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Miracle Workers

Page 28

by Keith R. A. DeCandido


  Oberth, U.S.S. Federation starship, Oberth-class (“Hero Worship” [TNG]). Sonya Gomez transferred to the Oberth for a project after she made full lieutenant (Invincible Book 1). The project lasted one year, and ended in a confrontation with the Romulans (Invincible Book 2). The Oberth class was established in “Hero Worship,” although the Grissom from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock was also of this class. One assumes there’s a ship that the class is named after.

  O’Brien, Miles Edward. Instructor at Starfleet Academy, former transporter chief of the U.S.S. Enterprise, former chief of operations for Station Deep Space 9. O’Brien supervised Fabian Stevens on DS9 (“Starship Down” [DS9]), and worked with Lt. Commander Duffy on the Enterprise (“Hollow Pursuits” [TNG]).

  officer class. Subsection of Androssi society that is in charge of their ships. Ranks are indicated by the number of nose rings worn by the officer. The highest rank is overseer (five nose rings), followed by sub-overseer (four nose rings) (Cold Fusion).

  Olisu. Language with similarities to the Omearan tongue (Hard Crash).

  Omearan pilot. See pilot.

  Omearans. Race of humanoids. Omearans have extended ribcages and longer fingers than humans. They also have two hearts and several organs that neither Dr. Elizabeth Lense nor Emmett could identify when they did their autopsy of Jaldark Keniria. Their language is a branch of the Taklathi language, with some grammatical elements of Nemar, Olisu, Xlatitigu, and Pe. The Omearans fought a brutal war with the Sarimun some time prior to 2376, and that left them short of pilots for their Starsearcher ships. After the war, the Starsearchers were sent out to seek out new worlds for the Omearans to colonize. The U.S.S. da Vinci’s encounter with the Starsearcher Friend led to relations with the Federation (Hard Crash).

  Osina. Insectoid race, part of the Nalori Republic (Invincible Book 1).

  overdrive. Name given to the warp drive on an Androssi ship (Cold Fusion).

  overseer. Rank in Androssi society given to one who runs a ship (Cold Fusion).

  owners, the. Name given to quadrupedal beings who made an archaeological expedition to Sarindar. They brought two mechanical servants with chameleon circuits that allowed them to assume the shape of local flora. Those servants took on the form of shii. Since the owners fed on the cranial matter of animals, the servants would decapitate animal life they came across as a means of gathering food. The owners died off, apparently of a disease, but the servants remained, and their actions mirrored those of the legendary monster shii out of Nalori myth (Invincible Book 2). The exact name of the owners’ race was never given.


  P-38. Designation for Starfleet equipment used to open doors and hatches. The Starfleet Corps of Engineers team on the U.S.S. da Vinci used P-38s to open hatches on a Pakled ship that had suffered systems failure after installing a faulty cloaking device sold to them by the Ferengi. The Pakleds were impressed with the crew’s ability to “make things open” (Interphase Book 2).

  P8 Blue. Noncommissioned Starfleet engineer assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci as a structural systems specialist. “Pattie” is a member of the Nasat race, an insectoid with eight limbs (The Belly of the Beast). She also has larvae, which can apparently eat anything (Cold Fusion). She can contort herself into a ball-shaped object that only leaves her chitinous armor exposed (The Belly of the Beast). She has a specially designed chair in the da Vinci conference lounge to accommodate her (Fatal Error). Blue’s armor is protection against vacuum (Interphase Book 1). She and Commander Sonya Gomez engineered the warp pulse that got the U.S.S. Defiant out of interphase after it fell further into that interspatial phenomenon following a Tholian attack (Interphase Book 2). She intensely dislikes Sinnravian drad music; her roommate Carol Abramowitz is fond of that type of music, particularly a recording by Blee Luu. Her complaining to temporary first officer Lt. Commander Kieran Duffy got her shift rotation changed so she and Abramowitz no longer were on duty at the same time. When Lieutenant Nog played a Luu recording in her presence, she threatened bodily harm, but Nog was able to engineer a deal that took the Luu recording off Abramowitz’s hands, thus making Blue much happier (Cold Fusion).

  panshar. See Androssi security device.

  Pe. Language with similarities to the Omearan tongue (Hard Crash).

