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Miracle Workers

Page 29

by Keith R. A. DeCandido

  Sendrak. Month in the Nalori calendar (Invincible Book 1).

  Sentinel, U.S.S. Federation starship, Akira-class (Invincible Book 1). Sonya Gomez served as chief engineer on the Sentinel during the Dominion War. When the ship was trapped behind enemy lines, she reconfigured the warp field so that a Breen ship thought it was a Cardassian freighter (The Belly of the Beast). This bought her time to get the warp drive on-line. She received a commendation for the action (Invincible Book 1).

  Se’rbeg. The holy words of Ho’nig, the god of the Damiani. Zilder, a worshipper of Ho’nig, despite being a Bolian, carried a cracked, leather-bound copy of the Se’rbeg with him on Sarindar (Invincible Book 1). After he was killed by the monster shii, he left the book to Commander Sonya Gomez (Invincible Book 2).

  Shigemos. The keepers of the dead in Nalori culture. When Nalori die, their mazza, or souls, must be commended to the Endless Wind by a person of authority, who announces this to the Shigemos. Commander Sonya Gomez performed this function on Sarindar (Invincible Book 1).

  shii. Animal native to Sarindar. A silicon-based life-form, and a predator, a shii has four legs that end in triangle-shaped paws with razor-sharp points. Their heads are also triangle-shaped. The mechanical servants brought to Sarindar by the owners took on the form of shii, and were at first believed to be mutated shii (Invincible Book 1).

  shii, monster. A creature from Nalori myth that hunts and beheads those who would try to tame the planet Sarindar. The mechanical servants brought to Sarindar by the owners took on the form of shii (Invincible Book 1). The owners eat the cranial matter of animals for food, so the “monster shii” would decapitate any living being they encountered, thus unintentionally fulfilling the role in the legend (Invincible Book 2). They horded the skulls of their kills in caves, presumably awaiting their consumption by the owners. The first monster shii was killed by Commander Sonya Gomez in self-defense (Invincible Book 1). Gomez tried to reason with the second one, but it was unable to break its programming and stop killing, so Gomez was forced to destroy it as well (Invincible Book 2).

  silicon-based life. Biological forms whose organic chemistry is based on the element silicon, rather than the more common element, carbon (“The Devil in the Dark” [TOS]). Life forms native to Sarindar are silicon-based (Invincible Book 1).

  Sinnrav. Planet. A type of music pioneered on Sinnrav is Sinnravian drad music, though it is not universally popular (Cold Fusion).

  Sinnravian drad music. Style of music from planet Sinnrav. One of its subgenres is atonal minimalism, and one of that subgenre’s purveyors is Blee Luu. Most nonSinnravians, and many from Sinnrav, find drad music unlistenable, but both Carol Abramowitz and Lieutenant Nog are fond of it. Abramowitz’s roommate P8 Blue most assuredly is not (Cold Fusion).

  Sinnravian. Native of the planet Sinnrav. The son of Captain Janna Demitrijian of the U.S.S. Sugihara is dating a Sinnravian (Cold Fusion).

  Soloman. See 110/Soloman.

  sonic weapons. Sound-based weapons. On Sarindar, the planet’s crystalline nature made using more traditional light-based energy weapons like phasers impractical, so the subspace accelerator team from the Nalori Republic used sonic weapons instead. When the monster shii started to attack the team, Commander Sonya Gomez cannibalized some of the sonic weapons in order to make a sonic barrier to deter the creature (Invincible Book 1).

  spatial interphase. See interphase.

  Speakers. Name given to the administrators of government on Eerlik (Fatal Error).

  Starbase 42. Federation starbase. Prior to the salvage of the U.S.S. Defiant, the last time Kieran Duffy was left in command of the U.S.S. da Vinci was when Captain David Gold and Commander Sonya Gomez had a meeting at this starbase (Interphase Book 1).

  Starbase 92. Federation starbase. Anthony Mark is assigned to Starbase 92 (Hard Crash).

  Starbase 96. Federation starbase under the supervision of Commander Ju’les L’ullho (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Gateways Book 4: Demons of Air and Darkness). Captain Janna Demitrijian was unimpressed by Lieutenant Nog’s offer of shore leave on Deep Space 9 and Bajor, as all the facilities there could be matched at Starbase 96 (Cold Fusion). The U.S.S. da Vinci dropped Commander Sonya Gomez at Starbase 96, where she was picked up by the Culloden and taken to the planet Sarindar (Invincible Book 1).

