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The Spellbinding Courtship: Calatini Tales Book 0.5

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by Katherine Dotterer

  The lady's eyes widened. "Oh!"

  Obviously, the lady did know Father's title. Not surprising since Calatini only had twelve duchies. Would she fawn now that she knew who he was? Hopefully not. Aragon asked again, "And your name?"

  The lady smoothed her sandy-brown hair. Her tone polite but not fawning, she asked, "What's a wealthy duke's heir doing visiting a brothel near the docks? Surely there are better establishments elsewhere."

  A glow filled his chest at her forthright manner. Most ladies would have begun flirting once they knew about his influential family. He must learn more about this intriguing lady. But to do that, he must reveal why he was here. That should reassure her enough to talk.

  So he coughed and gestured toward his drenched riding clothes. "My favorite tavern in Ormas, The Gold Griffin, is down the street. I was returning to the stables when the rain worsened, so I came inside to escape the deluge." He quirked a wry smile. "Paid twenty gold for the privilege too."

  The lady gaped at him. "You paid twenty gold?"

  Aragon almost winced. Perhaps he shouldn't have mentioned that. Such an amount would be staggering to a poor gentry miss. "I thought it steep, but never having visited, I was unaware that included the company of a lady." To coax her to talk, he smiled at her then added, "A genuine one, even."

  A blush darkening her freckled cheeks, the lady eyed him through her lashes. "Your favorite tavern is down the street, and you've never visited here? Are you married or betrothed?"

  He almost smiled. She'd not ask that unless he intrigued her too. "No, I'm unattached." Although a lady like her could change that.

  She frowned and tilted her head. "I thought all unattached gentlemen in Ormas visited brothels."

  Aragon tensed and straightened his soaked waistcoat. "Not all of them." He forced a shrug. "I feel lovemaking should be more than recreation."

  Her eyes wide, the lady blinked at him but said nothing.

  He shifted in his seat. But his opinion about lovemaking was irrelevant—they must return to her. He leaned toward her with a gentle smile. "Please, my lady, tell me your name."

  The adorable lady licked her lips then replied at last, "Miss Selena Midor, from Upper Ashville in Linwick."

  Aragon blinked. The mountainous Linwick duchy was across Calatini on the eastern border, and since she named herself from her village, she'd only left recently. So why was a lady fresh from the country at an Ormas brothel? Shouldn't her family be presenting her at court? He grasped her hand and kissed her fingers. "A pleasure, Miss Midor. Now, why's a genuine lady like yourself visiting a brothel near the docks?"

  Selena sighed then mumbled, "Because I must dispose of my virginity, and a brothel seemed the safest place to do so."

  He frowned. A brothel wasn't a safe place for a lady. Anyone could exploit her here. So what had compelled her to risk it? "Are your parents proposing an unwanted marriage?"

  Selena shook her head, her voice breaking, "No, my parents died last year. Wraith flu." Most common in winter, wraith flu drained people to pale shades of themselves but was rarely fatal. The strain her parents had contracted must have been unusually virulent.

  When she blinked back tears with a tremulous smile, his heart stilled at her grief. He squeezed her hands. If only he could do more. "Selena, I'm so sorry for your loss."

  Selena nodded at his platitude then said, "I'm alone except for my uncle. He sold the family estate in Linwick and brought us to Ormas, but life here has been expensive." She hesitated for a breath before adding, "So he hired a black witch to generate funds. The black witch intends to auction my virginity and gather power from my rape."

  Aragon clutched her hands, ice skittering across his skin. Dear Goddess. "What?!"

  Selena grimaced. "Since I've no magic to foil the black witch, I decided the best way to escape being raped was to no longer be a virgin. So here I am."

  He gaped at her, caressing her palms with his thumbs. Goddess, she was brave to risk such a plan, especially with a black witch involved. But surely a brothel wasn't her only option. "Why not just become a governess in another household?"

  Selena shrugged. "I intend to once I'm no longer a virgin. My uncle and his black witch would hunt for me otherwise. My virginity would fetch too high a price and generate too much power for them to lose."

