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Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4)

Page 13

by Brittany Crowley

  A mother freaking penthouse!

  “Holy shit…” The entire living room walls are made up of windows. Being on the top floor and in the heart of Vegas I see everything! Not that I know what anything is but still, the view is gorgeous and I can’t imagine waking up to this view every morning.

  “Awesome huh?” Kyle wraps his arms around my waist from behind and I melt back into his body.

  “I can’t believe you live here! A tabloid said you lived in a mansion outside the strip. Er… or so I’ve heard.”

  Kyle laughs and pulls me tighter. “I do but I prefer to stay here during fights because I’m closer to where I train and all the media outlets. It’s just easier. If you don’t think this is good for Gabe we can stay at the house…”

  “No this is fine! He’ll love the view! Maybe you can show me your house while we’re out here too, I’d love to see where you live when you aren’t home.”

  “Of course, Gabe will love that place more because it has a pool right outside the back door, not one you have to take an elevator 30 floors to get too.”

  “I’m sure he won’t care.” I laugh.

  “We need to eat quick and then get ready.”

  “I just wanna call Gabe really quick. My Mom’s still a little hesitant on how to work facetime but Gabe knows how to do it.”

  I pull out my phone and dial my mom’s number. It rings and rings with no answer and I groan out in frustration. I know they’re home, she just text me saying they just finished dinner. I try again and the phone finally connects and I’m met with the smiling face of my handsome boy.


  “Hey baby! Are you having fun with Grammy?”

  “Yes, we went to the Inn for a while then she took me to the zoo! There were these monkeys with jacked up butts.”

  I laugh and hear Kyle chuckling to my side as he approaches. When he comes into view on the phone Gabe goes crazy.

  “DAD! Dad, can you see me?” He gets his face crazy close so we can only see his eye.

  “I can see you and I miss you like crazy!”

  “You guys are babies. I saw you last night.”

  “You don’t miss me at all?” I question.

  “Oh god, here comes the water works.” Kyle whispers while laughing and pulls me close.

  “Maybe a little. I’m a man now Mom and men don’t miss their moms.”

  “Okay, you be a big strong man and I’ll talk to you tomorrow okay. Love you.”

  “Love you little man.”

  “Bye!” He goes to hang up but comes close again. “Love you guys too.” He gives us a big toothy smile before hanging up the phone.

  “Deep breaths babe.”

  “He doesn’t miss me!” I whine but know it’s a good thing. I’d rather have him happy with my Mom than a terror saying he wants me every two seconds.

  The doorbell rings and Kyle runs to get it. He comes back a few minutes later with a small package in hand.

  “What’s that?”

  “No clue. It was delivered downstairs and its addressed to you.” He shakes it and it doesn’t make a lot of noise. When he pulls it open I try to grab it because it’s addressed to me!

  “I need to make sure its safe babe, anyone could have dropped it off.” He takes what appear to be pictures out of the box and throws them right back in. “Motherfucker!”

  “What? What is it Kyle?” I try to lean over but he shuts the box.

  “Believe me…” He looks at me with a panicked look on his face. “You don’t want to see what’s in here.”

  “What is it?” I inquire again, it has to be bad.

  Kyle pulls out a note after looking inside carefully. He reads it over and crumples it in his hands and throws it across the room. I run for it even though he yells for me to stop. After picking it up and straightening it out I read it.

  To the infamous Sophie Frankel, the woman who took our Reckless off the market. Ha, I can’t write that with a straight face. I wanted you to know what you’re getting yourself into… have at it doll. -Gibby

  “Kyle, what’s in the box?”

  “I told you you’re not seeing it.”

  “It’s of you and other women isn’t it?” I take a deep breath because I really don’t need him to answer.


  I walk to the windows as anger starts to swirl inside of me. How dare these people try to tear us apart! What did I ever do to them to warrant such nasty behavior?

  “I’m sorry Sophie, I just…”

  “You have nothing to apologize for Kyle. This isn’t your fault.” But I can’t turn to face him thinking of the twins in the car from earlier.

  “It’s because I’ve been a complete asshole for the past several years. Seeing what’s in that box is a real eye opener for me. I’ll understand if you want to go home.”

  I turn and face him. “Why would I do that?”

  “Because everywhere we turn there’s someone trying to cut us down. How much more can you take? I’m waiting for you to realize I’m not worth it and run for the hills.”

  “Kyle don’t ever think that. You are completely worth it and I love you. Don’t forget that or lose sight of us while we’re here. We came in strong and we’re going to leave even stronger.”

  He kisses my lips gently and grabs my hand. “Let’s go eat at least. The foods probably cold by now.”

  “I got a salad it’s all good.” I wink at him and he smiles back.

  Vegas may be winning at this point but nothing will break us apart.



  My blood boils as Gibson comes out from behind the curtain and joins me on the couch with a smile on his face. Son of a bitch! I’m gonna give Maggie a piece of my mind for not giving me a little warning. No one told me Gibson was going to be sitting next to me on this uncomfortable as fuck couch sounding off with me about the fight. He made sure to get extra close to the point our legs are practically touching and I want to punch him so bad as I clench and unclench my fists. All the pictures I saw in the box he sent earlier fly through my mind and I fear for his safety if he comes at me the wrong way.

