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Gigantic Variations

Page 17

by Maxwell Avoi

  He smiled at her as she came down, and she smiled back, lost in him. “Oh Daniel, oh Daniel,” she whispered. “You feel so good in me, I think at times I might die.”

  “Then I’ll die with you,” he said. “I can’t lose you now that I’ve only just found you.”

  She leaned down and kissed his chest, and then she felt him start to hitch and buck as the change in her movements drove him to the edge. “Daniel,” she whispered. “Daniel. I love you.”

  He sighed quietly. “Oh, Julia. I love you too.”

  Their lips met, and their climax was a supernova that drove all thought from their minds. The dark room went white and then melted into a color on the other side of white, leaving them floating together in a void until they finally dissolved into each other.

  She didn’t know where she was when she woke up, but it smelled different than Daniel’s tiny cot. It smelled different than the servant quarters or the scullery maid’s bedroom, for that matter. It was cleaner, though there was a definite tang of sex in the air. She opened her eyes and found that she was on top of Daniel, both of them still naked and apparently having slept through the night that way.

  She looked around and saw that they were no longer in the smithy. They were in a regular, modern bedroom with no sign of stone or dirt. It wasn’t huge, and it wasn’t glamorous, but it was clean and didn’t belong in a castle. She sat up and stood, her gigantic tits settling as she did. The clothing that she had removed before getting into bed with Daniel had changed as well as the room; in the pile she found a t-shirt, jeans, and a set of modern panties and bra. Pale sunlight stained the blinds, and from beyond them she heard a horn honk.

  “Oh my God, we’re back,” she whispered. But why was she still so incredibly female? She climbed into the clothes as quickly as she could, muttering to herself about having to figure out another set of female accoutrements, and then she headed for the front door. Everything about the apartment said that it was a modern, regular place. A set of coveralls hung on a rack by the door, bearing the name “Daniel” on one breast. Now that she was back, she recognized the clothing.

  Daniel had been the handyman in her old apartment. She hadn’t recognized him because her eyes had just sort of slid off of him whenever he came by, but now she knew that would never happen again. She stumbled out into the hallway and looked around.

  The door to the outer world was just down the hall from Daniel’s apartment, and she happened to step out into the hallway just as a familiar face went by. “Helen?” she blurted.

  Helen stopped and looked at her, staring as if trying to figure out where they’d met. Finally she snapped her fingers and said, “Julie, right? You were at the meeting a few nights ago, hated the lemonade.”

  Justin nodded nervously. “And what…I mean, what’s been going on since then?”

  Helen just shrugged. “Nothing I know of. Everyone’s trying to figure out what happened to Chuck, but outside of that, pretty much the usual.”

  “What happened to Chuck?”

  Helen gave that easy smile that had bewitched Justin, what felt like a thousand years ago. “If I knew that then there wouldn’t be a mystery. He just disappeared. Why, didn’t the cops come and talk to you?”

  “Oh. Yeah! Just…I was wondering if there was any news. I’ve been, um…” Justin thought furiously, trying to come up with an excuse.

  Helen laughed and patted Justin’s shoulder. “Yeeeeah, I heard. I think a lot of the building heard. I’m glad you’re having a good time, sis, but you’re gonna have to keep it down at night, okay? Daniel’s a great guy, though, good on you.” With that, she turned and walked away, heading out the door into the bright sunlight and regular world.

  Justin withdrew into the apartment and closed the door, leaning back against it. The spell was broken and no one remembered a thing. As for Chuck…she imagined that he was still back at his precious castle, all alone. Good riddance to him. She didn’t know what the future held for her, but she knew that the kiss of true love that she’d shared with the man sleeping two rooms away had given them the chance to find out together.

  Julie smiled and headed for the bedroom. It was time to start her happily ever after.


  I was twenty when I found out that magic existed. I hadn’t suspected anything like that for the first two years of college; I’d had a normal run, keeping my head down and doing my best to stay awake for classes and tests after late-night parties.

