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Protecting Priscilla

Page 4

by Pepper North

  When one of his thick fingers began to press into her wet channel, Priscilla moaned once again into his mouth. He swallowed her small sound eagerly as he explored her tight passageway. Mitch felt the constriction of her hymen as his finger slid deeper. He stretched it gently as he kissed her. Holding her in place to keep her from jarring her damaged ribs, Mitch began to seek her pleasure points.

  Tantalizing the spots that brought a gasp to her lips while searching for others, the large man eagerly began to learn her body. He didn’t rush. Mitch wanted her to remember the first time he pleasured her. He planned to overwhelm the small woman with sensations.

  Withdrawing one wet finger, he slowly pressed it back inside her, adding a second. Her tightness was forced to stretch as both large fingers glided into her body on a wave of gathering fluid. She was so turned on that her upper thighs were growing damp with her excitement.

  Mitch raised his head, enjoying the dazed look of growing pleasure on her face before kissing down her slender throat. Slowly pushing her dolly to the side, Mitch’s eyes devoured her exposed body. He eagerly lowered his head to nibble gently across one collarbone before descending her body to kiss over one small, tempting mound.

  “You are so pretty, Little girl,” he softly complimented as he looked across her body to meet the big, blue eyes that were fastened on his lips.

  Wrapping his lips around her beaded nipple, Mitch sucked lightly before smoothing his tongue around the pale pink bud. His hand restrained her attempt to arch upward toward his caressing mouth. A deep moan came from inside that small body as his mouth opened to draw most of her small breast inside as his fingers began to thrust deep inside her tight body. His penis pressed rigidly against the denim fabric that contained him. Mitch forced his attention away from his body’s reaction to the Little girl to focus on the bewitching sight in front of him.

  Her head thrashed against the padded top of the changing table as his caresses pushed her arousal higher and higher. Her hair became tangled around her face as she reached for something she didn’t recognize. Her eyes closed to half-mast as she tried to watch him while concentrating on the tingling feeling growing inside her body.

  He began stroking his callused thumb across her clitoris as his fingers pressed deep inside her. Her hips rose slightly toward his hand as her thighs clamped together to trap his hand between her legs. A high keening sound slid from her lips as the intense orgasm overtook her small body.

  “Daddy?” she called desperately as her hands reached up to cup his face. She drew his mouth from her erect nipple up to kiss her parted lips.

  Mitch kissed her deeply, enjoying the feel of her body pulsing around his embedded fingers. His penis urgently jerked against his jeans as his mind immediately envisioned how it would feel to be compressed inside her body as she orgasmed so strongly. Slamming the door on those thoughts to contain his urges, he pulled on the rigid military-born control he had over his body to calm himself. Never had he felt so close to losing control. This small woman had bewitched him.

  Chapter 7

  He helped her into an adult-sized high chair pulled close to the table’s edge. Embarrassed by the rustling diaper around her hips, Priscilla sat in the oversized t-shirt at Mitch’s kitchen table. A large sippy cup of the revitalizing lemon-lime drink sat in front of her. She took another sip as she traced the fluffy kittens on the plate in front of her. The petite figure watched the large, bearded man move smoothly back and forth in the kitchen, gathering tempting foods for her to eat.

  She watched him carefully. His movements were different from any of the staff at her uncle’s house. It was almost as if he stalked across the floor, moving with the agility of a panther. “Are you a dancer?” she curiously asked.

  He turned with a stunned expression. “I like to dance, but I’m definitely not a professional. What made you ask, sugar?”

  “You move like a cat. Each foot placed precisely without any wayward motions. Just like you’re stalking something. I’ve never seen anyone move like you,” she confessed.

  He walked with that intriguing, controlled stride to her side. Dropping a kiss on her forehead, he cupped her jaw in his hand before stepping back to study her with delight. Mitch liked that she was watching him. “I’ve studied a lot of martial arts. That’s probably what you’re noticing. Many of them are a lot like dancing when they’re practiced.”

