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Bought by the Badman

Page 23

by Hayley Faiman

  It sounds fake as fuck, just like her. I wouldn’t buy it even if Giovanna wasn’t standing next to me. When I sent Fallon away, it was like a fucking weight lifting off of my shoulders. With or without Vanna, I still wouldn’t want Fallon back.

  “No thanks,” I state, trying not to laugh.

  She frowns, well, she attempts to, but she has so much shit in her face that she can’t quite do it. “I bet you’ll reconsider when you find out what I have to bring to the table,” she smirks, lifting a brow.

  My lips tip up into a smile and I lean my shoulders against the doorjamb, lowering my gun to my side. Now this is getting interesting. “Do tell,” I murmur.

  “Get rid of your whore,” she seethes. Giovanna’s back stiffens and she opens her mouth, but Fallon is faster. “That’s right,” she states, standing from the bed, keeping the sheet wrapped around her naked body.

  “I know exactly what you are. A whore, a dirty little whore whose been in more beds than I could even count. You’re fucking disgusting. No way would I let someone like you raise my children.”

  “That’s quite e-fucking-nough,” I roar.

  She smirks. “What? You knew right, oh, no, you didn’t?” she gasps.

  “Vanna, go in the living room,” I growl. I don’t want her to hear any more shit this bitch spews.

  Giovanna gasps, probably thinking a million different things that are nowhere near where my head’s at. I’m too fucking pissed off to explain that shit right now, though. “Go,” I grind out.

  I let out a breath of relief when Giovanna follows my directions and walks out of the room. Fallon watches her go with a sparkle in her eye, and an evil smirk on her face.

  “Now that your dirty whore is gone,” she purrs, dropping the sheet to the floor.

  Closing the door behind me, I lift a brow toward my ex. “I only know of one dirty whore in this suite, and it isn’t Giovanna,” I say slowly.

  “Excuse me?” she stumbles.

  I lift my gun toward her, pointing it directly at her chest. “Tell me, why did you come here?”

  She pokes out her bottom lip in an attempted pout. “I know where Casey’s money is.” She smirks. “I’ll only tell you if you take me back, Aidan. We’re meant to be together. I’m your fucking queen, not some dirty whore who spreads for dollar bills. ME. ME. ME,” she screams.

  “So you were fucking my security guard, too. You know he had a wife, a girlfriend, a whore, and you?” I ask.

  She laughs. “You didn’t think that he was smart enough to disappear with your product and have no trail of it or the money, did you? I know where the product is, but I can’t move it, I need you. I’m willing to tell you where it is as a peace offering, let’s start over again. The kids deserve to have two parents, Aidan.”

  I don’t even have to think about her words or her offer. I know my kids deserve to have two parents. She’s not wrong in that.

  I nod. “Okay, Fall, you’re right. They deserve to have two parents, I agree wholeheartedly.”

  Lowering my gun again, holding it loosely against my side. Her eyes light up and I can tell she’s delighted in the fact that she thinks she won.

  “Let me get Vanna out of here, then we’ll talk some more, yeah?”

  Fallon slinks up in front of me, pressing her hard, fake tits against my chest. I always wondered why, with all my money, she didn’t opt for more natural feeling ones.

  “I want her to watch, Aidan. I want her to see who you choose. That I will always be your number one and your wife. She can’t fucking have you,” she growls.

  I smile, giving her the illusion that she’s won. Slowly, I lift my gun and point it at her temple. “Bitch, I wouldn’t fuck you if you were the last cunt on earth. I’ve been there, and honest to fuck, it’s the worst snatch I’ve ever had. You’re like a goddamn dead fish, laying there and flopping around. I’d rather never have sex again than slide inside of that wrecked pussy of yours ever again,” I whisper.

  “You want to know where your product is, you’ll reconsider what you’ve just said to me,” she hisses. “And you won’t kill me, you’ve had your chance and you’ve proven you’re nothing but a pussy,” she laughs.


  I hate this bitch. I’ve never really hated another person. I’ve never had reason to. I didn’t even hate my father for whoring me out or my mother for being a drugged-out mess. I just feel sorry for them, really.

