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Brie's Submission (4-6) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 2)

Page 43

by Red Phoenix

  Now her imagination was running amok. Why would Sir have Brie spend time at Tono Nosaka’s? She remembered he had mentioned that Lea’s birthday gift was linked to Tono’s.

  Damn! Whatever they have planned is going to be freakin’ amazing!

  Brie pulled up to Tono’s house and stared at it, feeling disappointed. His house was dark too. She got out of the car, assuming that Sir had left a card for her on the doorstep. However, as she approached she noticed a slight flickering through the window, as well as the hypnotic sound of a lone flute.

  She knocked lightly, trembling all over as she waited for Tono to open the door. Instead, Lea graced the doorway dressed in a vibrant red kimono, her lips stylized in black to look like those of a geisha.

  “Miss Bennett,” she said in a formal voice, “please come in.”

  Brie stepped through the entrance with her large present, which Lea took from her before shutting the door.

  The room was a fairyland of red candles.

  “Lea, this is beautiful!”

  “Kind of you to say, Miss Bennett,” Lea said, trying to hide her grin. “I am here to clean and prepare you for the evening.”

  That sounded deliciously promising.

  “Please follow me,” Lea directed, leading Brie to Tono’s bedroom.

  Brie whispered, “What’s going on?”

  “I have waited months for this, Miss Bennett. I’m not about to spoil the surprise now,” Lea informed her. “So be quiet and enjoy my preparations.”

  Brie giggled under her breath. The sexual tension flowing from Lea told her that this was going to be better than anything she had imagined. Brie just hoped the evening wouldn’t end in a bad joke.

  Lea undressed her slowly, laying her clothes on the bed. She then spent an hour cleaning her body, shaving her intimate parts and fixing her hair. All the months of stress slowly evaporated under Lea’s gentle hands.

  “I like the look of your brand,” Lea purred, lightly tracing the mark. It ached at her touch, but Brie found it strangely erotic.

  “Does it still hurt?” Lea asked.

  “Not as bad as it did. To be honest, the branding itself didn’t hurt nearly as much as the weeks after.” Brie looked behind her, wishing she could see it. “Still, I love wearing his mark and I love looking at his.”

  “Sir has one too?”

  Brie suddenly felt guilty, as if she had given away a privileged secret. “Forget I said anything. Please…”

  Lea could tell she was upset and assured her, “Don’t worry, Brie. I’m going to see it tonight anyway.”

  Brie gasped and turned to face her. “What?”

  Lea cursed herself as she turned Brie back around. “Forget I said anything. Enough talk.”

  Lea giggled to herself as she continued her sensual preparations. When her friend had finished, she gave Brie a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Now to unwrap your gift, birthday girl.”

  Brie tore into the package. Had it been anyone but Lea, she would have shown more decorum, but her best friend knew how wrapped gifts intrigued Brie. She lifted the lid and found a kimono that matched Lea’s, but in black. It was covered in intricate embroidery. Brie realized on closer inspection that there were tiny orchids covering the silk. “This is unreal,” she exclaimed, picking it up to put it on. She twirled around, feeling the cool silk flap lightly against her warm skin. She felt so wonderfully spoiled that she hugged herself.

  “Miss Bennett, although it is beautiful on you, I need to complete your dress,” Lea said, returning to her formal persona. She slid the garment off Brie’s shoulders and laid it back on the bed.

  Lea took a pair of stockings, garters and lacy crotchless panties from the box. She helped Brie into them and then finished with the kimono, tying the sash tight around Brie’s waist. Lea stood back and looked at her with the pride of a mother.

  “Simply gorgeous, just as I envisioned.” She dragged Brie to the mirror and they stood side by side. Lea had a red kimono and black lips, and Brie was her complement, wearing a black kimono and red geisha lips.

  “We make a beautiful pair,” Brie said, laying her head on Lea’s large chest.

  “We always have,” she replied, smiling at Brie in the mirror. “And now for your big surprise. I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it.”

  Brie saw actual bumps on Lea’s arm. “What are you planning to do to me?” she questioned, suddenly worried.

  “Just you wait, Brie. I’ve watched you from the beginning of training. I know what you like. I think tonight will top everything. Everything!”

