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Brie's Submission (4-6) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 2)

Page 42

by Red Phoenix

Both girls had suffered Mary’s backlashes in the past, but Brie appreciated the reminder. She assured him, “Through thick and thin, Mr. Wallace.”

  He lifted his glass and clinked it against both of theirs. “Do not fail her.”

  Tono came to collect Lea for the scene they would be performing together. He glanced at Faelan and asked Brie, “Is everything fine here?”

  Brie smiled to reassure him. “Couldn’t be better.”

  Faelan stood up and handed Mary’s purse to Brie. “No problems here, old man.” He left them and moved over to a group of fawning submissives.

  Lea grabbed Tono’s arm and squeezed it. “Can’t wait for tonight’s scene!”

  Tono put his hand lightly on Brie’s shoulder. “You know where to find me, should you need anything.”

  “Yes, Tono. Thank you. I think I’ll hang with Mary for a bit longer.”

  Lea turned to Brie as they were leaving and whispered, “He promised to spank me this scene!”

  Brie had to admit she was jealous, especially when all she could do was observe other people all night. Several subs descended on Lea’s seat and fought over it, filling the space instantly. Brie guarded Mary’s stool fiercely until she finally showed up.

  “What took so long, Blondie?”

  “Hey, I can’t help it if Doms keep stopping to talk to me. I’m not allowed to be rude to them, now, am I?” she said with a self-satisfied smirk.


  “I’m telling you, Brie. You’re missing out.”

  Brie didn’t want another lecture about being collared, so she changed the subject. “So what are your plans tonight?”

  Blonde Nemesis answered with a cocky tilt of her chin, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Why do you have to be such a pain?”

  “Haven’t you always touted that we should be true to our hearts? Well, I truly don’t want to tell you, so suck on that.”

  Brie groaned. Why do I even try? She suddenly heard frantic whispering all around her.

  Mary stood up and announced, “He’s here.” She moved forward, trying to get a better look at the man. Brie got up to follow her, but couldn’t stay close because of the crush of females. She satisfied her curiosity by watching the tall, midnight-skinned African from afar.

  He studied each sub as he made his way through the crowd, stopping at every alcove to take in the scene but moving on abruptly, obviously on the prowl.

  Even Brie felt a sexual attraction as he approached. He caught her eye, glanced briefly at the collar around her neck and moved on without pausing.

  She let her breath out once he’d passed by. To scene with a man as imposing as Master O would challenge any sub, but the fact his expertise involved blood took it to an entirely different level.

  The Haven did not allow blood play on its premises. Whichever sub was chosen tonight would be required to leave with Master O. Although that was normally frowned upon by the club, the Dom’s experience and reputation allowed him to circumvent standard protocol as long as he procured a willing sub—and there were plenty who were willing.

  It did not come as a surprise to Brie when Master O eventually approached Mary. Brie could feel the collective tension of the subs around her. They deeply resented his choice.

  “Your name?” he asked in a dark, velvety voice.

  Mary looked up and smiled, obviously pleased she had been the one chosen. She answered demurely, “It’s Mary, Master O.”

  “I would like to scene privately with you…Mary.” His voice dropped to a low growl when he spoke her name. The timbre of his voice had even Brie quivering.

  Mary batted her eyelashes at the Dom, before bowing low in respect. Brie knew what a cherished dream this was—to experience blood play performed by a famed master of the sport. That was why it came as a complete shock when Mary answered, “I am honored, Master O, but I fear I must decline tonight.” She gave him a coy smile, one that invited the chase.

  Brie heard a gasp from one of the other subs.

  The Dom appeared equally stunned. He looked Mary up and down reproachfully. “Ah, my mistake. You are unworthy of such an invitation.” He turned his back on her, and began studying a group of girls nearby. Eventually, he picked a curvaceous sub with platinum hair to accompany him out of the club.

  After Master O had left, a band of spiteful subs encircled Mary.

  Brie heard one hiss, “You don’t belong here. You pretend to be a submissive, reeling them in with your looks, but you’re really just a fucked-up piece of white trash. He figured it out quickly enough though, didn’t he? They all do…”

  Another echoed the sentiment, “Worthless piece of trash.”

