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The Spellbinding Courtship: Calatini Tales Book 0.5

Page 4

by Katherine Dotterer

  But then he stumbled into the chair beside the bed. He stilled and forced himself to release her. "Unfortunately, you're right. We must save our dancing until I bring you home."

  A dimple quivered in Selena's left cheek as she sank onto the bed. "I'll look forward to that."

  Warmth surging in his chest, Aragon sat beside her and took her hand. "Me too."

  Selena threaded her fingers through his then glanced away. "What's court like?"

  His hand tingling at her touch, he shrugged. "Like society everywhere, though fancier than you're accustomed to in Upper Ashville. Full of matchmaking parents, senseless gossip, and incessant intrigues."

  Selena grimaced and blew a sigh. "Society would be much better if everyone simply treated others like they want to be treated."

  Aragon's heart fluttered as he stared at her. Not many at court believed that, particularly when intent on advancing themselves. But he always had. How wonderful to meet a lady who agreed. She was nothing like Mother's candidates.

  Selena blushed, glancing at him beneath her lashes. "A naive belief, I suppose."

  Hunger burgeoned in his chest. "No, I believe the same." When she relaxed and dimpled at him, he forced himself not to kiss her. Goddess, she was spellbinding, but he couldn't exploit her trust. He was supposed to be protecting her, not seducing her. "I've stayed long enough. I should go."

  Selena sighed. "Very well."

  Aragon rose then bowed, unable to resist kissing her hand. If only he could bring her home tonight, but the black witch must be handled first. Hopefully, she'd be safe here if she took care. He frowned as he straightened. "Don't let anyone see you until morning. You don't appear like a lady who's been making love."

  Selena blushed and walked him to the bedroom door. "I imagine so. I'll remain in this room as much as possible."

  Good. He smiled down at her. "That's probably wise." He sighed, his chest tightening. "But if Devon's people take too long to find the black witch, I may bring you home before that, despite my mother's penchant for social display."

  Selena's dark-gray eyes flickered, but she simply nodded.

  Aragon squeezed her hand. Goddess, she was brave to remain in a brothel with so little complaint. "I'll visit as often as I can without drawing notice, but I doubt that shall be every night." Unfortunately.

  Selena beamed and touched his arm. "I'll look forward to your visits. Thanks for helping me."

  His heart warmed as he bowed again. She deserved it. "'Tis nothing. Until next time." He slipped from her bedroom but paused until the lock clicked behind him. She was as safe as she could be here.

  Aragon bounded downstairs, paid Madam Lorelei for the week, then hurried from the brothel. Fortunately, the rain had eased during the hours he'd spent with Selena. He collected his gelding from the stables and galloped home, his mind humming.

  Tomorrow, he'd ask Devon to join him for a ride, so he could tell his friend about Selena without others overhearing. Then he'd visit Broad Street to purchase several sketch journals and a box of enchanted pencils that magically changed colors. Selena would need them during her sojourn at the brothel.

  Aragon soon arrived home and sighed when Perkins, their longtime butler, told him Mother and Father had already left for the Campbells' ball. If he took care, he might be able to delay Mother's scold about missing dinner until after his ride with Devon.

  * * *

  Brimming with energy, Aragon rose not long after dawn the following morning. Once dressed, he galloped to the palace and strode upstairs to the royal wing. Nodding at the two royal guards flanking Devon's door, he knocked and entered. "Morning."

  Devon glanced up from his full plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. "Morning. Why are you here so early?"

  Aragon ogled his friend's hearty breakfast, his stomach stirring. If only he could have risked eating breakfast at home. "I thought we could go riding before you get engrossed by royal duties."

  Devon resumed eating. "That sounds enjoyable once I finish breakfast." When Aragon nodded without tearing his gaze from Devon's plate, Devon smiled and asked, "Would you care to eat as well?"

  Aragon leapt into the chair across the tea table from Devon. He was ravenous as a manticore, an indomitable yet rare beast who devoured half his weight every day and never left remains behind. One that Father had teasingly called him and his brothers as boys when they devoured everything in sight. He grinned at Devon. "Yes, please."

