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Protecting Priscilla

Page 5

by Pepper North

  Lindy and Shelby rushed forward to hug her. When she yelped with pain as they squeezed her damaged ribs, they stepped back in shock. Lindy looked back at Josiah for help as Shelby’s eyes filled with tears. Neither girl would hurt a fly. They were so sad they had hurt Priscilla.

  Mitch soothed a hand over his Little’s silky hair. “I’m sorry, sugar. I should have warned them.” Looking at the two Littles who felt so bad, he said quickly, “Priscilla has some ouchies that need to heal. You’ll have to give her hugs when she feels better. Would you mind giving her gift certificates for future hugs?”

  When they nodded eagerly, Mitch beckoned them to the open living space. He opened a drawer with paper and crayons. Spreading everything out on a low table, he suggested, “Would you all like to color a hug to exchange for this visit?”

  The girls all nodded happily and sat on the rug. After helping Priscilla settle on the floor, he beckoned to Josiah to join him at a set of overstuffed chairs by the window. Soon, the Littles were all chattering and coloring pictures as they got acquainted. Mitch could hear Priscilla ask a lot of questions and knew this gathering would help her acclimate to living as a Little or decide she was not wired for this lifestyle. Either way, he was going to help her.

  “What’s going on, Mitch? What has Priscilla told you?” Josiah asked as soon as the Littles were occupied.

  Quickly running through all that Priscilla had shared, Mitch asked Josiah for his advice. “So, what steps do you suggest I take to protect her?”

  The former detective launched into professional mode. He ticked his suggestions off on his fingers as he talked. “First, I’m going to contact a buddy of mine who’s on the force near her uncle’s estate. He’ll see if there is any videotape evidence of the cousin adding something to her drink in the diner. Second, Priscilla’s going to need a lawyer who will protect her interests. I’d suggest Carrie Covington. She’s a Little herself and fiercely protective of anyone who has been abused. She’s not close to SANCTUM but can consult by phone. Third, her injuries need to be documented with pictures and x-rays. Fourth, since he’s already tried to harm her, she will need to be closely protected. This cousin will probably attempt to get rid of her again.”

  Mitch nodded at his suggestions. “How soon can we start? I want him behind bars as soon as possible.”

  “He’ll have access to the best lawyers who can be bought. Let’s get everything lined up before he’s alerted that she’s still alive. I think we start with Carrie. I’ll call her office now and see if I can schedule a video call with her soon.” Josiah nodded to Mitch’s left as he stood. Priscilla had quietly approached and was listening with big ears.

  As Lindy’s Daddy moved away, Mitch turned to his Little and pulled her gently toward him. Lifting her carefully onto his lap, Mitch explained what Josiah thought was best. He observed his Little’s face as he saw her move from scared to worried and back again.

  “We’re going to get this all straightened out, sugar. I promise. I’m not going to let him try to hurt you again.”

  “I could just stay here and disappear,” she suggested with a hopeful smile.

  Mitch sadly shook his head. “You’ve been hidden away for too many years, Priscilla. We’re going to take care of this cousin of yours so you can live a wonderfully full life the way a Little girl should. Will you trust me?” he asked.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she answered with a small nod. He knew much more of the big world than she did. Priscilla was comforted by his confidence that this would be settled.

  Josiah walked over to the couple as they sat quietly. “Carrie’s assistant gave her a note that a Little needed her representation. She’s in court today until 5:30, but will call your cell phone when she’s back in her office. I’m supposed to collect a dollar to put her on retainer so she can represent you immediately.” He held his hand out with a reassuring smile. “She’s taking your case.”

  “Hooray!” the two Littles who were still pretending to color celebrated. Their cheeks turned pink as they realized they had revealed how closely they were eavesdropping.

  “It’s okay, girls. Priscilla needs your support. You all keep your eyes open for anything that looks strange. Don’t investigate on your own,” Mitch warned with a stern look. “Tell the closest Daddy, and let us take care of it. Promise me.”

  “I promise,” Shelby said.

  “Me, too,” Lindy solemnly echoed, meeting her Daddy’s eyes.

