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Gigantic Variations

Page 18

by Maxwell Avoi

  She kept up her stream of dirty talk, punctuated more and more often by cries and gasps, and when we came together she let out a groan that sounded like it came from a felled tree. I roared, my cock thundering into her and finally exploding in pulse after pulse of heat. It was so powerful that it made me worry about the condom for a split second, but then my mind was wiped clean by the awesome pleasure of the act.

  I softened and pulled free, and Carol turned to grin at me with a crazy, bad-girl glint in her eye. “That’s not all you’ve got, is it?” she said.

  “Well, it is for the time be-“

  That was as far as I got. She wrapped her arms around my head and kissed me, her tongue invading my mouth. I wasn’t about to argue, spent or not, and I spent the next few heartbeats doing my best to give as good as I got. She was so passionate that I felt my mouth tingle a little. The tingle went down my throat and then suddenly I felt myself getting hard again.

  Carol pulled back and said, “Bed this time, Deke.”

  I threw her onto the bed, my cock swelling until I was sure that it was going to split the condom. I pulled off the used one and got another out, trying not to think about simply attacking her. Carol was on her back, her legs spread to me, propped up on her elbows and giving me a devilish grin.

  All lingering thoughts about things like roommate etiquette went right out the window at the sight of her. Joe might get upset if he found out about what the two of us were up to, but there was no way on earth that I was going to stop now. I climbed up her beautiful legs, kissing her knee along the way and finding that smoked-cherry taste again, and then I settled between them. It felt like coming home when I slid into her and when she closed her eyes and arched her head back I nearly came again. The second time was slower and less urgent than the first by at least two or three percent. This time her cries during her climax were louder and she buried her face in my shoulder to try to muffled them. I came at the same time, pushing her deep into the mattress as I pumped and pumped, not even feeling the tiny sting on my shoulder when she nipped me in her throes of ecstasy. She scratched my back, too, all minor wounds that didn’t even bleed.

  I didn’t protest when she kissed me again. She felt just as urgent and needy as before and I was happy to give her what she wanted. I got hard as the kiss went on, and by the time we were done I was panting for her as if I’d never fucked her at all.

  Carol rolled us over, settling her stupendous body atop mine, and when she wiggled her way down to my cock I was so hard and ready that I didn’t even protest when she took the condom off and slid down on top of me, bareback. I had the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen naked and riding me, moaning and yelping as if she’d just discovered sex. I loved the position, as it gave me a full view and allowed me total access to her bouncing breasts. I squeezed and tweaked, pinching her nipples lightly when the volume of her cries escalated.

  I didn’t know why we kept climaxing at the same time but some part of my mind, half-drunk on pleasure, told me it was because we were destined to be soul mates. I didn’t know about that, but I felt her approaching her third as I worked toward mine, bucking into her as she rolled those hips.

  She bent forward and screamed as she came, and I pulled her the rest of the way down so that we were as close as possible. I came as well, filling her this time until I felt my own seed spill out around my balls. I pulled her contorting face to mine and kissed her, and her screams rattled down my throat. I never came like that before, and the sheer force of it finally pushed me off a cliff and into sleep before I could even talk to her.

  I woke up alone. I wasn’t very surprised, though I was disappointed. There were plenty of indications as to what Carol and I had done the night before, the strongest one being the lingering smell. Smoked cherries. I got up and headed for the bathroom for a shower, not sure what the etiquette was in situations like this.

  Joe was sitting in his room with the door open when I walked by. “Hey Deke,” he said. “Thanks for taking care of Carol last night.”

  Yeah, I’d taken care of her, I thought. “No problem. Is she still gonna be around for a visit?”

  He shook his head. “No, she’s gone already. Early riser, you know. She said you were really nice and to thank you for your help.”

  “Well, yeah. Glad to help if she needs it next time.”

  He nodded, staring at me a moment longer, and then said, “How’d you cut your shoulder?”

