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Seducing Cinderella

Page 7

by Gina L. Maxwell

  Reid inclined his head in understanding. “Message received, man. I’m her brother’s best friend.”

  A satisfied grin spread over the guy’s face and he held up his beer for Reid to tap with his. “Good to hear.”

  Taking a few generous swallows of his beer, Reid wondered if he could gain any insight about the years he hadn’t been around. The ones that very clearly defined who she was as an adult. “Were you around when Lucie got married?”

  “Yeah,” Eric ground out. “I was around.”

  “Who was he? What happened?”

  “She met him when they literally collided outside of the university one day. She was on her way out of class, and he was involved in some peace rally about whatever his group had their panties in a twist about that week.”

  Reid knew the exact type Eric described. There were entire groups of them that were constantly speaking out against MMA. They called themselves human activists. He called them uneducated assholes. He tried picturing Lucie with a guy like that and failed. Then again, he couldn’t picture her with a guy like Mann either, but clearly she saw something he didn’t. “Okay, so the guy was an activist, she was a student, they met. Then what?”

  “The relationship was a fricking whirlwind. One day they met for lunch and the next thing we know they’re announcing their engagement and eloping to Vegas. The whole thing happened so damn fast it made our heads spin.”

  “Is that why you didn’t like him?”

  “Fuck no,” Eric snarled. “I hate him because of what he did to Lucie. She was so blinded by his passion for saving the world and idealistic dreams that she couldn’t see what a total flake he was. That guy couldn’t commit to just one entree in a restaurant much less commit to one woman. He was pretty much just a self-important douchebag who loved attention. ”

  Reid could see where this was headed and his gut clenched with the familiar desire to put his fists through someone’s face. “Tell me what he did,” he said through a tight jaw.

  Eric tensed and glanced at Lucie. His love for her was evident in the narrowing of his brown eyes as he spoke. “Bastard hooked up with some hippie chick a few months into the marriage. I’d bet a year’s salary it wasn’t just a one time—or one girl—thing. Anyway, Lucie caught him in the act. In their bed.”

  Reid swore and had to put his beer down before his grip crushed the bottle. What kind of man does that to such a sweet and innocent woman? Or any woman for that matter. It finally made sense why Lucie was so hung up on finding someone she was compatible with. Her ex had been her complete opposite and the relationship had been a joke. Now she needed to find the opposite of that relationship, which was a long courtship to someone as similar to her as possible. Someone, like the guy who was currently whispering in her ear as she laughed. Dr. Stephen Mann, MD.

  “Easy, amigo. Your fangs are showing.”

  Reid cut a glare over to Eric. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You look like a jungle cat ready to sink your teeth into someone’s jugular.”

  Reid studied the man, wondering why the fuck he was grinning like an idiot. “Is that so?”

  “It is. And although I’d love to wheedle the reason from you, I’ll have to be satisfied with my own ruminations.”

  “Why is that?”

  Eric nodded over to the side. “Because Lucie’s headed this way.” Reid followed his line of sight to see her gliding across the room with the biggest smile he’d ever seen on her. “I’ve gotta go hit the head. Nice meeting you, Reid. I’ll see you around.”

  “You too, man. Thanks for the beer.”

  A second later Reid forgot all about Eric’s cryptic statements as he focused on Lucie. He felt duplicitous, both wanting to know all the details of her Mann encounter and wanting to pretend like it never happened. But he’d be a pretty shitty friend if he did the latter, so he sucked it up and did the right thing. “So what happened? It looked like you hooked him pretty deep from what I could tell.”

  Lucie clasped her hands in front of her, seemingly trying not to explode. “It happened just like you said, Reid. He noticed me, said I looked beautiful. Is it hot in here?” She started fanning herself so Reid handed her one of the ridiculous diaper pin drinks. “Mm, thanks, I’m so thirsty.”