  Starbase 505. Federation starbase. The U.S.S. da Vinci was on its way to Starbase 505 to drop off Geordi La Forge and 110, but was diverted to Eerlik instead (Fatal Error). They resumed their route there, but were once again diverted to Intar (Hard Crash).

  Starfleet Corps of Engineers (S.C.E.). Division of Starfleet. The S.C.E. was responsible for the construction of Dr. Carol Marcus’s underground laboratory at the asteroid Regula, at which the second phase of Project Genesis was conducted (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan). Near the end of the Dominion War, Captain Montgomery Scott was assigned to serve as the chief liaison between the S.C.E. and the admiralty. The S.C.E. has numerous ships assigned to it, including several Saber-class ships. One of the ships assigned is the U.S.S. da Vinci under the command of Captain David Gold, with first officer Commander Sonya Gomez commanding the ship’s S.C.E. team. S.C.E. teams traditionally include a variety of technical specialists, as well as cultural specialists and linguists (The Belly of the Beast). Another S.C.E. ship is the U.S.S. Musgrave (Interphase Book 1).

  Starfleet Quarantine Regulation #471946A, Paragraph 9, Subsection C. Wholly fictional regulation made up by Commander Sonya Gomez on Sarindar in order to end the “sick-out” protest by a group of workers on the subspace accelerator team who objected to a change in their duty assignments by pretending to have Dakota’s Disease (Invincible Book 1).

  Starsearcher. Name given to bio-mechanical Omearan exploration ships. Starsearchers bond permanently with a pilot. Several were sent out after a brutal war with the Sarimun some time prior to 2376 in order to seek out new worlds for the Omearans to colonize. If the pilot dies, the ships are supposed to auto-destruct. However, when the pilot Jaldark Keniria discovered that she was dying, she reprogrammed her ship, Friend, to continue to survive after her death (Hard Crash).

  Starsearcher 7445. See Friend.

  Stern College. Institute of higher learning located in New York on Earth. Rabbi Rachel Gilman is a professor there (The Belly of the Beast).

  Stevens, Fabian. Noncommissioned Starfleet engineer assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci as a tactical systems specialist. Stevens was formerly assigned to Deep Space 9 and the U.S.S. Defiant (“Starship Down” [DS9]). Stevens’ parents operate a shuttle service in the Rigel Colonies (Cold Fusion). Stevens found a planet in the Eerlik system with an atmosphere that would render the da Vinci undetectable by sensors if they went into a low orbit; this proved a useful hiding place while the da Vinci effected repairs from an attack by the Senbolma. He later wrote a program based on Bart Faulwell’s design to take over the computer systems on the Senbolma (Fatal Error). Faulwell is also Stevens’s roommate (Hard Crash). Stevens took a particular interest in the salvage of the Constitution class U.S.S. Defiant when the da Vinci was assigned to salvage it from interphase, since he had served on one of that ship’s successors. When the Tholians fired on the da Vinci while salvaging the Defiant, Stevens took the tactical station (Interphase Book 1). Afterward, he took the science station while waiting to see if the Tholians would attack again. His attempt to prematurely reopen the rift into interphase with the da Vinci’s deflector dish did not succeed (Interphase Book 2). Stevens was surprised when he was approached for a one-night liaison by Lt. Commander Domenica Corsi on the da Vinci, though he was less surprised when she assured him it would not be an ongoing thing. He was equally surprised to learn that Nog, whom he had last seen as a cadet on Deep Space 9, was now a junior-grade lieutenant and DS9’s chief operations officer (Cold Fusion). Stevens first appeared in “Starship Down” [DS9]. He was given a first name in The Belly of the Beast.

  sub-overseer. Rank in Androssi society given to the second-in-command of a ship (Cold Fusion)

  subspace accelerator. Device that can be used to shunt objects into orbit from a planet’s surface using a brief warp pulse. Commander Sonya Gomez did a paper on SAs when she was at the Academy. The SA constructed on planet Sarindar was a two-hundred-meter-in-diameter concave dish through which chimerium could be fed via a tubing system. The dish would then generate an annular confinement beam that would clear a path of vacuum through the planet’s atmosphere, through which payloads would be sent via an eight-nanosecond high-warp pulse. The team that constructed the device consisted of various member races of the Nalori Republic, as well as some Federation races (Invincible Book 1).