  Devon nodded at his valet, and the valet left to fetch another plate. Once they were alone, Devon arched a brow at Aragon over his cup of tea. "Still avoiding your mother?"

  Aragon grimaced. "I didn't return home until late, and I didn't want to begin the day with a scold." Or to divulge Selena in a way that repelled Mother—Mother wouldn't present Selena then. And Selena needed that to permanently escape her uncle. Plus, obtaining Devon's aid with the black witch was more important than facing Mother just yet.

  Devon shook his head as his valet returned with a full plate and steaming cup of kahve and placed them before Aragon. "The longer you wait, the worse it shall be."

  Aragon sighed as he began his bacon. Delicious. "I know." He'd return home to face it after their ride.

  He devoured his breakfast as Devon finished eating and stepped away to change. He'd just finished when Devon rejoined him. He leapt upright, then they strode down to the stables with the two guards from the door following them.

  Once everyone had mounted, Aragon asked, "Shall we ride to the royal forest?" They often rode there since they couldn't be overheard—the forest was ancient with thick trees, and riding there required royal permission.

  Devon grinned. "Sounds good."

  As they set off, the royal guards assumed their customary positions with one riding before the king and the other riding behind, while Aragon rode beside his cousin. As usual, Aragon and Devon didn't speak while they rode through Ormas and out the eastern gate.

  His chest lightening, Aragon inhaled the brisk air as they rode past several farmsteads amid the wet, soon-to-be-planted fields. Escaping the city for a time was delightful. He'd definitely take Selena riding once the black witch was captured. From their talk last night, she'd enjoy it.

  Waving for his guards to ride out of earshot as they neared the royal forest, Devon glanced at Aragon. "How was The Gold Griffin?"

  Aragon shrugged. "Enjoyable, as always. But the tavern wasn't the interesting part of the evening." When Devon arched his brows, Aragon grinned. "To escape the deluge, I ended up in a brothel several doors from The Gold Griffin."

  Devon coughed a laugh as they entered the royal forest. "Awkward."

  Aragon chuckled and steered his bay mare between the budding trees. "Especially when a lady, a genuine one not a doxy, kissed me." Tingling warmth suffused him as her kiss echoed against his lips.

  Devon blinked at him. "Bold for a genuine lady."

  Aragon's heart squeezed. Yes, she was. Adorable and spellbinding too. "She had to. Her uncle and his black witch had plotted to sell her virginity, so she fled to the brothel to foil them."

  Devon frowned and halted his gelding. "She's involved with a black witch?"

  Stiffening, Aragon glared at his friend. "No, her uncle is. Could I borrow some of your people to unearth the black witch?"

  Devon started his gelding again. "Of course. Black witches must always be stopped. Just keep me informed of your progress. I don't like black witches roaming about my kingdom."

  Aragon grimaced. No decent king did. Their evil spells poisoned everyone, so they were forbidden across Damensea. Yet somehow they still survived in hiding, like a pernicious disease. "Excellent. Once the black witch is captured, the lady can leave the brothel, and Mother can present her at court."

  Devon frowned, slanting him a sidelong glance. "You're bringing her home? Is that prudent? You just met her—in a brothel, and her uncle hired a black witch."

  Aragon clenched his reins to avoid scowling at Devon. King or not, he'd no right to denigrate Selena.
"She deserves my help. She's brave and sweet and..." How could he describe her allure? "...fascinating."

  Devon's eyes darkened. "She must be for you to act so precipitously. I'll be interested to meet your lady when your mother presents her."

  Aragon relaxed and almost grinned. All of his friend's doubts would vanish once he met Selena. "You'll like her."

  Devon grunted as he urged his gelding around a fallen tree. "While the black witch is loose, your lady shall need magical protection. I'll have the royal witch create a charm for her. And feel free to call on her if my people take too long to find the black witch."

  Aragon beamed at Devon. Lady Juliet was the most illustrious witch in Calatini. She'd create a spell to protect Selena, no matter how powerful the black witch. "Thanks, Devon."

  Devon nodded then sighed and turned his gelding around. "We should probably return. I've a meeting midmorning with the Duchess of Wildewall about the Greysnowe-Ravenstone feud."

