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Nicholas 02

Page 14

by Renee Larsen

  After walking through the building they realized the building was in bad shape and would not be repairable in a very short time.

  Nicholas looked at Derek “This won’t work. Where else do you have property Dad,” he asked.

  Derek frowned, “The city, upstate, Alaska, Bar Harbor, the island and Scotland. Scotland is out of the question. Elizabeth could gather too many followers there. We need to keep it in the Americas.”

  “I think we need to go property hunting tomorrow night. The elements have really taken its toll on this place.” Merrek said looking around the building.

  Claire grinned. “Derek, tomorrow night you guys go property hunting, Tanya, Emily, Eve, Nicholas and I will begin Danielle’s training. She needs to learn to communicate telepathically, veil her thoughts to others, and know when we are communicating with her. We can practice that while you’re off hunting for seclusion. We can also teach her the basics on flying.”

  Danielle squeezed Nicholas’ hand. “I need to feed. My stomach is knotting.” She said softly.

  Nicholas released her hand. “Oh course you do. We should have fed you hours ago. Come we’ll fine something for you.” Nicholas silently said to the others Danielle needs to feed. We’ll meet you back in New York.

  As they took to the air disappearing. Derek looked at Merrek and Claire “Go with them. Until Elizabeth is and Jen are gone they are not to be alone.” Merrek and Claire disappeared.


  Elizabeth unwrapped Jen’s foot and examined it. “Mom, it’s looking really good. You actually have some muscle and flesh on it again. I think a few more good feeds and we’ll be able to get you up and walking on it.”

  Jen smiled lovingly at her daughter. “Elizabeth, you’ve been so good to me through all this.”

  Elizabeth looked at her mother. “I know. I love you mom and you are going to help me kill Nicholas.”

  Jen frowned “Have you planned anything yet?”

  Elizabeth laughed “Mom, Nicholas is mourning his bride. He’s got a few more weeks and he will be joining her. I just have to figure out where and when and gather forces for the attack. If we’re lucky we can get the whole damn bunch of them.”

  Jen winced as Elizabeth re-wrapped her foot. “You’ll be hard pressed gathering forces to go against the Burnes family.”

  Elizabeth laughed evilly. “I’ll have enough. I’ve got twenty lined up and they are recruiting. I figure about sixty. I’ll know more in a few days. I’ll plan out the fight at all their properties and then when the time is right we’ll move and be prepared to fight at any of their compounds.”

  Jen gave her a strained smile. “Andre would be proud of you. You’ve turned into quite the vamp.”


  The next evening the men left in search of a new compound. Nicholas, Tanya Claire, Eve and Emily stayed behind with Danielle to begin her lessons. Emily looked at Nicholas and silently told him to go outside. He stood up and left the house.

  Emily looked at Danielle. “Ok, lesson one is about to begin. I want you to concentrate on Nicholas. Tell him to come back in the house and do something; anything really. After you tell him listen for him; like you did when you were a small child.” She said.

  Danielle thought Drac come in the house, go into the kitchen and make us hot chocolate. She listened intently and then heard Nicholas Baby you don’t have to concentrate so hard. Just think it and it will work. I’ll be in with hot chocolate in a minute.

  Danielle looked at Emily. “I heard him and he heard me.”

  Emily smiled “Good.” She said as she looked at Claire telling her to leave the room. “Danielle, you and Nicholas have been connected since you were three years old. Claire just went into the bedroom. Ask her to bring you something.”

  Danielle sat quietly Claire can you bring me a pillow? She asked silently. Claire responded by walking into the room with a pillow.

  Emily smiled. “Danielle, now were all going to communicate silently. No talking okay?”

  Danielle nodded hoping she’d be able to do it. She heard Nicholas Honey, you’ll do just fine, won’t she mom?

  She then heard Emily She’s doing better than I did during my first days.

  Claire smiled and added Danielle, tell us something about Nicholas but don’t let him hear it.

  Danielle though for a moment, He’s a very loving man. You and Derek raised him right, she said looking at Emily.

  Tanya was the next to speak. Call the wolves. It’s very important you can communicate with them. They will protect you if you are threatened. They may not be able to defeat the assailant but they can give you time to defend yourself or escape.

  Nicholas walked in with a tray of hot chocolate Ladies; I’ve brought you refreshments he said as he set the tray on the table.

  For the next few hours they bantered silently, teaching Danielle how to veil her thoughts from one or all of them. They even had her communicating with Derek who was across the country. Now it was time for some flying and misting techniques. “Dani, think about being in our cabin. Think that you want to be there now.” Danielle did as she was told and disappeared.

  Nicholas sat on the couch waiting for her. Babe, you did great! Now, go back to the main house.”

  Danielle looked at him “Do I have to?” she said as she walked over to him pressing her lips to his.

  Nicholas pulled her onto his lap returning her kiss. “Back to the main house, we’ll play later.” He disappeared. Danielle stood there for a moment and she too disappeared and reappeared at the main house.