  But Fallon, I fucking hate her. I don’t stay silently in the living room waiting for her to inject whatever venom she’s got waiting in her palm for Aidan.

  A knock on the door has me hurrying over to it, and I wrench it open without even looking through the peephole. Lachlann stands on the other side, a grin playing on his lips.

  “So the bitch is back?” he asks, sweeping past me.

  “She is, they’re in the bedroom. Fair warning, Skeletor is naked,” I grimace.

  Lachlann chuckles, charging for the door. I follow closely behind him. A slow smile appears on my lips when I see that Aidan has a gun pointed at her temple. I wish she looked a little more scared than she does, but I’m not going to complain. The bitch has a gun pointed at her head.

  “She knows where the product is, she was fucking Casey,” he states, turning to Lachlann.

  Lachlann laughs. “Bitch, you just spread for anybody, didn’t you?” he asks.

  I watch as he pulls his phone out and starts typing away at it. “Go sit on the bed, hands on your knees,” Aidan growls to her.

  “You’re going to be sorry you did this to me, Aidan. We could have been happy again, you’re going to regret this,” she cries as she attempts to muster up any tears, I don’t see any actually fall, so she’s a shit actress on top of a mean cunt.

  Aidan shakes his head, reaching back for my hand with his free one. He tugs me closer to his side and I get as close as I possibly can, pressing against him.

  “I’m only sorry I didn’t kick you to the curb after you had my Isla. The only good thing you ever gave me were my kids. Now start talking, or I’ll call Shaughan away from his honeymoon, and I have a feeling he would take fucking delight into torturing you if I did that.”

  I watch as Fallon pales, for the first time she actually looks terrified, and I feel like I should feel sorry for her, maybe even pity, but I don’t. “Call Rian. We need to know where that product is,” I growl.

  “Already did it,” Lachlann grins. “He said he found her hidey hole in minutes. The idiot put her name on the electric bill. Casey was getting mail there, too. Apparently, it was their fuckpad,” he says, wrinkling his nose.

  “Casey and I were in love,” she cries. “He loved me, not like you would understand that,” she spits, looking over at Aidan. “You killed him. I know you did. I fucking hate you,” she screams.

  “The feeling is goddamn mutual, Fallon. You’re wrong. I do know what love is. I have it with Giovanna. You’re the one that doesn’t understand it. You think that love comes with shit, with money and tits and diamonds. It doesn’t. Love isn’t about shit, Fallon.”

  She snorts. “Love is about taking care of someone, and that means money,” she quips.

  “You’ll never get it,” Aidan sighs. “Honest to fuck, you’re in your forties, and you never will,” he mutters, shaking his head.

  “Got the product. Fuck, it’s been under our noses the entire goddamn time. It’s been at her place,” Lachlann grunts.

  Fallon’s eyes widen. “I’ll split it with you fifty-fifty. It’s the least I deserve. I gave you four children,” she grinds out.

  “You fucked around on me. I let you live after that, then I gave you some money, too. I’ve done more than enough for you, Fallon, and you repay me by stealing from me? Stealing my product and then trying to offer me fucking half?” Aidan asks, obvious shock laced in his voice.

  “A rùnsearc, go in the living room,” he murmurs against my head.

  “Treasure? You call her your treasure?” Fallon asks on a sad exhale.

  Aidan shakes his head, “Yeah, because she fucking is. But you are not,” He lifts his gun, and I know he told me to walk away, but I don’t. I watch as he pulls the trigger.

  Fallon’s eyes and mouth open in surprise and she falls backward against the bed, blood and brains all over the white bedding.

  Lachlann curses, punching some buttons on his phone and lifting it to his ear. I stand in shock, my eyes unable to leave her dead body.

  Suddenly, my body is floating, and I find myself in Aidan’s lap on the living room sofa. “You hate me now, I’m sure. That or you’re fucking terrified of me. This is who I am, Giovanna. This is the man you’re about to marry.”

  Turning to him, I place my hand on his cheek. He leans against my palm and I let out a shaky breath. “Do you think that I don’t know the man you are, Aidan?” I whisper.