  Aragon winced as he followed Devon. Despite the centuries-long feud, his friend had begun escorting the beauteous Lady Annalise Greysnowe while the Ravenstones had been in Wildewall mourning the old count's death last season. "Does she think the new Lord Ravenstone will retaliate your escorting Lady Annalise?"

  Devon shrugged. "I'm not certain. He's never participated in the feud during the few months a year he spends at court, but perhaps she worries that may change."

  Aragon suppressed a shudder. Thank the Goddess he needn't handle such matters. Selena's black witch was more than enough.

  Chapter 7

  Around late morning, Selena's rumbling stomach prodded her to slip from her room at the brothel. She'd missed dinner and breakfast, so she must risk leaving the dubious sanctuary of her room to find Madam Lorelei to discuss meals and other details of their arrangement.

  Her skin prickled as she strode through the still brothel. Most of the girls must still be asleep. From what she'd overheard last night while locked in her room, they kept late hours entertaining the patrons. She swallowed then rapped on the madam's study door, her empty stomach tight. Please let the madam be here rather than elsewhere. She sighed when Madam Lorelei called for her to enter.

  Her iris-purple dress sober compared to her racy gown from the previous evening, Madam Lorelei purred a chuckle as Selena slipped into the study. "Have an enjoyable night?"

  Selena blushed as she perched on the plush chair before the desk. More enjoyable than she'd expected once she met Aragon. He was such a wonderful gentleman, so kind and dedicated with enthralling kisses—how was he still unattached? She'd been blessed when he stumbled into the brothel seeking shelter from the rain. "Yes, thank you. But we must discuss our arrangement."

  Arching a brow, Madam Lorelei waved for Selena to continue. "What did you wish to discuss?"

  Selena swallowed and lifted her chin. Although ravenous, she'd start with Aragon's money. 'Twould be the harder battle. "That third rule for your girls. The one involving their fee."

  Madam Lorelei smirked and drawled, "I should have realized."

  Selena stiffened. Doubtless she appeared only interested in money. But she must continue if she was to recover some of the madam's outrageous fee. "As we agreed before, you may keep my entire fee from last night, but I want what your girls normally receive starting today."

  Madam Lorelei leaned forward. "Half your fee is mine outright then a quarter pays for your room and board. You get the remaining quarter."

  Half? Selena almost snorted. The madam shouldn't keep that much of Aragon's gold for doing nothing. "I'll be much less work than your other girls. I need no patrons or wardrobe. So I keep two gold each night, and you keep three."

  Madam Lorelei eyed Selena but replied, "Very well."

  Energy surging in her chest, Selena suppressed a smile. She could give Aragon back almost half his gold. Surely he'd appreciate that, even though he'd not protested the price. And returning it to him would compensate for some of the hassle she was causing him.

  Madam Lorelei opened a desk drawer and withdrew some coins. "Lord Treyvan paid for the rest of the week last night. Here's your portion."

  Selena relaxed as she accepted the twelve gold. The madam truly was honest. Thank the Goddess for that. She cradled her full hands in her lap as her stomach rumbled again. With the money settled, she could finally address her hunger. "How do meals work?"

  Madam Lorelei shrugged. "I've a cook who prepares plain meals. Grab what you want from the kitchen. 'Tis on the ground floor in the back. But if you want anything fancy, you must make it yourself."

  Selena nodded with a sigh. Food would be simple then. But before she visited the kitchen, she must handle acquiring clothes. She'd only the dress she was wearing, although she could sew more. "Where's the closest shop I can purchase cloth and other necessities?"

  Madam Lorelei arched her brows. "Isn't Lord Treyvan going to provide those?"

  Another blush burned Selena's cheeks. Aragon paying for her clothes wasn't proper, but she'd no money of her own, so she must ask him when she returned his gold. "Yes, but gentlemen don't always remember to purchase everything a lady needs."

  Madam Lorelei chuckled. "No, they don't. On Mountainglass Lane there's a miscellany shop and an apothecary after the witch shop. Head toward the tavern then turn left at the first crossing. Not the quality of shops you're used to, but they'll do."

  Her chest loosening, Selena rose with Aragon's gold cradled in her palms. She'd learned everything she needed for now, so once she hid the money, she could visit the kitchen to grab luncheon. "Thanks for your time, Madam Lorelei."