  A drop of condensation from the glass splashed onto her neck as she tipped her head back to down the entire contents. He had to fist his hands at his sides so he wasn’t tempted to wipe it away as it descended to the sexy hollow at the bottom of her throat.

  “Anyway,” she continued, placing the empty glass on a waiter’s tray as he walked by, “we talked for a little while and then he asked me on an actual date. Can you believe it?”

  Reid plastered a stiff smile on his face and hoped it passed for the real thing. He had the insane urge to march over there and deck the guy on principle alone. Why the hell wouldn’t he have noticed Lucie before the makeover? So her hair was usually a disheveled mess and she wore her glasses instead of contacts and her clothes didn’t accentuate the tight little body she possessed. Why had that made her invisible to the doctor for the last several years?

  When he’d seen her in her office that first day, he’d liked watching her try to get her errant strands of hair to stay where she wanted them, only to have them fall right after she was done tucking them back. He thought she looked sexy with her glasses on—that whole naughty librarian thing he loved—and she was adorable when she accidentally snorted from laughing too hard or finding something incredulous.

  Mann was a vain asshole who didn’t deserve Lucie, that’s all there was to it. But then again, it’s not as if Reid deserved someone like her either. He couldn’t offer her what she needed. He didn’t live the lifestyle of predictability she craved. When he had fights in other states, other countries, he was more of a nomad than anything. And even if that wasn’t an issue, he still could never be with her. Not as he was currently. A loser. A has-been. A wash-up. No, he needed his title and his championship status back if he ever hoped to be worth anything ever again. Nobody loved a loser. His pop had taught him that. Over and over again.

  “Reid? Did you hear what I said?”

  Blinking a few times he brought her back into focus. “Yeah, I heard you. But I’m not surprised. I told you the guy would be all over you like white on rice.”

  She gave a tiny little squeal. “I’d totally hug you right now, but you know, he might be watching and I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.”

  “No,” he replied wryly. “We wouldn’t want that.”

  His trainer, Butch, was often trying to get Reid to hold back in a fight. “Know when to use restraint,” he’d tell him. The point was to keep calm, keep your wits, and let the other guy make the first move so you could defend against it, and then counter with something even stronger. Reid had never been good with the idea of restraint. He was more comfortable in the position of the aggressor.

  He’d always hated those lessons of restraint. But as the night progressed and he was forced to watch Mann circle Lucie like a shark, Reid had to call upon every one of them. By using Butch’s mental techniques he managed to keep his distance, thereby allowing Mann to keep his teeth. At least for a little longer.

  Chapter Eight

  “Start with the wall stretch.”

  Reid barely stopped a childish eye roll. “C’mon, Lu, I don’t need to do those special stretches anymore. It’s been over a week. Let’s just get to the normal stuff.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I hadn’t realized you had a degree in physical therapy.” She turned around once she reached the far wall of her workout-turned-therapy room. “Why did you need my help again?”

  “Sarcasm does not become you,” he grumbled. But he couldn’t be all that grouchy when she looked so good in her new workout clothes. Gone were the oversize tanks and grungy sweats. Now she was sporting a pale pink Lycra tank top with hip-hugging gray yoga pants.

  Her dark hair was pulled into a high ponytail with her thick bangs a
nd some longer pieces framing her face. She’d just finished her morning elliptical routine and her olive skin glistened with sweat and a healthy glow infused her cheeks.

  Crossing to where she stood by the paper ruler they’d taped up to track his progress, he became uncharacteristically aware of his own condition from his ten-mile run on the treadmill. He stopped a few feet short and glanced down at his sweat-soaked T-shirt that now looked black as pitch from its previously worn and faded shade.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as he stripped it off.

  He gave her a crooked smirk. “Trying not to offend your delicate sensibilities.”

  She snorted and immediately slapped a hand over the lower half of her face. It was obvious she was mortified, but he wasn’t sure why. He liked getting that reaction from her. As he closed the few remaining feet, Reid added making her snort more often to his mental list of things to accomplish while staying with her. He loved a challenge.

