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Chloe (Chardonnay Series Book 1)

Page 18

by Hollye Davis

  She was shocked by the kiss. It felt as if he was conveying more than just friendship but she wasn’t sure. She didn’t know what to do. He looked at her for a long time then said softly, “I love you, Chloe.” She sat there blinking at him stunned. He stood up and began to walk the other direction away from the cottage. A little ways out he turned and yelled, “I’ll be in town for a bit, but I’ll keep my cell on.”

  She watched as he disappeared around another cottage. Tears welled in her eyes; God how she missed her friends.

  Slowly she stood and made her way back to the cottage but before she arrived she found another sand dollar. She looked back to where Christoph walked off wondering if he had placed it there specifically for her but quickly dismissed the idea. Reaching carefully down she placed the sand dollar in her hand. A feeling of peace entered her as she continued on to the cottage. Walking through the glass doors, Chloe saw Kim and Aunt chatting away. Aunt was telling her about this great hair place that could do something with her unfortunate hair, and Kim seemed to be taking it well. This whole crush on Cole might actually do her some good.

  When Aunt saw her she asked, “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, it was just Christoph checking in on me for Edwin,” she answered more carefree than she felt.

  “Yeah I know. We had a nice talk before you got home. Edwin isn’t doing so hot with all the troubles you’ve had in school.”

  “Oh Aunt, I feel so guilty about that,” Chloe plopped down next to her leaning her head on her aunt’s shoulder. “I should’ve never talked to him about it, I’ve made him miserable and now everyone is miserable because of me.”

  “Oh honey, don’t blame yourself. Edwin’s a big boy and he will work it out. I have a feeling a lot of things are bothering Edwin, so please don’t blame yourself.”

  Chloe put her arms around her aunt and just sat there a minute. She loved the feel and smell of her. Already she felt better, calmer, her aunt didn’t even have to say anything.

  Kim abruptly got up and went out to the deck. Chloe looked at her aunt questionably but she didn’t understand the abrupt departure either. Chloe stood leaving Aunt behind to investigate why Kim left.

  When Chloe walked out to the back deck she found Kim crying. It shocked her. Kim, who took on the world, was crying. Chloe put her hands on her shoulders and asked worriedly, “Oh God, Kim, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s just when I see you with your aunt, I see how it is supposed to be. I have no one like that to rely on, no one,” she said in a sob.

  She remembered feeling that way and her heart squeezed painfully for her.

  “You have me, Kim, and by me, you have my Aunt.” Chloe hugged her. She was getting used to the hugging thing. It was as if the person she was when she arrived was ceasing to exist. Even with all the stuff going on in school, she was feeling if not normal, at least not so different. Kim gave her a watery smile.

  “I get glimpses that your life was not the greatest before coming here. How did you deal with it?” Kim asked.

  “Not very well. I still don’t deal well, Kim. I have so many issues and problems that sometimes I think that if I crawled into a hole the world would be better off. The ironic thing is that I have tried to do that before by trying to disappear. All I accomplished was it allowed other people to walk all over me. It has taken Aunt and Edwin to show me that life isn’t about disappearing or allowing other people to walk over me. Edwin tells me I’m the strongest person he’s ever met and that I’m a survivor.” She touched her necklace, then continued, “Like a fragile sand dollar that makes it way up to the beach. Kim, we are better people because of our adversaries, not in spite of them. We know how to get through a cruel world. We may have our issues but as long as we continue to strive to work on it, we will be better and stronger than the Britneys of the world.” Chloe added silently, so what that I’m broken? It doesn’t mean that I can’t be whole one day.

  Kim looked at her and nodded, “I see why Edwin loves you so much, Chloe. You see things so differently than most. You don’t take things at face value, you actually look for the larger reason.”

