasons I don’t want to admit, I’m disappointed. It makes me a huge asshole, but if Mel got pregnant, she’d be forced to deal with me. Actually, I need to explore that idea a little more, because the idea of her having to be a part of my life is extremely attractive.

  “This can’t happen again, Remy.” Arms crossed over her chest, she tries to look stern, but I see right through it now.

  My head tilts to one side and I study her until she squirms under my attention. “What can’t happen? Sex? I assure you, that can, and will happen again. Soon if I have any say.”

  A growl rumbles in her throat but it’s not at all threatening. “I don’t think so, Remy, but if by some crazy chance it does, there will definitely be a condom.”

  Oh, I don’t think so. “Disagree. I like being inside you without one way too much to start using one now.”

  Mel is silent, like she can’t believe I just said that, and when she doesn’t say anything else, I tell her what else I want from her. Why not, right? “I want to take you out. Dinner? Tonight? I mean, we’ve fucked twice now. We’re kinda doing this backwards.”

  She immediately starts shaking her head. “No dates, Remy. Dates lead to the belief that we can be something more and I already told you I don’t do commitments. I’m not in that place right now. And I also told you I don’t date younger guys.” I know her words are meant to be an insult, and as much as I want to say I don’t give a fuck about what she says, I do.

  “What the fuck does age have to do with this? So, I’m younger than you. What does it matter? It’s not like you’re robbing the cradle. It’s a couple of years, not a decade.” I’m furious, and when she lifts her gaze from the floor, hands smoothing down over her blouse, I know she can tell how pissed I am.

  My anger feeds hers, so she lifts her chin in such a way that somehow, she’s looking down at me even though I’m taller. What kind of sorcery is that?

  “Age aside, it would never work between us, so stop trying. That’s not even up for discussion. You also need to get the money you paid to the hospital back. It was a nice gesture, and I do appreciate it, but I’ll never have the kind of money that will make paying you back possible. I don’t like the idea of such a large amount of money being between us. I don’t want to be in debt to some millionaire.”

  My jaw clenches and I want to take her across my knee, pull up that skirt, and spank her ass for being such a pain. “I’m not taking the money back. No way in hell. What’s done is done. It’s non-refundable.” Now I’m the one crossing my arms over my chest and glaring. It pisses me off that she’s freaking out about this, like she thinks I’m going to hold it over her head or something. “I never asked you to pay me back, and I wouldn’t take it if you tried.”

  “My business isn’t yours Remy. I’ll take care of myself and my family. I’ve been doing it for a long ass time, since long before you came along. I’ll survive. Now fix it, or I’ll do it myself.”

  Her threat only makes me laugh. “Good luck. We donate millions of dollars to the hospital every year. Besides, they’re not in the business of refunding money when you won’t immediately be able to pay them the same amount.”

  “Whatever,” she sneers, eyes narrowing. “I have shit to do. I didn’t expect to have sex with you when I came here so it’s taken me a lot longer than it should have.” She starts towards the door and I feel my heart sink into my stomach.

  She’s walking away… again. Leaving me… again.

  The woman she is when I’m inside her isn’t the same woman I see after, and I have to do something to get the woman underneath all the pain to shine. I have to find a way to make her mine.

  “Goodbye beautiful.” I say as she walks through the door, never saying a single word, not even goodbye.

  Fuck. I slam my fist down on my desk, needing an outlet for my frustration. I let her go and there isn’t a single thing I can do about it. I hate that I can’t force her to listen to me. That I can’t force her to just let me take care of her.

  The rest of the day I’m grumpy as hell and end up biting both Ryker and Reed’s heads off numerous times, to the point where they’re both ready to strangle me. I would welcome the fight with the mood I’m in.

  “Why’re you being such a dick today?” Ryker pokes, entering my office like it’s his own, sitting his ass on my couch and annoying me further. His presence alone makes my blood boil.

  “Why can’t you just leave well enough alone? I’m having a bad day; don’t act like you’ve never had one.” I grab my car keys, sliding my phone into my dress slacks as I stand. I’m cutting the day short. I’ve gotta get out of here before I lose it worse than I already have.

  Ryker’s studying me entirely too closely. “Dude, you need to get laid or something. I haven’t done shit to you and you act like I kicked your puppy or something.”

  I raise a brow at him in return, “That’s partially true. You did kick my dog growing up.”

  Ryker rolls his eyes, “Whatever. That was years ago... and can’t possibly be what’s annoying you right now.”

  “Up. Out. Go.” I order, pointing toward the door.

  Ryker shoves from the couch he just sat down on and wipes his hands against his pants. “Seriously, you need to get laid.” He sneers.

