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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 32

by Wendie Nordgren

  “Lady wife, you should return to the Imperial apartments.”

  “I agree. You look uncomfortable,” Nico said.

  “I’m fine. You two just pretend I’m not here.”

  “That is not possible,” Yukihyo said.

  “Please, don’t let me distract you. I just wished to observe how strong and manly you both are.” Everyone strained to hear our conversation. I sneezed. Then, I sneezed again. Kaoti handed me a silk square.

  “Are you becoming ill?” Yukihyo asked in alarm.

  “I’m fine.” I sniffled. “Please, continue. Go ahead and hit each other. Your fans are waiting.” I gestured around the silent room, sneezed again, and squirmed on the bench. Yukihyo and Nico exchanged looks and spoke to the referee. He called it a tie. They both climbed from the ring and approached Thunderdrop and me. The soldiers and officers began to disperse. “I didn’t intend to interfere.”

  “We are behaving foolishly,” Nico said.

  “It’s good for you both to exercise. Yukihyo usually has to fight two men at once to work up a sweat. Maybe the two of you will have fun sparring together. Go enjoy yourselves. I’m fine. Really.” I sneezed again. Yukihyo acted as though he intended to pick me up. “Oh, no you don’t. You’re all sweaty.”

  “Fine. I will bring Phillip to you.”

  Nico said, “Kaoti, please carry our wife to her bed. A doctor will see her shortly.” Kaoti saluted and picked me up. Thunderdrop blinked at him from my stomach.

  Kane’s chief medical officer beat Phillip to me and diagnosed me with a mild case of the Parvac flu. I was ordered to remain in bed, dressed in a gown, and piled with blankets. Neema was placed on a monitor, and I was given two injections. Nico and Yukihyo were ashamed of their behavior and banded together to take care of me during the trip. Mostly, I slept and had soup. I felt drained of all of my energy, but the dizziness was the worst. “The two of you may go do something elsewhere. Now,” Papa said the next morning. “It distresses me that my darling princess, who has done nothing but bring me joy and happiness, must suffer with an illness. What can I do to make you feel better?”

  “Nothing, Papa. I’ll be fine. Seeing your sweet face makes me feel better.”


  “No, it’s true. My Papa loves me. That’s something I never dreamed possible. I would do anything to please you.”

  “You already have. However, I hope your sacrifice brings you only happiness.” Papa kissed my forehead. Then, he called for Phillip. Papa complained that my forehead felt warm.

  “Her fever is breaking. She’ll be good as new in a few hours.”

  Papa called in the chief medical officer who confirmed Phillip’s diagnosis. Papa scowled at Yukihyo and Nico who both waited outside. “If either of you upsets my darling, I will use both of you for target practice,” Papa said in a cold hard voice. I laughed. Yukihyo and Nico came in with faces that told me Papa had been serious.

  “Nico, is there a nursery at your house?”

  “No, Teagan.”

  “Do you think your mother would mind finding a crib for my room at your house?”

  “Mother will be thrilled to do so.”

  Yukihyo got next to me. I put my head on his shoulder and slept. When I woke, I felt tired and weak, but much better. I showered and put on a clean gown and robe. I went to the kitchen with my hair wrapped in a towel.

  “Teagan, get back in bed. I will order the chef to bring you anything you want.”

  “I just want some cold water, Papa.”

  “I will get it. Go.” I sighed and did as I was told.

  A few hours later, we landed on Naxa. The men had begun talk of cancelling their hunting trip because of me. “I had planned to stay put and rest anyway. Please, do whatever you want. Phillip and Kaoti are going to be with me, right? I’ll feel guilty if I ruin your plans.”

  We were all driven to a private hunting lodge that belonged to the Imperial family. It had been constructed of entire logs. Naxa was a cold planet. Yukihyo loved it since it was so similar to his home world. The snow, mountains, forests, and wild animals also made it paradise to most Parvac men. Thunderdrop and I had been bundled up for the drive. Neither one of us liked the cold. I wore the boots Yukihyo had given me along with a thick long fur coat from Papa. Yukihyo had made a large warm fur pouch for Thunderdrop. Once he had crawled inside, I had put the wide strap over my head like a necklace. The pouch rested over my stomach under my coat.