  “Gibby, tell us what your approach is going into the fight?” The popular television host asks.

  “I plan on exploiting all of Kyle’s weaknesses.” He winks then smiles at the camera causing me to laugh. I’m sure he was trying to shine light on my weaknesses earlier.

  “That’s funny. You can’t use weaknesses against me if I have none.”

  The audience starts getting rowdy, I know they’re hoping for some action and I’m willing to give them a little show to amp the fight up next week.

  “Really, none Reckless? No weaknesses?”

  “Not unless you count your rank breath as one.” The crowd starts laughing.

  “Not even Sophie?”

  My head flies to face him and I could wipe the smug look right off his face. The look should show that he needs to shut the fuck up. Other than that photo Sophie released, I haven’t talked about her or Gabe publicly. Sophie was right, the photogs have died down a bit since the picture was released but they haven’t stopped all together. I give him a smug smile back letting him know his little package earlier didn’t do as it was intended.

  “You’re kidding yourself if you think she’s a weakness.”

  “Or Gabe.” He continues and my fists start to clench again.

  Looking over to where Sophie’s sitting in the audience I see the look of shock on her face. I look over and see Maggie mouth go with it.

  Thank god, the host intervenes. “Sophie’s the woman that’s finally tamed the wild playboy? America wants to know if you’re off the market for good Kyle.”


  “I can answer that one for you…” Gibson looks over at me. “He didn’t get the name Reckless for nothing. I’m sure he’s got a chick in every state he visits, we all know our boy.” He slaps my shoulder laughing.

  “Shut the fuck up man.” I shouldn’
t be swearing on television but they can go in and bleep it out later.

  “What? I’m just saying what everyone’s thinking Ky. Do you really think the man that could blow through numerous women in one night can be truly satisfied with one? Remember after your last win? We shared those ring girls… good times man. And don’t even get me started on that kid. It’s great that you’ve suddenly had an insta-family when your career was going to shit, huh?”

  “Let’s do this.” I get up and dare Gibson to face me. He just laughs like I’m the funniest thing in the world and continues talking to the host about some stupid bullshit. I can’t take anymore and walk off the set. It was either that or I was gonna get kicked out of the league for beating the shit out of him right there. I’m in my dressing room for 30 seconds when Maggie barges through the door.

  “What the fuck Cage, you have to finish the interview!”

  “No way, he went too far. You actually want me to make it to the fight without messing up his pretty boy face, don’t you?”

  “Listen Kyle, wait for the commercial break and jump back in there. You need to do this, there’s a contract.”

  “Fuck the contract, I won’t let him talk about or belittle mine and Soph’s relationship.”

  “I knew she shouldn’t have fucking come with us!”

  “You too?” I’m about to give her a piece of my mind when I hear Gibson say Sophie’s name on the tv screen in my dressing room.

  “There she is ladies and gentleman! The woman that “tamed” our boy. The fat bitch…”

  And I see red.



  “…the fat bitch he’s obligated to fuck because she had his kid? He’ll get tired of her like he does the rest of them. You’ll have your Reckless back in no time ladies and gentleman. Like I said, that man can’t be tamed… let alone by that.”

  The interview plays over and over in my head. How can someone be so cruel to a person they don’t know? I’ve never met Kyle’s opponent and before coming here the girls gave me pep talks on how bad the feuds can be between the fighters. But putting me and Gabe down… that’s not okay with me. Doesn’t anyone have a moral code anymore? Of course not, this is Vegas.

  Watching Kyle storm the stage and be pulled back by security has my anxiety through the roof. He yelled for Maggie to get me out of there and I’m just hoping he’s okay as he’s being hauled off the set.

  That leads me to now. I’m in a car with Maggie going god knows where and have no clue what’s going on with Kyle. Did he get arrested? I have no clue and Maggie will barely tell me anything other than I shouldn’t be here.

  “Stop here.” I see a bar with a giant neon guitar on the front. Really, I just need some liquor and fast. Being humiliated on national television warrants a shot or seven.

  “Kyle wanted me to take you home.”

  “Maggie, so help me god pull this car over right now! You can leave but I’m going in there and having a drink.” I don’t need to tell her I plan on bypassing drink number one in the first two minutes of walking through the door.

  “Fine but Ky’s gonna kick my ass.”

  “Poor you.” I snarl.

  She cuts the engine and notices me glaring at her. Hearing how Kyle talked about her back home made her sound like a god send. She’s saved his career on more than one occasion because of all the shit he’s pulled through the years. But the vibe I’ve gotten from her today is not a good one. I think she’s more cut-throat than Preston and that’s saying a lot because he had some hefty shoes to fill.

  “Alright. We can go in but don’t say I didn’t warn you. I’m obligated to tell him where you are.”

  I glare at her and she raises her hands in defeat before opening her door. Pushing my door open I revel in the fresh air until the warm mugginess makes me realize we’re definitely not at home. I don’t wait for her as she pulls her phone to her ear and walk straight into the bar. The alcohol’s calling me like a beacon. Drink me Sophie. We’ll make you forget. But at the same time the bitch in my head is telling me that everyone looking my way knows who I am and that the fat bitch has arrived. Fuck, where’s the bar?

