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My Serenity

Page 22

by M. Clarke


  The door finally opened. “Seth?” Lexy looked stunned to see me. Dressed in business attire, long black pants and a white blouse, it looked like she had just gotten home. “I thought you were in San Francisco. What are you doing here?”

  “Have you spoken to Josie?”

  She didn’t answer me, opening the door wider. “Do you want to come in?”

  “No,” I said quickly, feeling as though I’d already lost time.

  “Do you know where she could be? Does she have relatives or friends she might want to visit? Surely she told you something.”

  “Seth, have you tried calling her?” she asked, leaning against her hip and crossing her arms.

  I blinked. Duh, I wanted to say. “Yeahhh,” I drawled out. “There’s no answer. I left messages, but she’s not calling back.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t want to see you. I don’t know what happened, but I know you, Seth. You probably stormed off like a child. You probably said stupid things because you were hurting, and now she’s hurting more than she was already.”

  I rolled my eyes. I loved Lexy like a sister, but sometimes I wanted to choke her. And why did girls stick up for each other and say things that implied males were of a stupid species? “Maybe.” I shrugged. Ugh! Time was flying. She could be out of state by now. “Lexy, come on. This is very important. I’m desperate. Did you talk to her afterward?”

  “No, but I’ll tell you what—I’ll text her and call her, but if she doesn’t answer, then I don’t know what else to do. She didn’t tell me where she was going, and I don’t have a clue. I’m not a detective, you know?”

  An idea hit me. CHRIS! Why didn’t I think of it before? “Lexy, you’re a genius.” I slightly pulled her to me by her shoulders and planted a kiss on her cheek. A rush of energy and hope surged through me. “Make that phone call for me. Let her know that I need to talk to her. If you get ahold of her, let me know. Meanwhile, I just thought of plan B.”

  “Sure?” Lexy looked uncertain, confused by my sudden outburst of excitement. “I’m just making a phone call, but if you think that’s being a genius then that’s fine with me.” She snorted.

  “I gotta go.” I rushed out of there as I dialed Chris.

  “Hello, Chris. This is Seth Stewart.”

  “Seth? How can I help you?”

  “Do you remember Josefina Anders?”

  There was a wave of silence on the phone. “Yes,” he said finally. “You two were an item in sixth grade. Everyone’s gossip.”

  “I need your help. I need to find her mother and her ex-boyfriend. It’s a long story. I need you to work fast. I don’t care how much you charge. I need to find her.”

  I heard a sigh over the phone. “Look, Seth. I’m a professional and I’m bound by client confidentiality so I can’t tell you much. So off the record, and I’m not going to charge you, I know where Josefina’s mother lives, and her ex. I hope she’s not with him.”

  “You do?” I was shocked, but now wasn’t the time to ask unnecessary questions. “What do you know about Brad?”

  “Off the record again. He’s crazy. I can’t believe someone sweet like her dated a guy like him. I wouldn’t confront him alone. Why do you need this information?”

  “I love her, Chris. She has no idea. I need to find her.” There was no hesitation, but I couldn’t believe I was telling an old friend how I felt. “Thanks, Chris. You have no idea what this means to me. I owe you big time.”

  After I wrote down both of the addresses, I decided to head to Brad’s place since he lived closer. I texted Elijah the addresses and let him know what I was doing—just in case. The mother I could deal with, but I had no idea if Brad was going to be alone or if his deadbeats would be there with him.



  When the door slammed, my eyelids flew up. I didn’t know how long I had been sleeping, but I found myself lying on the carpet instead of curled up in a ball. The sun was still out but the angle of the shadow indicated it was setting. Hearing footsteps, I knew Brad had come home.

  “I see you haven’t eaten a thing.” Brad shoved the white container with his shoe.

  Hearing his calm tone urged me to get up. If I didn’t respond, I knew the next time his tone wouldn’t be pleasant. “I’m not hungry.”

  I couldn’t look him in the eye. Everything about him disgusted me. I wanted to take that plastic fork on top of the container and stab his eyeballs. He would always be the reminder that I’d ruined my last chance with Seth. Sitting up, leaning my back against the wall for support, I saw something in front of me. Chicken? Was he trying to feed me?

