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Protecting Priscilla

Page 6

by Pepper North

  Moving roughly, the ex-soldier opened his nightstand drawer to pull out a condom. Until she was fully protected, Mitch would take care of her. Ripping the package open, he hesitated. “Sugar, are you ready to join your body with mine?” His eyes trapped hers. “It’s okay if you need more time before making such an important decision.”

  Those enchanting blue eyes met his directly. “I want to be with you completely. Do you want me?” she asked as her eyes dropped to her bandage-wrapped torso.

  “Priscilla, never doubt how precious you are to me,” he said with such conviction that her eyes flashed up to meet his.

  He lowered himself to his knees between her outstretched thighs. Mitch pressed the broad head of his penis against her wet entrance. He began to push slowly inside, feeling her tight passage gradually yield to his pressure. One large hand resumed its position, holding her body to the bed to prevent Priscilla from hurting herself.

  Her eyes bravely held his. She wanted this so badly. Cursing her ribs and the need to stay still, she slid her hand across his restraining one, linking her fingers with his. “Please.”

  “Little girl, you may kill me,” he growled at her as he continued his slow path inside. Meeting resistance, he paused and reached forward to cup one of her small breasts. Trailing his fingers to her nipple, he tweaked the budded peak sharply as he pushed through her virginity. The sudden shock of pain helped distract her as he slid inside completely.

  Priscilla panted on the bed before him. His shaft stretched her tight channel completely and seemed to take her breath away. It was as if he had become part of her. Cherishing the feeling of overwhelming closeness between herself and this muscular man who had become so important to her in such a short time, Priscilla jumped slightly as his thumb began to brush against her clitoris.

  “There’s more?” she naively asked.

  He chuckled softly at the surprise on her face. “Sugar, there’s so much more.” He withdrew from her clutching tightness and pressed in once again as he caressed that sensitive nerve bundle under his thumb. At her low moan, he leaned forward to wrap his lips around her punished nipple while holding his weight from her body. His caresses drew small sounds of arousal from her open lips as her head dropped back to the comforter as he moved within her.

  Her thighs wrapped around his waist automatically. Her arms clutched those broad shoulders before her, clinging to him for stability as the sensations grew and grew inside her body. His lips kissed a path to her neglected nipple. Without thinking, Priscilla cupped her abandoned breast and began to caress the small mound.

  His heated growl against her nipple sent vibrations through her aroused body. He liked it when she touched herself. A feminine smile spread across her lips as she began to understand that she had as much power to arouse him as he held over her. She pulled slightly at her nipple, enjoying the zing of pleasure she provoked.

  His answering nip to the breast he teased made her body suddenly jolt into a consuming orgasm that crashed over her body. Frozen on the soft bed, she screamed into the quiet space, “Daddy!”

  Unable to resist the crushing squeeze of her wet passage around him, Mitch roared his pleasure into the room as well, his deep voice blending with her gasps for air. Over and over, his shaft pulsed with the thick fluid that rushed into the tight condom. He continued to press inward, rubbing his body against hers to bring her additional pleasure.

  When she climaxed around him once again, he finally began to slow his movements. Holding himself inside, Mitch enjoyed the press of her channel around him until her body calmed. Slowly gliding from her body, Mitch released the hand that had contained her movements. A small sound of wonder brought his eyes to her face.

  “Is it always like that?” Those beautiful blue eyes were clouded with satisfaction.

  “It will only be that good and better between us, sugar,” his husky voice assured her with confidence underlining each syllable.

  Soon, Mitch forced himself to withdraw from her body. He lifted her carefully into his arms and tucked her into his warm bed. Disposing of the condom quickly, he whispered, “I’ll be right back, sugar.” Mitch ran a quick errand to the kitchen to retrieve Lia. His Little had kept that doll in her sight since she’d found her. He knew she was afraid Lia would disappear as her previous doll had.

  Later, lying in his arms under the soft sheets, Priscilla basked in their closeness. His hand smoothed across her back to soothe her when a shiver of foreboding ran through her body. Her cousin was still out there. He wouldn’t give up. She pulled Lia close to reassure herself.

