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Bought by the Badman

Page 22

by Hayley Faiman

  “I meant to take you slow, to make you come at least twice before I fucked you,” he rasps against my skin.

  “I kind of liked what we just did,” I admit.

  He lifts his head from my chest, his eyes searching mine. “I wanted to be better than him. I wanted to show you different, make sure that you were okay.” He looks completely devastated.

  I move my hand to his cheek and run my thumb along his bottom lip, something that I simply love to do to him. “He never crossed my mind. He never has when I’m with you, Aidan. When it’s you and me, nothing else in the world exists. Trust me on that,” I state.

  “Goddamn, I don’t deserve you, Giovanna,” he says.

  I give him a wide grin. “I think we’re just perfect for one another, Caro,” I shrug.

  “Me, too, A rùnsearc.”



  Wrapping my hands around her waist, I slam her down against me as I push up inside of her. Giovanna throws her head back with a loud cry. Her pussy clamps down around me, but I can’t stop, I’m too fucking close. I slam her down on me, lifting my hips from the mattress once, twice, three times until I bury myself deep and come on a growl.

  “Aidan,” she sighs, falling forward, resting her cheek against my chest.

  I run my fingers up and down her back, attempting to catch my breath as she buries her face against my neck. We fucked all night long last night, then this morning she woke me up with her lips wrapped around my cock. I couldn’t not fuck her, not after that generous wakeup call.

  “We have the wedding tonight,” I say against the top of her head.

  She grunts. “You’re not going to tear up my fancy ball gown, are you?” she asks.

  “I’m not making a single fucking promise,” I state.

  “But you helped me pick it out,” she cries.

  I shake my head. “Still no promises, A rùnsearc.”

  She giggles against my neck and I can’t stop the smile from appearing on my lips. Goddamn, this woman is more than I ever imagined I could have to myself. Never in my life did I think that I’d have this—someone I could laugh with. I don’t remember ever laughing with Fallon, not from the moment we said our vows.

  “I’m hungry, feed me,” she breathes against my skin.

  I let my fingers drift down to her ass and grab ahold of her flesh. “You need to fucking eat, you’re too skinny anyway,” I chuckle, rolling us over so that she’s on her back. I hover above her, resting on my forearms so that I don’t crush her.

  “Yeah, right,” she snorts.

  I tip my head to the side. “Trust me, Vanna. I enjoy curves, and you’ve lost some since all of this shit went down. I aim to put them right back on you.”

  Her lips turn up into a lazy smile and she lifts her head, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. “Thank you,” she exhales.

  I shake my head, rolling off of her, and throwing my legs over the side of the bed. Reaching for the phone, I dial room service. I order more than I should, not giving a fuck. I want to watch her eat, and I plan on giving her as many culinary options as fucking possible to choose from this morning.

  Her lips skim the center of my back before her arms wrap around my waist, her tits pressing against me. My cock is fucking tired, but that doesn’t stop it from twitching when she presses against me. I hurry the room service desk off of the phone.

  “Go take a shower before the food gets here,” I say.

  Her lips travel to my earlobe and she sucks gently, causing me to shudder slightly as her hands roam my stomach and chest. “Come with me,” she whispers against my ear.

  “You’re trying to kill me, A rùnsearc,” I growl. “I’m not a kid anymore, my cock can only take so much.”

  She giggles, her breath heavy against my ear. “I’m sore, too, but I still want you. Fuck, Aidan, I feel like I’ll never get enough,” she admits.

  Reaching back behind me, I wrap my hand around her thigh. “I know, Vanna. I missed you, too.”

  “I’ll go shower, though. You need to rest up for tonight,” she rasps.

  Turning my head, I look back at her as she slinks off of the bed. “Tonight?”

  “I plan on getting tipsy at this wedding, then allowing you to take advantage of me,” she shrugs with a smirk playing on her lips.

  My own lips turn up in a smile. “Take advantage, really?”

  She shakes her head. “Okay, you know, or just take what I’m offering you. Same thing,” she winks.