  I lock the door behind us and turn back to face him. “I did get laid. Today. In my office, on my desk. I don’t need to get laid, bro. I need the woman I’m chasing after to fucking understand that I could make her life one-hundred percent better.”

  “Ahhh, woman issues.” Ryker snaps his fingers, snickering at my misery. “You just wait till you knock one up. That’s when shit really hits the fan. You better n
ot come home without chocolate, or a single thing they’ve asked for during the day. Oh, and you also should become a mind reader.” I roll my eyes at his asinine comments. Ava is the best thing to ever happen to him, so he can’t really complain that much.

  “Sure Ryker, keep giving me relationship advice when you barely have your own shit together.” I sling the insult over my shoulder, walking towards the elevators. He sighs so loudly I can hear him even as I walk away. I’ve got more important things to do right now, like convince the woman I’m madly in love with that I’m the one thing she really needs.

  * * *

  I drive past Mel’s apartment building three times, circling the block before coming back around and parking. As soon as I park, I rest my head against the steering wheel and try to figure out what the hell I’m going to do.

  From the look of things, Mel isn’t even home, otherwise her car would be parked in this lot. I ponder my next move, knowing whatever I decide it needs to be perfect. I suppose I could pay off the rest of her sister’s medical bills, though I’m certain when Mel found out she’d rip my dick off and feed it to me.

  The thought makes me laugh, which in turn makes me think of Ryker and his comments before I left. “You just wait till you knock em’ up.” It hits me then exactly what I could do to ensure that Mel is always mine. Create a contract...a have baby contract...and in the time it takes us to conceive I could sway her thoughts on us as a couple. Hell, considering we’ve slept together twice now without a condom, she might already be pregnant. That would make things much simpler.

  I smile to myself like an idiot, feeling as if I’ve just hit the damn lottery. I pull out my phone a moment later and text her, my fingers typing out the words without much thought at all. When I hit send, I’m not sure if I’ve just made the biggest mistake of my life, or if she’ll realize she has no other option of repayment to me.

  She’s going to give me a baby, give us a baby, and I’m going to love her the way she deserves to be loved.

  Chapter Eleven


  For reasons I don’t understand, my heart is aching as I walk out of Remy’s office. I never expected to end up having sex with him when I came to confront him for putting his nose where it didn’t belong. And yet, I somehow found myself face down on his desk, his cock sliding into me and owning every single shred of who I am.

  By the time I make it downstairs to my car, my stomach is churning, and I think I might throw up. Not only that, but sadness bubbles to the surface and I’m fighting to keep tears from coursing down my cheeks. Remy is perfect, absolutely fucking perfect, and still I can’t find it in my heart to give him a chance. All he asked for is a date, one single date, but I can’t even manage to hang around for five minutes after he pulls out of me. It makes me feel dirty, like I’m no better than my manwhore father.

  Sagging against the driver’s side door of my car, I exhale, trying to calm my stomach. I know this is my fault. I’m doing all of this to myself because I’m too afraid to start anything real with Remy and I feel like there’s no way for me to stop the train wreck that is my life. I can’t even manage to stop being a complete bitch to him. One day, he’s going to decide I’m too much work and he’s going to find someone who’s less trouble. What will I do then?

  That depressing thought is somehow the one that makes my stomach stop feeling like it’s going to rebel, but only because it’s no longer in my throat. No, now it feels like it’s closer to my feet.

  My heart wants to go back inside and beg his forgiveness, but that particular organ can’t be trusted any more than the area between my legs that’s still reminding me just how good he makes me feel. Ignoring both, I slide into my car and drop my head, so my forehead is resting on the steering wheel. At this point, I don’t know that deep breathing will do anything to stop the tears I feel gathering in my eyes, but I have to try. Red, puffy eyes aren’t a good look on anyone.

  My phone chimes from inside my purse and I cringe at the sound. Is it him? Lord, I hope not.

  Mad: Melly! Guess what! I just got some great news. Come see me so I can tell you? Please? Pretty please?

  The tears that were threatening start to drip down my cheeks as I realize her happiness is all due to him. How am I supposed to keep my feelings for him in a safe little box when he makes my sister sound so happy, even in text messages?

  Now I have to find a way to repay him. I have to find a way to settle the debt, and I have to do it in a way that won’t hurt either of us.

  I sigh, scrubbing a hand down my face in frustration before texting Maddie back to let her know I’ll swing by the hospital after work. Even though I told my boss I wasn’t going to be back this afternoon, the article I’ve been working on is due at midnight. If it’s not turned in on time, she’s likely to strangle me, so I head back to the office, spending the rest of the afternoon working and trying to ignore the way I can still feel the aftereffects of sex with Remy.

