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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 33

by Wendie Nordgren

  No one would tell me anything about the group of highly-trained and well-supplied soldiers who had taken out all of my guards. I did listen as Yukihyo recounted Kaoti’s bravery to Papa and Nico. “Kaoti put himself between our wife and a blaster cannon.”

  “We can’t return to Arachne until Kaoti is well enough to travel. I won’t leave him, not after what he has done. Anyway, Violet would never forgive me if I showed up for olives without him.”

  Papa said, “Who is Violet?”

  “Violet is Kaoti’s wife.”

  “Kaoti married an Arachnean woman?”

  “Yes, he’s much more pleasant now.” Kane heard and snickered. “Kane, you are so handsome that you could have a wife within days of arriving on Arachne or Scipio.”

  “You only think I’m handsome because I look like you. With you on bedrest, you won’t be able to introduce me to any of them.”

  “Why would you need me when you have Phillip to show you around?”

  “Cupcake is right. The ladies love me.”

  Phillip was in the bed next to me recovering from broken ribs. After checking on me, a coldly furious version of my sweet Papa had left to consult with his admirals.

  “I am impressed with your first flight, tiny cousin.”

  “Thank you, but I was just following through with Kaoti’s plan. Please, thank the nice man who told me what to do, and the pilots who helped me.”

  “I will see to it personally.”

  “I must insist the Princess gets some more rest,” the chief medical officer ordered. Again, Yukihyo put me into the calm state.

  When I woke up again, I saw Phillip intently studying all of my monitors from his bed. “Is she okay?”

  “Yes, but the stress was not good for you.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I won’t be enjoying Silvie on Malta, but I should be as good as new for the ladies on Arachne.” He winked. Doctors saw we were awake and swooped in on us.

  “May I please visit the restroom?” A doctor dressed me in an ugly gown and robe and helped me walk to it. I noticed that I was clean and that someone had gone Gram style on my hair with a brush as I had slept. My mouth was black and purple even with the nanite patch at work. My left eye was still bandaged. I assumed it looked hideous. When I began to make my way back to my bed, Kane showed up, picked me up, and carried me.

  “I have a surprise for you, but you won’t be able to play with it for several months.”

  “What is it?”

  “I seized the fighter ship you used to escape. I am giving it to you as a gift.”

  “My own fighter ship? You’re teasing me aren’t you?”

  “No, Emperor Probus gave me permission. However, he insists on the skin and interior being replaced, and on every safety upgrade available being installed.”

  “Thank you so much. I can’t wait to play with it.”

  “Be sure to tell Captain Alaric that Captain Valen gave you your own fighter ship.”

  “Yes, Kane.”

  I laid on my side facing Phillip. “So, what’s going on out there?”

  “Emperor Probus has ordered that no one is to speak of it to you. You are to be pampered and spoiled. Anyone who causes you distress will spend a year in confinement.”

  “You’re making that up.”

  “Dr. Svenson speaks the truth,” a doctor confirmed.

  I asked him, “How is Kaoti?”

  “Mending. We have informed him each time that you have asked about him,” the doctor answered.

  “Will you do me a favor?”

  “Anything, Princess.”

  “Can you buy a big stuffed bear, put a big violet ribbon around its neck, and give it to him from me?”

  He smiled and said, “Right away.” Later, he smiled at me after he had completed his mission.

  Eventually, Yukihyo and Nico visited. “Finally, will you please take me to check on Kaoti?” Yukihyo picked me up and carried me across the infirmary to a window. Kaoti slept in a bed with tubes in his arm and monitors nearby. A huge teddy bear with a big violet bow and a medal pinned to its chest sat in a chair smiling at him. “What is the medal for?”

  Nico said, “Extraordinary bravery and heroics in defense of the Imperial family. His family has been moved up two classes and into a neighborhood reserved for officers.”

  “Does he know?”

  “Not yet. The doctors are keeping him asleep so he will heal. Kaoti is not one to rest.”

  “Yukihyo, it seems you and Kaoti deal with men who threaten me in much the same manner.”

  “Lady wife, most men in your Empire agree with the Laconian mindset that a man who would use a hand to strike a woman would be better off without it.” Thunderdrop chirped. He had refused to leave me.