  “You’re mine,” that deep voice rumbled through the muscled chest under her ear to stake his claim.

  The Little closed her eyes and calmed her worries with the confident thought, Daddy will protect me.

  Chapter 13

  The next couple of days passed quietly for the couple. Priscilla basked in her Daddy’s loving care and the safe environment. When a phone call interrupted their quiet time together, the Little sat on Mitch’s lap, eavesdropping as Jeremy invited them to attend Shelby’s surprise birthday party.

  When her Daddy hung up the phone, she leaned in to kiss his cheek. “I want to get Shelby a birthday present, but I don’t have any money. Would you loan me some?” she asked with a hopeful smile.

  “I don’t have a present for Shelby either. How about if we work together? You choose the perfect present, and I’ll pay. Does that sound like a deal to you?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “I’d love that. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a birthday party!” she enthused.

  “Birthday parties are important. You need a present and a party dress. I think I know a Little girl who needs to go shopping. Wearing one of my t-shirts as a dress is perfect around the house, but you need some other clothing as well.” He kissed her cheek and set her on her feet. “Let’s get you dressed to go shopping.”

  Her hand slid into his as a worried look covered her face. Biting her lip, she hesitated before whispering, “Do you think it’s safe? My cousin is still out there somewhere.”

  “He’d have to go through me to get to you, sugar. And that’s not happening,” Mitch confidentially answered. “I washed the clothes you were wearing. They’re in bad shape, but they’ll get us to the store to buy some clothes and new shoes. Come on, Little girl. I can hear the stores calling us,” he teased.

  Soon, they were in that big SUV Priscilla had tried so hard not to get dirty on the ride home. Home! she thought with a grin. It really is home. Her uncle’s house had been just that, a house, always cold and unwelcoming. She had been so alone there.

  As if sensing her thoughts, Mitch covered one of her thin thighs with his hand. She missed out on so much growing up, he thought. I think maybe a visit to the candy shop downtown would be a good idea. Internally, he vowed to make up the wasted time in her life.

  Chapter 14

  Priscilla held the big shopping bag in front of her. She’d found a special gift for Shelby she knew the Little girl would love. It was a collection of art supplies with a paint-by-number picture of a dark hound dog. Shelby had described Mr. BJs to her, and Priscilla knew she’d love creating a painting that looked like him. Her Daddy tried to carry it for her, but Priscilla wanted to hold it.

  Smiling at the laden man beside her, she laughed. He couldn’t possibly carry anything else. Her Daddy had purchased an entirely new wardrobe for her. She scuffed the heel of her new shiny red cowboy boots against the concrete. She loved everything he had picked out.

  Standing next to the back of the SUV, Priscilla felt a shiver of coldness run down her spine. Looking around the parking lot nervously, she felt uneasy, as if someone was watching her. The Little girl stepped closer to her Daddy’s strong body for protection.

  “What’s wrong, sugar?” Mitch’s eyes immediately began scanning the area as he searched for any threats. At that time of the day, there were a lot of people around. Young families, older people, and noisy teenagers filled the shopping area a
nd wandered purposefully through the parking lot. The careful Daddy had deliberately chosen this shopping center to be able to blend in with the crowd.

  His eyes glided over a man huddled in a dark alcove by the edge of the parking lot. His shabby clothes and unkempt hair and beard proclaimed him to be a street person. The crumpled, bottle-filled brown paper bag in his hands and the holes in the exposed soles of his battered shoes reassured Mitch that the man was not a threat.

  Still, feeling exposed, he helped Priscilla into her seat and buckled her in safely. He would make that one last stop downtown for his Little girl’s treat, and then they would drive home to the sanctuary that SANCTUM offered. Shifting the vehicle into gear, Mitch drove out of the parking lot, checking the rearview mirror often to see if they were being followed. No one trailed them to the candy store.

  With a breath of relief, Mitch held her hand as he ushered Priscilla into the hot pink storefront. He watched her freeze as she saw all the treats around her. Her hand gripped his as if she was trying to tether herself to something stable. Mouth open, she turned in a big circle, checking out all the displays around the shop.