  I let out a laugh, watching her close the bathroom door behind her. Laughing with her, it feels so good, and my heart fills with happiness. I’m glad that I decided to make her my wife.

  Fuck the past, fuck what she was, or how she was used. We’re all used some way or another, my brothers are right. That shit isn’t what’s important now. She makes me happy, she makes my children happy, and that is all that fucking matters.

  Room service knocks a few minutes later, and I grab ahold of my pants from last night, quickly pulling them over my hips as I make my way toward the door. I give the hotel worker a tip before he leaves the overflowing cart in the receiving area of the suite. Locking the door behind him, I reach for my phone from my pocket and send Mannix a text asking about the kids.


  His response makes me chuckle because I know they’re wild and crazy, then he sends me a picture of them all mid-jump on the bed.

  “Is that?” Giovanna asks, reaching for the phone. “Oh my gosh.,” she laughs. “Poor Mannix and Nora.”

  “Poor nothing, they have kids, they know what they’re doing.” I shake my head.

  “But still,” she says.

  I wave my hand, taking the phone and shooting a text back to him.


  “That’s nice.” Giovanna nods. “Do you think they’d be okay with that? With me?”

  She looks almost nervous and my brows knit together. “Why wouldn’t they? I trust you with my kids. You don’t think they’d trust you with theirs?”

  “They know what I am, or what I was. They know how I became yours—that you bought me.”

  Reaching out for her, I wrap my hand around her waist and tug her against my chest. Her hair is damp, and it makes my skin wet, but I don’t give a fuck. Right now, I need to get it through her thick head that the only person holding her past against her, is fucking her.

  “Nobody gives a fuck,” I growl. “They love you for you, Vanna. My brothers told me I was fucking stupid for trying to keep you at arm’s length. Even before they met you, they knew you meant something to me. They’ve always known, and they’ve never cared. Understand that it’s done and over, your past is over. I don’t want to hear about it another goddamn minute,” I roar.

  She jerks her head back, but I don’t let her move. I hold her still to me, my gaze probably murderous but I don’t give a fuck. I’m pissed right the fuck off. My trigger finger is twitchy, and I’m about two seconds from going after Antonio Rossi for being such a goddamn bastard piece of shit.

  That is, until Giovanna lifts her hand, wrapping it around the side of my neck, her eyes watery and her bottom lip trembling. “Okay, okay, Aidan. No more,” she whimpers.

  “You’re Giovanna, the fiancée of Aidan O’Neil now. That is all you need to be, which is fucking everything to me,” I state. “Now, let’s fucking eat.”

  “Okay,” she breathes.


  I’d forgotten just how soft and sexy the silk slip of this gown was. Looking at myself in the mirror, I don’t feel like Giovanna Rossi anymore. That woman is gone. Completely torn into shreds and lying on the floor of this fancy hotel suite.

  I glance down at my ring, my smile widening. I’m engaged to a beautiful man, a man who loves me for me. He knows my past and doesn’t care, hell, he was part of it.

  “Ready, A rùnsearc?” he asks, slipping his hand around my waist. His treasure, a name I once hated bec
ause it made me hope for more. A name I now adore beyond measure.

  “I’m ready,” I smile.

  We walk, hand-in-hand, down to the wedding site. Aidan had sent Mannix a text when we were on our way to ensure that the children were waiting for us before being seated. My eyes water when I see them.

  The two boys look exactly like their father in their tuxedos. The girls, they match me. Isla is wearing a pretty silver dress that has a full layers-upon-layers of netting skirt that hits right at her knees, with matching shoes. Elowen looks all grown up in her light blue gown that is covered in silver sequins.

  “Shit,” Aidan hisses from next to me. I glance up at him, but his eyes are pointed directly at his daughter. “When did this happen?” he breathes.

  I don’t bother asking him what he means because I already know. She doesn’t look like the awkward, gangly fourteen-year-old anymore. She looks closer to a woman than a girl. He leaves my side to take her into his arms and give her a hug. Then he straightens, and I hear him tell her how beautiful she looks, then he does the same with Isla.