  Pevvni. A group of Eerlikka who colonized the ninth planet in their system in 2326. They were the first Eerlikka to travel offworld, and approval for their colony was only granted after much debate by the Speakers of Eerlik. A group of radical terrorists known as Purists led by Reger Undlar sabotaged Eerlik’s world-running computer, Ganitriul, throwing the planet into chaos in 2376. They were stopped by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team from the U.S.S. da Vinci, with help from Ganitriul itself (Fatal Error). The Pevvni were named for Joseph Pevney, who directed both “The Apple” and “Return of the Archons,” TOS episodes that featured world-running computers.

  photonic grenade. Starfleet weapon. Photonic grenades do no physical damage, but do let off an intense light that can blind most species. Domenica Corsi used a photonic grenade on Eerlik’s moon in order to distract a group of Pevvni Purists and get away from them. The Eerlikka, with their wide eyes, were particularly susceptible to the grenade (Fatal Error).

  Picard, Jean-Luc. Commanding officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise and one of the most prominent figures in Starfleet. Picard won the Starfleet Academy Marathon in his first year there in 2324 (“The Best of Both Worlds” Part 2). Captain David Gold was a fourth-year student that year, and was one of the upper-class students whom Picard beat (The Belly of the Beast). Sonya Gomez served under Picard on the Enterprise as an ensign; when they first met after she was assigned in 2365, she spilled hot chocolate all over him (“Q Who” [TNG]). After leading the Enterprise in battle against a large ship dubbed “the Beast” in 2376, Captain Picard lent his chief engineer, Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge, and his security chief, Lieutenant Christine Vale, to the U.S.S. da Vinci to aid in the salvage of the ship (The Belly of the Beast). The Enterprise, as well as the Lexington, also responded to the da Vinci’s distress call at Intar to aid against what was believed to be a type of Borg ship, but which turned out to be the Omearan Starsearcher known as Friend. Hostilities with Friend ended, but the Enterprise rendezvoused with the da Vinci anyhow in order to bring La Forge back (Hard Crash).

  pilot. Omearans who are modified from infancy to accommodate the links to the bio-mechanical Starsearcher ships. Their arms are altered to allow the arm sheaths to be attached, with their heads altered to accommodate cybernetic cranial implants. Only one in ten thousand Omearans can accept the modifications. Jaldark Keniria was a pilot who passed the rejection window, but her modifications failed anyway and she died, unable to process nutrients from her Starsearcher, Friend (Hard Crash).

  Piotrowski. Gamma shift tactical officer on the U.S.S. da Vinci (Cold Fusion).

  “Pompous Windbag.” Nickname given by Anthony Mark to his supervisor at Starbase 92 (Hard Crash).

  prefix code. In a Federation starship’s computer systems, the prefix code is a security passcode prepensed to computer commands to prevent unauthorized activation or control of key systems (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan). The Starfleet Corps of Engineers team from the U.S.S. da Vinci used the prefix code of the U.S.S. Defiant in order to gain access to the ship’s logs (Interphase Book 1). The da Vinci also was able to take control of the Rio Grande when combatting an Androssi ship at Empok Nor by using the runabout’s prefix code (Cold Fusion).

  Purists. Radical group of Pevvni who believe that the Eerlikka had become too dependent on their world-running computer, Ganitriul, and so sabotaged the computer, sending Eerlik into chaos. Led by Reger Undlar, they were stopped by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team on the U.S.S. da Vinci (Fatal Error).

  “PW.” See “Pompous Windbag.”


  Querti. Member of the subspace accelerator team on Sarindar. Querti was killed by the second monster shii (Invincible Book 2).

>   R

  Razka. Assistant to the supervisor of the subspace accelerator team on Sarindar. Razka has five wives, none of whom he likes, and seventeen children (Invincible Book 1). The wife he detests least is Marig, and she is the one he wrote to when things went badly on Sarindar (Invincible Book 2). Razka was the first person to tell Commander Sonya Gomez about the monster shii, and he also shared his secret stash of Saurian brandy with her (Invincible Book 1). Although he was issued a sonic rifle upon his arrival on Sarindar, he never fired it because he was afraid (Invincible Book 2).

  Reger. Title given to priests on Eerlik (Fatal Error).

