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Fight to the Top

Page 27

by S. L. Gape

“Julia?” Georgia scoffed. “What are you doing here?” Georgia asked sheepishly, looking back to Erika.

  “Well, I figured you needed a friend with everything that had been going on. So, I got Derek to give me a week off so I could come over and surprise you.” She smiled, rushing over to Georgia and giving her a hug. “I guess you must be Erika?” she said, holding out her hand.

  “Hi,” Erika said rigidly. “Umm, I’ll leave you guys to it since we’re finished with the meeting. Nice to meet you…um?”

  “Sorry,” Georgia said awkwardly. “Erika, this is Julia, the marketing director from my office. Jules, as you’ve just worked out…this is Erika,” she added, feeling weird. She had no idea that Julia was coming, nor why. And she could feel the tension, but more importantly, she could see the sadness in Erika’s eyes. It couldn’t have happened at a worse time. Georgia turned to Erika as she was leaving. “Erm, I’ll come find you this afternoon and we can finish off?”

  “It’s okay, you go and enjoy some time together. I’d finished what I needed to say,” she said and walked out of the door.

  Fuck. Georgia thought as she watched the woman leave.

  “So, how’s it going? Hope you don’t mind me coming. FYI, I am not here as the trademark bunny boiler!” she stated. “I have literally come as a friend. I was worried about you, and then when Derek returned and told me what had been going on, I figured you needed one right now? I haven’t booked anywhere to stay, it…well it was all a bit last minute. But you said when you arrived I could crash in one of your spare rooms when I came over? If that invitation is still open, I would like to take it up. If um…well there isn’t going to be any issue. Just that that seemed somewhat awkward,” she finished, pointing to the door where Erika had just left.

  Georgia wondered what she meant. “Yes, that’s fine. But I can’t get out to take you back, and it’s quite far, so I don’t really know…”

  “George, George, its fine. I know you’re working and I don’t need babysitting. I’ve booked into a spa for the day. I figured what better way to start my holiday than a relaxing day of pampering. Hopefully, by a hot American.” She winked.

  “Right,” Georgia giggled. “Got it all planned out, haven’t you?” She smiled. “Thanks for coming to check on me, Jules. That’s very kind. Last week made things much better,” she said sadly, only lying a little.

  “Excellent, I’m glad for that. I was worried about you. Okay, if I’m alright leaving this case in your office, I’ll come back. What around six?” Julia asked.

  “Yeah, that’s fine. Come on, I’ll take you up to my office, you can dump it there.”


  “Hey. You got a minute?” Georgia asked, knocking on Erika’s door.

  “Sure…Erm, sorry yeah, come in. So, the girlfriend came out, huh?” Georgia went to speak and before she had a chance, Erika stopped her. “I’m sorry. That was idiotic and childish. Clearly, I’m shit at all forms of well, everything. I’m sorry I was out of line for saying that, it’s none of my business,” she said, avoiding eye contact and inwardly shaking herself for her own stupidity. “Look, I was serious earlier. I’d finished. I just wanted to tell you again I was sorry. I just wanted to say I hope you knew I had and will forever regret it. Regardless of what you think or feel but it’s done, there’s nothing I can do to change it. The only thing further I would have said was my mom said to say thanks for the room and she enjoyed spending some time with you. She thought you were lovely,” Erika finished. “Anyways, if you need to go be with your, um…Julia, it’s fine. I can pick up here. It’s gone well as anticipated, deathly silent with them all,” she added, smiling a small smile.

  “That’s nice, I really liked her too. And she does do the best pasta. For the record, I have said and I will say again, I am not in a relationship. Not with Julia, not with anyone. I’m single, and I don’t know why she came over. She said she was concerned after speaking to me a couple weeks back, and then Derek when he returned. But I didn’t speak to her at all last week, so maybe she was concerned things got worse? I don’t honestly know. But she is just a concerned friend. That’s all, not because we’re together.”