  Aragon scowled. He should have realized that. Such greedy curs wouldn't stop pursuing her unless she was worthless to them. So she couldn't simply slip away, and she lacked the means to handle them herself. But he could. He was no witch and couldn't vanquish the black witch directly, but he could hire people to do so.

  Warmth flooded his chest as he studied Selena. And such a brave lady deserved his protection. So he must do everything he could to help her escape the black witch and her uncle. No matter the cost or potential scandal for rescuing a lady from a brothel.

  Nibbling her lip, Selena slanted him a shy glance. "Now that you understand the circumstances, will you make love to me? Please? You're much better than I ever dreamt I'd find here."

  He squeezed her hands again. She was more tempting than a singing siren, but he couldn't steal the gift she should bestow on the gentleman she loved. "I can't, but I'll aid you another way."

  Selena sagged back with a sigh. "How?"

  He studied their entwined hands. How indeed? "By ensuring your uncle and his black witch can't touch you. But the black witch is the greater threat and must be dealt with first. What do you know of him?"

  Selena grimaced then shrugged. "Not much. Uncle Adan never spoke his name but mentioned the black witch possesses the reputation for generating gold from dross. The black witch's coloring is similar to yours, but his hair isn't as dark, his eyes are blacker, and his skin is pale like he rarely sees the sun. And he's lanky with a scraggly beard beginning to gray."

  Aragon frowned. Too bad she hadn't a name. Finding the black witch without one would take time. But perhaps Adan Midor would lead them to him. "Not a lot to go on, but Devon has people who investigate matters for him, and he'll lend me some if I ask."

  Selena's brow furrowed. "Devon?"

  "King Devon," he replied without thinking. When she wrenched her hands free, he winced. He'd not meant to unnerve her. How could he explain? "We're cousins and best friends."

  Selena tensed and licked her lips. "Cousins? Are you in line for the throne?"

  Aragon almost shuddered. Being a duke's heir was more than enough. "Thankfully, no. My father and his mother were merely second cousins."

  Stiff as a gorgon's victim turned to stone, Selena eyed him and said nothing.

  He leaned toward her, his stomach tight. Would she treat him naturally again? "Devon is only two years older, and we grew up together. As children, we even spent our summers running wild on my family's country estate."

  Selena still didn't speak, but the tension freezing her body softened.

  Relaxing as well, Aragon captured her hands again. "We're as close now as we were as children, so Devon shan't mind lending me some of his people to unearth the black witch."

  Selena sighed. "Very well. Can the king's people truly find the black witch?"

  Aragon squeezed her hands. "Yes, but it may take some time considering our scant information." Unfortunately. And she couldn't return to her uncle while the black witch was free. "Is the madam here trustworthy enough to hide you?"

  Selena arched her brows. "If someone paid her. Why?"

  He shrugged. "You'll require a refuge from your uncle while Devon's people hunt for the black witch." He grimaced and shook his head. "I'd bring you home, but Mother wouldn't be able to resist exhibiting you to court. Plus, rumors about the lady she was presenting might start and allow your uncle and his black witch to find you."

  Selena gaped at him. "You want to bring me home? To your family?"

  Aragon leaned toward her with a warm smile. "Of course, but after the black witch is handled." When she continued to stare, he added, "It'll be entirely proper. Mother shall present you to court
and help you find a husband. Then you can permanently escape your uncle."

  Selena tilted her head. "But why would you do all that for me? We just met—in a brothel no less."

  His neck heating, he shrugged. "Because you deserve help. And I admire your brave attempt to escape your uncle and his black witch." Her allure influenced him as well, but he couldn't mention that.

  Silent, Selena blinked at him.

  Aragon gulped a breath then stood and pulled her upright with her captured hands. "Shall we visit the madam and get your temporary lodgings arranged?"

  Chapter 5

  Selena stared up at Lord Treyvan. How had she gone from imminent trollop to championed maiden? He seemed determined to rescue her without taking her virginity. Her heart warmed. He was more perfect than she'd first thought.

  She licked her tender lips. Yet despite her attraction, his real kiss had overwhelmed her. Clearly, she required love before she could bed anyone. She must abandon her desperate plan, so his aid was goddess-sent.