  “I want you to take Thunderdrop to our rooms, feed him, and get him to play for a while.”

  “Chitter chitter chitter.”

  “Don’t argue, or I’ll tell ZeeZee.”


  Yukihyo put me back into bed.

  “Teagan, I must beg of you a favor,” Nico said.


  “I want to go with you and your crew to Arachne. The thought of our separation sickens me.”

  I looked at Yukihyo, who nodded. “It’s okay with us, but Hiroshi is the one you will need to ask. He is our boss on Tora. Yukihyo would also need to ask Sydney and Ethan if it is okay for you to stay with us at the Alaric estate. The boys haven’t built us our own home yet, and I doubt you would want to spend months at our camp. Simon would probably let us all stay with him. What about Papa? Is he going to let you vacation from being a general?”

  Yukihyo gave a snort. “Emperor Probus would send a fleet to protect you if the Galaxic Militia would allow it.”

  “Once we enter the Galaxic Expanse, we have Eric and Captain Espanoza protecting us,” I said.

  “I will handle everything, lady wife.”

  “Thunderdrop, go with daddy.” Yukihyo and Nico kissed me and left. “Where is Hiroshi?”

  “After his arm got tired from brushing your hair, he took some soldiers and went to purchase things to sell in the Galaxic Expanse. You said you were okay with us taking a trip to Earth.” My eyes teared up.

  When Kane came back to see me, Kaoti was awake. I talked Kane into taking me to see him. “Are you going to be okay, my brave protector?”

  “Yes, Princess. However, I believe it is you who saved me. It would have been better had you escaped without me.”

  Shocked, I said, “Never! I would never leave you or anyone I care about behind. In my heart, you are family.” Kaoti stared at me with his dark eyes. Kane put me down so that I could sit. I still wore the ugly infirmary gown and robe.

  “Captain Valen, after I was hit, the Princess took up my blaster rifle and managed to shoot my attacker. She forced me to enter the passenger seat of a fighter ship. She kept me awake by asking me erotic questions about my wife.”

  “How is asking you to tell me her favorite color erotic?”

  “Yes, we pulled up the flight recorder and analyzed my tiny cousin’s behavior. Her father, uncle, and I are proud of her. It is clear to all of our troops that Imperial blood runs in her veins.”

  “You didn’t see her goading her attacker or kicking him in the sacks. The Princess seems most like the Emperor when she is angry.”

  “Is that so?” I looked toward Papa’s voice. “We wondered why the animal who attacked my daughter had bruised testicles.”

  “He started it, Papa. Eric told me to kick and run. However, running wasn’t an option, and it was just too tempting after I lost my temper.” I gave him my sweetest smile. Luckily, my mouth was feeling better. Papa eyed the bear, so did Kaoti. “He is from me. I didn’t think you were the flowers type.”

  “Who taught you to shoot, Princess?” Kaoti asked.

  “Eric gave me lessons, but with my blaster. He always helped me hold anything with any power. It’s a lot harder to aim and shoot when yo
u’re getting shot at. The fighter weapons are much easier to control, and you don’t have to hold them. When we are able to go to the indoor market building, I am going to tell Violet how very brave her husband is. Then, I will quietly excuse myself and go to the chicken vendor.”

  “That sounds like a reasonable plan, Princess.”

  “I think my hero needs some rest.” Slowly, I stood and kissed Kaoti on the forehead. Kane stayed behind as Papa gave me his arm and helped me back into bed.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Once we arrived back on Parvac, our clothing and supplies were loaded directly onto Tora. “Papa, what’s going on? Kaoti can’t be ready for the trip. I thought we would be together for a few more days.”

  “Kaoti assures me that he can rest just as well in his quarters on board Tora under Dr. Svenson’s care as he can anywhere else. I plan to ensure no more threats exist in our empire. It may be less stressful for my darling daughter on Arachne. I will keep my new son apprised of the situation here. You and I will speak together each night.”

  “Who will help you? Will you be safe? I couldn’t bear losing you, Papa.” Tears streamed down my face.