  “Well maybe she wants to be, maybe that’s why she’s here. She’s cute, you should do it. Like you said, had this whole moving to the other side of the Atlantic BS not happened, you don’t know where things would have ended up. She could be the one. Twelve…” she stopped, looking up to Georgia for the first time, forcing a smile. “Sorry, nine months, ain’t a long time at all, and absence makes the heart grow fonder, after all,” she said, trying to force a smile again, looking away from Georgia again.

  Georgia went to say something and stopped herself, rubbing her eyes. “Thanks for your time and this morning, the meeting I mean. I’ll catch up with you in a bit,” she said, admitting defeat and leaving.

  “You idiot,” Erika said quietly to herself when Georgia had left. Seriously, what was that? she thought as she hit her head with her hand. Why the hell had she done that? She was so lame.

  Chapter Sixty-Six

  “My God, George, this place is immense! Shit,” Julia said, looking around with Georgia. “Which room do you want me to put my case in?” she asked, stopping and spinning around. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that like insinuating spare or yours. I didn’t. As I said, it’s not why I’m here. I meant which spare room?” she said.

  “Chill…the…hell…out! I didn’t think you meant that. They are both spare, so take your pick.” She smiled. “So, you fancy a pool party and barbecue with some beers?”

  “Shit yeah, Manc was raining when I left. Although, I’m jet lagged to hell, I managed to sleep half the day in the spa,” she said, eyes gleaming.

  “You are as loopy as ever. Come on, let’s go and party in the pool.” She smiled wide.

  Georgia picked up her phone, hearing it vibrate on the side, laughing as she read the message from Emily asking who the woman was?

  “Hot bit of stuff,” Julia said looking at the phone.

  “Shut up! My neighbour inquiring as to whom the mystery woman was?” she laughed, raising her eyes.

  “Wow, nosey here ehy?” she laughed.

  Georgia took Julia outside and lit the barbecue. They both got in the pool with their beers and enjoyed the early evening sun, discussing everything that had been going on back at home.

  “Seriously, I’m starting to think I should have thrown myself at you earlier. I could happily live this lifestyle.”

  “Shut up,” Georgia splashed her friend.


  The last of the sun was just disappearing in the distance. “I know I keep saying it,” Julia slurred. “But, seriously this is incredible.”

  “Yeah, yeah I know. You’ve told me at least four times.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s the jet lag. It’s got me drunker than what I would normally be. Oh, and the drinking in the sun. It always gets me pissed quicker. But check this out, look at my tan line,” she leaned back, lowering her bikini bottom at the waistband ever so slightly. “I’m glad I came to check on you, so I can get a week of this,” she said pointing to the fading sun. “With a pool to myself whilst you’re at work every day, happy days!” she said seriously.

  “Yeah, alright for some ehy? I’ve not even had a chance to chill out around the pool yet, but this weekend I have the perfect excuse now,” she said, pushing Julia playfully.

  “Or you could always take a sickie?” she hiccupped.

  “Erm, yeah my first proper day without no disasters. I think I need to get my arse into gear with this working project, so you’ll have to entertain yourself,” she laughed.

  “Hmmm, that’s a shame.” She winked. “Right, I am feeling very intoxicated, and seeing you lay there half naked and clearly, um…cold,” she giggled. “I think I should go to bed, before I try to jump your bones,” she said, looking at Georgia.

  Georgia covered her breasts with her hands, feigning shock. She was drunk her
self and knew it wasn’t a good idea to go back there, least of all not now. “Yes, well, now that you’ve virtually professed your undying love just to get into my cool new home, I think it will only end up in disaster for sure,” she giggled.

  “Undying love my arse, I was merely talking about a fuck buddy for the week. Just like before you left,” she said bluntly, causing Georgia to spit her drink out.

  “You are so bad,” she said, walking to her phone to see who was texting her now.

  Hi, didn’t want to call, figured you’d be busy entertaining. Could we have the afternoon together tomorrow? I have an idea for Fort Worth, and think your expertise will be perfect. Apologies for disturbing you, have a good evening! Thanks, Erika.

  Georgia read the message a couple of times, shaking her head at the…professionalism to it.

  “Everything okay? Who’s the text from? It certainly looks to have sobered you up?” Julia questioned.