  “Keep your feet about a foot away from the wall and walk your fingers up the ruler until you feel pressure. Then lean in toward the wall until you feel that stretch.” He did as instructed, though he’d have rather started with some light lifting to warm up the muscles. This shit was for sissies. “Good. Hold it for about ten seconds…and now back to the starting position.”

  “This is ridiculous. Can’t I get the same result with a five-pound weight in my hand and lifting it in the same manner?”

  Her hands planted themselves firmly on her slim hips as she said, “Now why didn’t I think of that? Oh, I know. Because that wouldn’t be stretching the muscles. That would be working the muscles.”

  “Fine, have it your way. But we’re combining our training sessions then.”


  Her question was cut off with a squeal when his left arm snaked around her waist and pulled her in front of him. “There. Now I have an incentive to lean into the wall.”

  “Reid, what the hell are you talking about?”

  He couldn’t help his satisfied grin as he said, “Kissing.”

  Lucie’s eyes went wide and her jaw slackened just enough that her lips barely parted. He waited patiently for the shock to wear off. And for the rebuff he knew was forthcoming.

  “Absolutely not. You’re out of your damn mind. I’m not kissing you, Andrews.”

  When he lifted a brow as if to say, a little late for that, she added huffily, “I’m not kissing you again.”

  Shrugging his good shoulder he acted as though he couldn’t care less. “You’re probably right. I’m sure you know all the little tricks on how to bring a guy to his knees with a simple kiss. Passion obviously comes second nature to you.” Then he went in for the kill shot. “Which is why you need me to teach you how to get Dr. Mandible in the first place.”

  He had to be a glutton for epic beatdowns, because that’s exactly what he’d get if Jax ever found out Reid kissed his sister. He was extremely protective where she was concerned, and with good reason. It didn’t matter that she was only a few years younger than him. She seemed so innocent and naive. Trusting.

  So why was it so hard for him to keep his distance around her? Was it because she was the exact opposite of the women he usually dated? Not that he’d “dated” since his injury. When he thought he’d never fight again he’d hit an all-time low, turning down every illicit offer thrown his way. Maybe now that his title shot was within his reach his libido was coming back online finally. Hell, he didn’t know what to think anymore.

  “Now that you have an actual date with the guy you need to know how to walk the walk, Luce. You flirted like a champ and hooked him, but if you flake out when it comes time for anything else, you’ll give him mixed signals and he’ll back out.”

  She worried her bottom lip as the wheels in her head turned. At last she nodded and the knot in his stomach from the thought of never tasting those lips again unraveled. “Okay. You made your point. Show me what to do.”

  “First you need to relax. You’re wound so tight I’m afraid you’ll snap. Turn around.”

  Holding her shoulders he turned her until her back was to him, and then began massaging her upper back and shoulders. Instantly she melted into his hands on a moan. “I can’t remember the last time someone gave me a massage. That feels so fantastic.”

  “That’s a shame,” he said, studying the curve of her neck as her head fell forward. “Everyone should have someone to rub the day’s stress away.”

  “Mmm,” she said in way of agreeing. “Who does that for you?”

  A parade of random women who’d been more than happy to give him a thorough rubdown as a prelude to sex marched through his mind. For some reason, being here with Lucie, the whole scene seemed…less enticing. “Like all athletes, we have sports medicine people at the gym who do that for us.”


  He smiled, loving the simple pleasure he was giving her with his hands. He pushed his thumbs up the centerline of her neck to the base of her skull, then massaged in tiny outward circles. She took in a slow, deep breath and let it out on a breathy moan as her shoulders pulled down in a relaxing stretch.

  “Good.” Reid moved his hands to her shoulders and worked on the knots between her shoulder blades. Before he could stop himself he leaned in, placing his face on the side of her head. Her hair tickled his cheek and its flowery scent paired with the anticipation of tasting her again made his mouth water.