  Nicholas chuckled when she appeared. “I was just getting ready to come after you. I thought maybe you got lost.”

  Danielle swatted his arm playfully. “How am I doing?”

  Emily smiled. “Good, you’re doing very good, but tomorrow is when the real training begins. Tomorrow everyone will be here. You’ll learn to elevate and dodge vamps coming at you from all sides. I want you to be a better fighter than I was. I want you to be prepared for anything. Elizabeth is a smart vamp. She’s a strong vamp and if she’s anything like Andre she’ll fight dirty. Danielle, this is no joke. Absolutely no joke, it’s horrible to go through. You’ll have to do things that you would never think you were capable of. Things that will turn your stomach and make you feel sick and dirty because you have no choice. After my first fight I cried for hours. I had no idea I was capable doing the things I had to do.”

  Danielle sat on Nicholas’ knee. “Emily, you’re scaring me,” she said in almost a whisper.

  Emily looked at her seriously. “Danielle, this is scary. Claire, Tanya, Eve and the rest of the family have fought many times. I have fought twice. With each battle I became better but I still find the whole experience repulsive. Nicholas and I are the youngest Vamps. Nicholas joined the last battle, the one with Andre. He was a small child, four years old. He was the one that actually won it for us, with the wolves. Have him tell you what he remembers later and tomorrow we’ll tell you the whole story.”

  When Derek and the others returned the room was quiet. Danielle’s eyes were teary and Nicholas was holding her.

  Derek looked at Emily and through veiled thought asked, what happened?

  Emily replied, I told her how it was when vampires fight. I told her how after my first battle I cried for hours. She has to understand how horrible it can be before she experiences it. I also did it for Nicholas. He has to know too. He was a baby and really didn’t see the horror of it all. Derek nodded in agreement and sat next to Emily.

  Merrek stood in the center of the room. “We found some land and a very large structure for housing. The house is well hidden and there’s a large building on the grounds that we can make into a party place.”

  Claire smiled “Tell us more” she said as she ran her foot up his leg.

  Merrek smiled at her. “Claire; later.” He said and then continued “The place is in the Adirondack Mountains. I’m not sure exactly when it was converted I’d guess thirty some odd years ago. It�
�s an old missile silo that was converted to a home. It’s in the middle of the woods with over a hundred acres of land; the main housing is underground and there’s a large structure above ground that would be perfect for guests. No one would have to know about the underground housing except us. There are several levels and enough space to fix it up so we would all have plenty of room and privacy and we’d be secure.”

  Emily looked at Derek “How much?”

  Derek frowned. “A lot of money.”

  Emily smiled. “That my dear was not an answer. I guess what I want to know is will we have any money left?”

  Derek chuckled “Yes dear, we’re going to pool our money. You’ll like it. It will be someplace unique and we’ll always have a safe place.”

  Nicholas looked at his father “Dad, how much work needs to be done?”

  Gerry answered before Derek could. “A few of the levels are complete and ready. With the contractors Derek knows, and the money we’re willing to pay to get it done fast I think we can have it done in a month or so. The above ground building is the hang out area and the underground would consist of framing out rooms and putting in walls. The plumbing and Electric is in. The levels that are complete are beautiful.”

  Emily looked at Claire, Tanya, and Eve they nodded. “Well I guess you’d better get the ball rolling.” She said looking at Derek. Derek looked at the guys.

  Nicholas started laughing. “Mom, he’s already done it. Look at him.”

  Emily laughed. “I know he has.”

  Tanya looked at Nick. “When do we get to see it?”

  Nick smiled. “When it’s finished of course. Honey, you’ll love it. No air conditioning and a constant temperature of fifty-eight degrees.”

  Tanya giggled “My kind of place.”

  Nicholas and Danielle stood up. “Sun will be up soon, we’re still honeymooning so we’re out of here and will see you in the evening.” Nicholas said kissing Emily on the cheek. “Danielle, show my dad how you can disappear,” he said smiling at her.

  Danielle smiled. “Good night everyone, see you tomorrow. Hey thanks for the lessons.” And she disappeared.

  Nicholas looked at his father. “Night, hey can you take me out there to see this place tomorrow?” Derek nodded and Nicholas disappeared.

  Nicholas arrived at the cottage to find Danielle sitting on the couch. “Hi babe.”

  Danielle smiled. “Hi.” She took his hand in hers. “Drac I’m starting to get scared about all this stuff with Elizabeth and company.”

  Nicholas sat next to her. “Danielle, I haven’t been involved in one of these battles. I’m not thrilled either but I can assure you when it comes down to them or us I’ll do what I have to do.”

  Danielle leaned her head against his shoulder. “Tell me about the fight you were in.”