  At Southern Kyle University, we were required to live on campus for the first two years. It was something to do with making sure that we were as socialized as possible but by the time my junior year rolled around I needed a place with fewer distractions the the dorms. I started shopping around for off-campus housing almost as soon as summer started and by the time August rolled around I was starting to despair.

  It wasn’t so much that there weren’t places available as that others had beaten me to them. There were people looking for roommates but I honestly wasn’t sure if I could survive a year with some of the clowns I met along the way. Three days before classes started, I found myself looking at a smallish house on the outskirts of town. Concepts like “large” and “close to campus” had died early in the summer, and I was down to “minimal water damage” and “was not currently on fire.” This place fit both of those criteria. I went up and knocked, clutching the roommate-wanted ad that I’d found in the paper.

  The door opened to reveal a normal-looking guy. There was nothing memorable about his face or his clothes, and he was average height and weight. Any spy would have killed to have his bland features and hair-colored hair. He said, “Can I help you?”

  “Uh, Joe Steadman? Hi, I’m Deke Siegal. I’m here about the room?”

  He blinked. I thought that I’d caught him while he was sleeping or something; later I learned that Joe always seemed to be half-awake. “Oh, yeah. Yeah, c’mon in.”

  Joe showed me around the place, which took a good two minutes. It was small but it was clean and the structure looked to be in good shape. The empty room was actually the larger of the two but he claimed to prefer the one that he had.

  “I’ve really only got one condition besides the non-smoking thing,” he said. “If my door’s closed, it’s closed, okay? Just don’t even knock. It’s a migraine thing.”

  “Oh, fair enough. I mean you’re not cooking meth in there or anything are you?” I said with a nervous laugh.

  “Nah, nothing like that.” He quoted me a price that seemed pretty low and I immediately accepted. At that point I would have been fine with a meth dealer, or whatever he was up to in there. I told him that I could be ready to move in the next day and he said that was fine. He handed me a key and I was ready to go.

  Moving in was simple; Joe even offered to help out, so I didn’t have to worry about how I was going to get the heavy stuff in. I was quickly settled and ready for school.

  I soon learned that I’d found the perfect setup. Joe was just as bland and quiet in is habits as he was in his appearance and there were times that I thought that he’d gone out only to find that he was sitting in his room reading or studying. He did go out at least a couple of times a week, but he never said where he went or invited me along. I was fine with that; I hadn't signed up for a best friend.

  It was the second week of school that I came home and found his door closed for the first time. I steered clear of it, trying not to make any big noises. I’d only had migraines a couple of times, but I knew that noise could aggravate the hell out of the pain. I thought I heard a moan from the other side of the door but I respected his wishes and didn’t knock.

  Life settled into a comfortable groove for a while and stayed that way until my phone rang late one night. I blinked at the display and saw that it was Joe. He’d gone out, not telling me his plans as usual. I clicked the phone on and said, “Hello?”

  “Hi, um, is this Deke?” said a female voice. I didn’t recognize her.

  “It depends o
n who’s asking, I guess,” I said.

  “Oh, um, this is Carol. I’m Joe’s sister.”

  “Then I guess I’m Deke. What’s up?”

  “Well, I was coming to visit Joe tonight, and my car broke down. I can’t get ahold of him, so I thought I’d see if you could come and get me.”

  “Uh. Yeah, sure, I guess. Where are you?”

  She gave me directions and I had to force myself to listen to the words and not her voice. She had a breathless sort of purr that was sexy enough to be distracting. “Okay, got it…how come you’re calling from Joe’s phone, anyway?” I said.

  “Um, we have this weird plan, several phones on one number, saves a lot of money. Please hurry!” She clicked off and I sat there staring at the phone for a while before getting up and getting dressed. Never let it be said that I ignored a damsel in distress, especially one that sounded cute.

  She was stuck way out of town on a road that didn’t have any lights. The city was a nice one but it was easy to forget that it was basically an oasis in the middle of endless farmland. The road used to be one of the main ones but it had fallen into disuse since the bypass had been put in. The only people on that road were the ones who lived out there. I couldn’t imagine out why she was way out in the middle of nowhere.