  I looked at my left and then my right, not realizing that Carol’s nip had left a wound until then. It wasn’t bleeding anymore, but there was a film of dried blood around the site of the bite. “Oh, hit a doorframe that had a nail in it. No big.”

  He nodded and went back to his studying.

  The nip stung for a while under the hot water but I didn’t worry too much about it. I put some salve on it and forgot about it for about a week.

  Life settled into the routine again without the slightest ripple. Apparently Carol hadn’t told Joe about our little interlude, so I didn’t have to worry about him getting upset over it. I hoped that I would see her again but she was as elusive as she was beautiful.

  A week after I’d met Carol, I woke up in a motel that I didn’t recognize. It was a low-class joint that looked like where cockroaches came to die. I had no idea where I was or how I’d gotten there. I remembered being tired the night before, tired enough that I’d gone to bed really early, but I couldn’t imagine why I was where I was.

  I also woke up naked, which was worrying in a different way. My clothes were all there, scattered around, and there was that same lingering scent of sex in the air that I’d smelled with Carol. Someone around here had been up to something and it looked like I was a participant. Too bad I couldn’t remember a damn thing.

  I got dressed and left as quickly as possible, leaving my key on the dresser on the way out. My car was out in the parking lot, parked correctly. No one was around in the early dawn. I got in and pulled to the front of the motel, finding a street sign that told me that I was halfway across town from my real bed. Still nervous about the situation, I pulled into the early morning traffic and made my way home.

  I walked in and found Joe in his room as usual. He looked up and said, “Oh hey. Just about to send the search party. You okay?”

  “I…that’s not an easy question,” I said. “No?”

  He frowned. “What happened?”

  “Beats the shit out of me. When did I leave last night?”

  “No idea. I was out.”

  Out. Yeah. Wherever the fuck he gets off to. “Okay, well, this morning I woke up in a motel room. I remember going to bed last night, here, early, but then nothing and I’m in this shitty motel.”

  He laughed a little. It sounded strange, like he was forcing it. “So I guess you drank, like, all the beer last night, huh?”

  “I don’t think so. I don’t have a hangover.”

  He nodded. “That’s…that’s weird. Was there something strange about the room?”

  “Strange like how?”

  “Like, I dunno. A smell, or anything that showed what you might have done there?”

  I shrugged. “Smelled like sex.”

  I could tell the answer shocked him, though not because of the crudity of it. He looked half scared. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, Joe, I’m sure. What’s with all the questions?”

  “I’m…just trying to help you retrace your steps, you know, figure out anything that might be a clue.” I’d never seen him like this before, nervous and fidgeting. He looked like someone cooking under the spotlight in a bad cop show.

  “Are you okay, Joe? Do you know anything about this?”

  “Fine, just fine. And no, I don’t think I do. Listen, I have to get studying. I wouldn’t worry about the waking up thing. I mean, everyone’s entitled to a brain fart from time to time. If it happens again, then worry about it.”

  It was a weird version of reassurance but I decided to take it. He was probably right anyway;
what little I knew of human psychology could fit on the back of a matchbook. I decided to chalk it up to sleepwalking even though I’d never been subject to it before. I made up my mind that it was the kind of problem that could start at any time in life, didn’t research it, and put the whole thing uneasily out of my mind.

  Joe was even more scarce than usual for the next week, often studying with his door closed or out doing whatever it was that he did. Things stayed the same kind of settled as they had before, and then about a week after the first incident I woke up inside my car. It was parked out in front of our house, which was good, but that was the only good thing. The worst part was that I was naked. I looked around inside the vehicle and couldn’t find anything but a few scraps of women’s underwear: a bra and pair of panties. What the fuck had I been doing?

  Joe wasn’t home. I went straight to my desk and started researching sleepwalking, which led me to fugue states, which led me to some of the scarier shit that I’d run across. What I didn’t understand was why I would be having this issue now. I hadn’t been through any traumatic events, and the only weird thing that had happened was the little interlude with Joe’s sister. Surely that wouldn’t have been enough to push me over the edge, no matter how awesome the sex had been.