  Sugihara, U.S.S. Federation starship under the command of Captain Janna Demitrijian (Cold Fusion). The Sugihara was in the area of Eerlik and responded to a distress call from a Talarian freighter whose warp core went critical. Because of this, they were unable to immediately aid the U.S.S. da Vinci when they came under attack by the Senbolma. By the time they did arrive, the crisis was ended (Fatal Error). Over the objections of chief engineer Lieutenant Barbanti, Demitrijian agreed to have the Sugihara be part of the convoy that towed Empok Nor to the Bajoran system, but only if Lieutenant Nog acquired a recording of Blee Luu’s music for her son (Cold Fusion). The Sugihara was named after Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania who issued visas that helped more than two thousand Lithuanian Jews to freedom during World War II. The name was suggested to author Keith R.A. DeCandido by Enterprise Logs editor Carol Greenburg.


  Taghrex. Second in command of the Tholian vessel commanded by Nostrene (Interphase Book 1).

  Talu. Speaker of Eerlik. Talu had a reputation as being the voice of reason among the Speakers (Fatal Error).

  theragen. Biochemical weapon used by the Klingon military; a nerve gas that is instantly lethal if used in pure form. Dr. Leonard McCoy prepared a diluted form of theragen mixed with alcohol to deaden certain nerve inputs to the brain in an effort to prevent madness in the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise caused by exposure to interphase in 2268 (“The Tholian Web” [TOS]). In 2376, Dr. Elizabeth Lense of the U.S.S. da Vinci used the same theragen derivative to stave off the effects of interphase on the team sent to the Defiant to salvage it (Interphase Book 1), though repeated inoculations resulted in the team members developing an immunity to it and needing booster shots more often than anticipated (Interphase Book 2).

  Tholian web. Energy field used by the Tholians in 2268 to entrap a disabled enemy spacecraft. A tractor field is spun by two Tholian ships that remain outside of weapons range, encircling the target, destroying the ship within (“The Tholian Web” [TOS]). By 2376, the Tholians had upgraded their web to be “pre-spun” by at least six ships, and to work on the same principle as a butterfly net, ensnaring a foe in a web-shaped energy field at least a thousand meters in diameter (Interphase Book 2).

  Tholians. Civilization known for its punctuality and highly territorial nature. In 2268, the Tholians accused the U.S.S. Enterprise of violating a territorial annex of the Tholian Assembly while on a rescue mission when the U.S.S. Defiant was trapped in interphase (“The Tholian Web” [TOS]). In 2376, a Tholian ship commanded by Nostrene came across the Defiant as it came back into this universe through interphase, and reluctantly invited Starfleet to salvage the ship. The U.S.S. da Vinci was sent to perform the salvage. When the da Vinci unwittingly found evidence that the Tholians were responsible for a massacre on the Klingon colony at Taelus II in 2268, the Tholian High Magistrates ordered Nostrene to destroy the da Vinci and the Defiant (Interphase Book 1). They were unsuccessful, and Nostrene retreated and regrouped, returning with five other ships and the newest version of the famed Tholian web. However, the combined forces of the da Vinci and the Defiant were able to defeat them (Interphase Book 2).

  tight-beam tachyon pulses. Method of communication used by the Romulans. This method is not affected by interference in subspace. The Romulans shared intelligence on this shortly before the end of the Dominion War, and it was written up in the Journal of the Federation Consortium of Engineers and Technicians. P8 Blue suggested it as a way for the various ships towing Empok Nor at warp to keep in contact despite the massive subspace distortions necessitated by such a tow (Cold Fusion).

  Togh. A timeframe in the Nalori calendar. The year 2376 in the Earth calendar is the twenty-third year of Togh in Nalori (Invincible Book 1).

  Torin. Speaker of Eerlik (Fatal Error).