  My ass finds a stool and I quickly order two shots of patron and a strawberry margarita. Pounding the first shot I gasp for air. I don’t remember it burning so bad in college. Maggie’s boney fingers snake around the other shot before I slap them away and down it. “Get your own alcohol bitch.” I mumble before taking a sip of my drink trying to tame the flames in my throat.

  “I see what Preston’s been talking about.”

  “What do you mean?” I sigh. She’s really going to be a damper on my drinking if she doesn’t shut the fuck up.

  “You’ve been through a lot since Kyle made it big. You’re a Mom.”

  You’re a Mom. As if that explains everything in the universe. “What the hell does being a Mom have to do with anything?”

  “Apparently nothing. Listen.” She turns my stool to face her and I growl. “Down girl, we need to have a little chat.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “As the head of Kyle’s PR team, I’m obligated to make you see a few things. One, as Kyle’s girlfriend there’s a certain level of class everyone’s expecting.”

  “Wait a second, are you saying I’m acting trashy?”

  “Number two…” I guess that’s a yes and my blood starts to boil. “He’s worked damn hard to get where he is. Sacrificed being away from home and putting everything he has into his career. I’d hate to see all that hard work fizzle out because his girl can’t handle criticism. Not to mention how much work I’ve put in and I refuse to let it be for nothing.”

  “Criticism? That dick called me a fat bitch and said Gabe might not be Kyle’s! How am I supposed to just take that Maggie? Tell me because I’d really love to know.”

  I down another two shots the bartender places in front of me and the warmth is spreading through my belly and I’m starting to mellow out. “Actually don’t, I don’t care what the hell you think.”

  After taking a healthy gulp of my margarita, I look up and see that asshole Trip Gibson on the television and I need a release. I need to do something to take my mind off all the bullshit and something that preferably gets me away from the asshole next to me. I go to jump off my stool and Maggie pulls my arm back before I can leave. “Don’t fuck this up for him Soph.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it sweetheart.” I put a fake as hell smile on my face and walk towards the stage where a woman’s singing a song that’s been plastered all over the radio.

  While I’m waiting for her to finish I tell the DJ what song I’m going to sing. You don’t know this about me but I freaking love karaoke! There’s something about freeing yourself on stage and pretending to be someone else. Nothing compares and the high I get is like no other. But while I’m waiting it also gives me a few minutes to reflect. I’d never do anything to jeopardize Kyle’s career. I know how much he wanted this life, saw him fight for a chance by devoting his life to it. I used to go to the gym with him all the time and watch him train. If anyone knows the determination he had to be a fighter it’s me.

  Am I making this transition hard on him? He has a fight soon and I’m sure he doesn’t need all this stress or the press it’s causing. Savvy told me there’s a learning curve out here and I should have taken her more seriously. Not having anyone I know here besides Kyle has been tough. Sure, the girls are here. But they’ve been off with their husbands. I need to call them tomorrow for some moral support and to talk about what happened. I can’t really vent my frustrations to Ky because I don’t want him to know I’m having a hard time with all of this. He was so excited to show us this world and to tell him it’s not working out like he’d hoped isn’t something I’m about throw to at him.

  The opening notes for my song come on and I finally get lost in it and try to forget everything.

  At least for one night.



  I run my hand
down my face and sigh. I’m gonna fucking kill Maggie for letting her do this. My eyes search the crowd seeking her out and when I find her, my feet hurry in her direction.

  “What the fuck? I thought you were gonna get her outta there and take her somewhere safe. Half these assholes have cameras.”

  “She wanted to hit a bar and drink her humiliation away, who was I to stop her?” She looks over and smiles at me mischievously.

  “You just brought a shit ton of work upon yourself because now you can go and get all the evidence off everyone’s phones.” Her face drops at that revelation as she slides off her stool and hits up the couple next to us who have their phone pointed in Sophie’s direction.

  “Bitches on my dick, they on my dildo…”

  My head snaps to the stage in front of me where I see my girl gyrating about sex toys on stage. Shit this is funny and I can’t help the smile that forms on my lips from appearing but I know I need to stop this. It’d be wrong to let her finish this song… and another right? I pull my ball cap low so I don’t get recognized but my stature isn’t exactly easy to blend in with. I slowly make my way through the crowd to an oblivious Soph who’s clearly plastered. Why the fuck would Maggie let her drink so much? I don’t need to question that because when Soph’s on a mission, watch the hell out.

  Once I get to the stage I stand there staring up at my girl. If this were college I’d 100% take a video to use against her later but with how hard it’s been for her to fit in here, even if it’s only been a day, I can’t add another thing to the negative pile for Vegas. I want her to love my lifestyle as much as I do.

  The song comes to an end as the whole place applauds her. When she curtseys and stumbles to the ground I know it’s time to go.

  “Soph, let’s go baby.” Her eyes immediately find mine as I jump on stage and pick her up in my arms. Careful to keep my back to the crowd, I walk down the steps and head for the exit.


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