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Nicholas 02

Page 13

by Renee Larsen

  Nicholas chuckled “Danielle, you haven’t seen the bedroom yet. I really think you’ll want to make love there instead of the hard floor.”

  Danielle stood on her toes kissing him. “Nicholas, we can make love in the bed later, I want you right now, right here. I want to be able to look outside and see the falling snow; I want to undress you in front of the window and you to undress me while holding me against you.”

  Nicholas smiled leading her to the picture window. She leaned against him looking outside at the blizzard blowing outside. The ground was covered in snow, the tree limbs ached under the weight of the snow.

  “It’s all so incredibly beautiful… Everything looks so different, sounds so different.” Danielle said softly.

  Nicholas wrapped his arms around her. “Vampires see differently than humans. Our vision is similar to an eagle; we can see quite clearly in the dark. Our hearing is sharp. If you listen you can hear the snowflakes as they land on the earth in a whisper. Wait until we sing together, it will move you beyond belief.” He said as he unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans.

  Danielle turned in his arms and unfastened his jeans. “Drac, your’ touch feels different against my skin. When you ran your hand up my back it was so pleasurable, so erotic. It’s even pleasurable when you take my hand.” She looked into his clear blue eyes “Touch me Drac” she moaned.

  Nicholas turned her so she faced the window. Wrapping his arms around her he ran his hands under her sweater caressing her breasts over her bra. His fingers found the tiny front closure and unfastened it moving his hand between her breasts pushing the bra open covering her breasts with his hands as he ran his tongue along her ear.

  “Nicholas” she said in almost a whisper.

  Nicholas fondled her breast as he ran his hand over her stomach and back to her breasts. He sucked her earlobe between his lips, “You feel so good, I love touching you, feeling the softness of your skin.” he whispered. He ran his hand over her stomach and into her jeans.

  Danielle moaned as his fingers slipped into her panties. Danielle leaned heavily against him as his fingers caressed her.

  Nicholas removed his hand from her panties running it to the hem of her sweater. “Arms up” he said as he slowly pulled her sweater up and off. He kissed her neck trailing kissed to her shoulders as he as he ran his hands down her arms pushing her bra straps down her arms.

  Danielle turned in his arms grasping the hem of his sweater pushing it up. Nicholas’ hands covered hers as they removed his sweater dropping it to the floor.

  Sinking to their knees kissing Nicholas pushed her jeans from her hips and lay back on the floor with Danielle on top of him. She ran her hand over his cheek “Drac you’re making me hot,” she whispered as she ran her tongue along his ear. “You’re making me very hot” she moaned.

  Nicholas sucked lightly on her lip. “I want to make you hotter,” he said slipping his tongue into her mouth. He guided her onto her back kissing her neck and shoulders. He reached over pulling a pillow from the couch. “Lift up honey, let me put this under your hips.” Danielle obeyed. After putting the pillow under her he ran his hands down her hips snagging here jeans. He removed them slowly kissing her stomach, caressing her navel with his tongue. He knelt between her legs kissing her as he ran his hands over her kneading her breasts.

  Danielle pushed at his jeans then slipped her hands into his silk boxers kneading and rubbing his ass. “Drac, I love your ass, it’s so tight and...Oh Drac, what are you doing to me.” She moaned as he sucked her nipple into his mouth. Nicholas trailed kisses down her stomach as he slipped his hands into her panties slowly moving them down her hips. He ran his tongue along the junction of her thighs.

  Lifting her knees he licked at her, with each stroke of his tongue she became more aroused. He crawled up her body kissing and sucking at her breasts. He repositioned himself on the floor next her pulling her hips to his mouth teasing her as he moved his tongue over her. Danielle grasped his hips and slowly took his penis into her mouth. She ran her tongue along his shaft. She moaned against him as he continued his oral pleasures. “Am I still making you hot” he asked as he inserted a finger into her.

  “Drac, I’m on fire” she said breathlessly.

  Nicholas pushed I’m sucking your nipples, my tongue is stroking yours. .Danielle moaned against him as she continued to caress his penis. Nicholas pushed again as he continued to lick at her and move his finger inside her, feel me move in you as I taste you.

  Danielle whimpered as his caresses overpowered her. She could no longer pleasure him she was paralyzed by the sensations running though her body. She was no longer in control of her body, his caress controlled her. “Drac, oh my sweet Nicholas” she cried as her body arched to meet his tongue. He continued to manipulate her with his hand as he placed kisses up her body. Feverishly his lips covered hers as his penis prodded against her. She reached down guiding his penis into her.

  “Danielle” he moaned as he levitated them off the floor. “Danielle, bite me, sink your fangs into me” he moaned

  “Oh Drac” she cried sinking her fangs into his neck as he bit her.” Their world exploded into pure ecstasy.