  “Can you teach me how to karate chop wood in two?” she asked eagerly, making a few inept gestures with her hands.

  “When you are better, I’ll teach you more important things than how to chop wood,” he promised.

  Suddenly, she felt very sad. Her eyes filled with tears. “You’re not going to send me away, are you? Not back there to that house where I’m so alone?” she asked as a tear rolled down one cheek.

  Mitch pulled out a chair and sat next to her. Taking her small hands in his, he promised, “I’ve already decided that you’re mine, sugar. I keep what’s mine. Understand?”

  His tone was harsh, but immediately a trembling smile spread across her face. “Really? You’re going to keep me?” she whispered.

  “There’s nothing or no one that is going to stop me, Little girl. Your home is here with me now.” He wrapped one large hand around the back of her head and pulled her into his lips. His mouth staked its claim on her body and heart.

  Sitting back against his chair, he smiled at the dazed look on her face. “You’re mine. Now, eat.” He placed an assortment of fruits, raw vegetables, cheese strips and bites of roasted chicken on her plate before piling his totally full. He was a man who enjoyed life. He was looking forward to teaching her the pleasures the world could offer.

  “Some Little girl slept all afternoon. I bet you’re hungry.”

  Her eyes widened at the display on her plate. “I can’t eat this much food.” This was more food than she usually received for several days. Her eyes drifted to his plate.

  A warm hand wrapped around her fingers twisting against the wooden table top. “You eat what you want. If you wish more of something, ask. If you don’t like something I’ve put on your plate, eat one bite and try something else,” he directed with a reassuring smile. “If you want to dance with your Daddy, you’ll need some fuel to give your body energy.”

  He picked up a richly colored strawberry and held it to her lips. “Bite, sugar.” He breathed in sharply as her pink lips parted and the small white teeth took a small bite from the fragrant berry. When she moaned with pleasure at the deliciously ripe taste, he suddenly wished to be that lucky strawberry she was savoring.

  Telling his penis to knock it off, Mitch popped the rest of the strawberry in his mouth and crushed it between his strong teeth. “Mmmm is right, Little girl. Let’s eat.”

  Chapter 8

  After the evening meal, Mitch called Josiah. The retired detective picked up with a distracted hello. Mitch could hear his Little girl, Lindy, protesting in the background. Laughing, Mitch identified himself and apologized for interrupting her story time.

  “Not a problem, Mitch. I’ll go back a few pages and perfect my hippopotamus voice, and Lindy will be elated. What’s up? Did you discover what was triggering the cameras at the back gate?” Josiah probed.

  “I did. Her name is Priscilla. I need to know how to proceed, Josiah. Her cousin drugged her and threw her into a secluded area several miles from here. I don’t think he suspected she would live. He sure didn’t know anything about our building out here. I’m not sure what the best way to handle this is,” Mitch confessed. “I just want to go beat the life out of him, but me going to jail wouldn’t help my Little.”

  “Your Little?” Josiah questioned. A broad smile started to spread across his face as he stared at the phone in his hands.

  “My Little,” Mitch confirmed. “There’s no doubt about it. Would you and Lindy care to come visit tomorrow morning? I need some professional insight to tell me how to handle this situation to protect Priscilla.”

  “You couldn’t
keep us away. Shelby was coming to play with Lindy tomorrow while her Daddies go on an important mission,” Josiah spoke in a code that would remind Mitch that Shelby’s birthday was approaching. Jeremy and Beau were off to visit a horse breeding ranch nearby that had a gentle mare they thought would be a perfect present for their Little girl.

  “Shelby is welcome to come visit as well, of course. I’ll look forward to seeing the three Littles together.” Mitch laughed. “We’ll be outnumbered. Who knows what will happen? See you tomorrow at about 10?”

  “Sounds good. We’ll be there as soon as I can get two Little girls escorted down the path,” Josiah promised. The two men said their goodbyes quickly, eager to get back to their Littles.

  Chapter 9

  After hanging up the phone, Mitch turned around to find Priscilla leaning against the door frame. Her small hands pulled restlessly at the hem of the oversized t-shirt, and concern filled her blue eyes.