  Joe came home about an hour later, and I said, “Well, it happened again.”

  He tossed his duffle bag on the couch. “What did?”

  “The thing! I woke up in my car, naked. I’m just glad it was parked out front here. I need to see a doctor.”

  Joe nodded, but he seemed reluctant to do so. “Maybe. Maybe you should just take some time off, you know? You’ve been studying really hard. Take a couple nights off, blow off some steam.” He snapped his fingers. “You should take a girl out to the lake this weekend. It’s gonna be a full moon.”

  I stared at him. “Dude, I woke up naked in my car. I didn’t have a nervous breakdown.”

  “They might be kinda the same thing, though, right?”

  I shook my head. “No, I’m gonna hit the clinic. This is why we have free doctors for the students.”

  He shrugged, apparently deciding not to push it any further. “Okay, man, but I really think you should just take it easy for a while.”

  I went to the clinic, feeling conflicted. There was one part of me that wanted to do what Joe said and just take some time off. It was the “ignore it and it’ll go away” part of me. The rest of me wanted to get checked out, and what the hell was Joe’s problem with doctors anyway? Weird.

  At the clinic I got a basic checkup from the doctor on duty, who prescribed me some sleeping pills and told me to take it easy for a few days. He sounded so much like Joe that I wanted to ask if they were working together, but I just took the scrip and thanked him nicely. The drugs prescribed were so common for college students that the in-house pharmacy had enough to carry me through for now, so I didn’t even have to go to a store off-campus. I paid them a few bucks and headed home.

  Joe looked up when I came in. “Well, what’d they say?”

  I threw myself down on the couch. “That it was probably stress and I should take it easy for a few days. And they gave me some sleeping pills.”

  He didn’t say that he’d told me so. “Well, glad that worked out. I still think you ought to go out to the lake, but that’s just me.”

  “No, I think I’ll skip that for now. 'Hey, baby, wanna see me go crazy in my sleep?' Always gets the chicks.”

  He shrugged and went back to his book.

  I’m not very good at taking it easy. I’ve been busting my ass to get through school ever since I can remember, and to suddenly have this weird amount of time on my hands…well, it wasn’t exactly an oasis. It felt more like when a bunch of sailors in the movie enter the doldrums, where the wind stops blowing and they just sit and stare all day. It’s the kind of thing that can drive a person crazy.

  It was both fortunate and unfortunate that something happened on that Friday. Joe offered to stay in and watch movies instead of going out, which was way out of character for him. I guess that he saw that I was having trouble (going out of my fucking mind) and thought that some talk and a movie would help. He’d been edgy all day, with that look that said that he wanted to go out and do whatever it was that he did, but he stayed anyway. It was kind of cool of him. He picked out that movie where Jack Nicholson turns into a wolf and popped it in after glancing out the front window for the hundredth time.

  “Are you okay?” I asked. “Is someone coming to get you?”

  “No, no, nothing like that,” he said, trying to be nonchalant. He wasn’t good at it. “Just, you know, like to see the moonrise, that’s all.”

  “The moonrise. Is this movie freaking you out already? We haven’t gotten past the credits.”

  “Nope, just like the moon when it’s full, that’s all.” He clammed up and sat down, crossing his arms. Conversation over , baby.

  I didn’t mind that much. I settled back and watched the werewolves do their thing, trying to clear my mind. A beer helped, as did another, and soon I was able to relax. Joe did the same, though he kept looking out the damn window.

  About halfway through the movie, Joe made a strange noise. I looked over and saw him staring out the window. The moon was full and bright, and it was almost fully risen. He turned to me and said, “This is gonna be weird, but don’t freak out.”