  Nicholas draped his arm around her “I was about four. We were in the kitchen when they attacked. Mom and dad threw me and Jen into a safe room along with the Killer. Hours passed. I have no idea how many, I was a little kid. Anyway, even though we were inside and hidden it was so loud. Hissing and growling, Danielle it was scary. Suddenly Killer started howling and in my head I knew dad was in trouble and mom wouldn’t answer me. Jen finally let me up saying she was going to help and told me to stay with Killer. She left. Everything got very quiet. I snuck out of the hiding place and walked outside. I saw my mom on the ground and bleeding and then I spotted a man on top of my dad. The wolves and I snuck up on him and the wolves pinned the man to the ground. For the first time in my life I realized that I was a vampire. I really had no idea what a vamp was. I just knew. I suddenly had long teeth and razor sharp nails. I bit into Andre and drained him of blood then ran my nail along his neck and decapitated him.”

  Danielle gasped. “You were a baby” she exclaimed.

  Nicholas pulled her against him. “I was a vampire” he said.

  Danielle looked up at him. “You were a baby; a vampire, but a vampire baby.” She said.

  Nicholas kissed her. “Danielle we need to be prepared. Our family will teach us and teach us well. We’ll be fine, and that bitch will die at my hand for what she did to you.”

  Danielle smiled. “You do love me don’t you?” Nicholas smiled pressing his lips to hers. “Let me show you just how much.” He said as he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the loft.


  Nicholas awoke to Danielle laughing. He opened his eyes. “What’s got you so tickled?” he asked. Danielle pointed at Killer and Rusty. Killer was on his back and Rusty was diligently grooming his head and face.

  “They’ve been doing that for about an hour. I’ve called to them; they look at me and go back to this.”

  Nicholas smiled. “I guess they like each other; what do you think?”

  Danielle lay back resting her head against Nicholas “They’re the frigging odd couple. Who’d have thought a wolf and cat would become best friends almost immediately.”

  Nicholas was content; he was happy and didn’t want to get up. He frowned. “We have to go soon. I hope you’re well rested. I think today is going to be pretty strenuous. We’re going to be flying and dodging and who knows what else they’ll throw at us.”

  Danielle kissed his chest. “Drac, can we defeat her and her followers?” she asked.

  Nicholas stroked her back gently. “We have to. If not then things will revert to the barbaric way of life where vamps would torture and feed on humans like Elizabeth did to you. When they are no longer useful they throw them away.”

  Danielle sighed. “What have you gotten me into Drac?”

  “Sorry honey, I had no idea Elizabeth was such scum.”

  Danielle sat up. “I’m going to get a shower, want to join me?” she said as she got out of bed.

  Nicholas smiled. “I’d love to.” He said and followed her into the bathroom.


  When they arrived at the family house the whole family was gathered in the field. Nicholas and Danielle joined them.

  Derek looked up when he heard them approach. “Good evening. Feed Danielle and the training will begin.”

  Danielle and Nicholas stood in the field. Derek and Emily stood next to them. Danielle looked around. “Where did everyone go?”

  Derek looked at her. “We are going to demonstrate the basics. We’re going to show you how it happened in the past and some evasive actions. Pay attention because after we show you, you and Nicholas will be the target.” Danielle nodded.

  Emily looked at Nicholas “Nicky, pay attention. Now you and Danielle sit in the chairs over there and watch.” Nicholas took Danielle’s hand and they walked to the chairs. Derek and Emily stood casually in the field talking. Nicholas watched as Derek took Emily’s hand and raised it to his lips kissing it. Suddenly they were being dodged, vamps came from everywhere growling, hissing, and clawing at their clothing, skin. Emily was pulled into the air as was Derek.

  Nicholas saw Vamps he didn’t recognize Dad are you and mom okay. I don’t know these vamps.

  Derek replied; we’re fine, pay attention. Derek was thrown and tossed through the air. Emily was pitched towards the ground. As she plummeted towards the ground Gerry appeared from nowhere and caught her steadying her. She flew to Derek’s aid coming up behind the Vamp that held him and pretended to sink her fangs into his neck.

  After about an hour the ones Nicholas didn’t recognize disappeared and the family landed in the field. Their clothes were shredded their skin cut. They walked over to Nicholas and Danielle.

  Danielle gasped “You’re bleeding!”

  Derek nodded “We are. And when this all comes down some of us may die. These wounds are surface wounds. Look at my arm.” Derek pulled his sleeve up. Danielle watched as the deep gash in his arm started to mend and disappear.

  “How?” she asked in wonder.

  Derek smiled. “It’s how vampires heal. We heal quickly.” Everyone sat in chairs to rest a bit before the next round was to begin. The family knew when it wou
ld begin but Danielle and Nicholas had no clue.

  Emily took Danielle’s hand. “Come with me. You need to learn to fly.” Danielle followed Emily into the field. Derek Nicholas and the family watched.

  Derek looked at Nicholas “She’s learning quickly.”

  Nicholas nodded. “She’s smart and I think she wants a bit of revenge for what they did to her. She doesn’t remember all of it consciously but she’s had nightmares. She cries in her sleep.”

  Derek frowned. “I’d have never imagined that Jen and Elizabeth would betray us.”


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