  Mary held her head up higher, but said nothing. It distressed Brie that Blonde Nemesis wasn’t lashing out.

  The girl’s lack of response sent a chill down Brie’s spine because she knew what it meant. Their words were hitting close to home—tapping into Mary’s greatest fear. Brie tried to push through the circle, desperate to grab onto Mary before she bolted from the club, but there was no need.

  Faelan appeared beside Mary and barked, “Enough!” He placed his hand on the back of her neck and squeezed hard. Brie could see her visibly relax under his vise-like grip.

  The Wolf’s icy stare bored into the two girls who had dared to insult Mary. “This submissive is worth ten of you.”

  The wayward subs’ haughty gazes instantly fell to the floor.

  Faelan spoke loudly enough for everyone within earshot to hear his command. “From now on, you are not allowed to speak to Miss Wilson. You are unworthy of such an honor.” He glanced at the other girls and added, “That will be true for the rest of you if you dare to speak disrespectfully to her. Do you understand?”

  Brie knew that each girl in the group longed to partner with him. His displeasure was a true hardship for them. “Yes, Faelan,” they answered.

  He nodded curtly.

  “It’s time to serve,” Faelan ordered, guiding Mary out of the circle of women and leading her to the empty alcove he had reserved. It was then that Brie understood why Mary had declined Master O. She was to be Falean’s sub for the evening and had sacrificed her desires in order to honor her commitment.

  Like a moth to a flame, Brie drifted to the scene, curious what Mary had requested. Tonight, as per his protocol, Faelan addressed the gathering crowd, informing them of his choice. “Miss Wilson has asked to play the reluctant spy.” He smiled ominously. “Enjoy.”

  Brie struggled to breathe. This would be the same scene Mary had flipped out on during her first Auction Day with Tono. Brie understood that it was the embodiment of her father’s abuse, which Mary was still fighting to overcome. After what had just happened with Master O, it seemed like such a scene was a train wreck waiting to happen—with an audience who might enjoy the carnage.

  Mary’s eyes watered as Faelan covered her head in a black hood and secured it. He guided her to a wooden chair and began to bind her to it.

  Tears fell down Brie’s cheeks as she imagined Mary as a child, being bound by her father, apprehensive of the beating that was about to begin. Why did Blonde Nemesis insist on reliving her childhood over again?

  Mary’s words echoed in Brie’s mind. “I don’t like pain, but I endure it. It’s like I have a driving need to defeat it. Like…if I was able to bear it without fear, I would finally be the victor over him.”

  There Mary was, once again, attempting to defeat her father even if it cost her sanity.

  Please, Faelan, save Mary… Brie begged silently.

  The Wolf became rough as he finished the last of the ties. Brie heard Mary whimper underneath the hood.

  “Are you afraid?” he asked lustfully.


  His chuckle was low and menacing. “Oh, but you will be…” Faelan circled around her slowly. He knew how to play the crowd as he simultaneously played with his subs. Everyone in attendance was in tune with the scene he was orchestrating.

expectedly, he grabbed her blouse with both hands and ripped it open. Buttons flew haphazardly onto the floor. He left her chest exposed as he turned and rifled through his duffle bag.

  Faelan approached Mary, carrying a large knife and wearing a dangerous grin. “I will tell you a little secret, spy. Even if you do everything I ask, I am still going to hurt you.”

  One of the subs near Brie sucked in her breath.

  Even Brie felt the aggressive eroticism flowing from Faelan and her body responded, remembering her time alone with him—the chocolate, the dancing, the bruises…

  He slid the edge of the blade under her bra and cut it with a quick motion, releasing her breasts from their restraint. “How does it feel knowing you are powerless to stop me?”

  Mary growled with real anger, “You will not break me.”

  “I will break you.” He pinched her nipple and rolled his fingers against it, causing her to cry out in pleasurable pain. “I guarantee it.”