  Together, the six of us, walk down the aisle toward our reserved seating in the front. There are so many people already seated, and I know their eyes are on us, but I don’t look around, I keep my gaze forward.

  I’ve never been a proud woman, not really. I’ve always lived beneath a veil of shame because of what I was. Things are different now, walking into this wedding, the four beautiful children in front of me, the handsome man beside me—I’m proud.

  The wedding ceremony is beautiful, and short. Shaughan and Keanna are excited to get on with the party. She looks more relaxed today than she did last night, and I let out a sigh of relief. She’s a sweet girl and deserves to have the day she wanted, free of stress.

  “Dance with me,” Aidan says after our dinner is finished. He doesn’t ask, but I don’t mind. I’ve never danced with him before and I’m almost giddy at the thought.

  We’ve watched Keanna and Shaughan do their dances, cut their cake, and now it’s just a big fancy party. The kids are running around, Elowen in charge of Isla, Caleb in charge of Ronan, at least until ten. Then Mannix and Nora will take them all up to the room and put them to bed.

  I slip my hand into Aidan’s waiting palm and allow him to pull me onto the dance floor. “You look absolutely stunning tonight,” he murmurs as we dance, our bodies pressed close together. I blush at his words, which only causes him to chuckle. “You do, Vanna.”

  “Thank you,” I shyly whisper.

  After a few more sways together, I lay my head down on his shoulder and we dance together. It’s one of the most beautiful moments of my life. My eyes tear, and I curse myself for being so damn emotional, but everything that has happened in such a short span of time has my body on edge, and tears fill my eyes at every freaking turn.

  Shaughan appears and asks to cut in, handing Keanna over to Aidan, and taking Aidan’s place with me. I smile at him once we begin to move around the dance floor.

  “You’re next, Vanna,” he grins.

  “Oh, no, I’ll leave the fancy affair to you.” I wink.

  He hums as he spins me around the floor. “I’m happy that everything has worked out the way that it has. You’re good for each other, and to one another.”

  “I am, too,” I truthfully admit.

  He frowns, opening his mouth, and then promptly closing it. I start to ask him what’s wrong, but I decide not to. It probably has nothing to do with me. He doesn’t speak the rest of our dance, his eyes tracking something behind me.

  I know the look well enough to know that he’s watching someone. It is probably something to do with the organization, so I decide to keep my lips zipped. It isn’t my place to ask questions anyway.

  Aidan appears once the song is finished, and we switch partners again. I watch as Shaughan opens his mouth but is quickly pulled away by somebody asking him a question.

  Aidan and I walk away, but there’s something niggling at the back of my mind about the way Shaughan was acting. It isn’t like him. It was as if whoever he was watching put a damper on his mood. He’s the happy-go-lucky O’Neil brother. I’ve never seen him anything but, except just now.

  “I think there’s a problem. Shaughan was watching someone while we were dancing,” I explain.

  Aidan frowns. He lifts his gaze, and I watch as his eyes quickly scan the room. He shrugs, looking down at me with a grin. “I don’t see anything, A rùnsearc. I’ll keep an eye out, okay? I did see my sister and Timofei, let’s go talk to them, yeah?”

  I give him a wooden nod, and together we walk toward the opposite side of the venue. They invited an entire slew of Russians. The only reason I know is that they’re all sitting together, and I can hear their native tongue as they shoot shot after shot of vodka, all laughing and obviously having a great time.

  “Devyn,” Aidan rumbles.

  A beautiful dark-haired woman turns around, a smile playing on her lips. I can tell instantly that she must be his sister, their eyes are almost the exact same shade of light blue.

  “Aidan,” she says softly as she stands.

  I watch as they embrace and then he introduces us. “Oh, my, is this what I think it is?” she asks, taking my hand in hers.

  “It is.” He grins with a nod.