  Inside the lodge it was cozy and warm. Fireplaces were in every room. The lodge was staffed year round by retired soldiers. However, the only room not decorated by poor dead animals was my bathroom. As I sat on my bed and looked into the plasti-glass eyes of some kind of elk, I began to sob. “Teagan, what is the matter?” Hiroshi asked. I couldn’t answer and continued to cry. Yukihyo and Nico came in. Thunderdrop chittered wildly at Yukihyo.

  “Help me take this down,” he said to Nico. Hiroshi held me and patted my back.

  I sobbed, “It’s just so sad.”

  “There, there. Everything is alright. Look. It is gone. Is there anything else in your room which causes you distress, little sister?”

  I took a ragged breath and looked around. “No.”

  “Let’s dry your tears.” Hiroshi got a damp cloth and wiped my face.

  Kane smiled at me from the door and came into my room. He pulled back the covers, removed my boots, and hung up my coat. “Let’s cover you up.” Kane handed me my vid-screen. “Mother and Nico’s mother want you to check each item you think is ‘cute’ on these pages. They plan to decorate the nursery at your and Nico’s house based upon your likes.” He showed me a selection of teddy bears.

  “Oh, they’re so cute.” I started to cry again. Hiroshi held me and patted me. Yukihyo and Nico returned.

  “Teagan, what’s wrong?” Thunderdrop chirped at Kane. Phillip shoved past him.

  “Goodness, Cupcake. Those are really cute bears.” I nodded.

  “Look at that one,” I pointed. “It’s so cute.” Hiroshi combed through my hair as he made soothing noises to me.

  Phillip said, “I’ll tell you what. You leave me twenty silk squares, and I’ll help Teagan pick out teddy bears.”

  “Can I have some olives and hot chocolate, Phillip?”

  “You sure can, Cupcake.”

  Yukihyo and Nico each kissed me goodbye. All of the men had dressed in thick white and grey clothing. “Are you all wearing the shirts I made you?” They grinned and showed me that they wore them. “Please, be careful.”

  “We are all big strong men,” Yukihyo grinned at me.

  “We are mighty hunters and will provide meat for our weak crying female,” Hiroshi said. I rolled my eyes at him. He laughed at me.

  I rested against the pillows and pointed at the vid-screen Phillip held for me. At some point, I fell asleep. When I woke the fire still crackled. Thunderdrop stood on my stomach and stared at the closed door. I saw warnings of danger in my mind. Thunderdrop showed me the miners who had abducted me. Terrified, I whispered, “You will hide and memorize everything you see and put it in Yukihyo’s mind. It is my only chance. Promise. Tell him I love him.”

  Thunderdrop blinked and crawled up behind a large painting and blended in. I pretended to sleep, so Thunderdrop could get a good look at whoever came. I heard several loud thumps outside. I turned toward the fire and stayed still. I heard a commotion too loud to ignore outside of my door and sat up. Afraid, I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I saw the handle turn. Then, it was twisted hard and broken. The door opened, and I put my arms over Neema. A dark figure dominated the doorframe. Dressed in light grey thick clothing, he had short black hair and black eyes. A scar ran from his hairline and across his eye to his ear. He stepped toward me.

  “Come with me, or the doctor dies.” He stared at me with cold empty eyes.

  “Please, don’t hurt him.”

  He snapped his fingers at me and motioned for me to come out. I made a show of being big a
nd clumsy in my movements. He looked at my bare feet and found a pair of white boots in my closet.

  “Put these on.”

  I took them and put them on the bed. I sat and managed to get them on my feet. He flung the fur coat at me. I caught it and put it on. I pushed my feelings away. I had to stall for time. There were retired soldiers all over the property. Kaoti had to be somewhere.

  “Go.” Scar pointed out of my room.

  I kept my hands over my baby and walked out. Our soldiers had been dropped. Most bled. All were bound. None were conscious. Soldiers dressed like Scar had masks over their faces. A mask was handed to me. Scar put it over my face. Then, he covered his own. I saw Phillip on the ground, out cold and securely tied. I tripped and almost fell. Scar picked me up, carried me out the back of the lodge, and put me inside a small covered roller. The other soldiers were on rollers with tracks instead of wheels.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  Scar ignored me. I was taken several miles away. My ears and fingers ached with the cold. They drove to a camouflaged canopy that was surrounded by a dispersion grid.