  The reminder that Remy screwed me into oblivion is present every single time I shift in my seat and I love the feeling as much as I hate it.

  As soon as I print it off and lay the sheets of paper on Laura’s desk, I leave for the hospital. The entire drive I’m smiling, something I haven’t been able to do since before Maddie got diagnosed and Dad decided to start sleeping with his assistant.

  The usual routine of parking and then taking the elevator up to Maddie’s floor lets me focus more on how I’m going to act thrilled for her when I’m still so conflicted. One of the nurses buzzes me in, and I meet Sandy in the hall. She has a giant smile on her face too, so I’m assuming she knows about Maddie being accepted into the program. She may have even been the one who told her she got in. I know she’s been advocating for her to be part of it ever since we found out she was a candidate.

  “All that hard work of yours has finally paid off. An anonymous donor paid for your sister to get into the trial for that new medication. This could be a game changer for her!” She’s beaming, like I’m some kind of hero when I’m so not. Maddie getting to be a part of this trial isn’t because of me.

  As much as I want to tell her the truth, I don’t. What point would it serve? Instead, I act like I’m just as ecstatic as she is. “It sure has. I’m so excited to see what the future brings. How awesome that an anonymous donor made this possible for her.” That part is sort of a lie. The “anonymous” donor isn’t anonymous to me at all, but it’s not like I’m going to go around telling people what he did.

  “I’m just so happy Maddie is getting this chance. She deserves it so very much.” Her words make it harder for me to swallow.

  There’s so much truth in what she’s saying, but it hurts thinking that way, like she’s more important than the rest of the kids waiting for a donation, or transplant, or miracle in this place. “She does, and I don’t say that lightly. Everyone here deserves a chance at life, at living.” Madison is one of many, and they all deserve someone making what they need possible. Guilt floods my body at the thought that Maddie getting this chance thanks to Remy probably means someone else isn’t.

  We’re fortunate to still have Maddie, and tonight we’re even more fortunate knowing that she gets another chance, no matter how it’s come about. After saying bye to Sandy, I knock on the door to Maddie’s room gently. She’s sitting on her bed when I open it, eyes bright and shining with excitement.

  “It’s about time you got here. I wanted to be the first to tell you about being accepted, but mom said she beat me to it.” She frowns, “But that doesn’t matter because now I’ll get better, and once I’m out of the hospital we can celebrate together.” Her voice is full of hope, like if she says the words enough, they’ll come true.

  That hope is infectious, and I find myself relaxing as I sit on the edge of her bed. “Well, ya know, most people have to work. They don’t get to hand out in bed all day reading.”

  Maddie sticks her tongue out at me, and I do the same. “Sucks to be you. You’re missing out on all the good

  “Yeah?” I pick up the one she’s been reading lately and read the blurb on the back. “Gargoyles? Why are you reading about them?”

  She shrugs, grabbing the book back from me. “They’re so cool. Did you know their skin is impenetrable when they’re in their gargoyle form? I wish I had skin like that.” Looking down, she traces the words on the front, a small frown tugging down the corner of her lips. “Can you imagine what it would be like to be almost invincible?”

  My heart squeezes in my chest. What started out as a way to change the subject, so she wouldn’t start grilling me about the donor I don’t want to talk about, has taken a turn. “I’m sure it would be a pretty fantastic feeling.”

  “Yeah,” she sighs, and when she looks up at me, her eyes narrow and I know that while I might have delayed the conversation, she’s not going to let this donor thing go. “How did you do it? I know you had to pull some strings.” Maddie looks down at her book, then raises wide eyes to mine. “You didn’t sell your soul to a demon, did you?”

  I snort and shake my head. “No, I didn’t sell my soul to anyone. We had a very nice donation from a local company here in the city.”

  Maddie’s eyes fill with disbelief and she crosses her arms over her chest, “You’re telling me some random company donates tens of thousands of dollars and doesn’t want it back? You don’t have to work for them for a thousand years or something?”

  Cancer hasn’t lessened her ability to be dramatic, that’s for sure. “That’s what I’m telling you.”

  Her eyes get bigger and she seems as flabbergasted as I was to discover what happened. “That’s crazy… though I kinda want to know which company that was. I should, at the very least, write them a letter to say thank you.”

  “I’ll see if I can get the info for you by the time I come in for my next visit.”

  Smiling brightly, she covers my hand with her small, cold one. “Good. I can’t wait to tell them how much they’ve changed my life.”


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