  Danielle shivered in her sleep as they lay naked on the floor in front of the fire. Nicholas lifted her into his arms and carried her up the stairs to the loft. He set her on the bed and pulled a warm blanket over her. Killer walked into the room with Rusty following behind him. “Killer protect” Nicholas said as he pulled on a pair of sweat pants and left the room. He walked back downstairs. He picked up his laptop and sat on the couch opening it and turning it on. When the computer booted he opened word and began to type. He was planning a new show. He would open it to the public. He wanted it to be classical, romantic music for his new wife. He wanted to sing and hold Danielle in front of the world. He wanted everyone to know that Nicholas Burnes had met his match in a tiny strawberry blonde haired woman .The show would once again open for the Vampires. He would announce that he had taken a bride. But first he needed to dispose of Elizabeth and her traitor mother. He needed to find her hiding place, invade it and kill them. He would see them dead for what Elizabeth did to Danielle and for what Jen had done to Gerry. His fingers moved across the keyboard as he made notes on songs, sets, costumes, and guest list. His thoughts once again drifted to revenge.

  Danielle found Nicholas asleep on the couch. The sun had set and her belly was cramping in hunger. She sat on the floor next to him and ran her hand over his cheek into his hair. “Drac, you have to feed me.”

  Nicholas opened his eyes and smiled. “Hi” he said sleepily.

  Danielle stroked his hair. “Drac, I’m hungry, my stomach is hurting very badly.”

  Nicholas sat up. “Let’s get dressed and get you fed.” They ran up the stairs to the loft.

  “Nicholas, I never told you how much I love this” she said motioning around the bedroom as she dropped the robe she wore onto the bed. She looked around. “We need to shop. I need clothes.” She said laughing.

  Nicholas smiled. “Stay here by the fire; I’ll go get your jeans from the living room.” Nicholas disappeared and reappeared a few seconds later with her clothes. “Here you go, get dressed, I’ll feed you and then we’ll buy you some clothes.”

  Nicholas and Danielle landed in the pasture by his parent’s house “Feed” he said as he looked towards the main house. “When you’re finished I need to talk to my dad for a little while.”

  Danielle looked at him “You’re not going to feed?”

  Nicholas shook his head. “I don’t need to. I only feed every few days. You’ll need to feed every day for a while and then it will slowly change. Now feed before your belly really starts to knot.” Danielle fed quickly.

  “Dani don’t rush, take your time.” A few minutes passed and she was finished. She took Nicholas’ hand and they walked to the main house. Nicholas opened the door.

  “Mom, Dad, you have company, don’t come down unless you’re dressed.” Derek walked in
to the living room.

  “Nicholas, we’re not the newly weds. We don’t walk around naked” then under his breath added “Not often anyway.”

  Nicholas looked at his father. “We need to talk family security. Do we do this just us or the whole crew?”

  Derek sat down. “Danielle, please sit, this isn’t a formal bunch, and as much as Nick calls Emily and I Mom and Dad you can call us whatever you like.” Derek looked at Nicholas. “Okay son tell me what’s on your mind, after I hear your concerns we’ll figure out what happens and who needs to be involved.” Emily walked into the room and kissed Nicholas’ cheek then kissed Danielle’s and sat next to Derek.

  Nicholas sat on the floor in front of Danielle. “Dad, you and I both know Elizabeth and Jen were involved in what happened on our wedding day. We also know it’s not over. That crazy bitch is going to pull something else. She’s determined to hurt me, to kill me and by doing that she’s knows what it will do to you and mom.”

  Derek put his hand up indicating he wanted Nicholas to stop. “Nick, what makes you think it was Elizabeth?”

  Nicholas looked at his father in disbelief. “You’re kidding aren’t you?”

  Derek shook his head. “Do you honestly think she’d come back again?”

  Nicholas stood and started pacing. “Dad, she hurt Danielle. Then she came back and Danielle would have been dead if we weren’t vampires. I want that bitch dead.”

  Emily looked at Derek who was starting to stand up. “Derek, sit down; I can only watch one of you pace at a time and right now Nicholas has the floor.” Emily glanced at Danielle. “They both pace, when they pace at the same time it makes me crazy because unless I see their eyes I have issues telling them apart.”

  Danielle nodded in agreement. “I can see where that could be a problem.”

  Emily looked at Derek “I think our son is correct.”

  Derek frowned. “We have to think of Gerry. Christ he was married to Jen for twenty-five years, he raised Elizabeth as his own.” He said starting to stand again.

  Danielle grabbed Nicholas’ hand. “Sit for a bit. Let your dad have the floor.”

  Nicholas sat down and Derek started pacing. “Dad, I’m telling you she’s not done. She won’t be done until I’m dead and I don’t plan on dying anytime soon.”

  Derek stopped pacing looking Nicholas in the eyes. “And what about Gerry, I know what he says. I know he says he doesn’t care, but Nicholas he does. How do we kill his wife and daughter?”

  Nicholas started to stand but Danielle kept him on the floor. “Dad, she betrayed us. You saw what she did to Danielle. She’s gathering troops and is going to come after all of us including Gerry.”

  Nicholas turned and looked at Danielle “Let me up, now!” he said in almost a growl.

  Danielle stood up and walked out of the house into the snow.

  “Damn it, now look what’s happened. Dad she’s gonna ruin us unless we ruin her first. I’ll be right back I owe Dani an apology.” Nicholas disappeared.