  “No one can track you here. The grid makes us invisible. We are going on a little trip.”


  Scar removed his mask and mine. Then, he slapped me hard across the mouth. I tasted blood. “Why?” Scar slapped me harder. “Where are you taking me?”

  Scar slapped me hard enough that I saw stars, and my head slumped. The soldiers began breaking down their camp. Scar picked me up and put me into a transport flyer. He pulled a harness over me. I wiped at the blood pouring from my lip.

  “Excuse me. Where are you taking me, you piece of shit asshole?” Scar hit me with his fist. I kicked him in the nuts. He hit me again, hard enough that I blacked out.

  When I came to, I was still in the seat with the harness over me. Through my right eye, I could see ten grey clad soldiers with weapons ready. I couldn’t see their faces. I spit blood on the flyer’s floor. I really wanted to introduce Scar to Uncle Kagan. The flyer stopped and powered down. The soldiers began to disembark. Scar removed my harness, picked me up, and carried me out. I kept a tight grip on the sleeve of his shoulder afraid he would let me fall. We were inside a large cave. Six fighter ships were prepped and ready to depart. He carried me into a tent and sat me down on a camp chair. Equipment was in a few boxes ready to be loaded.

  “You want to know why I am taking you, Princess? That Laconian piece of trash you obviously enjoy fucking so much killed my lover, so I’m taking you from him.”

  “Yukihyo killed your wife?” I asked horrified.

  Scar sneered at me. “He killed my lover. You met him on Arachne. I heard you shot him and left him for dead like an animal.”

  Cold deadly fear strangled me. I felt the blood drain from my face.

  “I see you remember him. He was the only person I’ve ever loved. I’m taking the only thing that blank-eyed bastard loves from him, so he can suffer as I suffer.”

  Scar raised his hand to strike me again. His facial expression turned to shock as he lost the arm he had raised at the shoulder. At the same time, his throat was cut to the spine. Scar’s blood sprayed me. I gagged and threw up.

  “I apologize, Princess. I had to wait until he was alone with you. Please, remain calm. I will take you to safety. I need you to follow my orders. Let me help you put this on,” Kaoti said quietly. He moved me away from the gore and helped me out of my coat. He dressed me in the grey clothing that he had stolen for me and that he himself wore. He put my hair down the back of the jacket and rolled the pants legs under. I felt the gentle tug of his hands on the pants. He put a pilot’s helmet over my head. “I sat across from you in the flight transport but could not interfere. I hoped you would refrain from antagonizing him.”

  “He started it.”

  “Yes, Princess. I plan to steal a fighter ship and take you to Captain Valen’s ship. Please, stay close behind me.” I moved farther from the rapidly expanding pool of blood. I stayed close to him and tried not to walk like a pregnant woman who was ready to faint. We were about to climb into a fighter ship when someone discovered Scar and then us. The soldiers began to fire. Kaoti put me behind the fighter ship’s steps and began systematically taking them out with his blaster rifle. His shots were cold, practiced, and precise. However, because of me Kaoti was unable to take cover when a soldier aimed a blaster cannon at him. His back slammed against the steps. Kaoti waivered and slumped with the force of the blast. Blood blossomed across the front and back of the stolen grey jacket. Slowly, he went to his knees and fell to his side. His rifle clattered to the cave floor. I grabbed it and fired wild shots at his attacker until I managed to strike him.

  “Kaoti! Stay with me! Please!” He managed to lift his head. “I know you’re hurt, but you have to get up these steps and into the passenger seat. Kaoti, please!” Frantically, I tried to lift him. With my help, he managed to get his feet under himself. He left a trail of blood along the steps as he pulled himself up and into the passenger seat. Carefully, I climbed up and closed the door. “Put your harness on, now!” I started up all of the systems and hoped the fighter’s pilot had everything in order. I pulled on my harness. “Put on your helmet.” Kaoti slowly managed.

  I took off the one Kaoti had put on me and pulled the fighter pilot’s helmet over my head. I activated the weapons, turned the fighter, and fired at a few scrambling soldiers and on the fighter ships as I backed out of the cave. “Follow me now, assholes.”