  Faelan knelt beside her, grabbing her breast roughly. He took her nipple into his mouth and bit down, then he pull back cruelly with the sensitive flesh still clamped between his teeth. Brie gasped when he did it again to the other one. It looked incredibly painful, but Mary didn’t make a sound.

  He grazed the edge of the knife against her skin, starting at her stomach and dragging it slowly between her breasts, up to the hollow of her throat. Faelan pressed it against her pulsing skin, leaving an indentation without drawing blood.

  “I know this is what you seek.” He tossed the knife, and its clatter as it hit the floor filled the air. “Which is why I will not give it to you.”

  Mary growled in frustration and turned her head away from him. “Coward.”

  Faelan grasped her chin violently, pulling the hood off and hissing, “Worthless trash.”

  Brie whimpered. No… Mary could not handle Faelan turning on her too. It would be the end of her.

  Mary’s stubborn spirit could not be silenced. She glared at the young Dom and challenged him, “Go on… Give me your worst.”

  He slapped her face, leaving a pink handprint on her cheek. “You will get exactly what you deserve.”

  Faelan put his hand under her skirt and forced his fingers between her closed legs. Mary gasped and then clamped her mouth shut, refusing to give him the satisfaction of her surrender.

  “Are you ready to be broken?”


  “You will break,” he taunted.

  Mary stared him down, but flinched involuntarily when he raised his arm to backhand her. It was easy to tell that reality was blurring into her past. Brie could sense it, could feel the dangerous precipice Mary was teetering on.

  Faelan swung, stopping an inch from her face. “No.”

  Mary’s eyes popped open in surprise.

  “Never again,” he decreed. “You are not allowed to play out this scene. The past no longer has power over you.” He bent down to whisper something into Mary’s ear.

  Her lips trembled slightly as she listened to Faelan. She stared ahead without speaking, his words seeming to have no effect until the tears began to flow. A heart-wrenching cry escaped Mary’s lips.

  Faelan pulled a small penknife from his pocket and swiftly cut her from her bonds, gathering Mary into his arms and holding her tightly as a flood of emotion tore at her. It was a terrible and powerful release that Mary couldn’t control. Sheltering her, he picked her up and spirited her to one of the private rooms in the back of the club.

  People stood gawking as they passed, wondering what had just happened. Brie pushed through them and began gathering Faelan’s things. Her heart was racing as she picked up the large knife and the pieces of rope and stuffed them into the black bag.

  Whatever Faelan had said must have affected Mary on a soul level. Brie had never seen the woman cry real tears—ever. She looked in the direction in which the two had disappeared. Tonight, the young Dom had broken the barrier no one else had. For the first time, Brie felt hope…for both of them.

  Lea came running up just as Brie was sanitizing the area. “Oh-em-gee, Brie, what just happened? Everyone is talking!”

  Brie smiled as she meticulously wiped down the chair. “Lea, I think Blonde Nemesis has found her Prince Charming. Faelan held the key to unlock her.”

  Lea shook her head in disbelief. “Someone actually got through to that woman? And it was the young pup, no less?”

  “Mary caused quite a ruckus by rejecting Master O, but I’m so proud of her. She stayed true to her heart, despite the temptation the Master must have presented.”

  “Dang, girl—sounds like I missed all the action!”

  Brie gave her an unsympathetic look. “Like I’m going to feel sorry for you, all tied up with Tono. But yes, it was amazing,” she said wistfully. “So romantic, the way he stopped midway through backhanding her and said ‘No’. But even more astonishing was seeing Mary really cry.”

  “Blonde Nemesis sobbing? I don’t believe it.”

  Brie had seen the spark between them, and said with confidence, “Mark my words, Lea. I see a collaring in their future.”

  Lea’s Erotic Surprise

  The last day of production, Sir sent Brie an unusual text as they were wrapping up: Go to the boutique next to the studio.

  With a little googling, Brie found the closest shop and headed there when she was done for the day. Even though it had been an exhausting week, she couldn’t wait to discover what Sir had planned for the evening.