  He turned his head ever so slightly to speak in her ear. “Keep this feeling of relaxation and carelessness. Stay out of your head, okay?”

  She nodded and he turned her around so her back was against the wall once again. With his right arm, he began walking his fingers up the wall for the stretch, bringing him closer to her with every inch he gained. Talk about incentive.

  “Right now your focus is on my eyes…”


  “But if you’re looking to get kissed, where should your eyes be?”

  Her gaze drifted lower and settled heavily on his mouth. The pale gray of her eyes changed to a molten silver. Her lashes weren’t the impossibly thick and long kind he was used to seeing, but then again, it’d been a long time since he’d seen a girl scrubbed free of makeup, much less without fake eyelashes. He rather liked Lucie’s. They were thick at the lash line, but then gathered together to form triangular spikes that curved up only slightly. Just how he imagined a pixie’s lashes would be.

  She swept the tip of her tongue over her lips, making them glisten with moisture. Only a few inches separated them now as his right hand was as high as it could go without causing pain. Now to lean into the stretch.

  As he slowly, slowly closed the space between them, he heard her breaths turn to pants and his own heart beat double-time against his ribs. When their lips barely touched, their breaths mingling, he paused, giving her the opportunity to take the lead. To take what she wanted.

  She didn’t.

  At the end of the ten seconds, he walked his hand back down the wall until he was standing straight again, arm by his side.

  Reid studied her for a minute, trying to figure out how to get her to act rather than think. Again he walked his hand up the wall, drawing closer to her as he spoke. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “There’s a reason we’re doing this. You want something. Don’t think about the answer. I want you to feel the answer. Now,” he said once he’d gone as far as he could and began to lean toward her, “tell me, what you want.”

  She licked her lips. Swallowed hard as his mouth got closer, but stayed just out of reach. “Right now?”

  “Right this very instant.”

  “I want to kiss you so badly it scares me.”

  Her answer shocked the hell out of him—he’d been expecting her to say something along the lines of wanting her doctor—but he was too selfish to give a damn.

  “Then do something about it,” he commanded.

  Lucie grabbed the sides of his face
and meshed her mouth on his. This time, saltiness left behind from her workout mixed with the strawberry taste of her lips. The combination was intoxicating, but it was nothing compared to the one-two punch he got when she swept her tongue over his upper lip.

  Reid took that as an open invitation. Plunging his tongue inside her mouth was like tasting sweet ambrosia.

  He hoped like hell his boxer briefs would do a better job of containing his growing erection than he did of containing the toe-curling groan that escaped his chest.

  She pulled away, switching immediately into therapist mode. Although she wasn’t usually so breathless when assessing him. He liked her affected like this. A lot. “This isn’t a good idea, Reid. You need to stay focused with the stretches or you’ll cause yourself more pain.”

  With his left hand on her chin, he dragged her attention away from his injury. “My shoulder isn’t in pain right now, Lu. However, I can’t say the same for another place of my anatomy.”

  He waited patiently for her innocent mind to catch up with his fiendish one wallowing in the gutter. To no avail. “I don’t understand, where are you in pain?”

  He hitched his left brow and quirked up a corner of his mouth in the universal smirk that said, “I’m thinkin’ dirty.” Now she’d get it in three…two…one…

  A slight widening of those light gray eyes and a sudden interest in the ceiling above his head told him he was right on the money. He would’ve laughed at how charming he found the blush in her cheeks, but he wasn’t exactly in the laughing mood. Nope. His mind had already hopped onto the one track that was headed straight for trouble. The fun kind.

  “I know I’m not your type, Reid. You don’t have to make things up to make me feel better about myself. I’m a big girl.”

  Was she fucking serious? She didn’t think he was turned on by her? Now that was enough to piss him right the hell off. Abandoning the stupid stretch, he grabbed her ass in both hands and pulled her into his body.


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