  Repooc. Worker assigned to the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. Repooc and Nomis were able to “hot-wire” the Culloden, allowing the surviving workers to escape Sarindar after the second monster shii started attacking (Invincible Book 2).

  Riker, William T. First officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise (The Belly of the Beast).

  Rimlek. Worker on the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. Rimlek was one of the first to be attacked by the first monster shii. Though he survived the encounter, he did fall into shock afterward (Invincible Book 1). He was later killed by the second monster shii (Invincible Book 2).

  Rio Grande. Runabout assigned to Deep Space 9. Lieutenant Nog took the Rio Grande to Empok Nor, where he rendezvoused with the U.S.S. da Vinci in order to salvage the station’s fusion core for DS9’s use. During the subsequent firefight between the da Vinci and Overseer Biron’s Androssi ship, the da Vinci used the prefix codes of the Rio Grande in order to remotely control it during the battle (Cold Fusion). The Rio Grande then led the convoy that towed Empok Nor to the Bajoran system (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Section 31: Abyss).

  Robins. Noncommissioned Starfleet personnel assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci as a security guard (Cold Fusion).

  rodinium. One of the hardest substances known to Federation science (“Balance of Terror” [TOS]). The security bulkheads used by Ganitriul were made of rodinium (Fatal Error).

  Ross, William. Starfleet admiral (“A Time to Stand” [DS9]). Ross appointed Montgomery Scott to serve as the liaison between the Starfleet Corps of Engineers and the admiralty. Ross led the meeting with Scott, Marshall and Commander Grelin about the rediscovery of the U.S.S. Defiant. (Interphase Book 1). Ross was also present when the U.S.S. da Vinci towed the Defiant into Spacedock (Interphase Book 2).

  Ruth. Granddaughter of Captain David Gold and Rabbi Rachel Gilman. In 2376, Ruth became pregnant (Fatal Error). The child will be a girl (Cold Fusion). There is a betting pool on the U.S.S. da Vinci as to what the girl’s name will be. (Invincible Book 1). Ruth’s last name has yet to be established.


  SA. See subspace accelerator.

  S.C.E. See Starfleet Corps of Engineers.

  Saber-class ship. Type of Federation starship. With a crew complement of approximately forty, the Saber-class ships are 190 meters long and are equipped with two shuttlecraft. Top speed is warp 9.7 for twelve hours. Many Saber-class ships have been assigned to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers (The Belly of the Beast). Saber-class ships in service include the U.S.S. Yeager (Star Trek: First Contact), the U.S.S. da Vinci (The Belly of the Beast), the U.S.S. Musgrave (Interphase Book 1), the U.S.S. Marco Polo, and the U.S.S. Mercury (Star Trek: The Next Generation: Gateways Book 3: Doors Into Chaos). The Saber-class was first seen in Star Trek: First Contact in the form of the Yeager, which was part of the armada that faced the Borg. It was chosen for the S.C.E. due to its small size and maneuverability.

  Salek. First officer of the U.S.S. da Vinci, commanding officer of the ship’s Starfleet Corps of Engineers team. A Vulcan, Commander Salek served on the da Vinci during the Dominion War. He was killed on a mission, and replaced by Commander Sonya Gomez (The Belly of the Beast). sañuul. Word for “curse-lifter” in the Nalori language. Some members of the subspace accelerator team on Sarindar started referring to Commander Sonya Gomez as “Sañuul” after she fixed the antigrav units and then later killed a monster shii, despite her attempts to discourage it (Invincible Book 1). When a second monster shii appeared and began killing more and more members of the team, they stopped calling her that (Invincible Book 2).

  Saolgud. Worker on the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. He was killed by the first monster shii (Invincible Book 1).

  Sarimun. Alien race. The Sarimun and the Omearans fought a war that the Omearans won, but which left them devastated, leading to their sending Starsearchers on exploratory missions (Hard Crash).