  Traelus II. Klingon agricultural colony. The colony was wiped out by a Tholian web generator in 2268. Evidence of the massacre was found by the U.S.S. Defiant, but the ship fell into interphase before it could report these findings. In 2376, when the U.S.S. da Vinci salvaged the Defiant, Tholian commander Nostrene was ordered to destroy the evidence of the attack on the colony in order to minimize damage to Tholian relations with the Klingon Empire (Interphase Book 1).

  triovar field. An Androssi security device that, like most of their technology, employs dimensional shifts. When an item is surrounded by a triovar field, the field remains in an alternate dimension until someone or something comes in proximity to it, at which point a net-like force field surrounds the item (Cold Fusion).

  Trivas system. Planetary system (“Empok Nor” [DS9]). Located in unclaimed space between the Federation and Cardassian borders, the system is the location of abandoned station Empok Nor. The system is not strategically useful, which is why the Cardassians abandoned it in 2372 (Cold Fusion).

  Troi, Deanna. Ship’s counselor on the U.S.S. Enterprise (The Belly of the Beast).


  Undlar. Priest of Eerlik. Though he did take the vows of the priesthood, Undlar was in fact a Pevvni Purist who masterminded the sabotage of Ganitriul, the computer that ran Eerlik. He murdered the remaining priests and acolytes, and also killed First Speaker Ansed. He also paid to have the Senbolma installed with non-Ganitriul parts. Through the actions of the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci, the sabotage was undone and Undlar was taken into custody by Enforcement to answer for his crimes (Fatal Error).

  uridium. Mineral substance. Uridium has been found on several planets, including Eerlik (Fatal Error).

  Utaka. One of the Pevvni Purists working for Reger Undlar to sabotage Ganitriul (Fatal Error).


  Valandriw Hall. Meeting place for the Speakers of Eerlik (Fatal Error).

  Vale, Christine. Security chief of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Lieutenant Vale accompanied Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge on his mission to the U.S.S. da Vinci to salvage the ship known as “the Beast.” Vale has an as-yet unexplained past acquaintance with Lt. Commander Domenica Corsi, the da Vinci’s security chief—Vale cites Corsi as the reason why she joined Starfleet. Vale took the Shuttlecraft Cook back to the Enterprise without La Forge after the Beast was salvaged (The Belly of the Beast).

  vixpril. A delicacy from the Nalori homeworld (Invincible Book 1).

  Vlugta system. Star system near Cardassian space (“Rivals” [DS9]). Overseer Biron of the Androssi cut short a planned rendezvous with his unnamed client in the Vlugta system when the Starfleet Corps of Engineers crew from the U.S.S. da Vinci penetrated the security he had placed on Station Empok Nor (Cold Fusion).


  web generator. A prototype Tholian weapon. The web generator was intended to be land-based, designed to capture the inhabitants of a planetary installation without harm to them or their structures (Interphase Book 1). In 2268, the Tholians tested the weapon on a Klingon agricultural colony on Traelus II, and it wiped the entire colony out. The U.S.S. Defiant investigated the destruction of Traelus and found the web generator. They were on their way to deliver it to Starfleet Command when they fell into interphase and were trapped between universes (Interphase Book 2). In 2376, the U.S.S. da Vinci found the web generator on the Defiant, and its discovery prompted the Tholians to try to destroy the evidence of their long-ago act of violence against the Klingon Empire (Interphase Book 1).

  Wetzel, Sandy. Nurse assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci (Interp
hase Book 1). Wetzel gave the crew of the da Vinci theragen boosters while they were in proximity to interphase (Interphase Book 2).

  Wong, Songmin. Alpha-shift conn officer for the U.S.S. da Vinci (The Belly of the Beast). Wong was badly injured when the da Vinci was attacked by the Tholians during the salvage of the U.S.S. Defiant from interphase (Interphase Book 1).

  Worf. Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire. In 2376, Ambassador Worf pushed for smooth negotiations among the Tholians, the Federation, and the Klingon Empire when the 2268 Tholian massacre of the Klingon colony on Traelus II came to light (Interphase Book 2).

  worker class. Subsection of Androssi society that does the work on their ships. Members of the worker class are considered interchangable and expendable in Androssi society, existing only to carry out the orders of the officer class. They are generally not even deemed worthy of eye contact. It is acceptable protocol for a member of the officer class to kill a member of the worker class if the latter is deemed to be giving a poor performance of duty (Cold Fusion).


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