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Seducing Cinderella

Page 6

by Gina L. Maxwell

  Chapter Seven

  Lucie couldn’t believe it had already been a week since Reid moved in. The days had been a whirlwind of physical therapy sessions for him and beautification appointments for her. She’d had her hair trimmed with some long layers added in, which she really liked and had felt foolish for worrying about so much. It wasn’t until they did the foil highlights, making her into an aluminum Medusa, that she had an anxiety attack. Thankfully the girl knew her stuff and the subtle caramel streaks gave her darker brown a beautiful depth she hadn’t known was possible.

  After that her brows were waxed, shaped, and plucked to the extent she thought her eyes would never stop watering. When it came time for her nails she’d had to admit to never doing anything other than trim them when they got too long, which made the nail technician place a hand over her heart and look at her like she was a charity case off the streets before setting to work. Now they were filed, devoid of excess cuticles, she hadn’t even known that was a thing, and polished a dark purple called Extreme Eggplant that sounded less like a color and more like a dish on Iron Chef America.

  On top of all that, Reid handed her over to Trixie at the Nordstrom’s makeup counter with instructions to give Lucie a How-To for every possible life situation. After learning how to apply everything from a five-minute dash of color to an evening look to a dramatic photo shoot session, Lucie was confident she could moonlight as a makeup artist for a morgue or circus if the economy tanked. Though some of the lessons were obviously unnecessary, she gave Trixie her head and let her have fun. Her excitement had been too endearing to crush with the reality that only a quarter of what she taught would ever see the light of day. Or night.

  However, at the end of the week, Lucie had to admit that she looked almost…beautiful. It was crazy the difference some slight adjustments in her beauty regimen could make. Or, to be more exact, acquiring any sort of beauty regimen at all.


  Lucie spun around from the full-length mirror in her bedroom to find Reid leaning against the doorjamb, arms crossed over his chest, the elastic cuffs of his black polo stretched to their limits over his biceps. The deep arcs and swirls of his tattoo seemed to extend from his shirt, making it look more like futuristic armor rather than a mere cotton blend. His dark jeans encased his muscular thighs and fell straight to bunch at the hem around his bare feet. She’d learned over the last week that he didn’t put socks or shoes on until he absolutely had to. And with that came the accompanying lesson of how sexy a man in jeans and bare feet was.

  He pulled off the polished bad-boy look flawlessly. His hair was brushed into his usual style, but tonight the tips ended in a small peak over his forehead drawing her attention to his intense eyes. Tonight he wore earrings; square-cut diamonds that somehow managed to make him more manly, not less. When she’d cataloged every last detail and finally let her brain acknowledge the whole package, her mouth dried up and she had to swallow hard before she was able to speak.

  “You look pretty good yourself,” she said. “But I still don’t know why you want to come to Lizzie’s baby shower with me.” Lizzie was one of the best nurses on staff at NNMC and was a month away from having her first child, so her friends and coworkers were throwing her a shower at a swanky steakhouse. “You’re going to be bored out of your mind.”

  He pushed off the frame and crossed into the room. “I’m never bored. I always manage to entertain myself one way or another. Come on, we’re already going to be late.”

  Lucie glanced at the clock on her nightstand, confirming their tardiness. “Crap!”

  He chuckled as she raced to her closet to snatch her heels and purse. “Relax. Cinderella’s supposed to be late to the ball so everyone notices her when she walks in.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of,” she said as she hopped on one shoed foot while trying to make the other side match with little success.

  “Here, let me.” Reid took the silver shoe from her and lowered himself to one knee. She stood holding onto the bedpost, mesmerized by his hands as they helped slip the shoe on her foot. The warmth of his fingers as they grazed her ankle sent shivers up her leg and spread through her sex as though he’d touched it directly.

  He held her foot on his thigh with one hand while the other opened, releasing a silver chain he’d been hiding in his palm to dangle from where he held the end. Surprise left her speechless as she watched him wrap it around her ankle and clasp it in place.