  The weeks became a blur. The routine of school and the mountains of homework the teachers loved to pile atop me, kept me blessedly occupied. The weekends however seemed to drag on into eternity. I would spend a massive amount of time at the stables helping Cole with his chores. He would get irritated at me though because he couldn’t pay me. But I didn’t care, I loved the work. Sometimes I would hang out with Kim at the grocery store, but when her uncle found out, he came in more often, which made us both uncomfortable. I am always thankful for when Monday comes around. At least school keeps my mind away from missing Edwin. – Chloe’s diary

  Chapter 8

  We are all broken

  Cole picked them up every morning and every afternoon. Sometimes they would stop for a bite to eat at a fast food place when she knew Aunt wasn’t going to be home. She enjoyed listening to Cole and Kim talk about movie stars she had no idea who were. Cole seemed almost as dumb as her about them, which was surprising since they lived in the land of the stars. He admitted that every so often he would get out and see a movie but television really held no interest to him, unless it was a western. Kim on the other hand was a virtual encyclopedia and seemed to know everything about everyone. When they got into the community Cole would either take them home or head straight to the stable. She was at peace at the stables with Bear. It was one of the few times she was content without Edwin.

  Friday marked the weekends that brought Edwin’s arrival closer and she was thankful for every single one of them, even though weekends sucked. He had been gone over a month and word was that he might be heading home sometime next week. Kim spent the night Friday night, as their habit, and when they woke up Saturday, she decided that she wanted some other hair color other than black. Her aunt kindly obliged them and took them to her favorite salon where Kim chose a lovely dark shade of brown that seemed to frame her wide green eyes perfectly. Kim was stunning with the new color, new make-up, and missing tongue ring. Chloe’s aunt was satisfied that she had done her good deed of the week, humming while walking out the double glass French-style doors. They were feeling wonderful and pretty when they actually received a whistle, which they giggled about all the way home.

  The rest of the day they talked about Kim’s interest in Cole. They laughed uproariously about how hard Kim was trying to win his attention. She and Aunt laid on advice that they had no right to give, however Kim seemed to listen avidly. It was a good weekend for the first time in a long time.

  When Monday started, Chloe realized, this was the week that Edwin might come home. Excited didn’t even begin to describe how she felt. Britney was still giving her a lot of grief but she learned the less she reacted the more pissed she became. It became sort of a perverse pleasure not to even acknowledge her. Britney would call out names and she would smile at someone and tell them what a cute outfit they were wearing. Sometimes Chloe would flirt with Britney’s boyfriend in her science class. Unfortunately, he was very receptive and although this pissed Britney off some more, Chloe was worried that her boyfriend might misinterpret her intent. As far as Britney was concerned, she knew she was poking an angry bear but she didn’t care, she had Jeff, Cole and her friends. She didn’t need to disappear. She needed to make HER disappear.

  At lunch the table was always full of laughter and people. She sometimes wondered how their table was labeled. Would it be the eccentric group, the art table, or the loser group? Whatever it was, it was her group of friends that she had made by herself. She was proud of them and in a way they gave her confidence she had sorely been lacking.

  Chloe was stabbing a leaf of lettuce while she was entertained by Tom and Aaron who were debating the merits of acrylic versus oil when she noticed Jody didn’t look too good. The girl was too pale and she was clutching her stomach. Standing up, Chloe walked around the table to ask her if she needed some help. Jody’s eyes were wet with tea
rs when she whispered, “It’s my period.” Chloe nodded Kim over.

  “Let’s get to the bathroom, okay Jody?” Chloe suggested, helping her rise.

  They gathered up their half eaten lunches and backpacks and made their way out of the cafeteria into the hallway with Jeff trailing them. Jody gave her a pleading look and glanced back at Jeff. Getting the message, Chloe grabbed Jeff’s arm and led him a few feet from Jody to ask him to let them be alone for a minute. He didn’t look like he was going to listen until she whispered, “Listen Jeff, it’s a girl thing and you don’t want to get involved.”

  He sent a horrified look at Jody and he went back to lunch.

  They were nearly to the bathroom when Jody cried out in pain sliding down the wall of lockers to the ground clutching her midsection. Tears streamed from her squeezed eyelids while she and Kim sat down next to her. Chloe put her arm around her allowing Jody to lean into her.

  “Honey, we need to get you to the nurse’s office, this isn’t normal,” Chloe brushed away the hair falling into Jody’s eyes.