  When a full-figured woman approached with a smile, the small figure asked with amazement dripping from her words, “There are this many different kinds of candy?”

  “There are more than this, but we have a delicious assortment. What’s your favorite candy?” the kind woman asked.

  “I have no idea,” Priscilla answered, looking to her Daddy for help.

  “We’re going to find out, sugar.” Turning to the apron-clad lady with a smile, he added, “We’re going to choose a few things to try. We know Priscilla likes chocolate. Could you show her where your favorite is?”

  The saleswoman turned to wink at Priscilla. “Let’s go sample some chocolate, shall we?” She held out her hand to Priscilla, who rushed forward to join her.

  By the time Mitch handed over his credit card to pay for the pile of sample bags of candy, they knew Priscilla loved milk chocolate, but dark was too bitter. She made the funniest faces as she ate sour gummies but wanted a lot of those. Licorice was a big favorite in a variety of flavors.

  Mitch looked back over his shoulder at the colorful rows of candy in the store. They’d only made it down one aisle. There were four more to go. Priscilla had chattered so much with her new friend, Samantha, that she was losing her voice. They’d found out she was the owner of the shop, and Mitch suspected she was a Little. What better occupation for a Little girl?!

  Waving goodbye to her new friend with a candy pacifier in her mouth, Priscilla skipped in her new boots out of the enchanting candy shop. “That was so much fun, Daddy. Did you know there were that many kinds of candy? And all you liked were those yucky black licorice things!”

  As Mitch buckled her into her seat, Priscilla leaned forward to press sticky lips against his. “Thank you, Daddy. Not just for all the stuff. I love all of that,” she rushed to reassure him. “Thank you for showing me the life I’ve missed.”

  Her face blushed an adorable shade of pink as she whispered, “Thank you for loving me last night.”

  “Thank you for finding me, sugar.” His words were soft and loving.

  Chapter 15

  “Goddamn!” Mitch kicked the tire, angry at himself for being so clueless.

  “Hey! What’s up?” Beau asked as he pulled his truck behind Mitch’s SUV.

  “I am an absolute idiot,” Mitch said as he held out the tracking device he found on the underside of the rear bumper.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Beau asked in confusion.

  “Yes, he knows where she is now. I thought if I took her two towns away to shop that he couldn’t have everything under surveillance,” Mitch dropped the tracking device to the rocky drive and crushed it against the stone.

  “Who? Her cousin?” Beau was catching up with Mitch now. Everyone at SANCTUM knew Priscilla’s past and how she had arrived here. “You’d think he’d just disappear.” He shook his head sadly. “I’ll alert everyone. We’ll increase security.”

  “Thanks, Beau. I should have thought about searching the car.”

  Shaking his head to let Mitch know there was no way he could have anticipated the tracer, Beau changed the subject. “I was just coming by to tell you that Operation Whoa is underway. A ranch hand is bringing the mare tomorrow afternoon after the birthday party starts.”

  “We’ll be there. Priscilla picked out bubble gum for a bubble blowing contest. She’s just learning to blow bubbles, but she has big aspirations.” Mitch smiled fondly, remembering teaching her how to blow a bubble. All that puckering had to be rewarded with some sweet kisses.

  Waving goodbye to Beau as he headed back home, Mitch ran a pensive hand through his thick beard. Should I tell Priscilla? he debated. Shaking his head, the he decided he didn’t want to worry her. SANCTUM would take care of their own. She’d be safe here.

  Chapter 16

  Mark Sanders pulled the borrowed gray sedan away from the gates and the sign announcing SANCTUM. That’s where the tracker had last sent out a signal. He had stopped to circle the entrance on his map and drop a marker on his phone so he could return easily.

  He cursed as he glanced back at the map at the seedy motel where he had been forced to hide. It was several miles from the deserted spot where he dumped her. How had she survived?