  The delicate chain was practically weightless, and she wondered if she’d feel it at all if it wasn’t for the charm and beads attached to the small links. In the front, a small silver bird in flight hung from the chain. Crystalline beads of sky blue dangled every inch or so, completing the piece with a classic beauty.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said. “But you’ve gotten me so much already, Reid. You don’t need to keep getting me things.”

  “I know, but as soon as I saw it I thought of you.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “This is a sparrow.” He looked down and fingered the bird charm. “Unlike most birds, when a sparrow finds its soul mate, they stay together until the end of their life.” Raising his head again he met her gaze. “Making them the symbol for finding one’s true love.”

  Finding one’s true love. Lucie merely wanted to find her one true companion and wasn’t holding out much hope for the love part anymore. Regardless, the sentiment was the sweetest thing she’d ever heard, and knowing he’d thought of her when he saw it touched her deeply.

  He carefully placed her foot back on the floor and rose to tower over her at his full height. She tried thanking him but the words got stuck somewhere in her throat as her gaze traveled up from the open V of his shirt revealing the tan skin at his neck, past his freshly shaven jaw and full lips, until it was trapped by his eyes. They changed colors depending on his outfit or his surroundings or even the lighting. Now they were a light green shot through with streaks of caramel, reminding her of a taffy apple.

  Reid Andrews was an absolute enigma. In Vegas she knew he lived the life of a rich playboy fighter, spending the majority of his time either training or casually “dating” more women than she cared to think about. But since he’d moved in with her for this truly crazy deal they’d struck, he’d been nothing but charming, supportive, and thoughtful. Just like she remembered him to be when she was young and hopelessly crushing on her big brother’s best friend. If she’d thought he was fantastic back then, he’d grown to be even more so now.

  She cleared her throat and gave the whole speaking thing another shot. “Thank you, Reid. I love it.”

  “You’re very welcome. Now let’s go. I can’t wait to see that doctor’s jaw unhinge when he sees what he’s been missing out on.” When she scrunched up her nose in doubt he kissed it and said, “Trust me,” and grabbed her hand to lead her out of the room.

  Thirty minutes later they arrived at the restaurant and the hostess escorted them back to the rented-out room where the shower was being held. Lucie placed her gift for Lizzie on the designated table by the door and then nervously scanned the sea of people.

  “Stop fidgeting,” Reid said in her ear. His hand at her lower back helped to ease her, but not by much.

  “I’m not fidgeting.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  He was right. She was practically hyperventilating, which was likely to come next. She couldn’t seem to stop. Why did she feel like she was stepping into the lion’s den? These were people she’d known and been comfortable with for years. But what if they didn’t like her new look? Or what if they thought poorly of her for changing her appearance?

  She barely managed to keep her startled squeak contained in her chest when Reid yanked her out of the room. “Hey!”

  “Shh,” he ordered as he dragged her down a hall, turned a corner, and then sandwiched her between his large body and the wall. “You’re freaking yourself out for no reason, so I’m going to teach you a trick I use before a fi

  “Reid, I hardly think—”

  “No thinking. Visualizing. Before I step into the cage I visualize every punch, every kick, every takedown. I know my opponent well from studying his previous fights. I anticipate how he’ll react to my attacks so I’ll be ready for any situation. That’s exactly what I want you to do right now.”

  She knew she must be looking at him like he was crazy, because that’s exactly what she was thinking. How could this technique could help her talk to Stephen? If she needed to anticipate the guy’s punches there was a bigger problem than wanting a date.

  “Close your eyes.” Seeing his determined look—and in all honesty desperate to try anything to get rid of her nerves—she obeyed. “I want you to picture yourself walking into that room, your head held high, and your confidence even higher. You know you look fabulous. This dress fits your body like it was designed for you. The heels make your legs look impossibly long and every guy in that room will be picturing them wrapped around his waist.”