  Devyn’s eyes turn to her brother and she frowns. I’m not sure what that look means. My heart starts to race inside of my chest, beating against my ribcage with every passing moment of silence. Then Devyn gives me a smile again.

  “Well, I guess I need to get to know my new sister a bit better, then.” My breath releases as a long exhale and Aidan chuckles behind me.

  “Come, sit with us, I need to talk to you anyway, Aidan,” Timofei states. Devyn guides me over to a chair next to her that’s empty and I sit down.

  We talk for what seems like hours while the men have their own secret discussion. She asks me a million questions, and I answer them as well as I can. There is so much that I don’t want to tell her. Timofei knows my background, but I don’t think that she does. I have a feeling that Devyn is much more innocent and sheltered than even I could imagine.

  Aidan announces that it’s late and time for us to leave, after of course, he gives his sister a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She makes me promise that we’ll get together sometime soon and talk more. I agree with a smile and a nod, as he slips his hand behind my back.

  We leave the wedding, my head resting on his shoulder, as we walk back toward our room. Promises have been made, and I’ve been thinking about peeling this sexy tuxedo off of his body all evening long. I’m tired, but my heart still beats excitedly with anticipation.



  Giovanna is tucked in close to my side as we make our way up to our room. I keep an alert eye out for none other than my ex-wife. Not only did Shaughan text my phone and tell me that he thought he saw her, Timofei said the same. The thought sends a shiver up my spine. I messaged Mannix to let him know and keep the kids safe and on lockdown.

  I don’t know what Fallon’s capable of, especially since she knows I’m with another woman now. I’ve always appeased her and always had my thumb on her.

  However, she’s been on her own, left to her own devices, and to her, she’s a woman scorned. No matter if she’s the one who fucked around on me or not. I know the way her selfish mind works, and I know that if she’s here, she’s not going to just see that I’m happy and walk away—not when she can fuck with me.

  “I had fun tonight,” Giovanna yawns as I reach for my keycard.

  I hum my agreement, holding it against the pad and waiting for the light to turn green. When it does, I push the handle down and open the door.

  Walking into the room, I know immediately that something is off. I guide Giovanna to the side of the door and close it behind me as I reach for my gun from my shoulder holster.

  Lifting my opposite finger, my eyes connect with hers, and I hold my finger in front of my lips.
She nods, her own gaze wide and frightened, but she doesn’t look like she’s about to fall apart, just scared.

  I quietly walk through the room, then into the bedroom, and that’s where I stop dead in my tracks. My gun is pointed at the figure on the bed.

  The completely naked figure.

  The completely naked, spread eagle fingers in her pussy figure.

  My fucking ex-wife.

  “Oh, good, you’re back,” she grins.

  I don’t lower my gun, trying to decide if I could get away with killing her in this hotel or not. I know that most of the guests are part of the organization, but not all. I wonder who shares this wall with me. Would they tell?

  “My guess is this is your ex-wife,” Giovanna says dryly from behind me. I glance to my left and give her a grim look. “Cute, Fallon,” she announces.

  Fallon’s eyes widen, and she looks from Giovanna to me, then back to Vanna. “How in the fuck did you know my name?” she snarls, reaching for the sheet and pulling it up to her chest.

  Giovanna laughs, and I know she’s thinking that we fucked on those sheets all night and this morning. We didn’t even have the maids come, so we both know for a fact they’re dirty. Giovanna steps directly to my side instead of being behind me and I watch as she tips her head to the side and just looks at Fallon.

  I’m curious to know what she thinks of the woman. I know what I think, but I can’t tell with her. “Aidan has mentioned you a time or two,” she states, her lips twitching.

  Fallon narrows her gaze, then puffs out her chest. “I bet he has,” she attempts to purr.

  “Uh hmm,” Giovanna hums.

  “What do you want?” I sigh, keeping my gun pointed on her.

  Fallon’s eyes soften, and she gives me a coy smile. That’s her I want smile. I know it well because she always fucking wanted something. “You, my family, I want it back together, baby,” she whimpers.


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