  “Please—give me a hint, at least.”

  Lea led Brie out of the room. “You’re just going to have to trust me.”

  Trust Lea?

  Sir and Tono stood waiting for her. Both men were naked from the waist up, which was heavenly to behold. Sir was dressed only in black silk pants, and Tono in red.

  Brie noticed two rings hanging from the ceiling above them. They were new, and gave Brie an inkling of what was in store.

  “You look breathtaking, téa,” Sir said, holding out his hand. Brie glided over to her Master on a cloud of wondrous expectation.

  “Lea,” Tono called. Lea walked over to stand beside the Asian Dom, her smile wide and beaming.

  “So it’s téa and Lea tonight, is it?” Brie commented.

  “Yes,” Tono replied smoothly. “It is not unusual for two girls to share an experience of Kinbaku.”

  Brie looked at Lea, barely able to contain her excitement. “Kinbaku together?”

  Lea grinned. “Not exactly…”

  Sir turned Brie’s head and kissed her, sending little ripples of electricity through her already humming body. His low whisper sent chills through her. “Stand below the ring, hands behind your back, and wait.”

  She walked under it, looking up to make sure she was in the exact spot. Brie put her hands behind her back and smiled as Lea did the same, facing her, not more than two feet away.

  Tono picked up a length of jute and unwound it. Just hearing it hit the floor made Brie’s pussy wet. He came up behind Lea and secured the rope just under her breasts. Lea looked at Brie without speaking. The glint of lust in her eyes said it all.

  Brie shivered when she felt Sir’s lips next to her ear. “I want you to watch.”

  He kissed her neck, scratching her skin with his five o’clock shadow, as though he knew he was driving her crazy with the contact. Brie watched as Tono expertly wrapped Lea in jute, taking away her freedom to move, to breathe deeply. Her own body ached to feel the rope and she swayed slightly in need of it.

  “Completely still, téa,” Sir commanded as he knelt down. Brie cried out passionately when he bit her on the ass.

  Lea gasped. “Oh, Brie. That little cry of yours turns me on.”

  Tono swiped his finger between Lea’s legs and commented casually, “Yes, it does.”

  Brie bit her lip, liking this dynamic already.

  Tono looped a length of the jute down between Lea’s legs on one side of her outer lip and cinched it tight, and then he brought down another, leaving her pussy unobstructed for his pleasure. Brie did not miss the light touches he placed on Lea’s mound as he worked, or the glazed look in Lea’s eyes as she began to give in to the seduction of the rope.

  He pulled at her kimono, uncovering Lea’s impressive breasts in an artful manner. The way he exposed her was so sensual that Brie felt a gush of wetness. Watching her best friend enjoying Tono’s expertise was intensely arousing.

  Sir rubbed his middle finger against Brie’s clit. It pulsed with desire. “No coming yet, téa. Not until your Master gives permission.” He caressed her with more enthusiasm, making Brie whimper. She closed her eyes and laid her head back against his shoulder, trying to be good.

  When she opened them again, she saw that Lea’s hands were bound above her head, the rope anchored to the ring in the ceiling. Lea looked like a Japanese doll decorated in jute. “You’re beautiful, Lea,” Brie told her. />
  Lea smiled slowly, the rope already having its euphoric effect on her.

  Brie’s heart skipped a beat when she saw Tono approach her with a new length of jute. Sir left Brie’s side, moving over to Lea. He opened a case and began laying out a series of attachments.

  A violet wand…

  Tono slipped the kimono off her shoulders, letting it drape over the sash. He then lifted her arms. Brie trembled, waiting for the first caress of the rope. As with Lea, he placed the first under her breasts. When he cinched it tight, she gasped involuntarily. It had been a while since her body had embraced the call of the jute.

  “I feel your need,” Tono stated quietly, as he slowly crisscrossed the rope to lift and separate her breasts. She sighed, loving the tight and pleasing constriction.

  Tono bound Brie in a different pattern than Lea’s, leaving her back free of rope. As he worked, his hands teased but did not touch her mound. The spell of his seductive binding began to lift her soul. She let out a soft, contented moan. The slapping of the jute, the tugging, and the tight caress were sending her ever higher.