  She was slightly cold with the A/C blasting from the vent above them, but when he placed his hand on her waist, any chills disappeared from the heat of his touch. He stepped into her body, her breasts lightly grazing his hard chest with every breath she took. Her eyes remained closed, but the magnitude of his presence was palpable. Focusing was definitely no longer an issue. She was wired into him now, brain and body, whether she wanted to be or not.

  “Pretend I’m him. I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off you since the moment I saw you. I’m wondering how I could’ve been so blind not to have noticed how truly gorgeous you are.”

  Reid’s hand slowly slid up her side until his thumb was millimeters away from her breast. She told herself she shouldn’t feel disappointed when he moved it around to her back, managing to avoid anything inappropriate. His voice, pitched low and near her ear, rolled over her skin causing the tiny hairs at the back of her neck to stand on end. “I start with simple chitchat, shoptalk, but the entire time you’re talking I’m staring at your lips and imagining what they’ll taste like.”

  “You are?” she asked on a breathy whisper.

  “Fuck yeah, I am.” His free hand came up to frame her face and he nudged her cheek with his nose until her head angled to the side. “You’re sexy as hell, Lucie, and I want to unwrap you to get to the decadent prize underneath. I want to learn your likes, your dislikes—to know your fears and your dreams—and I vow to peel back each beautiful layer until I discover everything about you.”

  Lucie’s heart was pounding so hard she was sure the hostess could hear it in the front of the restaurant. She wanted to be known like that—physically, emotionally—desperately.

  “Yes,” she said. “I want that.”

  “Then take what you want.” His voice was little more than a rasp at her ear. It sounded strained and on the edge. “Make it happen.”

  She was so wrapped up in the image in her mind, she didn’t notice Reid had stepped back from her until the feeling of bereftness came over her. Letting her eyes flutter open she focused on Reid standing in front of her. His hands shoved into his front pockets and the stiff look on his face didn’t match the sultry emotions he’d just poured over her.

  “All you have to do is remember everything I’ve just told you, and walk through that door.” Before she could ask him if everything was all right, he jerked his head in the direction of the banquet room. “Go on. It’s time to make your entrance, Cinderella.”

  The idea of walking into a room with all eyes on her no longer sent her into a panic. He was right. She might not be celebrity beautiful, but she did look one hundred percent better than she had a week ago. There was no reason she shouldn’t find some confidence in that. Stretching up on her tiptoes Lucie placed a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, Reid.”

  One side of his mouth quirked up. “Anytime, sweetheart.”

  With her newfound conviction and brand-new look, Lucie pushed her shoulders back and strode down the hall.


  Reid dragged his hands down his face as soon as Lucie turned the corner. What he wouldn’t give for a sweaty gym and a tough sparring partner to beat him senseless right now. The visualization technique was something that could be applied in any situation so he knew it would work for her. What he hadn’t known was how it would work him over.

  He couldn’t even say for sure who he’d been speaking as that whole time. At some point it felt like he’d slipped out of character. He hadn’t been picturing Dr. Dipwad staring at her lips and kissing her. He’d been picturing himself.

  “I need a drink,” he mumbled, making his way to the room. As soon as he crossed the threshold he spotted Lucie. Like she was the North his gaze would always point to. The simple pale blue shift dress she wore was understated and yet magnificent. He kept eyes on her as he crossed to the table set up with punch and premade cocktails. Grabbing one of the drinks he watched her ass as it moved under the thin material with every step she took. His gaze drifted lower to wander over the curves of her smooth legs. Damn, she’s hot.

  He raised the glass then stopped. If he had to guess based on the shower’s signature drink, Lizzie was due to have a girl. It looked like a crazy version of a Shirley Temple, bright pink with cherries stabbed on an open plastic diaper pin straddling the rim of the glass.

  “It’s emasculating, isn’t it?”