  His blue eyes meet mine and dammit if they don’t look fucking sad as shit. “I don’t know, Vanna. I don’t think anybody could comprehend the kind of man who puts a bullet into the mother of his children,” he rasps.

  He’s shaking beneath me, but I don’t waver. I keep my hand firm on his cheek and my eyes connected with his, never moving.

  “I think that she was trying to manipulate you and she knew exactly which buttons to push. She didn’t expect you to react that way. She didn’t expect you to hurt her, because like you said, she’s the mother of your children.

  “However, she not only fucked with your livelihood, your men’s livelihood, but also your children’s, and that is where you drew the line. This was about selfish reasons for her, about money and status, and it had nothing to do with being a wife and mother. I don’t blame you, Aidan,” I state.

  He nods, closing his eyes, then reopening them. “I love you, Giovanna. Only you, A rùnsearc.”

  Lowering my head, I place my forehead against his and I let out a shaky breath. “I love you, too, Aidan. Only you.”




  She walks up to me, cupping my cheeks with watery eyes. I frown, my lips pressed together. “Smile,” she begs.

  My frown deepens but that only makes her laugh. She’s prettiest when she laughs, and I’m unable to frown another minute longer. A smile appears on my lips which makes hers grow.

  “Are you ready, Dad?” she asks.

  I shake my head. “Never,” my voice rumbles.

  “It’s time,” she says.

  Lifting my chin, I cross my arms over my chest. “He can’t have you,” I state.

  “You’ll always be the most important person in my life,” she says through trembling lips.

  “Damn fucking straight,” I snap.

  “Mom, he’s being crazy,” she calls out.

  Turning my head, I watch the woman I love walking my way. She smiles softly, her eyes roaming over Elowen before doing the same to me. Although, there’s a spark of heat in her eyes when she looks at me and I can’t stop the smirk from appearing on my lips. I feel the same way when I look at her, she looks sexy as sin in her dress.

  “Behave, Aidan,” she murmurs. I slip my arm around her waist, letting my hand fall to her ass and squeezing the plump flesh there. “It’s time,” she breathes.

  “I know,” I admit.

  Giovanna straightens my tie, then walks over to Elowen’s side. “You look absolutely flawlessly beautiful,” she says with a smile to her.

  Elowen’s eyes water. “You, too, Mom.” She wraps one arm in mine, and the other Giovanna takes her elbow because she’s holding her bouquet.

  Today, my oldest daughter gets married. Flanked by the people who love her most in the world, her mother and me. Giovanna is her mother, too, more of a mother than the woman who birthed her.

  Vanna has been with her through every teenage growing pain, every broken heart, and every goodnight kiss. Most of which I fucking hated.

  We walk together, the three of us. When the church doors open, I growl at the sight of the man at the end of the aisle. His eyes water when they land on my baby. Elowen elbows me in the ribs and I let out a soft grunt, all while Vanna giggles on the other side of her.

  I don’t know how, but I make the long walk, wishing with everything that I am, that I could pick my baby up and run off with her. However, I can’t do that, I contracted this marriage after all. A man that was once just a soldier, who worked his way up the ranks, and somehow into my daughter’s heart. How, I’m not sure, and how they talked me into allowing this, I’m not sure either.

  Closing my eyes once, we make it to the end of the aisle, I slowly open them and when the priest asks who gives my daughter away. With a booming voice, I tell him that her mother and I do.

  And I do.

  I wanted her to have a better start at marriage than I did. I know why I allowed the nuptials, because I wanted my girl to marry a man for love. To have a chance at true happiness, to have what I have with Giovanna now.

  Helping my wife to the front pew, we sit down. Looking up at the altar, I see Caleb standing tall, Ronan next to him, and little Isla next to her sister. At ten, she’s the maid-of-honor. Giovanna asked Elowen if she was sure, but my oldest wouldn’t have it any other way.

  I hold my breath when a little dark-haired angel bounds down the steps, her older brother following close behind. Both launch themselves into Giovanna’s arms. Our two children, the oldest, our four-year-old boy named Shea, chasing our wild girl, Sabrina.