  I checked for obstructions and made sure I was clear for ascent. I activated the intercom and helmet communications. “Kaoti, how are you doing back there, buddy?”

  “Princess, I will not survive. It has been an honor serving you.”

  “You will survive, Kaoti. I need you. Violet needs you. Think of Violet. What if she is pregnant with your child? Would you leave her alone? You have to stay awake for me. That’s an order.”

  Certain we were clear, I took us vertical. We were surrounded by stars. I entered in the coordinates for the land port and flew as fast as I dared.

  “Kaoti, what’s Violet’s favorite color?”

  He hesitated and said, “Pink.”

  “What color are her eyes?”


  “In bed can you make her scream, or does she just lie there?”

  He weakly chuckled.

  A voice came over our speakers. “Identify yourself or be destroyed.” I fumbled for the correct control.

  “Please, don’t shoot! I need help.”

  “Who is speaking?” asked an incredulous male voice.

  “My name is Teagan. My passenger is in desperate need of medical attention. One of my abductors shot him with a blaster cannon while he was protecting me.”

  “A ship will appear on either side of you. Do not be alarmed. Reduce your speed to match theirs.” I saw the fighters, set my controls to read their speeds, and set it to automatically adjust. I reported my actions. “Very good. The ships guiding you to the port are slowing. Soon you will stop. When I clear you for descent, do you know what to do?” More fighter ships sped past us going in the direction from which we had just come.

  “Yes, sir.” I recited the rules for descent.

  “Very good.”

  My stomach cramped, and I gasped with the pain.

  “Are you alright?”

  “I don’t know. Kaoti, what was the last thing Thunderdrop brought me to eat?”

  He gasped, “You said not to tell you.”

  “You are clear for descent.”

  I hit the series of commands. We dropped, hovered, and landed.

  “Power down and release your door. Medical teams are standing by.” I did as instructed.

  “Kaoti, are you with me?”

  “Yes, Princess,” was barely audible.

  “Kaoti, I need you. Please, hang on. Help is on the way.”

  The door lowered and a platform latched onto the opening. I removed my helmet. I recognized
the chief medical officer from Kane’s ship. They began to take me out. “Kaoti needs you more. Get him first.” They ignored me and lifted me out and onto a hover medical bed. I was secured to it and lowered. Then, the process was repeated with Kaoti. My stomach cramped again.

  “Are you in pain, Princess?”

  “I have some cramping. Is Neema okay?”

  The doctor scanned her. The little princess is fine. However, you are not. Who struck you, Princess?”

  “Some ugly asshole with a scar down his eye. He’s dead. How’s Kaoti?”

  “He will be fine. You got him to us in time. Let’s worry about you for now. This is a mild sedative. It is safe for Neema. Please, relax. Everything is alright. You are safe.”

  “What about everyone else?” I drifted off. I woke in the medical bay. A bandage was over my eye and monitors blinked at me. I saw one of Neema and watching her calmed me. Devices were over my abdomen and heart. Under the heavy blankets, I was nude. The doctor smiled down at me.

  “Everything is alright, Princess. The baby is safe, and you are safe.”

  “Where are Papa, Yukihyo, and….”

  “They are on their way. We sent medical teams and soldiers to the lodge. There were no casualties. All is well.”

  “Is Kaoti okay?”

  “Surprisingly, yes. When you reported he had been struck by a blaster cannon, we were not hopeful. However, he wore a protective garment that dulled the effect to that of a blaster rifle. If you follow all of my orders, I will allow you to speak to him once he regains consciousness.”

  Yukihyo strode in with Thunderdrop. My spider leapt to me and curled himself around my throat. “Hello, baby. Did you tell daddy everything?”


  “Good boy.”

  Yukihyo pressed his face into my hair and clasped my hand. I tried to give him all of my memories of what had happened.

  “I see, lady wife.” When I remembered Kaoti taking off Scar’s arm and almost severing his head, I gagged. The doctor raised the head of my bed. After my heaves calmed, I showed him the remainder. “You did well. It is over.” I felt Yukihyo’s hand move under the blankets and to my stomach. He rested his hand over Neema. “There is no need for you to worry. All is well.” Yukihyo flooded my mind with calm and peace, and I went back to sleep.


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