  “Oh, it’s nobody, just work. So, where were we? Fuck buddy eh?” Georgia smirked, knowing full well she was about to make a big mistake. She pushed Erika to the back of her mind and kissed Julia regardless.

  Chapter Sixty-Seven

  Erika was kicking herself for being such an idiot and sending the message. She hadn’t been lying, she’d had an amazing idea which she did think was great. In reality, it could have waited until tomorrow to discuss. All because she couldn’t stand the idea of Georgia with that woman, but it wasn’t her place to say anything. She was single after all. Jesus, they had a couple of kisses for goodness sake. She’d known the woman a couple of weeks and hated her the first week. She rested her head against the back of her couch and closed her eyes tight, wondering if this what it had come to. A single, thirty-eight-year-old mom, who jumps on every lesbian that shows her a little bit of interest or takes a second glance at her? She couldn’t be that person. She had never needed to be in a relationship, and she wasn’t afraid to be single, as she never had been. She’d always been a strong, independent woman. So why the fuck was she acting so dumb over this one?

  Picking up her phone she looked at the message. She could see it had been read over ten minutes ago, so she was clearly otherwise engaged, Erika thought sadly. Great, now you’re acting like a stalker, she thought to herself.

  Erika felt so lonely. Her daughter was in bed and she now had nobody else left. She picked up her phone and typed a message to Taylor, asking if she’d like to come over for dinner the following day, because she hated feeling alone. She did need to consider the prospect of moving back home closer to her family. She was Italian. They didn’t do alone, and they did big families.

  Taylor responded, straight away confirming, and asking if Erika was okay. Apparently, she hadn’t sounded it. It amazed her that Taylor could tell if she was down even over a text. She wasn’t about to text telling her she wasn’t. So, she responded with fine and they’d talk tomorrow. Feeling deflated and beaten, she gave up and decided to just go to bed. It wasn’t particularly late, but she wasn’t up for sitting and dwelling on things that were now out of her control. She grabbed some water and used her phone to search local things to do. She decided then and there she needed to start going out a little more. If she could get a couple activities to do through the week, she would be able to meet new people. Not for dating purposes, but maybe she could meet some more friends. She was always so preoccupied with work or her daughter that she’d never had any time for anything else. But it was time she made some changes to her life. Erika made a pact with herself that she was going to do stuff, start living a little, and make the most of this new life she had.

  Chapter Sixty-Eight

  Georgia was laid on her bed, looking at the ceiling in the dark room. She felt shit. No, she felt worse than shit. She didn’t fuck about and play games with people. So why the hell did she decide to start tonight? And more so, faking? Really? She couldn’t remember the last time she’d faked an orgasm. She looked over to Julia, quietly sleeping naked next to her. At least she hadn’t been selfish and had seemingly gave her a good time. The problem was, her mind was in other places. And unfortunately, when it came to Julia wanting to repay the favour, she couldn’t do it. She closed her eyes and saw Erika, which was turning her on immensely. But then she’d think better of it, and open her eyes and see Julia and she didn’t want that either. Why did this woman have such an effect on her? This wasn’t good, and the more she knew she couldn’t, the more it compounded the situation. Georgia thought back to the night they went out, and she couldn’t help but recall the feeling when she looked up from her phone to see Erika stood in front of her. There was no denying the woman was incredibly beautiful, stunning in fact. She recalled leaving the hotel, walking out in the cool evening air with the slightest breeze blowing her long, black, straight hair to one side. She remembered thinking then she could have been off some bloody L’Oréal advert. Georgia virtually had to hold onto the rail to keep her legs from giving way. Yet incredulously, this incredibly beautiful woman didn’t see what she saw. She had so little confidence, and that ate Georgia up inside, because to her she was the most perfect being she had ever met. Recalling the end of the night stood outside her room. Georgia thought back to her words kiss me already. Erika had taken complete control then, and she knew it. Her words and the way she spoke them. Her accent, god that accent she thought, and then the feel of her bare back. Shit, she wished she’d had a chance to appreciate that body. Georgia could feel her senses stirring, and knew it was wrong. Why was this happening to her? Why couldn’t she have just kept it professional? Not gotten with Julia? Anything would have been better than this.