  Danielle stood by the pasture leaning against the fence. “I’m sorry” Nicholas said as he brushed the hair out of her eyes. “I didn’t mean to take it out on you. I’m frustrated. I’m right, I know I’m right and I have to protect you from that crazed blonde bitch.”

  Danielle looked at him. “Drac, I thought you said you were different from other Vampires. All I heard in there is how you want to kill two people.”

  Nicholas pulled her into his arms. “Danielle, you have to understand something. Elizabeth is evil. She’s not one of us. She comes from bad blood. I would kill anyone that comes after you. Anyone that wants to hurt you. Please baby, don’t be mad at me.”

  Danielle hugged him. “I’m cold, lets go back.”

  Nicholas looked at her. “Are you mad?” She shook her head no.

  When they were back inside Danielle walked to the fireplace and sat on the hearth. “It’s frigging cold out” she said trying to break the stress in the room.

  Derek was still pacing. “I’ve called the others. They’ll be here soon. We’ll discuss this as a family.”

  Nicholas nodded. “Good.” He sat next to Danielle putting his arm around her. “It’ll be okay” he said softly as he kissed her cheek.

  The door opened and the family filed in. Looking at Derek they knew that this was not going to be a pleasant talk.” Gerry walked over to Nicholas and Danielle. “Nicky what’s happening?” he asked softly.

  Nicholas looked at him. “Gerry this is going to get ugly for you. It’s about Jen and Elizabeth.”

  Gerry frowned. “Nicky, as far as I’m concerned they’re both dead.”

  Nicholas glanced at Gerry. “Gerry, we have to go after them. I feel it. I know Elizabeth is up to no good. She’s gathering forces to come after us; all of us, like Jacque, Philippe and Andre did all those years ago.”

  Gerry squeezed his shoulder. “Nicky I think you’re right. I feel it too.”

  Nicholas frowned “Gerry, what do we do?”

  “There’s only one thing to do. Kill them before they kill us.” Gerry replied.

  The family all listened to the conversation between Gerry and Nicholas. Derek finally sat down next to Emily.

  “Gerry, do you mean what you just said to Nicholas?” Derek asked.

  Gerry looked Derek in the eyes. “My brother, Nicholas is right. We have to kill them before they kill us. If we don’t and they succeed it will send all of us back to the dark ages of vampires.”

  Merrek stood up. “How do we find them?”

  Nicholas smiled. “I have everything planned. We send word to the community that I have taken a bride. That will make Elizabeth crazy. She thinks Danielle is dead. She’ll show just to see who I chose as my mate. She’ll have an entourage with her ready to attack. We’re going to put Danielle in the audience with you guys. We need to find a vampress that is strong to play the part of my bride because Elizabeth will try something.”

  Nicholas paused and Danielle spoke up. “If she’s as smart as you think, I better play your bride. She’d spot me in the audience and know. Can you teach me to protect myself?”

  Emily smiled. “Danielle, you’re very brave to be willing to stand beside Nicholas. We will teach you what you need to know. Derek taught me well and I will teach you well.”

  Nicholas looked at Emily. “Mom are you nuts, Danielle can’t fight Elizabeth. She’s just become.”

  Emily looked at her son. “I fought Philippe when I was pregnant with you. I had only been a vampire for a few months. She can; I will teach her how to survive. We are leaders. So let us lead. Let us foil yet another adversary and maybe this time, will be the last time we have to fight for survival.”

  Nicholas looked into Danielle’s blue eyes. “Honey this is very dangerous. Elizabeth is a strong vampire. Vampires fight to the death. If you get into it with her you’ll have to kill her.”

  Danielle looked to Emily for strength. Emily smiled and nodded. Danielle looked back into Nicholas’ eyes. “I’ll do what I have to.”

  Derek spoke next. “Danielle, this will be very ugly. Gruesome, gory, and will require strength both mentally and physically. Elizabeth and Jen will fight dirty.”

  Danielle smiled. “So will I. After what she did to me in that morgue I’d like to get back at her.”

  Derek looked at the group “We need to go to Alaska. We need wide open spaces to train Danielle. We’ll train every night until she’s ready then we’ll make the announcement and plan some kind of affair. I don’t think we can do this at the theater. It needs to be open to allow for escape.”

  Merrek thought for a moment “Derek, we can’t do this in any of our compounds. It has to be elsewhere.”

  Tanya took Nick’s hand and said. “We need to find a place that we can plan with, that we can have safe rooms, and that Jen and Elizabeth don’t know.”

  Gerry shifted in his seat. “Derek many years ago you had property out west. I think Washington State. Did you dump it?”

nbsp; Derek shook his head no. “Gerry I haven’t thought about that place in years and years. It was way out in the country. I wonder if it’s still country. I think maybe we should fly tomorrow night and check it out. It might be the perfect place for an announcement gathering and a battle.”

  The next night the family flew to the North East section of the state of Washington. Derek had purchased several hundred acres of land in the center of a forest. They flew over the property and the surrounding area. The land was still wilderness except for a lodge type building in the center of his land. They landed in front of the lodge. “God, I forgot how nice this is.” Derek mumbled and he walked to the front door.


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