  Reid glanced to his left to see a well-built Hispanic guy standing next to him with an amused smirk on his face. He was holding two open bottles of Corona instead of the current embarrassment he held.

  “There’s not even any alcohol in that thing,” the guy said.

  “Holy shit, that’s inexcusable.” He put it back on the table with a disgusted look at the whole set up. “How can they justify that?”

  The man laughed, and held out the extra beer. “It’s a baby shower, man. That’s all the excuse they need to suck anything even remotely manly out of the occasion. Normally we aren’t even supposed to step foot in these things, but Lizzie’s kind of like the darling of the hospital staff. Everyone loves her so it became an ‘everyone’ event. I’m Eric.”

  “Reid.” Gladly accepting the offered bottle, he shook Eric’s hand before twisting off the cap and downing half of it in one shot. “Thanks, man, you’re a lifesaver.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  Looking past Eric he saw Lucie break a hug with a very pregnant girl and then walk toward her doctor who was talking with another gentleman at a table across the room. Dressed in an expensive suit and his dark hair gelled and combed to the side, he looked like the stereotypical trust-fund baby. Someone who’d always had money even before he became a doctor and was very comfortable with the finer things in life.

  The doctor was in midsentence when he noticed Lucie. It was a true record-scratch moment. He did a small double take and his eyes damn near popped out of his head while his tongue rolled out of his mouth onto the floor like one of those old cartoons.

  But Reid couldn’t blame the guy. Lucie was in rare form. She was crossing the room with obvious intent. A huntress approaching her trapped prey with a hint of a knowing smile at the corner of her mouth. He could almost hear her saying, Nowhere to run…I’ve got you now.

  Mann excused himself from the table without even sparing the guy he’d been talking to a courtesy glance. In two steps he’d closed the distance between himself and Lucie. Though he wasn’t a lip reader, Reid could guess how the conversation was going.

  Lucie, you look positively stunning!

  Why, thank you, Stephen. You’re looking very handsome yourself.

  Well, there’s certainly nothing different about that. But now that you’ve tapped into your natural beauty, you simply must accompany me to the hospital ball.

  I thought you’d never ask. Of course I’ll go to the ball with you!

  Then we can get married and you can tend to our children as I attempt to save the world one mended bone at a time.

  Oh, Stephen, it sound
s like a dream come true!

  Lucie laughed at something Mann said and touched his arm lightly. Then as she spoke to him she tucked one side of her hair behind her ear and looked up at him from under her pixie lashes. Holy shit, she was a natural. He’d unleashed a monster.

  Reid drained the last half of his beer and tried his damnedest not to march over and drag her home. She shouldn’t be flirting with Mann, much less wanting to have his children. On paper the guy was probably USDA Prime, but Reid couldn’t shake the sense that he had hidden flaws that made him no better than Standard Grade.

  “I saw you come in with Lucie. You guys seeing each other?” Reid looked over at Eric just as a waiter set down a bucket full of ice and bottlenecks on the table next to them. He smiled and said, “Forethought.”

  They grabbed their next round, used the bottle opener on the side of the bucket, and tossed their caps. Shaking the excess water off his hand Reid said, “Lucie and I are old friends. I’m staying with her for a bit while I’m in town.”

  Eric tipped his bottle in Lucie’s direction. “Well, the friend thing explains why you’re not staking your claim as she flirts with the good doctor over there. But it doesn’t quite explain the look in your eye that says you’d like to kill him with your bare hands.”

  “I fight for a living, so that look is kind of a habit,” he answered smoothly.

  “Are you also a makeover artist or is our Lucie’s sudden transformation simply a coincidence with your appearance?”

  Reid didn’t like where the conversation was heading. Eric was too damn observant for his own good. He seemed like a decent guy, though, and he spoke with affection for Lucie. “Have you known Lucie long?”

  Eric peered over at where she was still talking with Mann. “I’ve known her since college.” He cut his gaze back to Reid. “She’s like a sister to me.”


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