  Scooping up Sabrina, I plop her into my lap, and Giovanna does the same with Shea. We watch the rest of the wedding in silence with two squirming toddlers on our laps.

  I’ve never been fucking happier, for all my complaining about this day, I’m happy. My family is strong and solid. My wife, unbreakable, and my children, fiercely unstoppable.

  The future is looking nothing but fucking bright. This is as long as Elowen doesn’t make me a grandfather anytime soon.


  The night was long, and the weeks leading up exhausting, but it was worth it. Every single sleepless night was worth the look of complete bliss on Elowen’s face. I yawn as Aidan walks us upstairs.

  The babies are spending the evening with their older siblings, of course, they’re being paid heftily for doing this for us. Not that they really demanded as such. We’re lucky that Caleb, Ronan, and Isla dote on our two toddlers.


  It’s something cherished so much in this life, something I always wanted, and something that I never thought I would have. That is until I met and fell in love with Aidan O’Neil—my very own badman.

  We walk into our room, but I don’t get two steps in before Aidan’s hands are resting on my hips, his lips skimming the column of the back of my neck. “Aidan,” I gasp.

  I feel his fingers tug at the zipper of my dress, slowly dragging it down. The shoulders fall down my arms and I’m suddenly topless before he gently shoves it down and it pools at my feet, leaving me in a pair of lace panties and high heels.

  Aidan spins me around, grabbing me by the backs of my knees before he hefts me up. I let out a squeal, my arms wrapping around his neck. He carries me into the bedroom, placing my ass on the edge of the bed.

  “You looked absolutely breathtaking tonight,” he says.

  I watch as he leans back and begins to unbutton his shirt, tearing it off of his strong torso before throwing it to the floor. Then he unbuttons his pants, shoving them down, and pulling out his cock, his already hard cock. I lick my lips at the sight.

  While he’s still hard and toned, a beautiful sight to behold, I’ve had two children, and nothing went back where it used to be after I had them. Somehow, I don’t feel any less beautiful when he looks at me though. Aidan makes me feel like I’m the only woman who walks this earth. I love him more and more each and every day.

  “You don’t take those panties off, I’m ripping them off.” He smirks, taking me out of my thoughts.

  I kick my heels off, quickly divesting myself of my panties, and then I s
pread my legs. I know what my man wants, and what he likes.

  Leaning forward, burying his face in my pussy, he groans. His tongue licks my center before swirling around my clit. I thread one of my hands in his hair and hold on tightly. Rolling my hips closer to his face, I enjoy every second he spends between my legs. He moans, sending shivers up my spine.

  When I’m about to come, he pulls away and I can’t stop myself from crying out in frustration. “Roll over, A rùnsearc,” he orders.

  I don’t hesitate, even for a second. I roll over onto my hands and knees. His fingers grip my hips and without a single warning, he slams his cock inside of me to the hilt. I let out a cry as his arm slips beneath my breasts and gently tugs me up to my knees.

  His other hand leaves my hips and slides around to my clit. “Now, don’t move, Vanna. Just close your eyes,” he breathes against my neck.

  His fingers move against my clit, causing me to whimper as I climb even closer toward my release. I can feel my pussy clenching around the small thrusts of his cock. He isn’t fucking me hard, but at the same time each move is with purpose and hitting me in the perfect spot.

  Turning my head to the side, I bury my face in his neck, whimpering against his skin. He grunts, his fingers and hips moving faster. When he pinches my clit, that sends me over the edge. I sob into his neck, my pussy clamping around his cock as my entire body starts to shake.

  Aidan doesn’t allow me to relish in my release, he gently pushes me down, my chest against the mattress, his hand wrapping back around my hips and he fucks me—hard.

  I slip my hand between my legs and continue rubbing my clit, prolonging my climax as he fucks me with all of his strength, each thrust harder than the previous. When he stills inside of me, it’s with a roar and I feel his cock fill me with his release.

  “Goddamn,” he growls, pressing his chest against my back.


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