Chloe (Chardonnay Series Book 1)
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She must have fallen asleep because, when the phone rang, she was so startled she nearly fell out of the bed. Grabbing it off her nightstand she gazed at the caller id, her heart pounding when she saw Edwin’s name pop on the screen. She fumbled around trying to answer it, but she was so nervous she dropped it. In a panic she grabbed it and was finally able to answer it. Her breathing sounded as if she had just run a mile.
“Hallo love.” She could die right now and be happy.
“Hello, Edwin.”
“Was your day any better?” She hesitated a minute and he swore.
“No, no it wasn’t that bad. Cole picked me up this morning, by your request. Then a guy named Jeff followed me around like a lost puppy dog all day, by your request.”
“Good,” he sighed.
“I’m learning I have a very resourceful boyfriend.”
“I wish I could be there.”
“Me, too,” she paused then added, “How are things there?”
He sighed again, “I can’t sleep without you. You’ve ruined me.”
They both stopped talking for a minute and then he said.
“Love, it’s late and I need to go. I promise I’ll find time to talk to you tomorrow. I just had to hear your voice. Somehow it makes me feel better. Damn, I think I rather cut off my arms than be away from you, especially after what happened.”
“Please don’t, I’m quite fond of those arms,” she said causing him to laugh. She felt better than she had in days.
“Goodnight my love, or in my case, good morning.” She smiled into the phone like an idiot. She loved it that he called her his love, it was such a British thing to say.
“Goodnight, I love you,” she answered back.
She hung up staring at the phone. Her heart broke all over again. How was she going to make it for a month without him?
With that thought, she got out of bed and took a shower, then went back to bed. She didn’t see Aunt that night nor hear her come home. She didn’t dream, she didn’t hear, she just slept the sleep of the dead.
The cycle of life really sucked. I would be excited that school was over for the day, dread going home to the cottage if I was by myself, work on homework and be glad for sleep. Yet it never failed, mornings would come again and I would have to start the whole day over again. What was the purpose of this torture? –Chloe’s Diary
Chapter 6
Mob Mentality
She dreaded getting up every morning and going to school but she knew it was an inevitable task that she had to complete. Through the following weeks the physical attacks ceased due in large to Jeff, however the personal attacks continued. She found a paper bag full of dog poop in her locker and wondered how they were getting in it. She asked the school to reset the lock or reassign her to another section. They would do neither. It was beyond her as to why the school administration was purposely making her life more difficult. How hard would it be to change lockers for a tortured student? Was it some sort of sick tough love to prepare her for the outside world school policy? If so, she could teach them a thing or two. She didn’t need their harassment; She needed someone to care and a little help.
After her visit to the front office to beg for a locker she came to the conclusion that the school’s lack of concern was due to pure laziness. The teachers were under compensated and didn’t want to deal with problems not associated directly to their classroom or domain. The attacks on her were not in the classroom but outside of it. Therefore, no one wanted to step up because that might obligate him or her to further work. God forbid that anyone put extra effort out there.
She didn’t care about most of the attacks. Somehow the notes that were dropped in her lap that read things like “Eat shit, Dog whore, Got poop much?” didn’t bother her as much as being abandoned by one’s parents. She thought about the trees that were sacrificed for their idiocy and wondered if the dead tree was as appalled as she was with such ignorance scribbled on them. The most disturbing thought was the whole student population seemed to take utter joy in her torture.
There was the exception of her friends in her art class. Those few people didn’t find humor in the hostility directed at her, nor did they tolerate it when they were around. It was hard to believe that only a handful of students were outraged by the happenings in such a large school but that was the truth.
In study hall she was studying World War II in her history class. It explained how a large population sanctified murdering people who did nothing but be Jewish. At first comprehending the cruelty was hard to understand, yet when she applied it to her life and witnessing first-hand the mob mentality, she was beginning to grasp how cruel people really could be in masses. It was as if the people of this school were incapable of individual thought.
The bell rung, breaking her thoughts, she gathered her books and as usual Jeff was outside her door ready to accompany her next class.
Although Jeff didn’t say a lot to her, she felt he was getting restless with babysitting her all the time. She knew it had to be tough hanging out with her all the time and not his friends, so she told him that it would be cool if he didn’t want to do it anymore.
“Are you kidding me?” He asked incredulous.
“No.” She fidgeted with her shirt. This was harder than she thought. She was actually scared to imagine not having Jeff beside her.
“You seriously would let me walk away with the way people treat you around here?” He didn’t let her answer, he ranted on, “It’s disgusting! I’ve never been more disgusted with the human race than I have been here. Not to mention that the teachers just look away. I mean what the hell?!” Jeff looked angry and for the first time in their short acquaintance, she could see what an opponent on a football field would see. She felt sorry for that guy.
“Listen, this isn’t my first rodeo. I’ve determined I must secrete some sort of chemical that causes this kind of reaction. It’s not like I haven’t been abused before,” she said offhandedly.
He stopped, looking disbelieving at her, “I don’t get it. You’re beautiful and nice. You should be the most popular girl here. You’re prettier than Britney and much nicer.”