  Chapter 11

  When Mitch’s phone rang, he, Priscilla, and her doll, Lia, were sitting at the kitchen table together, distracting themselves with cookies and milk. He activated the speaker button so they could both talk to the lawyer. “Thank you for calling, Mrs. Covington,” Mitch greeted her politely.

  “Please call me Carrie. Am I on speaker?” she asked.

  “Yes. It’s just Priscilla and me here to talk to you,” Mitch assured her.

  “Perfect. First, Priscilla, give me some background into your childhood, and then, tell me how you got to SANCTUM,” Carrie instructed efficiently. “Mitch, I’ll ask for your input when we get to how the two of you met, but for now, I need to hear directly from Priscilla. I am going to record this, but don’t be nervous. It’s mainly for my reference as I put together a case.”

  Scared by the spotlight, Priscilla looked at Mitch helplessly. He picked her up and set her on his lap with a kiss to her temple. Holding Lia tightly against her chest, the Little girl settled against his body and cleared her throat. Stumbling over the words, Priscilla shared her story with Carrie. Although she tried to gloss over her life with her uncle, she answered Carrie’s perceptive questions to reveal a very neglected and isolated childhood. Her description of her encounters with her cousin Mark after his father’s death, made Mitch’s blood boil, but he remained quiet.

  When she finished, the silence sounded deafening in the room. Carrie finally cleared her throat. “I can’t wait to get that bastard. Mitch, have you taken Priscilla for x-rays of those ribs and anything else that hurts?”

  “Yes, we went this afternoon to an urgent care center about an hour away. I paid in cash with a receipt and made up a fake name and address. I have electronic copies of the x-rays and the doctor’s report. Four of Priscilla’s ribs on one side are fractured. I have photos of all the scrapes and bruises.”

  “I will give you my email address to send me copies of all those documents. The officer whom Josiah contacted has investigated, and a warrant for Mark’s arrest has been processed. My latest update says that the police believe he has been tipped off and is on the run. He withdrew a large sum of money from his bank account at approximately one this afternoon and had powered off his phone. Tighten security around the complex as a safeguard. I’ll keep in contact. If you have any concerns, contact Sheriff Ben Underwood who has jurisdiction over SANCTUM and the surrounding counties. Here’s his number.”

  After rattling off the direct number to the sheriff’s cell phone, Carrie warned, “Mitch, I know you’re angry. Do not go after Mark. Give the police time to work and call at the slightest inkling there is a problem. Do not take this into your own hands.”

  “I understand, Carrie,” Mitch said, forcing his anger to recede. He snuggled into the crook of Priscilla’s neck to kiss her, which launched an adorable round of giggles as his beard tickled her.

  Carrie’s voice softened, and the authority evaporated from her tone when she spoke next, “Priscilla, I look forward to the time when you and I can have fun being Little together. We’ll have a big celebration party at SANCTUM!”

  “Can we have cake?” Priscilla asked softly. “Mrs. Wolfe smuggled me a piece in for my birthday once when my uncle was away. It tasted so good.”

  “I’m going to make sure you have the biggest cake ever, sugar,” Mitch broke in.

  Chapter 12

  When Mitch disconnected the call, he cuddled the little girl on his lap. He held her close to his body as his mind replayed her heart-wrenching descriptions of her life with her un
cle. She had not been in his life long, but he could not fathom how anyone could treat her so poorly. He shook his head to push out the vengeful thoughts that burst into his mind when he considered…Mark. He wasn’t going to call him her cousin. That murderous bastard didn’t deserve to be considered family.

  “It’s okay, Daddy. I didn’t know any different. I wasn’t sad. I thought it was how everyone whose mommy and daddy died grew up,” Priscilla said softly as she patted his hand to reassure the large man. She could feel the tension in his body.

  “I’m going to make sure that man goes away for a very long time,” Mitch promised.

  “It doesn’t matter where he is, Daddy. As long as he’s not around us, it doesn’t matter.” She turned carefully to face him, thanking him when the large, caring man lifted her easily to shift her on his knee. Abandoning her doll on the table, Priscilla leaned forward to press her lips against Mitch’s.