  When I refused to open my mouth, he tried to force it open. The second time he tried to do it, I bit into it and spat out the chewed-up piece in his face. Brad gripped my jaw so hard that I yelped from the pain.

  “You’re going to starve for him, instead of eating the food that I paid for? That’s my hard labor you’re wasting.” He shoved me and stood up.

  “Hard labor?” I choked out a laugh. “You don’t know what that means. Stealing is not hard labor. That’s called being a criminal.”

  I knew I was pushing my limits when Brad grabbed a fistful of his hair while walking toward the kitchen, but I didn’t care. “You’re really testing my patience,” he murmured.

  “I’m leaving tonight,” I spat, dismissing what he’d said. I couldn’t stay there anymore. Unable to find my charger, I couldn’t call anyone. I was going to suck it up and visit my previous roommate and ask her for help again. I didn’t have much, but I had some money saved up in the bank. It should be enough.

  “That’s funny, Josie.” He let out a fake laugh. “You’re probably delusional since you haven’t eaten in three days, so I’m going to remind you: you leave when I tell you to leave.”

  “I need to find a job.” That was the truth, but I would have said anything so he’d let me go.

  His eyes lit up, replacing the frown with a pleased look. My legs were unsteady when I tried to push myself off the floor, and I got light-headed when I finally stood up. Somehow I managed to walk to the kitchen. Planting my hand on the island for support, I grabbed a banana. It was time for me to be the strong Josie. I’d been through worse before; I could do this.

  It took an effort to peel the banana, but just as I took a bite a knock on the door startled both of us. Brad looked at me with a questioning look. I guessed he wasn’t expecting company tonight. He raised a finger to his lips, shushing me. Cautiously, he headed toward the door. Was it the cops?

  I jerked when the door banged harder. The anticipation was killing me. What if a group of guys out there wanted to kill Brad? Would they try to hurt me too? With the banana in my hand, I ran to my corner. My heart raced when I heard the door creak open. I knew Brad wasn’t stupid. He must have bolted the door with the chain lock first.

  “Is Josie here? I need to speak to her.”

  Stunned beyond words, I froze. My heart pounded a mile a minute. Every nerve ending in my body shot alive from the sound of his voice. Seth? Was that really him?

  I raced to the hall. The sunlight blocked my vision, but when I saw those emerald eyes, there was no doubt it was my Seth.

  “She’s not here. And if she was, she wouldn’t want to see you. Didn’t you get the message when she kissed me?” Brad sneered, gloating.

  Even from the distance, I could see Seth’s muscles tightening, but he continued to remain calm. “Her car is here. I know she’s here. You either let me see her, or I swear I’ll break down this fuckin’ door. If she tells me to go away, then I will, but YOU don’t get to.”

  “Fuck you!” Brad slammed the door.

  “No,” I whimpered quietly. Maybe Seth finally read my letter! Seth was here! I was not letting this chance go. I ran to the door, but Brad grabbed me with both arms and dragged me across the room. “LET ME GO,” I shouted. “SETH!” I screamed.

  The sound of Seth kicking the door echoed through, again and again
. Then the door crashed open. Brad was still holding me and wouldn’t let go.

  “Josie,” Seth murmured. His expression was full of concern as he examined me from head to toe. I must have looked like a mess.

  Seth extended his hand out. “Look. I’m not here to cause any trouble. I just want to talk to Josie. If you don’t let her go, and if I don’t call my friend in the next few minutes, he’s going to call the police. Do the right thing. I’m giving you a chance to leave.”

  Brad let out horrendous laugh and gripped me tighter. His nails dug into my skin. “You think you can walk into my house and demand things from me? Oh, hell no. Let me tell you what’s going to a happen: You’re going to get your ass out of my house. Josie isn’t going anywhere with you.”

  With every step Seth took forward, Brad took a step back until we were cornered in the kitchen. “Fine, suit yourself. We’ll let the cops handle it.”

  Brad released one of his hands to reach behind him, and placed a knife across my throat. I gasped, stiffened, and feared for my life and Seth’s.