  She picked up her phone and read the message again. Georgia began typing, and then stopped. This woman was getting under her skin, and she just couldn’t stop thinking about her. She stopped herself, knowing it was wrong and deleted the words. Looking over at Julia again, she was embroiled in the guilt she was feeling. She’d never felt guilt about having sex before, and she never slept with anybody that there could be issues or dramas with. Well not for the last twenty years. She had enough stress in her professional life, and the last thing she needed was it in her personal life too. Georgia picked up her phone again, knowing she just had to bite the bullet. She wasn’t going to get any sleep whilst she kept thinking of Erika and feeling guilty.

  Hey up, you could have called. You wouldn’t have been disturbing me. We just had barbecue and enjoyed the weather and pool, us Brits aren’t as lucky as you guys. Sounds interesting, can’t wait to hear it. Yes, I have all day free, so I’m all yours G

  Too nicey nicey, she thought. Unquestionably guilt ridden too. Too flirty…‘all yours’? but she couldn’t just ignore it all anymore. Despite how royally she may have fucked up tonight.

  It was bizarre, the whole situation was. Three weeks ago, she didn’t know the woman. Two weeks ago, was being bullied by the woman. A week ago, kissing the woman. Now, lying next to a woman who up until a month ago, she’d been happily sleeping with. And was now feeling guilty going back there because of the reason for doing it. Jesus, she was one nonstop soap opera. Georgia had prostituted herself. That was it. She’d shagged Julia in a bid to stop thinking about Erika, and ultimately made her think about her more and was now feeling guilty towards both women. Great, this was a new one even for her. I’m a bloody prostitute! she thought, shaking her head to herself. Georgia was out of order for what she’d done to Julia, and they couldn’t drink again. It wasn’t fair, but maybe she wouldn’t care. She said she wanted a fuck buddy after all. Surely fuck buddies didn’t only have one fuck buddy? Otherwise it would have just been a relationship, wouldn’t it? Shit, this was doing her own head in now. Georgia noticed the grey dots appear and couldn’t help but feel nervous as she waited patiently for the response.


  Erika didn’t know how to read the message. She was being flat yet jovial, yet she couldn’t help but feel jealous over the fact that Julia was sitting there with Georgia. That incredi
ble body in a bikini, she sighed, thinking back to the first day at Fort Worth when she spotted her in the bikini. God, she had an incredible body. Then when she was doing that stupid swim for Dulcie’s benefit. And how the bottoms had raised slightly, giving Erika a little more flesh to look at, that amazing ass. She could feel herself getting aroused. She read the last part again. Was she flirting? I’m all yours. Was it a euphemism? What was she doing? Was she drunk and flirting with her? Had she forgiven her? Or was she just merely saying that she could have that time tomorrow? Stop acting like a kid, she scolded herself.

  Erika began typing, before deleting it and rewriting. This happened at least four times before she finally knew what to write.

  Well as I said, I didn’t want to disturb, out of work time and all that!! Glad you enjoyed the weather, it was a lovely evening for it. I think you’ll like the idea actually. Honestly, if you didn’t have company, I’d be tempted to call you regarding it. All mine? I guess I should feel privileged. You should get back to your friend and stop texting me. E

  Very noble of you ;) I told you to call! However, now I’m intrigued and excitably awaiting tomorrow afternoon. It was a lovely evening and I made some beautiful grilled lamb kebabs with pitta. Hmmm. I was very impressed with my little self. You should feel privileged indeed. It’s ok, she’s in bed, jet lag. Gx

  Wore her out, huh? ;)

  Georgia read the message that was back within milliseconds, sighing. Why the hell had she done it? If she told her, it would go bad, and Erika wouldn’t have wanted to know her at all. But if she didn’t then she was lying to her, doing exactly what she was pissed with her for. And she hated lies.

  Sorry, I’m an ass

  Yes, you are! But a cute one ;) and have a very cute one actually x

  Hmmm you think ,huh? Nicely avoided. ;) X


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