  I drove by a car that looked a lot like Joe’s that was parked on the side of the road with its blinkers flashing. There was a silhouette in the front seat. I pulled off and turned around and then came back, slowing to a stop on the other side of the road from the fallen car.

  The driver’s side door opened and an incredibly hot redhead stepped out and waved at me. I rolled down the window and said, “Carol?”

  “That’s me! Hang on a sec!”

  She got out and leaned into the back seat. Her tight jeans outlined an ass that could win major international awards. I stared, barely keeping myself from drooling, and I had to force myself to look away when she finally pulled a knapsack out of the car. She ran around to the passenger door, her hair and high bosom both bouncing lightly, and I felt myself getting hard at the sight. I let her in and she tossed her pack into the back seat before settling into the front. She gave a little huff and said, “Hi. Carol.” She offered her hand and I shook it.

  I pulled out and said, “So you’re just going to Joe’s place, right?”

  “Yep! Visiting big brother.” The back-glow of the dashboard lights showed that her face was just as exquisite as the rest of her, and I was impressed to find that her sexy growl was still in place in real life; it wasn’t just a phone affectation.

  “He hasn’t mentioned you. And I gotta say, you don’t look much like him.”

  She grinned easily. “I take that as a compliment. No, I think that Joe’s a little ashamed of me, actually.”

  “What? Why?”

  She shrugged. I did my best to not glance at her chest when she did so. “Probably ‘cause I have a rep.”

  “What kind of rep?”

  “That I’m easy. It just weirds him out, you know. Little sister isn’t supposed to be like that.”

  Her words flowed smoothly but I thought that I caught an undercurrent of some kind of deception. It was faint enough that I didn’t worry too much about it. After all, it was family business. I decided not to dig too deeply, and she seemed content with staying quiet as we drove.

  Before we pulled into town, I said, “That car looked an awful lot like Joe’s.”

  She nodded absently. “Mom and dad got us matching vehicles.” That seemed to be it. I lapsed into silence that didn’t lift until we got to the house.

  Once there, I offered to help carry her bag in but she snatched it before I could finish the sentence. I led her inside and said, “If you want to wait on the couch or whatever, you can…”

  I trailed off as she headed directly for Joe’s room and tossed her bag inside. “And that’s Joe’s room,” I finished lamely.

  She paled a bit and then said, “Oh, right! I’ve been here before, so I knew that that was, you know. Joe’s room. So what is it that you do, anyway?” She went and sat down on one end of the couch with her legs crossed and her shoulders back, her hair flowing down her body in a way that I wanted to copy.

  “Oh, you know, I’m a student, so I don’t really…care for a drink?”

  “Beer, if you have one,” she said. “But if you don’t work, then how can you afford your half of the rent?”

  “Oh, well, Joe’s pretty generous about the word ‘half,’ you know.” I handed her a beer and sat on the other end of the couch with my own. Normally I would have gone back to bed, but she was more or less a stranger and besides that she was spectacular. “But I get a stipend from the university, too.”

  “Smart and chivalrous. You must be an old-fashioned kind of guy,” she said, grinning. She drank deeply, as if she hadn’t had anything in days, and I watched her throat work as she did so. It was mesmerizing.

  “Oh, well, not that old-fashioned. A little. Is that good?”

  Carol lowered her beer and looked me up and down in a way that made every hair on my body stand on end. She said, “You know, I kinda think it is.”

  She shifted a little, sliding closer to me, and I felt simultaneously overjoyed and nervous. “Oh, uh, good. Then. So what is it that you do, anyway?”

  She shifted a little closer. “A little of this, a lot of that. You know. Girl stuff.”

  “Oh. Are you a student?”

  “Not really. Joe’s the student. I’m more of the fun girl type.”

  “Fun girl?”