  Sarindar. Planet in the Nalori Republic. Sarindar is a world with heavy concentrations of chimerium. The high concentration of this mineral also makes it nigh unto impossible to use transporters or sensors. In addition, Sarindar’s sun puts out interference that renders stratospheric electromagnetic activity null except for once every fourteen hours. The planet is crystalline in nature, and the planet is populated by silicon-based life. The clouds are reddish-purple, and the sky is orange. Among the native animal life forms are shii, meir, and kliyor. The plant life is photosynthetic living crystal, and the ground is made up of similar substances, ranging from diamonds to quartz to topaz to amethyst. This topography makes the use of light-based energy weapons tantamount to suicide. In 2375, the Nalori started a project to construct a subspace accelerator on Sarindar that would allow them to mine the chimerium (Invincible Book 1). An alien race known only as “the owners” travelled to Sarindar some time in the past to conduct an archaeological expedition. They died out, apparently of an illness, but two machines equipped with chameleon circuits that they brought along to gather food for them remained. These machines took on the form of shii. Since the owners ate the cranial matter of other animals, the faux shii killed any visitors to Sarindar by decapitation, an eerie similarity to the Nalori legends of the monster shii. The creatures were killed by Commander Sonya Gomez, thus allowing the construction of the SA to continue (Invincible Book 2).

  scattering field. Energy field that disrupts phasers and other energy-based weapons. During the Dominion War, Sonya Gomez found a way to minimize the effects of a Breen scattering field on Starfleet hand phasers, and was able to repeat the trick on Eerlik’s moon against a similar field generated by Ganitriul (Fatal Error).

  Scott, Montgomery. Also known as “Scotty.” Former chief engineer of the U.S.S. Enterprise, current chief liaison officer for the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Scotty was on his way to retire at the Norpin colony on the U.S.S. Jenolen in 2294 when it crashed into a Dyson Sphere. Scotty was able to save himself as a regenerating transporter pattern until he was rescued by the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2369 (“Relics” [TNG]). During the latter days of the Dominion War, Scotty, who retains the rank of captain, was appointed the liaison between the S.C.E. and the admiralty, with the task of giving assignments to the S.C.E.’s personnel (The Belly of the Beast). He was appointed to that position by Admiral William Ross (Interphase Book 1). Scotty recommended Commander Sonya Gomez for the position of first officer on the U.S.S. da Vinci following the death of Commander Salek, in part due to her Academy paper on subspace accelerator s (Invincible Book 1). After much cajoling, Scotty had dinner with Rabbi Rachel Gilman, wife of Captain David Gold of the da Vinci (Fatal Error). In 2268, Scotty served on the Enterprise when it attempted to rescue the U.S.S. Defiant from interphase (“The Tholian Web” [TOS]). When the Defiant reappeared in “normal” space in 2376, Scotty sent the da Vinci to perform the salvage (Interphase Book 1). After the Tholians, who first rediscovered the Defiant, fired on the da Vinci, Scotty bought Lt. Commander Kieran Duffy the time he needed to complete the rescue operation, despite resistance from Starfleet Command and the Diplomatic Corps (Interphase Book 2). After the Defiant salvage, Scotty assigned Gomez to take over the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar (Invincible Book 1). Scotty was able to round up nine Starfleet ships to tow Empok Nor from the Trivas system to Deep Space 9, though he left it to Lieutenant Nog to convince the ship’s captains to perform the operation (Cold Fusion).

  Sector 969. Area of space. The most direct route from the Federation to this sector is through the Nalori Repubic, but the government refuses to allow Starfleet vessels safe passage. Going around the republic would be prohibitive (Invincible Book 1). In 2376, aid given by Commander Sonya Gomez to a project on the planet Sarindar led the Nalori to reconsider this ban on Starfleet vessels, opening up the possibility of exploring the region (Invincible Book 2).

  Security Measure 7. Security protocol observed by Ganitriul, the world-running computer on Eerlik. This protocol activates a scattering field that affects most energy-based weapons (Fatal Error).

  Senbolma. Interplanetary spaceship. Designed by the Pevvni to be completely independent of Ganitriul, the world-running computer of Eerlik, it was used by the Purists to sabotage Ganitriul, leaving it as the only functioning spacefaring ship in Eerlikka space. The ship is owned and operated by Emarur. The Senbolma’s weaponry is capable of eliminating the shields on a Saber class ship with one shot. However, because the Senbolma had no real safeguards on their computer system, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers crew on the U.S.S. da Vinci were able to take over the ship’s systems, rendering them defenseless (Fatal Error).


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