  “I don’t want to cause you problems,” she said, dropping her eyes to her bare feet.

  In a flash, Mitch stepped to the doorway. Lowering himself to kneel on one knee, he tugged her gently into his body. “You aren’t causing me problems, sugar. I just want to handle this the right way to protect you and to finalize this so you can start living life.”

  “Are you going to send me away?” Priscilla asked. She tried to sound brave, but her voice trembled with emotion. She had just found this wonderful man. He made her feel things she’d only dreamed about in her lonely room growing up.

  “I would never send you away. I hope when you are safe, you’ll decide to live here with me as my Little girl.” He held a finger over her lips to keep her from choosing immediately. “You deserve to explore the world. I don’t want you to decide until it’s the right time, okay?”

  He lifted his finger from her lips after she nodded. “Good girl,” he praised her. “Now, there’s a couple hours before it’s time to tuck you in bed. It’s starting to get dark outside. Would you like to go out and look at the stars?”

  She nodded eagerly. “I couldn’t ever see them well because of all the security lights around my uncle’s house at night. I would love to see them. Can we go outside now?”

  “We’ll need to put some socks on your feet and wrap you in a blanket, so you don’t get cold. Tomorrow, after we talk with Josiah, we’ll have an expert look at your ribs. Then, if you feel like it, we’ll go shopping to get you some clothes. You look super cute in my t-shirt, but you’ll need some other things to wear.”

  He scooped her easily up in his arms and carried her to his bedroom. Setting her on his bed, he opened a drawer and pulled out a pair of thick socks. Mitch sat close to her on the padded mattress and lifted each small foot to slide on large men’s socks.

  “There. Your toes won’t freeze,” he said, smiling at the enchanting picture on his bed.

  He walked into his closet for his boots and returned pulling on a denim jacket. He froze in the doorway when he spotted Priscilla curled up on his pillow with her nose buried in the soft padding. He made a quiet noise in the back of his throat as he realized she was smelling him. Something visceral rocked him. I’m hers as much as she’s mine.

  When she met his eyes, the hunger and passion blazing in them made her core grow warm. She started to stammer some excuse and then stopped. Priscilla simply raised her arms to him, asking silently for him to pick her up.

  Without hesitation, he held her body close to him. Priscilla clung to him. For several long moments, he rocked her as they were simply quiet together. Finally, he leaned back and kissed her forehead. “I don’t know how you found me, sugar, but I don’t ever want to let you go.”

  “Then don’t let me go,” she quietly answered. She tucked her head under his jaw and snuggled to his body, enjoying the aroma that was simply his.

  Lifting a blanket from the rack near the bed, Mitch set her down for a minute to wrap her in the soft warmth. After tucking it around her shoulders and under her chin, he gave her a light kiss. “Ready to go see the stars, sugar?”

  When she nodded eagerly, he lifted her into his arms and carried her through the house. Opening the back door, he flipped off the outside lights so nothing would interfere with the starlight. He had chosen this section of SANCTUM to build his house because it backed up to an area that wouldn’t be settled for many years, if ever. Now, it provided his Little with a clear view of the stars.

  Mitch watched her face as he walked out into the backyard to witness the evening sounds of the cattle in the faraway fields as they called to each other and the wildlife rustling in the woods, peaceful and untarnished by city noises. Sitting down in a large Adirondack chair, he settled her on his lap. Her gamine face was filled with awe and wonder as her eyes fixed on the twinkling stars above them. He waited patiently.

  Priscilla turned her face to look around. Tilting her head back to rest on his chest, her eyes jumped from star to star. “They’re so pretty, Daddy,” she breathed in admiration. She spoke quietly as if trying not to scare them away. Her hand rose like she was trying to touch a twinkling light. “That one’s the brightest.”

  “It is, sugar. That’s Sirius.”

  “It’s serious?” she asked, confused.