Chloe laughed, “Whatever, Jeff. People just don’t like me.”
“I like you and your friends like you. Obviously your boyfriend seriously likes you or he wouldn’t have gone through the trouble he did to hire me.”
“You feel sorry for me Jeff and you have a big heart. You aren’t bothered by my weirdness or stupidity.”
“No, Chloe, I just think that people sense you are special and above them, they have to work to knock you down,” he said seriously.
They had arrived at her next class and before she could argue he walked away.
Okay, I think I think I completed my decent to complete craziness. I swore I saw Edwin walking on the beach and I ran to the glass door, flung it open yelling after him. When he didn’t turn around I ran out onto the beach, falling twice in an effort to catch him. I continued to call his name but he never turned around, never said anything. I kept running, tears streaming down my face. Why didn’t he hear me, why did he keep running away? When I finally caught up to him and I nearly tackled him only to find out it wasn’t Edwin at all. It was the old lady six cottages down and she had been running away from me because I apparently scared her. I apologized of course, but how could I explain myself? How could I think this old lady was Edwin? Yes, I am crazy, but I am going to keep it to myself. –Chloe’s Diary
Chapter 7
A surprise visit
“Please say you can spend the night tonight?” She whined to Kim. She wasn’t beneath a little begging just so she didn’t have another night alone.
“Man, what is it that you always wanting me over? Not that I mind, but still,” Kim asked trying to come across exasperated. Truth was that Kim loved staying at the cottage, although she complained all the time not having a TV.
“It’s just that Edwin was always waiting for me, without him I’m at a loss. You
make it easier for me.”
“You guys are very serious aren’t you?”
“Silly question, Kim. I told you I loved him and we’ve slept together. I would say that’s serious.”
“Yeah but kids our age always say stuff like that, and sleeping with someone doesn’t mean anything. So like, I mean, how do you know?”
Chloe looked off when she answered, “I just know. I haven’t seen a lot of love in my life but I know what Edwin and I have is special. I guess because I’ve been exposed to so much that’s not love, it makes me realize what the real thing is.”
“Do you have a picture of him?” Kim asked picking at a loose thread on her shirt.
That question surprised Chloe. “Well, umm, no, I don’t.” She didn’t realize that until now.
“How odd.” It was if Kim snatched the thought right of her head.
“How long have you been dating?” Kim asked.
Chloe had to think about that, too. She was still shocked that she didn’t have a single picture of Edwin.
“Since April,” she answered softly.
Kim looked at her oddly and said, “And you haven’t a picture?”
“I guess not.” Chloe was uncomfortable. The truth was she didn’t have any pictures of her life except that one photo of the farm in Texas. She never wanted a reminder of any of it because she worked so hard to forget most of it. Now because of her mental blocks, she didn’t have a picture of the one person she was deeply in love with. But the most disturbing thought was why Edwin never took a picture of her.
Kim didn’t ask anything else about the pictures but she did come over to the cottage to spend the night. Chloe was thankful and wanted to reward her by visiting Cole. Besides, for the first time in a long time she felt physically able to go horseback riding.
Kim had never been on a horse, which was complete delight to Cole. Chloe rode off while they flirted and she suspected Kim acted more helpless than she really was.
Chloe galloped down the beach through the water leaving them back at the round pin. Maybe if she galloped fast enough she would be able to jump ahead to the day Edwin arrived home. Then maybe her stomach would stop hurting so bad.
When she finally finished riding, she walked outside to where Kim and Cole were in deep conversation. She was paranoid enough to think it was about her. However, to her profound relief, it was just about school and Kim’s classes. Chloe waved at them notifying them she was back and went to cool and rub Bear down. Cole was feed him hay a bit later, but she pulled a carrot out for a job well done. Nuzzling Bear’s nose, she said goodbye to him, then gave a hug to Cole.
Chloe and Kim drove slowly through the community on the golf cart. She was anxious to ask Kim about her time with Cole but even with Kim, she still had difficulties asking questions. It frustrated her that she couldn’t seem to get over some aspects of her personality. When Kim spoke up without prompting, Chloe was relived. She could wait another day to fight the internal battle of asking questions.
“I really like Cole,” Kim said, “He’s really cool,” but then she looked at Chloe with a crease between her brows before she continued, “but I don’t think your boyfriend and him get along real well.”
Chloe agreed, “Well Edwin is a bit jealous and he thought Cole and I had a thing going at one point. It was perfectly ridiculous.”
Kim put her head down. “No, not so ridiculous. I think Cole does have a thing for you. You were all he talked about. How great you are with Bear, how nice you are. How he can’t believe that people give you such a hard time because you are so beautiful.”
Chloe stopped the cart, turning in her seat to look at Kim, “Cole and I are friends, just friends, nothing more. He knows where he stands with me and he knows Edwin well enough.”
“Just because a guy likes a girl who is unavailable doesn’t mean he stops liking her,” Kim said sadly.
“He doesn’t like me okay? He has never come on to me or even hinted any sort of attraction. We are friends,” Chloe said huffily, then added, “I think you like him and are reading things into this situation because you’re afraid that he won’t like you back.”