  Their breaths grew louder as passion instantly flared between the pair. Priscilla lifted her hands to run through his thick black hair. She held him close to her face, enjoying the sensuous feel of Mitch’s mouth devouring and seducing hers. She wished to do nothing else but cling to him. He had become her rock, her protector, and her teacher in everything that was pleasurable.

  Wiggling a little closer to him, Priscilla’s desire spiked as the proof of her Daddy’s attraction and virility pressed against her body. She’d never had any control of her life. She could feel the tension in Mitch’s muscled body, his thigh under her small bottom hard and unyielding. She shivered slightly as she realized he was holding himself steady to give her control. He was allowing her to set the pace and become the aggressor.

  “I want to bring you pleasure,” she urgently whispered to him. “You’ve changed my world and rescued me. Will you teach me how it’s supposed to be between a man and a woman?”

  His heartfelt groan made her smile against his lips as she leaned in to kiss him once again. His mouth crashed against hers passionately before jerking away. “Sugar, I don’t want to hurt you. Will you promise me you will tell me if you are in pain? I will stop loving you immediately.” His green eyes searched her face.

  “I’ll tell you, Daddy. I promise.” Her mouth curved in a wicked smile as she urged, “But now, Daddy. Make love to me now.”

  Instantly, Mitch stood, lifting his precious Little into his arms. He carried her to his bedroom and set her on the edge of his king-sized bed. Kneeling between her legs, he leaned in to kiss her gently. Swearing in his head when his urges pushed him to make passionate love to her, Mitch called on his military strength and iron-clad control.

  Reaching over his shoulder, Mitch grabbed the back of his snug t-shirt and yanked it over his head. He smiled at her quick intake of breath as her blue eyes darkened and scanned his hard, muscled torso. When she reached her hands toward his chest only to pull them back, her face revealed her apprehension to do something wrong.

  Mitch pulled her hands toward him and pressed her palms firmly against his pecs. “Please touch me, sugar. I am eager to feel your caresses.”

  When her face transformed with happiness, he leaned in to take her lips, seducing her skillfully. He smiled against her lips as her hands began to caress his body. Those inexperienced touches raised his blood pressure more than the practiced lovemaking of previous women. Mitch shut a door in his mind to seal away the thought of other women. His Little was here.

  Lifting his lips, Mitch searched her face for any discomfort. When she smiled at him with her heart in those big blue eyes, he reached for the hem of her baggy t-shirt and gently pulled it over her head. “Let me look at you, sugar. Lift your arms for Daddy.”

  As her bruised and battered body emerged, Mitch’s eyes darkened with anger. Tossing the shirt to the side, he cursed, “That man is going to pay for trying to harm you.”

  Her small, cool hand cupped his cheek. “Thank you for loving me,” she whispered. That sexy smile spread back across her face as the anger drained from his eyes. “Be here with me now.”

  The strong warrior kneeling before her ran his hands over the elastic bandages covering her ribs before reaching up to cup her petite breasts. She held her breath, hoping he would not find her lacking. His fingers touched her reverently as her sensitive nipples tightened into hard buds.

  “You are so beautiful, sugar,” he praised as if reading her mind. Mitch pressed warm kisses against the underside of her breasts as he sought those magic places that brought her the most satisfaction. His brain memorized every moan and sigh as she revealed her pleasure without reservation.

  He slid a large hand behind her back to support her as he leaned her back against the bed. Mitch followed her as he trailed kisses down her throat. Reaching those delicate mounds, he gently kissed one rose-colored tip before pulling it into the warmth of his mouth. Tasting her with his tongue, he groaned against her skin as her sweet flavor filled his mouth.

  Trying to lie still as his skilled kisses and caresses swept over her body, Priscilla wove her fingers through his military-short hair to pull his mouth closer. She’d read many romance and age play novels, but nothing had prepared her for the feel of his hands and mouth on her body. The authors had not adequately described the sensations he was spreading across her skin. Or maybe he’s just better than other lovers!