  It was easily the most freakout-inducing sentence I’d ever heard. “What? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Just relax.” He settled back onto the couch and stared straight ahead, not looking at the movie. I went to stand up and noticed that the moon had made its full appearance, round and full.

  I stopped at the feeling that rippled through me. That’s exactly what it felt like: a ripple, like I was water and a stone had been thrown into me a moment before. I frowned and sat down, wondering if the beer was backing up on me, but then the ripple hit me again, and I felt different.

  I don’t have a clear memory of the change the first time. I know that the ripples kept blasting through me, stronger and closer together until I couldn’t think straight or do anything. I was vaguely aware of my moans, and how they gradually got higher and higher as the change went on. Joe sat quietly beside me and I saw his body rippling and changing when I was able to focus. I remember being face-to-face with him at one point, not recognizing him but seeing that one of his eyes was brown and the other was a brilliant green. Then our individual changes rolled us apart and we went on shifting in our own little worlds.

  I’m not sure when it ended. It was like coming up out of a vivid dream, one where you don’t know where the line is between awake and asleep. The first thing I saw was that Joe wasn’t Joe anymore. In his place was Carol. She was wearing the same t-shirt and jeans I’d seen her in the first time, and she was panting slightly. She looked over at me and her green eyes widened. I looked down at myself.

  Jet black hair obscured my view until I forced it out of the way. There was pain and a tugging sensation when I did that, my first clue that the hair was actually attached to me. I was distracted from that by the sight of the heavy breasts that filled my tank top. I hadn’t been wearing a tank top but that was secondary to the fact that I hadn’t had breasts before either. The bright red tank top showed off the vast upper curves and some deep cleavage, and I felt my world becoming distant at the sight of them. It felt as though I was watching my new tits from the wrong end of a telescope, and then I didn’t see anything at all.

  When I woke up I was lying on the couch with a blanket over me. I looked up at the sound of someone humming and saw Carol bustling around the kitchen like a wet dream that could make coffee. I tented the blanket up and saw that the tits were still there, and concentrated on fighting down the panic that threatened to take me away again. I tossed the blanket aside to take stock of how else the world had gone crazy.

  My chest and my shirt weren’t the only things that had changed. My sweatpants had become a skirt that probably
only reached to mid-thigh when fully deployed. My legs were just what I’d always imagined on a dream girl. Come to think of it, so were my breasts. So was my flawless white skin and my delicate arms, and weren’t these just the kind of clothes that I loved to see on a really curvy chick?

  “Oh hey, welcome back,” said Carol, offering me a cup of coffee. I struggled to a sitting position, incredibly aware of the way that my chest slid and settled as I did so. I took the cup and sipped. There was whiskey in there and I felt it doing me good.

  Carol watched me as if I was going to explode. I drained the cup, barely conscious of the burn, and then I whispered, “What the fuck?”

  My voice was just as changed and just as hot as the rest of me, the kind of low rasp that I loved to hear. I was somewhat less fond of it now that it was coming out of my own mouth.

  “Well, I guess now you know why I go out so often,” she said.


  She nodded. “Well, when I’m like this I go by Carol, usually.”


  She looked down at her own cup. “It’s a curse. Family thing, mostly. According to dad, someone way back in the day pissed off a witch, and she cursed him so that his male children would be a trial to him instead of a comfort. At the time, this was pretty much the worst thing that she could come up with for a guy who was so proud of his sons. I mean, these days it’s not that big of a-“

  “A curse? That’s the best you can do? And why me?”

  She frowned at me. “Look, if you can come up with a better explanation, I’m all ears. So’s the rest of my family, guaranteed.” She sighed. “But as for you…that’s my fault.”

  “You mean when you and I…”

  “Uh, sorta. I got carried away and bit you shoulder, and then you and I…yeah. That’s what it needs to pass on.”

  “You cursed me?”

  “Not on purpose!” She leaned away and I realized that I’d leaned closer to her. “It was just so good and I got carried away, and…it just happened. I’m really sorry.”


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