  “Delicious, isn’t it?” Lea whispered.

  Brie nodded, not wanting to disturb the rush.

  The buzz of the violet wand began, and Lea whimpered. Both girls were familiar with the distinctive sound. Brie opened her eyes and smiled at Lea. She was going to love Sir’s electric touch.

  Sir turned the device to medium, knowing Lea’s affinity for it, and slowly moved the device up the inside of her leg. Lea started shaking as he got closer to her pussy. She stiffened and Brie could have sworn she orgasmed.

  Brie cried out as she struggled to deny herself her own climax, and was surprised when no one reprimanded Lea for her lack of control. How was that fair?

  Sir started up Lea’s other leg, forcing Brie to take a deep breath. It was proving to be a challenging night. Again, Lea started shaking as Sir made his way up her inner thigh.

  Fortunately, Tono distracted Brie, taking her wrists and quickly binding them together before looping the rope over the ring. As he pulled the jute taut, Brie was struck by a feeling of elegant femininity mixed with total helplessness.

  “Ooh…” she moaned. She felt long and lean, with no ability to resist her Master’s desires—the perfect combination.

  Sir finished off his play with Lea by turning up the power and brushing her nipples. Lea screamed in surprise and then started giggling. It was so infectious that Brie couldn’t help but giggle with her.

  “Oh, Brie, that was good, so good…” she sighed when he was done.

  Sir looked across at Brie and said, “And now it’s your turn.”

  He carefully cleaned off the equipment and put it back in the case. Instead of bringing it with him, Sir walked over empty-handed, letting Brie know he had something else in mind for her.

  Brie swayed in her bindings. There was no escaping whatever he planned to do. It was thrilling. Tono had done an excellent job of restraining her. She looked at Lea and mouthed the words, “Help me!”

  Lea purred at her. “Never.”

  As Tono passed to return to Lea, he grazed his fingers lightly against Brie’s nipple, sending tendrils of fire down to her groin.

  Brie heard Sir unzip his bag, and then the distinctive thud as the end of the bullwhip hit the floor. Her body tingled all over. Will he be gentle or rough?

  Lea’s eyes lit up. Being so close to each other made it almost as if they were experiencing each action as one.

  Tono’s home was unique, with high ceilings. They were perfect for Kinbaku as well as accommodating a bullwhip. Brie heard Sir warming up as the end of the bullwhip snapped near her.

  Brie found the whip challenging, like no other tool Sir used. It forced her to a level of submission she struggled to maintain. Her fear was real, but her trust absolute.

  She was hyperventilating, but did not become aware of it until Tono spoke softly. “Breathe with me…”

  His simple command was a welcomed reminder. She closed her eyes and listened for Tono’s breath, which brought instant calm to her soul. She quickly became in sync with him and, with a stroke of genius, she told Lea, “Breathe with us.”

  The three became one as they took deep, soul-refreshing breaths.

  Sir approached Brie and gently pushed her hair forward, exposing her back to him. “Are you ready, téa?”

  “Yes, Master,” she breathed out in a calm voice.

  He stepped back and waited a few seconds, building the suspense.

  She was actually relieved when she heard the rush of air as the whip came hurling towards her. Because of her heightened arousal, the light stroke sent a burst of sexual energy straight to her loins.

  “Does it feel good?” Lea whispered.

  Brie nodded.

  “Yum…” her friend said, as if she could feel it.

  The lick of the whip was stimulating and alluring. Just as Master Anderson had predicted, her pussy quivered with the knowledge Sir could deliver a fiery stroke…but he did not.

  After several minutes of the sensual stimulation, he paused. “Now,” he said ominously.

  Brie felt the lash of the whip across her buttocks as she watched Tono smack Lea’s ass. Both Brie and Lea cried out in unison. It was extremely erotic.

  “Color, téa.”

  “Green, a brilliant green, Master,” she answered, hoping he would do it again.

  To Brie’s delight, he cracked the whip across her ass repeatedly. The sharp burst of fire across her skin multiplied the burning in her groin. She enjoyed watching Lea receive her spanking, knowing her friend was feeling the sting of the whip vicariously.