  “I don’t want to go to the nurse’s office,” Jody cried.

  “Jody, something is terribly wrong, you need to go,” Kim pleaded.

  “I don’t understand. Why don’t you want to go?” Chloe asked quietly.

  “Because they’ll find out,” Jody sobbed. Chloe exchanged glances with Kim who shrugged.

  “What will they find out?” Kim asked.

  Jody looked at Kim and stated plainly, “That I was raped.”

  It was a simple statement but it sent a shockwave all the way through her body.

  There wasn’t a sound in the hallway while the three sat in various stages of disbelief, shock, and pain. What could be said?

  Chloe’s eyes began to fill with tears and Kim was struggling as well.

  “Oh God Jody, how, when?” Kim sputtered out.

  Jody looked off. Tears dripping down her cheeks, Jody’s eyes became unfocused. When Jody finally spoke, Chloe didn’t breathe for fear the sound would distract her.

  “We lived in Hawaii and there are all these underground tunnels there,” Jody spoke in an eerie tone without inflection, her words came haltingly, “We went to the park. It was just a couple of us girls. We had to take the tunnel home. In the tunnel, they were waiting, two guys,” she held up two fingers, blinking a tear down her cheek, “They raped us both and said if we told anyone they would kill our families. I was only 12, and I believed them. I never told anyone until now.” Then her face crumpled and she busted out crying.

  Chloe blinked blankly at the gunmetal gray locker. Her perfect sweet Jody was raped. Those assholes raped her. She could commit murder right at that moment and shook with the anger of it. But she couldn’t and she never felt more helpless. Not even as she was being beat by her father or when her grandmother came after her with a bat did she feel this helpless.

  It was at this moment she realized they were all broken, every single one of them. The illusion of being normal was just that, an illusion. She was abused but never raped, Jody was never abused but raped, and Kim had been neglected all her life. If the three of them have endured these horrific events, then there must be others. They have gone through their lives struggling and they do the best they can do. Some people’s adversities may be less than others but it doesn’t make them any less significant to that individual.

  She hugged Jody tight, told her that everything was going to be all right and that she had them to help her through this. Kim had broken down in sobs and yet for once Chloe was able to control her crying, it was if another force took control. She knew they needed to get Jody out of this hallway and they needed to get her to the doctor’s. The only way out was through the nurses’ office and they needed to find a way to convince Jody.

  “Jody,” Chloe started calmly, “we need to get you to the nurse’s office because if we remain here we will be trampled by the crowds. We don’t need to say anything to the nurse but that you are having horrible cramps. I’ll call your mother and tell her to come pick you up. You need to tell her about what happened because you need tests to make sure that you’re okay. We can’t lose you, you’re too important to us. Promise me that you will do this for us?”

  Jody tearfully nodded allowing Chloe to take a huge sigh of relief. It was going to be a painful road, but roads to healing often were. She needed to remind herself of this.

  They helped Jody rise off the floor and then flanked her as they escorted her to the nurse. They kept to their word and didn’t tell the nurse what was wrong. They also stayed with her until her mother arrived. Jody promised she would tell her mother right away.

  On the way home she and Kim sat quietly. The only time they spoke was when Kim asked if she could stay the night, which of course Chloe eagerly agreed. They talked about Jody when it was late at night. They had viewed Jody as the unbroken one – how could they be so deceived?

  Jody didn’t come to school the next day but she did call them to tell them everything was okay. Her mother totally freaked out but calmed down enough to get Jody some counseling, which was why she wasn’t coming to school. Her mother also took her to the doctor’s and had some tests done that afternoon. Jody would let them know what the results were. She and Kim suspected she had a sexually transmitted disease but they were afraid to say their suspicions out loud.

  After learning about Jody, Britney became so trivial Chloe didn’t even try to ignore her, she just did. She didn’t make a point to say anything, she just didn’t. She didn’t flirt with her boyfriend. She just went to her classes and paid attention. She wasn’t disappearing - she was living. It was a day of contemplation and arranging priorities.