  “No, sugar. It’s spelled S-i-r-i-u-s.” He kissed the top of her hair. Settling back into his chair, the large man allowed himself to enjoy this moment. There was nowhere he would rather be than here holding this precious woman in his arms.

  “Daddy, do you know more about the stars?” she asked as her eyes searched the horizon.

  “I think you and I need to find a book about the stars to read together. Then we can be experts,” he suggested with a smile against the top of her head.

  “I’d like that, Daddy.”

  When his Little girl had relaxed on his lap and her breathing had become heavy, Mitch rose to carry Priscilla into the house. She had lasted longer than he expected. The days of exposure and fright in the woods had taken their toll on her body as well as her mind. She would need lots of sleep to recover fully.

  As he carried her down the hallway to the nursery, his footsteps hesitated at the master bedroom door. The large man wanted nothing but to hold her in his arms all night. He forced himself to continue down the hall with a shake of his head. The decision to sleep in his bed would have to come from his Little.

  Sleeping in his bed would likely lead to other activities. He knew she was an innocent. Since she had been a small child, she had never been allowed to make her own decisions. This would change now. He would be glad to guide her and give his opinion, but Priscilla deserved the right to make her own choices. If not, he would be no better than her uncle.

  He gently placed her in the beautiful crib and unwrapped the blanket from around her body to drape it over her. After tucking Lia into her arms, Mitch gently swept a finger across the padding on the inside of her diaper to check if she needed to be changed. When he found she was dry, he ran a caressing hand over her back to smooth the blanket back into place.

  After turning on the elephant-shaped nursery monitor, the former military man paused at the doorway and flicked off the lights. Turning to look back at the small lump in the crib, Mitch ran his hand over his beard. She was his. Soon, when everything was settled, he would make her his completely. Smiling, he walked down the hallway to his lonely room.

  Chapter 10

  Priscilla played with Lia on the floor of his office as Mitch searched for information about her cousin, Mark. He didn’t find a lot of information but hadn’t expected to discover much. Families with deep pockets knew how to conceal the misbehavior of their offspring. He would ask Josiah to have a friend in the police department run a search. Those records were harder to erase.

  When the doorbell rang, Mitch stood to walk to the door. As he stepped back to open it, he discovered Priscilla hovering behind his body. “Watch out, sugar. I don’t want to step on you.”

  Taking her hand, he tugged her backward slightly as he opened the door.
“Hi, Josiah! How did you get so lucky to have two beautiful ladies with you this morning?” He stepped back to invite them to come inside.

  Both Littles giggled and said, “Hi!”

  Shelby tilted her head to the side and smiled at Priscilla before announcing, “Hi! My Daddies are off buying me a horse for my birthday, but I’m not supposed to know it. I hope they buy me a pretty horse with a soft nose.”

  Both men looked at each other, flummoxed for a few seconds before they started to laugh. Josiah regained control of his breath first. “Little girl, are you going to let your Daddies surprise you on your birthday? They’ve been trying so hard to keep it a secret.” His eyes twinkled with merriment.

  “Daddy Jeremy talks in his sleep. He’s a bad secret keeper,” Shelby shared with the group. “Don’t tell him,” she begged. “That’s how I find out everything.”

  Mitch sobered slightly. “Maybe there are some things a Little doesn’t need to hear. I won’t tell your Daddies, but will you consider telling your Daddy Jeremy or Daddy Beau yourself?”

  Shelby thoughtfully nodded.

  “Daddy, would you start talking in your sleep?” Lindy asked. “I still don’t know where you hide the chocolate!” She grinned as everyone laughed again.

  Priscilla had watched this whole exchange from a position half-hidden behind her Daddy’s broad body. She grinned at the mention of hidden chocolate and stepped out from behind his body just a bit more. “Hi!” she said to the two Littles. “I’m Priscilla.”

  She didn’t remember having friends her age. Her only interactions had been with the elderly Mrs. Wolfe and the busy household staff. Her cousin, Mark, had rarely visited, and she’d only seen him through the window on his brief visits until her uncle died. She held her breath to see how they would react to her.


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