  She beamed and squeezed his hands. He was the best gentleman she'd ever met. If only they'd fallen in love within moments of meeting, like her parents had. "Very well. Madam Lorelei's study is downstairs. I hope she's there rather than with a patron."

  Lord Treyvan winced and smoothed back his seal-brown hair. "Me too." He threaded her arm through his. "Lead the way."

  As they strode downstairs, they both kept their gazes straight ahead. She almost smiled. At least she wasn't the only one embarrassed by the explicit sounds coming from the other rooms.

  When they began down the almost tasteful hall leading to Madam Lorelei's study, Lord Treyvan murmured, "Let me lead."

  Selena nodded then swallowed and rapped on the carob-brown door. She sighed when Madam Lorelei replied. Hunting for the madam throughout the brothel during its busiest hours would be hideous.

  Lord Treyvan winked at Selena then swept her into the madam's study.

  Madam Lorelei arched her brows at them. "Done so soon? Again?"

  Lord Treyvan dropped into the plush chair before the desk and drew Selena into his lap. "No, we're just beginning."

  Selena stiffened for a moment then relaxed and curled an arm about his neck despite his sodden clothes. He must mean to convince Madam Lorelei they were lovers. Sensible. "Yes, we wanted to discuss terms with you."

  The madam beckoned for them to continue. "Go on then."

  Lord Treyvan brushed a kiss against Selena's lips. "I'm captivated by my lady here, and being a possessive gentleman, I must have exclusive rights."

  Her lips tingling, Selena couldn't halt the blush burning her face. His declaration rang with sincerity.

  Madam Lorelei glanced at her. "I believe your lady's time here was temporary."

  Selena cupped Lord Treyvan's unshaven jaw with her free hand. Another tingle darted through her. "For Lord Treyvan, I'd gladly extend it."

  Lord Treyvan kissed Selena's palm, his gaze never leaving hers. "State your price, madam."

  Selena's heart warmed at his intense stare. He acted like a gentleman desperate to possess her. No one had ever looked at her like that. Surely it couldn't be all pretend.

  Madam Lorelei's eyes gleamed. "Five gold a night."

  Although that had been Selena's monthly allowance back home, Lord Treyvan merely nodded and said, "Done."

  Selena tensed and bit the inside of her cheek. He could truly afford that? She'd protest, but Madam Lorelei might suspect their ruse. So she'd discuss that outrageous fee with the madam later. Perhaps she could recover some of his money.

  Lord Treyvan tucked hair behind her ear, causing her skin to tingle again. "This arrangement is only until I secure a townhouse for my ladylove, but while it lasts, her presence here must remain secret. If I hear rumors about either of us, I'll expect all my gold returned."

  Madam Lorelei nodded with a feline smirk. "As you like."

  Lord Treyvan's eyes narrowed, but he only said, "I believe that settles everything." He turned to Selena and arched a brow. No doubt he wanted to leave.

  So she leaned against him with a coy smile. "Shall we return upstairs, my lord?"

  Lord Treyvan nodded then swept her from Madam Lorelei's study. He was enthusiastic about their ruse. Hopefully, she was as convincing.

  As soon as they reached her temporary room, Selena released Lord Treyvan and whirled to face him with her arms fisted on her hips. "Five gold? Really?"

  Lord Treyvan shrugged. "I wanted to ensure she remained honest."

  Selena swallowed. If five gold a night meant so little to him, he must be wealthier than she'd realized. And he wanted to help a penniless country miss for some reason. Shaking her head, she plopped on the bed. "For your unborn heirs' sakes, I pray you find the black witch soon, Lord Treyvan."

  He sat beside her and took her hand. "Please, call me Aragon. Titles are senseless between lovers, even pretend ones."

  She blushed but squeezed his hand. The strong name suited him. "Then you must call me Selena."

  Aragon kissed her palm with a warm smile. "Gladly."

  Her palm tingled, and her blush deepened. Goddess, he was tempting. If only she loved him. Then he could whisk her away like Father had Mother.

  Aragon straightened then glanced about the garish room. "What should we do for the next several hours? I must stay to convince the madam of our liaison."