  She'd almost left when Madam Lorelei asked, "What's your name by the way?"

  Selena turned to face the madam. Having a name would make her less remarkable. But she couldn't use her real name. Her uncle and his black witch might hear of it, and rumors about her time in a brothel might linger. "Lena."

  Madam Lorelei's lips quirked. "A pleasure, Lena." From her emphasis, she knew 'twasn't Selena's real name.

  However, Selena flashed a smile and inclined her head. Her sojourn here was too profitable for the madam to probe much. Hopefully, she'd encourage her girls to remain equally disinterested. "Likewise."

  Aragon's gold concealed against her chest, she dashed upstairs to her room. She locked the door and poured the gold into her reticule. Then she slipped down to the kitchen and grabbed enough bread stuffed with cheese for luncheon and dinner.

  Her skin prickling again, Selena returned to her room and locked the door behind her. As she devoured her luncheon, she perched on the crimson bed and eyed the gold filling her reticule. While living in a poor brothel, she had more money at once than ever before. She chuckled. At least until she returned it to Aragon.

  She sighed and brushed the crumbs from her lap. Not that gold helped her. She couldn't pay anyone to purchase items for her without attracting notice. Madam Lorelei knowing about the gold was bad enough. And she couldn't risk visiting shops until she knew when the brothel's patrons weren't around.

  Selena swallowed. Her situation at the brothel was tenuous at best. Only a flimsy lock and Madam Lorelei protected her, although 'twas better than remaining at her uncle's waiting to be auctioned off and raped. She shuddered as a chill skittered up her spine.

  She dabbed on her lymon balm scent to soothe her nerves. Surely Aragon would find the black witch soon. Thank the Goddess he was helping her. Once the black witch was captured, she could leave the brothel. But until then, she must remain in this cramped room as much as possible.

  A sudden knock jolted Selena from her thoughts. Her heart stuttered. Who was that? Had her uncle or his black witch stumbled across the brothel? Or was it one of the brothel's patrons seeking coupling? Oh, Goddess.

  A girl's voice called through the door, "Lord Treyvan's lady?"

  Selena tensed. Why was someone looking for her? Then she gulped a breath. Aragon must have sent the girl. Uncle Adan and his black witch couldn't know their connection. She swallowed and unlocked t
he door.

  Flashing a gamine grin, the ragged girl thrust a hefty package at her then darted off.

  Selena eyed the package as she locked the door then drifted back to the bed. What could Aragon have sent? Her neck tingling, she opened the note attached to the package.


  Here are some items to keep you amused at the brothel. Sorry I couldn't deliver them myself, but I should visit soon.


  Selena tore open the brown paper wrapping. When three sketch journals were revealed, she stilled, and tears prickled her eyes. Exactly what she needed to settle her nerves while hiding at the brothel. Goddess, he was perfect.

  Caressing the leather-bound journals, she eyed the small case beside them. Pencils, no doubt. She flipped open the case and stared. But like none she'd ever seen. They had transparent lead with a peculiar shimmer. Enchanted, clearly. She smiled as she read the instructions beside the three pencils. She could change their color by imagining a particular shade and saying "vario."

  Her heart leapt. Had Aragon given her a faegift? Gentlemen only gave magical gifts to family, wives, or ladies they were courting. She blushed and shook her head. Surely not. He'd sent the enchanted pencils because they were more practical than sending her an entire set of colored pencils.

  She curled on the crimson bed with a sigh. Aragon deserved a gift in return. She'd make him a sketch of her favorite view from home. 'Twasn't enough, but she hadn't more to give. Humming, she began his sketch. She'd sketched the outline when a vaguely familiar voice grumbled outside her door.

  Selena stilled, her pulse pounding. Who was that? Not her uncle; she'd have recognized him. But someone she knew. Could it be the black witch? Oh, Goddess. She crept to her door and opened it just enough to see the hall.

  The footman she'd overheard mentioning the brothel had his arm draped about the dainty redhead she'd met earlier. "Don't be like that, Mags. I saved for a month to visit you. That Midor don't pay us nothing."


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