  Seth’s eyes widened and his jaw clenched. “Okay. I’m backing away. Don’t hurt her.” He took several steps back while checking his watch. Where the hell were the cops? Was it just a bluff?

  “Seth, watch out!” I croaked. It was difficult to shout out a warning. One of Brad’s deadbeats was behind him.

  Seth ducked and swung, punching the guy across the jaw. The guy got up and rammed his body into Seth’s. Seth’s back slammed against the wall, but then he jabbed his fist down on the guy’s back while kneeing him at the same time. Falling from the impact, the guy turned to get up, but Seth jumped on top of him and gave him a hard punch to the left and right of his face. Blood gushed out from his nose.

  I released the breath I was holding, forcing myself not to blink for fear if I did, I would miss something. It was too intense; every nerve in my body was on high alert. Adrenaline was pumping through my body so fast, I thought I was going to faint. Seeing the deadbeat on the ground, knocked out, and Seth standing up looking down at him, I thought it was over—when Seth was suddenly slammed against the wall.

  “SETH!” I yelped. Brad’s friend must have come in without Seth knowing. My terrible view from the angle Brad was holding me, had prevented me from seeing it happen.

  “Kill him!” Brad hollered.

  The guy punched Seth twice in the face, and then a jab went to Seth’s stomach.

  “SETH!” I tried to escape, but I couldn’t. Tears streamed down my face, and I didn’t care if Brad cut me. I needed to go to Seth.

  After receiving several more blows, Seth managed to duck and return a punch to the guy’s nose. Blood splashed out, painting the white wall. Seeing Seth’s bloody face, I cringed and wanted to hurt that guy. Seth looked drained. His body moved more sluggishly than it had in the fight with the first guy he’d knocked down. As I tried to figure out how to escape, I was worried for Seth. What if one of Brad’s other friends stopped by? I had no idea how many of them lived there.

  When I saw a body appear in the doorway, my heart hammered mercilessly. OH GOD, NO! SETH! To my surprise, it was Elijah. Elijah yanked the guy off Seth. The guy was so stunned that he remained motionless.

  “Do you remember me?” Elijah asked, mockingly. “Of course you don’t, ‘cause we never met. But let me introduce you to my fist.” BAM! Elijah threw a punch so hard that it knocked him down to the ground. Elijah took a step toward the guy on the floor who was crawling away. “You guys don’t play fair. Two against one, shame on you. Seth, I got this one—go get that bastard. Holding a girl hostage like that. What the fuck is wrong with you?” He pointed at Brad.

  Seth would get nowhere with Brad holding a knife to my throat. Once I saw a movie where the girl escaped a hold like that, so I thought to try it. Managing to position my mouth, I bit Brad’s arm as hard as I could. In that split second, he loosened his grip on me. I shoved him and ran. Seth caught me and placed me behind him, just as Brad threw his body at Seth.

  Seth stopped the knife from penetrating his chest by gripping Brad’s arm. It was like a tango dance, going back and forth. When the opportunity presented itself, Seth kneed Brad’s stomach, making him curl his body inward. Seth slammed Brad’s wrist against the island, making him drop the knife. Seth kicked it away and gave Brad the punch of the lifetime he deserved. Brad dropped over the sink and slowly got up with a bloody nose.

  “Don’t ever come near Josie again. I swear, I’ll kill you next time,” Seth seethed, his shoulders set wide, his legs spread apart, still in a fighting stance. His body moved in the rhythm of his exhausted beating heart. Air puffed out of his mouth and blood dripped down from his fingertips.

  “Seth?” I whispered, shaking and afraid I had missed something.

  As if he’d heard the desperation and fear in my tone, Seth said, still keeping his eyes on Brad, “I’m fine, Josie. It’s just a cut.”

  Elijah walked in, ready to do what he could. “The cops are here. Let’s go, Seth.” Then Elijah turned to walk out.

  “I’m coming.” Seth reached down to pick up the knife he had kicked earlier.

  It happened so fast, yet it moved in slow motion. Brad pulled out a knife from the holder and threw himself at Seth.

  “SETH!” I screamed. My whole body froze in fear.

  “STOP OR I’LL SHOOT!” I heard a voice behind me say.