  She was close enough that I could feel the heat from her body, and I had rarely been so hard in my life. I squirmed a little in an effort to try to hide it, but then she smiled wide and looked directly at my crotch. “All kinds of fun, Deke. Did I thank you for saving me?”

  “Uh, I…”

  She leaned over, putting her hand directly over my cock as if to steady herself, and then she kissed me. I don’t know how long the kiss went on but I know it felt like days. She tasted like beer and smoked cherries, and when she pulled back she left her hand where it was. “Thank you.”

  I had absolutely no idea what to do. She giggled at the sight of me gaping at her, and then she leaned in and kissed me again. The kiss was good enough that it almost distracted me from the way that she gently massaged me through my jeans. I was terrified that I was going to spout off right then and there but she seemed to know just how far to take me before slacking off.

  This time when she pulled back I whispered, “You’re very welcome.”

  Carol giggled again. “You’re sweet. You know, we should really figure out what to do with this.” She squeezed gently again and I groaned a little. Emotions and instincts warred. Chivalry tried to speak up and force me to tell her that she didn’t owe me anything, but it was promptly coldcocked by lust, which could give a shit if she owed me anything or not; lust wanted her. I kept it together long enough to say, “Joe’s not gonna be upset, is he?”

  She smiled and leaned in for a kiss again, pushing downward and squeezing as she did so. “Don’t worry about Joe,” she murmured.

  I got up and led her to my room, walking a little funny, and she giggled at the sight. I couldn’t believe this girl was actually going to go to bed with me but when I turned around I found that she’d already pulled her shirt off. I stared. Her belly was flat and toned, and her pale skin was so flawless that it looked translucent. She wore a black, lacy bra that lovingly cupped her breasts. They weren’t overly large but size was the only thing about them that could be described as average. She grinned at me and popped the hook on the front, allowing the girls to spill free. I stared without shame as she took the bra off, Her breasts bounced cheerfully with the motion, her nipples hard and pointing upward from their perky bases. Carol tossed the bra aside and fisted her hands on her hips. “You like?”

  I nodded, starting to struggle out of my own clothes. Apparently we were going to actually do this. My pants resisted, of course; any other tim
e they’d have slipped right off but when I needed to remove them quickly they did everything they could to tangle and get stuck. It didn’t help that my hard-on hadn’t faded at all. When I finally turned my attention back to Carol she was down to a pair of panties that matched her bra and were so smooth that they seemed painted on to her beautiful skin. Her legs were just as spectacular as the rest of her, and the sight of her leaning against the wall was enough to bring a statue to life.

  She waited until she was sure that she had my attention and then she reached down and slid the panties down her sleek legs. It took forever, and when she was done she kicked the panties into her pile of clothing. She wasn’t shaved but the hair between her legs was well-trimmed and matched the auburn that adorned her head.

  Carol looked at me and the bed and then she grinned. She turned around so that her back was to me, and then she leaned forward a bit and braced both hands on the door. She looked over her shoulder with a fake pout and gave her ass a little wiggle.

  I struggled the hell out of my boxers. I’d never been so hard, with my cock a dark purple at the tip and each vein outlined. I wanted nothing more than to slam into her but I dug around in the bedside table for a condom anyway. I felt hot enough to melt the latex when I snapped it on and went to her.

  She was grinning at the sight of me putting on the glove, but there was nothing funny about how turned on she seemed to be. When I touched her, putting my hand on her flat belly, she shivered and gasped. She nodded, her hair fluttering around her, and she said, “Mmmm, yes, yes! Come on, Deke!”

  The head of my cock rubbed against her lower lips and I felt her jump again, but she was quick to recover. I pushed up and she groaned. “Oh Deke! Yes, come on! Fill me up! FUCK me with that, oh DEKE!”

  I kept one hand on her hip and used the other to paw at her breasts as I slammed into her again and again. There was no time for artistry or finesse; we were both too wound up to take the time for something like that. I didn’t know what had gotten her so excited but my cock sternly bypassed questions like that and went for the gold.


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