Kim blushed – Bingo, she hit the nail on the head.
“Thank God,” Chloe smiled.
“I thought I was the only one afflicted with blushes!” Chloe laughed loudly. Kim swatted at her laughing, too.
Chloe put the golf cart in motion again, deciding she liked teasing Kim. After a moment of silence, Chloe broke out into song horribly off tune, “Kim and Cole sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G!”
“Oh God make it stop,” Kim covered her ears smiling ear to ear. She was sure they were disturbing the few people who were around but for once she didn’t care. It felt good being a typical inconsiderate teenager. They were probably the most unlikely friends, yet here was the first best girlfriend she had in a very long time.
Chloe stopped singing when they pulled into the cottage driveway and saw a strange car parked next to Aunt’s red car. They walked up the stairs eying the shiny vehicle. Aunt was sitting in the living room looking out at the ocean. She seemed worried.
“Is everything okay?” Chloe inquired trying to calm her pounding heart.
Startled, her aunt jumped and swung around, “Oh, Hey, Chloe. Yeah everything’s fine. Long day is all.”
Aunt glanced at Kim and then back to her and said, “One of your friends is out at the beach.”
Chloe started tugging Kim along when Aunt said, “Ummm, Kim can I talk to you a minute? I think Chloe needs time with her friend.”
Instantly Chloe’s stomach was hurting and bile started rising in her throat. She tried to stop the horrific thoughts surging through her. It was all very mysterious. She hurried outside and down the steps looking to find her “friend.” Her heart pounded faster when she spotted Christoph by the remnants of the fire. Millions of horrible things were going through her mind, mainly if something had happened to Edwin.
“Is Edwin okay?” She barely got out over the roar of the ocean.
“Chloe!” He said cheerfully and reached to give her a hug. “Yes, Edwin is fine. He just wanted me to check on you.”
Thank God. She let out a ragged breath she hadn’t realized she was holding.
Christoph reached out and touched her lip. It had healed up but there was still a mark showing where it had been busted.
“I’m glad he isn’t here to see that,” he said softly.
Chloe looked down and took a step backwards away from his touch, “I’m fine, things are…better,” which was the truth. She swallowed hard to ask, “How’s Edwin doing?”
Christoph turned away, “As well as to be expected. He doesn’t like being away from you and he’s having trouble concentrating. I’ve never seen him like this about anyone.” Christoph kicked something in the sand as he continued to talk, “At first I didn’t think he was all that serious about you.” He paused his eyes searching hers, “I see now I was wrong. He’s worrying a lot of people.”
Oh good grief. She sat down on the cool sand, her legs incapable of holding her up. She was poison, everything that she touches turns horrible.
“I…I’m sorry,” She stuttered out.
Christoph gazed down at her, “Whatever for?”
“For causing trouble, I’m good at that you know? Trouble and I have a long history. I don’t get along with it and I avoid it at all costs. But for some reason misery loves company and trouble comes looking for me.”
He smiled, squatting on his haunches in front of her he touched her cheek similar to the way Edwin touched her, “Chloe, don’t misunderstand me. We aren’t worried about you with Edwin. We all love you and were very happy that Edwin found someone. He’s never dated anyone seriously, in fact he was a little jaded. He thought love was for idiots. We even thought you might be a fling for him. We argued with him about it. I didn’t want you to be used like the others.” He rolled his eyes dramatically, “Everyone thinks I’m a player, but in tr
uth Edwin and I were never serious about anyone. That’s until we met you. I didn’t want to see you hurt but Edwin was determined to have you. I was angry when he started dating you. He hasn’t cared that much about anything really,” Christoph sighed and dropped his hand to continue, “Chloe, Edwin went ballistic about what happened to you at your school; we were all a little shocked. He was threatening to charter a flight back to take on the whole school. We stopped him, he can‘t leave or he would be in very serious trouble.”
Chloe looked at her hands, tears in her eyes. Christoph shifted and sat completely on the sand as he continued, “Edwin’s been keeping his feelings for you under tight wraps until now. We can’t even comprehend what Edwin feels for you and it worries us because if anything happened to you, we don’t think he’d make it.”
Extreme guilt nearly made her choke on her own spit. She should have never told him about her school. She should have made it easier for him to be open with his friends. He did this because he’s worried about her. Not that he was insanely in love with her, but because he thinks she’s so broken. Her stomach began to hurt worse again. She could only put her fist to it.
“Are you having stomachaches, Chloe? Edwin told me that you sometimes suffer with them.”
She looked up at him and lied, she never lied, “No, I’m fine.” She forced herself to unclench the fist and put her hand in her lap.
“Tell Edwin I’m fine. Tell him whatever it takes to make him believe school is great. Tell him I looked wonderful, but that I do miss him,” She lost some of her gusto at the end. She missed him terribly.
Christoph touched her face again and said, “Okay, will do.” He looked in her eyes and said, “No matter what happens in the future with you and Edwin, please know I am always here for you.” He bent down and kissed her lips softly and sweetly.