  Checking the gun stolen from his uncle’s collection, Mark knew he wouldn’t risk that again. This time, he would make sure his pathetic cousin wouldn’t be around to take half of the money that should be his. He wasn’t going to share his inheritance with a waif who hadn’t even been outside for years.

  He ripped off the scratchy wool shirt he had picked up at the thrift store many miles away. Forced to disguise himself as a down on his luck vagrant, Mark cursed the rough fabric. With disgust, he toed off the battered shoes that itched slightly on his feet. That big bastard looked right over me as if I didn’t exist, Mark thought. It was easy to blend in when he pretended to be someone no one really wanted to notice.

  The previously pampered man had sat in that corner of the shopping area for days hoping that somehow, he’d catch a glimpse of the young woman he hunted. It was a long shot, but it was the only chance he had to take back the life she now threatened. When he’d seen Priscilla clinging happily to the large man’s hand, he’d almost made his move then.

  Even through his rage, Mark recognized the predator in the other man. He walked with total confidence and control. Tall and at the height of physical fitness, the man with Priscilla moved like a beast of prey. He knew he wouldn’t be able to make his move to eliminate her then. Exasperated, he had left the shopping area, recovering the car he had borrowed from an old college buddy who needed money. Stopping to drink at a low-class bar, he’d drowned his frustrations in a tall glass of whiskey.

  Rubbing his hand over the unkempt stubble on his face, the fugitive celebrated. Now that money is all mine. Thanks to an intoxicated local sitting next to him at the bar, Mark now knew how he would take care of the problem. When she disappeared, he could make the charges against him evaporate. He just needed to get rid of her, and he could start living the luxurious life he had dreamed of having for years.

  Chapter 17

  Priscilla looked back at her Daddy with a big grin. It had taken some time for the Little to get comfortable with all the new people and the lively commotion of Shelby’s birthday party. She’d even met Hunter, who with all his tattoos looked like he would be menacing, but he was a Little as well, or maybe a Middle. Priscilla didn’t know if that even existed, but he seemed a bit older. He was so nice that she was glad he and his Daddy had come to visit for the party. It did make her realize that Little boys existed as well as Little girls. Could there be Mommies as well?

  Now, as she, Lindy and Hunter sat on the floor with Shelby to watch the birthday girl open her presents, the Little girl had felt comfortable enough to be away from Mitch’s lap. She had decided to take her precious doll, Lia, w
ith her to the party for reassurance.

  Her present to Shelby was the last one to be opened. She turned back around to watch Shelby pull the crinkly tissue paper from the bag. Priscilla tried to relax, but she really wanted Shelby to like her gift. She hadn’t ever had friends to play with. Now that she did, the newest Little wished to bring them the same happiness they shared with her.

  “Ooooh! Look!” Shelby pulled out the art supplies. “Look, Daddies! It’s a whole art set. There are paints, and crayons, and drawing pencils, and chalk!” she rattled off as she became increasingly more excited. “I love to paint! Oh, look!” She pulled out the paint by number picture of her dog’s twin. “Look! He looks just like BJs!”

  The two Daddies rolled their eyes at the name Shelby had chosen for her dog. Nothing could convince her to change it. Formed from all of their names, Beau, Jeremy, and Shelby, the dog’s name was there to stay.

  “Oh, thank you, Priscilla!” Shelby leaped to her knees and started to hug her new friend enthusiastically.

  “Careful, Shelby!” a chorus of Daddy voices reminded her.

  “Oops! Sorry!” Shelby puckered her lips and kissed Priscilla’s soft cheek instead. “Thank you, Priscilla! I love my present! You’ll have to come make art projects with me. You, me and Lindy.” She glanced at the handsome Little on the floor with them. “Hunter, too, when he’s here. We’ll make an art gallery and sell our masterpieces!”

  The four Daddies looked at each other and laughed. Guess who their patrons would be?

  “There’s one last present, Shelby. It was too big to come to the party,” Beau grinned.

  “You found my horse!” Shelby said, jumping to her feet enthusiastically.

  “How did you know, Little girl? That was supposed to be a surprise,” Jeremy said with narrowed eyes.


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