  Selena glanced about the room as well. She'd suggest a sketching game, but she'd no paper or pens, and they'd not find any here. She'd no cards either, so they couldn't play those. Conversing was their only option. Or kissing. She blushed harder.

  Aragon squeezed her hand, his dark-umber eyes lambent. "What would you normally do?"

  She licked her lips and willed her blush to fade. "Sketch, most likely."

  Aragon leaned toward her. "What do you like to sketch?"

  Selena shrugged. "Landscapes mostly." Although she'd enjoy sketching him as well. Then she could stare without appearing forward.

  Aragon grinned, caressing her palm with his thumb. "I'd love to see them. I've no talent myself, so those that do amaze me."

  Warmth filling her chest, she beamed back. "If I had my sketch journal, I'd gladly share them." She sighed. "But I left it at my uncle's since I only meant to be gone an evening."

  Aragon squeezed her hand again. "Besides sketching, what else do you enjoy?"

  Selena eyed their intertwined hands. He'd not moved to release her, even though they no longer had Madam Lorelei to convince. She smiled. He definitely felt the same attraction she did.

  She returned his squeeze then replied, "Riding, although I've not gone since contracting wraith flu." Her entire life had changed then. Her throat clenched, but she forced a smile. "'Tis been so long, I may have forgotten how."

  Aragon threaded his fingers through hers. "I doubt that. Once the black witch is handled, we'll go riding, and you'll remember what little you've forgotten before we leave the stables." He grinned at her. "I'll enjoy accompanying a lady who enjoys riding too. Although you must promise not to outride me."

  Selena's smile softened. He must be attempting to ease her ill-disguised grief. The dear man. "I'll make no such promise." She leaned toward him—she must learn more about such a kind and chivalrous gentleman. "What's it like being a duke's heir?"

  Aragon shifted beside her. "Not much different than being any gentleman's heir. Some extra duties like serving on the council, although not all dukes or their heirs serve. But my family has traditionally done so—I just assumed Father's seat today."

  She stilled and eyed him. The nobles on the council were second only to the king, who was also Aragon's cousin. Clearly Aragon was both influential and dedicated, but his unease indicated he'd rather discuss something else. So she exhaled then asked, "Do you live in Ormas all year?"

  Aragon relaxed, caressing her palm again. "No, only during the season. I need those months in the country to recover. I'm not sure how Devon and Mel manage to stay in Ormas the entire year."

bsp; Selena narrowed her eyes. He'd not mentioned that second name before. Who was she? "Mel?"

  Aragon shrugged. "My middle brother. He's a priest at the Great Temple. A good one too. Growing up, he spent much of his time visiting poor villagers."

  She relaxed, suppressing another blush. Why had she assumed Mel was a lady? Perhaps because all the ladies at court must desire Aragon. Not only was he handsome and heir to a wealthy duke, but he was amiable and modest too. "How many siblings do you have?"

  Aragon flashed a wry smile. "Just two brothers." He grimaced. "When I bring you home, watch out for my youngest brother, Hawke. He's a rakehell who flirts constantly."

  Her heart surged. He must admire her to warn her about his brother like that. "I've always wondered what having siblings would be like, but being surrounded by gentlemen must have overwhelmed your poor mother at times."

  Aragon chuckled. "Not Mother. She always outwits and manages everyone."

  Selena's stomach quivered. Such a formidable lady wouldn't appreciate her son forcing her to present a penniless country miss he'd met in a brothel.

  Aragon winced and pulled her to her feet. "We should practice your dancing for your presentation ball."

  She swallowed, glancing about the cramped room. He thought she must practice dancing? How exacting was his mother? "How? We've no space for proper dancing."

  Aragon drew her into his arm and twirled her in place. "We can dance in this one spot."

  Selena giggled as her tension eased. "That's not proper dancing."

  Aragon grinned and twirled her faster. "Enjoyable though."

  Tingling warmth suffusing her, she giggled again when she bumped into the bed. "We can't even manage dancing in one spot. Perhaps we'd better stop."

  Chapter 6

  Aragon drew Selena closer and continued dancing. Except he didn't want to stop. Dancing was the only proper way he could hold her in his arms. Besides, twirling in place had banished her grief about her parents that he'd provoked by mentioning Mother.


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