  It was incredibly sexy, but that darn Lea came again, right there in front of her. Brie had to close her eyes when Tono began playing with Lea’s clit. Why were they being so cruel? Wasn’t this supposed to be her birthday present, not Lea’s?

  Sir finished the session with several light licks, like tender kisses. It was a sweet ending with the bullwhip, something she hadn’t experienced before. He came up behind her and whispered in her ear as he caressed her smarting ass.

  “Watching you receive my strokes, the way your beautiful ass rolls with each contact of the whip, the way your muscles tense and release…it is arousing, babygirl.”

  She turned her head towards him. “Thank you, Master.”

  His tongue caressed the outside of her lips as his fingers reached between her legs and teased her wet opening.

  Brie moaned, feeling her pussy tensing for an orgasm. She cried, “Red… Red!”

  Sir chuckled. “Your orgasm will be grand, téa. When I allow it.”

  He pressed his finger inside and teased her G-spot, making her thighs shudder involuntarily. “Yes, an orgasm of epic proportions, but not yet.”

  Sir nodded to Tono and both men began loosening the bindings. Brie watched as Tono made quick work of the knots and the jute fell from Lea. He then untied the sash and lifted the kimono from her shoulders, laying all three items on the mat.

  The knots proved more challenging for Sir, but soon she felt the jute’s release. The feeling of lightness it gave her was almost like a spiritual liberation. Looking at Lea’s body covered in beautiful rope marks brought a smile to Brie’s lips. She knew she carried the same lovely marks—a charming gift left by the jute for their Doms to admire.

  Her skin tingled where the jute had been, extending the delicious experience.

  Sir loosened the sash, letting the kimono fall to the floor. She stood before him, naked except for the hose, garters, and panties—his favorite look for her.

  He ran his fingers over the indentations of the rope, sending chills through her. “Exquisite.”

  To Brie’s surprise, Sir bent down and picked up one of the lengths of jute, then began binding her wrists again. Tono did the same, looping the end through the ring and forcing Lea’s arms back up.

  Brie bit her lip as Sir tightened the rope again, binding her arms tightly. What were they going to do now? />
  “Bend forward at the waist, both of you,” Sir ordered.

  The girls did, facing each other, now only a foot apart. With careful precision, the Doms released the tautness of the ropes until Brie’s and Lea’s noses were only inches from each other. Lea smiled at her and leaned forward, giving her a quick kiss on the lips. Both girls giggled.

  “A little tighter,” Tono suggested.

  The two were pulled back just a fraction, so no contact could be made. When the adjustments were complete, they were tightly secured to the rings again.

  Curiosity was killing Brie. “What are you doing, Master?”

  Sir glanced at her and winked before addressing Tono. “I think they need to be silenced.” He pulled a gag from his pocket and commanded, “Open.” When Brie parted her lips, smooth silk instantly filled the gap. Sir tied it firmly and then stood back.

  Instead of silk, Tono wrapped several strands of jute around Lea’s mouth to act as her gag. Lea looked at her and wiggled her eyebrows, as if to say, Aren’t we naughty girls?

  “The time has come, téa.”

  She held her breath, hoping her ecstasy would be close at hand.

  Sir instructed, “I want you to keep your eyes locked on Lea—do not let them stray. I am going to fuck you hard. I will be rough.”

  She whimpered, very much liking the sound of that.

  “You are free to orgasm as many times as you want, as long as you continue to look into your friend’s eyes. I want her to be able to count the number of your pleasures.”

  Naked and bound, Brie met Lea’s gaze and thought, Oh, this is going to be hot on a whole new level…

  Sir undressed behind her as Tono removed his clothing in front of her. She admired the Asian Dom’s toned body, a perfect male specimen according to her own specifications. And now she was going to watch him in action—with her best friend, no less. It was all kinds of erotic!

  Tono looked up with those chocolate-brown eyes and she suddenly felt like a deer in headlights, caught by their connection. Her heartbeat increased as both men took their positions. It was almost like watching a mirror as she felt Sir’s hands on her waist and saw Tono grab onto Lea’s hips.


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