  “I will be fine. Don’t forget that I have your Uncle Kagan with me. Kane will escort you to Galaxic space. I love you, Daughter. Your job is to have my grandchild. I will make things safe for your return.” I hugged Papa tightly around his waist.

  “I wish I had a planet where everyone I love could be together and no one ever left.” Papa kissed my cheek. Yukihyo picked me up and carried me onboard Tora.

  We were underway within minutes. Nico took Simon’s former quarters across from Kaoti’s. Thunderdrop and I were sent to our quarters. Phillip forced Kaoti to stay on bedrest until our arrival on Malta at which time his progress would be reevaluated. Thunderdrop and I gave Kaoti as much company as he wanted. We played games with him on my small vid-screen. I completed one cleaning chore a day. Everyone laughed when I walked. They accused me of waddling. Neither of my husbands received any wifely attentions. The only physical attention of interest to me involved back and foot rubs. Phillip assured them that it was normal and nothing personal.

  When we arrived within range of Malta, Kane’s ship halted and stayed in place until we were out of range. Then, he set a return course for Parvac. Nico assured me Papa would be okay. Neema continued to grow stronger, and I grew bigger. Not only could everyone feel her kicks, but they could see them as well. Shoes became too annoying, and I gave up on them. I also gave up on baking. My stomach poked out so much that everything was difficult. Yukihyo grinned and kept his hands on me anytime we were in the same room which was most of the time. Nico and Yukihyo got along. Hiroshi made an effort to be polite. Tora did not dock on Malta. Two days out from it, Phillip cleared Kaoti to resume light activities. I caught a glimpse of the scarring on his chest and cried for an hour. Kaoti patted me awkwardly.

  “Princess, had you not insisted on the protective shirt, I would not have survived, and Violet would be a widow. Please stop crying, and I will give you a jar of olives.”

  I sniffled a bit, but ate them with a bowl of ice cream. I had indigestion no matter what I ate anyway.

  Yukihyo pulled an extra chair into our sitting room and began inviting Nico to spend time with us. Slowly, Hiroshi began to thaw around him. When Arachne came into view, I was blissfully happy. Yukihyo helped me dress and insisted on putting me in diamonds. Nico’s necklace was breathtaking. Phillip drove us home.

  Everyone waited for us in the foyer of the Alaric estate. I sank into Gram’s arms. It felt so good to be home. Gram gave me bunches of kisses. However, getting to hug Ethan again had me weeping in relief. Papa was papa, but Ethan felt like daddy. Vid-screen communication didn’t compare with the bond that clicked into place once I was near the family with whom I shared Laconian blood. I felt whole again. I knew they could feel my emotions and how grateful I was to be near them. I had a horrifying realization of how much Yukihyo must have suffered to have that ripped away from him, but he soothed the feelings away from me. Simon and Eliot had good laughs about my figure.

  Then, I felt dread, fear, shame, uncertainty, and resignation all at once. My heart hammered in my chest. “Everyone, I would like to introduce General Nico Cassian, my husband.” I thought I might throw up.

  Gram said, “My goodness, you sure are a tall handsome boy. My sister has told me stories about all of the trouble Kane used to get into with your younger brothers. You used to get them out of it and got extra treats for your trouble.” Nico blushed. “Bend down and give your Gram a hug.” I felt some relief. Then, when Ethan and Sherman welcomed Nico and meant it, I fainted and had to be carried up to my room.

  Gram and Gina were with me when I came back to myself. “It is good you came home when you did. You are completely worn out,” Gram said.

  “How is it going down there with Nico?”

  “We can feel that he is smitten with you. It makes it easy to like him. However, Auria is frightened of him. He’s even taller than Ethan.”

  “Sydney had a bed placed in the nursery. He said he didn’t mind at all. We didn’t think it would be appropriate to separate him from you to stay with us or with Simon. Hiroshi and Phillip know better than to think of leaving here,” Gina said.

  “Thank goodness. I really appreciate how kind and tolerant you are all being about this. It’s a very awkward situation for all of us.”

  Gram chuckled, “Is your new husband tall everywhere?”