  A little bell rang above the doorway, announcing her entrance into the boutique, but there wasn’t a soul in the shop. She looked around and saw a gamut of sexy clothing, from catsuits and lingerie to full-length gowns.


  Brie moved up to the counter and saw a large box with a small envelope attached. Her name was on it. She took it off and read:

  Go to the flower shop by our apartment.

  Bring the box but do not open it.

  Brie picked up the giant box, grinning as she clutched it. What lay inside could be an evening gown, which meant a night out, or naughty lingerie for indoor play.

  Clever Sir.

  She texted him as soon as she was in the car. He responded with an extra assignment for her.

  Put your feet on the dashboard on either side of the steering wheel.

  Play with yourself until you’re on the brink of orgasm.

  Proceed to the flower shop.

  Brie looked around at the busy sidewalk. She was nervous about masturbating in public, but did not want to fail Sir. She gingerly placed her high heels on either side of the wheel and scooted down a little so she wouldn’t be as obvious.

  Brie only received a few blank stares, so she reached between her legs and under her panties.

  She suddenly understood the exhilaration of her assignment. Doing something wicked in broad daylight with the very real threat of detection was arousing in the extreme, which was also cruel, given the fact she wasn’t supposed to orgasm.

  Brie slipped her finger inside her pussy and coated it with her juices before pulling out and playing with her clit. It was already erect and sensitive. She swirled her finger over the responsive nub before giving it a good flicking.

  Brie whimpered and had to stop. She was too turned on to tease herself that way. Using two fingers, she slid in and out of her pussy, gliding her slick fingers over the folds of her outer lips, only brushing her clit lightly on occasion. Oh, yes, that felt good—like a relaxing back-rub for the loins.

  But she knew that was not what Sir had asked of her. Brie returned to the quick flicking, seeing how long she could take it. Her pussy began to burn with need, demanding a quick release to end the torment. She was inclined to spoil it, but resisted the urge.

  Just a little longer.

  She made the mistake of looking up and meeting the gaze of a man walking past. The unexpected connection sent her over the edge. She squeaked, removing her fingers and scrambling to sit up, her pussy beginning to cli

  No, no, no…

  Brie did the only thing she could think of to stop the tidal wave. She slapped her face hard. The pain brought her off the precipice and back down to earth. Success!

  The man was still staring at her. Brie slipped her two fingers into her mouth, sucking off the remaining juices. “Yum,” she mouthed before buckling up and starting the car.

  She headed to the flower shop with a mischievous grin on her face. Sometimes it was wickedly fun to be bad.

  Thank you, Sir.

  Brie kept glancing at the box as she drove. Wrapped packages presented a terrible temptation. Sir knew the added torture he was putting Brie through by preventing her from taking a peek. He was probably at home, sipping a martini, amused by the thought of it.

  Brie entered the tiny flower shop and went up to the girl at the counter, but was unsure what to say to her.

  “Are you Miss Bennett?” the woman finally asked, after looking Brie over.

  Brie smiled in relief. “I am, but how did you know?”

  “I was told to look for a particular necklace.”

  Brie fingered her collar and smiled. “I love this necklace.”

  “It is quite lovely. I haven’t seen one like it before,” the shopkeeper replied. She handed Brie a single stem covered in a series of delicate orchids.

  Brie took it and examined the blossoms, admiring the perfection of each individual flower. “This is stunning.”

  “Yes, it is. I was instructed to pick only the best for you.”

  Brie didn’t see a card with further instructions, so she asked, “Is there anything else?”

  “No, this is all.”

  Brie was slightly confused. Orchids reminded her of Tono, but that couldn’t be right, so she texted Sir after leaving the shop. Unfortunately, she got no response. Was he up in the apartment, waiting for her?

  She stared at the orchid again, remembering the haiku Tono had written. It had mentioned an erotic gift… But OMG—what if she was wrong and showed up at Tono’s place uninvited? It would be all kinds of embarrassing.

  Playing it safe, Brie made a quick stop by the apartment. She wasn’t surprised to see it dark and silent. She checked every room just to be sure before getting into her car and heading to the Kinbaku master’s place.


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