  A tickle at each of her sides was the only warning she felt before her unused diaper was whisked away, dropping to the floor with a crinkle. A manly hand spanning across her chest kept her pinned in place to prevent her from curling upward. His deep voice sounded harsh with his growing need.

  “Lie flat on the bed, sugar. Don’t hurt your ribs. I just need a taste,” he firmly directed as his lips began descending her thin body.

  Priscilla moaned as she felt him nip playfully at one jutting hipbone before swirling his tongue into her indented belly button. “Daddy, I need to move,” she begged.

  “No, Little girl. Your body needs to freeze right here.” His tone brooked no refusal. “Would you like to watch?” he softly asked. His hot, searing breath ruffled the scarce adult hair at the apex of her thighs.

  “Please,” she asked. Her need echoed in her voice.

  “Lift your left arm and slide your forearm under your head to prop it up. Leave your torso on the bed.”

  She followed his gruff instructions immediately. Instantly, she froze as she both saw and felt his fingers trace the cleft in her labia. Priscilla instinctively widened her legs even more, silently begging for him to touch her. She felt his fingers dip into her pink folds.

  His eyes were fixed between her legs. She blushed with reticence to have his focus on her intimate places, but she wouldn’t have stopped him for the world. She watched with fascination as he raised his fingers away from her body. Slick juices coated the tips of his fingers, and a faint gasp of shock emerged from her lips as her Daddy lifted his hand to his mouth. His tongue flicked out to lap at his fingers before sliding them into his mouth to suck her flavor from his digits.

  “Oh, sugar. I knew you were going to taste sweet, but even I didn’t know you could taste so good. I need to have another taste.”

  There was no question in his statement, but Priscilla’s head nodded eagerly, giving him permission. Before she could whisper, “Please,” his mouth lowered to her exposed body. She felt his tongue trace through her labia to circle her wet opening and dip slightly inside. Her whisper became a whimper of need.

  “I know, sugar. Daddy’s going to make it better.” His voice rumbled against her body. The vibrations made her hips try to lift automatically, but his restraining hand slid to her abdomen, and he held her securely pinned to the silky fabric below her hips. “Mmmm!” he added as his tongue returned to taste and tantalize her body.

  Priscilla felt him lift her thigh to drape it over his shoulder, opening her body even more to his touch and sight. His lips and tongue explored her, intimately tasting and drawing at her sensitive skin while one hand began to trace a path into the depth of her v
agina. He forced her arousal to rise as his skilled touch caressed her body, seeming to know where she needed his touch before she even realized it. Finally, unable to resist the lure of his caresses, her body froze on the bed as it was powerfully propelled into an intense orgasm that caused her to use the name he’d dreamed of for so long.


  He allowed her only a few seconds of stillness as her orgasm flooded her body with pleasure before he began to drive her arousal swiftly back up until she was begging for him to do something, anything.

  She felt his hands leave her body, and she opened those big, blue eyes that had closed when the sensations overtook her body. “No!” she desperately moaned as her hands clutched his shoulders.

  His low laugh sent shivers through her. He wasn’t laughing at her. Her Daddy was pleased she responded that well to his touch. Mitch lifted himself to his feet, standing close to the bed between her legs so she couldn’t close them, depriving him of that intimate view. His hands went to his waistband, drawing her attention to his rigid staff pressing desperately against the thick fabric of his jeans.

  Slowly he unbuttoned and carefully lowered the zipper to reveal his thick penis. She should have been shocked by his lack of undergarments, but Priscilla appreciated that his masculinity was unfettered and immediately open to her view. She watched him roughly shove the jeans over his hips before pushing them to the carpet and stepping out of the garment. He kicked his pants out of the way.

  Mitch wrapped his large hand around his rigid staff. While he was well endowed—more than the average male—his Little girl was so small. He would need his iron control to move slowly. His hand began to stroke his penis as she watched. Her Daddy groaned as she licked her lips like an invitation. He would explore her mouth later. For now, he needed to be inside of her.


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