  Brad froze in place just a breath away from Seth. I turned to see four police officers with guns targeting Brad’s chest. Seth eased out of the danger zone and came straight toward me. He embraced me tenderly, as if I would break if he held any tighter. He pulled away, cupping my cheek with one hand. The other hand was still bleeding. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded with happy tears in my eyes—happy to see Seth and happy to know he was going to be fine. I still couldn’t believe he was there.

  “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Come home with me, okay?”

  I nodded, and then we focused on Brad and his friends being arrested. Elijah made sure the police officers were informed. Brad groaned and cursed while he was forced into handcuffs.

  “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law,” the police officer started to say.

  I tuned it out after that to face Seth again. “I need to get my bags.” I pointed to the


  Seth smiled with a nod, taking away the warmth he had provided me when he held me in his arms. Suddenly, I felt cold. Icy chills coursed through my body like I was submerged in a bath filled with ice. Then the walls began to spin and white dots appeared. Oh shit! What was wrong with me? Then replacing the cold, a flash of heat waved through me. I closed my eyes for a second, and then opened them to see a blurry vision of Seth running to me. My knees buckled, I lost control of my muscles, and the world turned dark.



  When I laid my eyes on Josie at Brad’s house, I could feel the blood drain out of my face, and my heart broke to see her like that. She practically looked like a ghost. With her eyes sunken and dark circles around them, I knew she hadn’t been sleeping well. Thin and frail, I assumed she hadn’t eaten for quite some time. With these added factors, being afraid for our lives, and Brad being an ass, it was no wonder she had fainted.

  I reached her in time to catch her fall. I knew something was wrong when I’d picked up her bags and headed for her. Her eyes rolled back and her body started to sway. She lay in my arms until the ambulance came. I rode with her to make sure she was fine. The doctor said she was dehydrated, and being in that amount of stress didn’t help either.

  “Do you want to get something to eat?” Elijah asked.

  I raised my head. Holding Josie’s hand in mine, I sat next to the bed. It was nice of Elijah to follow us to the hospital. I had tried to tell him that I would be fine, but he insisted on coming along. Once Elijah made up his mind, there was no convincing him otherwise. “I’m fine. Thank you.
You can go home. Josie is going to be fine.”

  Elijah stood with his legs apart, arms crossed. “I know Josie is going to be fine. I was worried about you.” His lips were pressed together, looking at me like a father would.

  “You don’t have to worry about me, Elijah.” I snorted, showing him my right hand. “The doctor bandaged my hand. I think I’m going to live.”

  Elijah released a small chuckle. “Yeah—well, next time don’t ever go into something dangerous like that by yourself. You could’ve gotten killed. I’m so glad you were smart enough to text me the address. I was worried sick about you. You’re lucky you just got a cut. It could have been worse.”

  “I know,” I sighed, knowing he was right. It was a stupid thing to do, but I was desperate. I wanted and needed to find Josie.

  He smirked. “Then I would have to find a new friend.”

  I cocked a brow. “So glad to know I’m easily replaceable.”

  “Seth?” I felt a twitch under my hand. “What happened?” Josie sounded hoarse.

  “Looks like Josie woke up.” Elijah ran his fingers through his hair. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

  I rubbed Josie’s hand to let her know I heard her. “Thank you,” I said sincerely to Elijah, watching him walk out the door. Then I turned my attention to Josie. “How are you feeling?”

  Tears streaked down her cheeks as her hand trembled under mine. “I’m so sorry, Seth. I’ve caused so much trouble. I didn’t want to bring you into my life. I didn’t want this for you.”

  “Shhh…It’s okay, Josie.” I wiped her tears and then stroked her hair. “I want to be here.”

  “You do?” She bit her lip and her eyes glowed.

  “Yes, I do. But I wish you had told me your situation. I read your letter, and that helped clear up the misunderstandings. Regardless, we could’ve avoided all this. I care about you, Josie. And I don’t care if you’re from another planet or…whatever baggage you have. We all have stuff we’re ashamed of, some more than others, but it doesn’t matter. We’ve been given a second chance, and I’m not letting you go.”


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