  I looked her in the eyes. “Yes, very and I already have all of the husband I can handle with Yukihyo.” Neema kicked hard enough to make the blanket move. Gram and Gina covered my belly with their hands and enjoyed every kick. Auria came in and got her hand kicked by Neema. “Did you get the picture of Neema that we sent?”

  “Yes, she is a beautiful version of your very muscular husband,” Gram said.

  My vid-screen beeped. It was Papa. He looked relieved to find me surrounded by female relatives. “Is all well with both of my princesses?”

  “Yes, Papa. I had a little fainting spell, but I’m okay. Have you caught all of the villains?”

  “Yes, we have things under control with them. However, your new mother, grandmother, and aunt are completely out of control. Between the three of them, they have cleared all of the merchandise from all of the baby stores in the Imperial city.” He grinned at me. “Rest. I will speak to you tomorrow.” He ended the call.

  A knock sounded against the open door. “Is my sweet cousin feeling better?” I held my arms out to Simon.

  “Being wrapped within my cousin’s big strong arms makes me feel much better. I’ve missed you so much.” Simon felt Neema kick, too. “Where did the others go?”

  “Ethan, Eliot, Sherman, and Yukihyo are taking Nico on a tour of the estate.”

  Simon helped me follow everyone down to the sitting room. Hiroshi had gone to visit Lady Ling. Jorge had begun to serve tea just as the men returned from their tour. Yukihyo gave me a beautiful smile. “It is nice to see my lady wife so quickly soothed and peaceful.”

  “I needed to be here. I’m sure my two new mothers, grandmother, and aunt would have taken excellent care of me, but I feel safer and more at home here.”

  Yukihyo said, “Don’t forget your sisters, nieces, and nephews.”

  “You also have four new brothers,” Nico said.

  “I am very happy about all of my new family members. Speaking of which, where is Kaoti?”

  “Phillip took him to the home Violet bought for them to share. It is near Auria’s family home. Nico and I agree that we can protect you and give Kaoti time to heal.”

  “I don’t know.” I pursed my lips and gave them both evaluative looks. They both looked affronted. Auria and I laughed. “Oh. Auria. Please, go to the pool with me. I think it will relieve my aches and pains.”

  Yukihyo extended his hand to Eliot. “We have brought plenty of game to supply your mate with all of the extra food she needs. Congratulations.” Eliot s
tared at Yukihyo. Yukihyo paled. “My apologies. I thought you knew.”

  “Knew what?” Auria asked.

  Eliot looked at Auria in happy and dumbfounded shock. “Let’s go see Dr. Perry.” Eliot picked Auria up and whisked her away.

  “Yukihyo, am I going to be a grandmother?” Sydney had wild eyes and shaking hands. She grabbed his arms and gave him a little shake.

  He laughed. “I do not have any idea. I am terribly sorry. Perhaps your son may be able to answer your question. Come, lady wife. You have two strong husbands who will protect you while you float.” We went to our room where Yukihyo helped me put on a swim dress. Nico knocked on our door in the nude with a towel over his shoulder. “You will frighten the ladies with that. They will think a water serpent has invaded the pool.” Yukihyo handed him a pair of his extra swim shorts.

  As he stepped into them, I giggled. “Something amuses you, Teagan?”

  “I thought it might instead be mistaken for a pool float.”

  “Thank you.” Nico winked at me.

  I pulled a robe on over my swim dress. Downstairs, Nico and Yukihyo each took one of my hands and helped me into the pool. “I just want to float. The two of you can race if you’d like.” I held a float behind my head and under my arms. “It feels good to get the weight off of my back.” They were laughing. “What?”

  “You are all baby, lady wife.”

  “Yes, husband. Do you know where all of it will be coming out?”

  “I imagine it will all come out where I put it in.”

  I groaned and closed my eyes. They began swimming laps back and forth.

  Hiroshi, Simon, and Phillip entrusted me to Dr. Perry and took Tora on a run to Scipio and Earth. Sydney began spoiling us even more. She had ladies come to the estate each week to give us manicures and pedicures. Yukihyo’s behavior toward me made him seem like a free spirit compared to the completely overprotective tyrant Eliot had become. His adoring worshipful gaze didn’t leave Auria for a moment. I spent a lot of time in the pool.


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