  It was as if Britney sensed the change in her and therefore gave her a shove when Jeff wasn’t looking. Chloe didn’t react but instead gave her a long hard look and then left. She may have to reassess her plan for Britney. The girl just won’t let up and neither were her attacks. She could not live her life allowing people to walk all over her.

  There are days of sunshine and then there are days so full of light and joy it made all the previous days dull in comparison. –Chloe’s diary

  Chapter 8

  Indescribable Joy

  It was Friday and all she wanted was to go home. However, she was delayed after her final class by her teacher, who was yammering on about some assignment she did, according to the teacher, “poorly.” Chloe was shocked since she had always worked hard on every single assignment she had done. Grades had always been and were important to her. When the teacher showed her the paper Chloe became livid. Someone had swapped her paper with something almost illiterate. When she told the teacher as much, the teacher stared at her skeptically. After realizing she wasn’t getting anywhere with the teacher, she asked her if she could redo the assignment and luckily the teacher agreed. Not the best alternative but better than getting a failing grade ruining her GPA.

  When she emerged out of the school she was about thirty minutes late. She hoped Cole and Kim wouldn’t be too mad or worried, but when she didn’t see Cole or his truck in the parking lot, she was the one who became worried. Vaguely remembering the public bus-stop off the school property, she began to head toward it. But before she got very far she noticed Britney hanging out with her gang of cheerleaders directly in the path to the public bus.

  Chloe stopped carefully gauging the distance back to school hoping Britney hadn’t spotted her yet. However, in the process she noticed a familiar black Mercedes parked off to the right. A guy with a hoodie over his head and dark sunglasses was leaning casually on the car looking her direction. The air began to crack around her when she recognized him, his lean body…him. Her heart pounded, blood rushed behind her ears, and although she wasn’t positive it was Edwin yet, her knees nearly gave out at the possibility that it could be him.

  Chloe began walking toward him when Britney called out, “Hey loser, looks as if your ride ditched you for that weird friend of yours.”

  Chloe ignored her
and kept heading in the direction of the black car.

  Britney yelled again, “Hey loser, I’m talking to you!“ But Chloe didn’t care because the closer she got to the guy the more she became positive it was Edwin.

  About twenty feet away he opened his arms and she dropped her bag and took off in a dead sprint. She landed into his embrace and was shaking so violently he probably thought she was deranged.

  She took in a huge breath filling her senses of his essence, of her Edwin.

  The feelings that were rushing through her at that moment were indescribable. Her heart beat so fast she thought it would pop out of her chest.

  He buried his face in her neck, “I came as soon as I could. I’ve missed you so much. I never want to go through that again.”

  “Oh God, you’re here! I’ve missed you,” she cried, leaning back to kiss him passionately. He eagerly devoured her as she opened up to give him everything he sought, everything she needed.

  Then the voice from hell broke in ruining their reunion.

  “Oh look, you upgraded from your trailer trash cowboy,” Britney said from somewhere behind her.

  Edwin glanced up and said “Fuck Off,” which sounded awesome in his British accent.

  Britney stepped closer, “Who do you think you are talking to?“ she screeched.

  Before Edwin could answer the back doors of the Mercedes opened where Christoph and Duke emerged. Chloe had to look at them twice because they were nearly unrecognizable. Both wore similar hoods as Edwin with equally dark sunglasses giving the impression of something ominous or cultish. In fact they looked like gang members. Her mouth flopped open when Chloe noticed Christoph had a cigarette dangling out of his mouth as he sauntered to Britney. A mere foot away he poked her in the shoulder with his index finger,

  “You tell Chloe sorry, Beeootch.”

  Her mouth fell further open at Christoph’s uneducated thuggish accent. Snapping her jaw shut, Chloe turned her face into Edwin‘s chest suppressing a laugh. Christoph was convincing but to her it was hilarious. When she got herself under control she turned back around to see Britney back off a few feet as Duke, who wasn’t going to be left out, looked as if he was going to pull a gun from his pocket, said to Edwin, “Let me put a cap in her boss.”


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