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Pretend Daddy

Page 14

by Lulu Pratt

  “Your mom is nice,” she smiled, reading my thoughts.

  She’d moved about her kitchen quickly as she opened one cabinet after another. First, she took a bag of popcorn from a box, tearing through the plastic before placing the bag in the microwave. Next, she reached for a large red bowl before setting it on the counter.

  “She likes you,” I said, beginning to smirk when she blushed.

  “You think so?”

  “I know so,” I assured her as she reached into a higher cabinet for two wine glasses.

  “I like her too. She sure can cook,” she nodded.

  I chuckled, thinking of how highly my friends would praise my mother’s cooking when I was younger. She had always been the coolest mom, welcoming my friends into her home whenever I pleased. Unlike my friends’ parents, my mom allowed us to stay up late watching movies and I always had the latest video games.

  “Where do you see yourself in five years?” I asked.

  The question came to me suddenly. Maybe seeing her move around the kitchen so experienced made me remember how much I love seeing her in my own kitchen. Or maybe I was riding on a high of optimism after receiving approval from my mother. Possibly, it was my own manhood speaking for me, as I began to harden, watching the smile bloom on Ashley’s face.

  “Five years?” She bit the side of her bottom lip, looking to the ceiling as though the answer was painted there. She glanced back at me with a vulnerable look before she continued. “I’d like to be finished with school. I want to go back and graduate.”

  I wanted to interject and tell her how badly I wanted to help her achieve that goal and many others. I wanted to assist with making all her dreams come true, and assure her that anything was possible if we stuck together. But I stayed quiet, giving her space as she continued to share her thoughts.

  “I want a family,” she said. This revelation appeared to make her uneasy, her cheeks reddening slightly. “One or two babies, a nice house that worked well for us, I mean him and me,” she realized that she let slip that she was voicing our future. “And a man who loved me unconditionally.”

  I nodded, feeling even more in tune with her than before. Our goals were completely aligned, and I felt destiny pulling us together. Ashley was everything I’d ever wanted, and now I needed her. She was the missing component to my life, the glue that could hold everything together.

  “That’s the exact thing I want.” I found my words, and the realization of how deeply I felt for her caused her to look away. I wondered if the connection was too strong. “Do you think this could be something real between us?”

  Ashley’s eyes shot to mine. I could see the emotion in the different shades of blue as her brows bent with a need for understanding. “Jake, I’ve never felt the way I feel for you with anyone else. I’ve never been this connected, or dreamed so much about my future. I think the timing is perfect, because we both seem to want the same thing at the same time.”

  There was a pause that filled the room with warmth. Although we had agreed to watch a movie together, I really wanted to take her right there in the kitchen. I needed her to feel just how strongly I felt, how deeply rooted my connection to her was.

  “I care about you a lot, Ashley. I’m trying my best not to rush things, but I know you’re everything I want and it’s hard to not pounce on what I feel is the best thing to ever happen to me.”

  Ashley inhaled sharply, swallowing slowly. “I care about you a lot too, Jake.” Her words were soft but intense.

  “More than the butterflies of a new relationship?” I asked, standing to move closer to her.

  “Much more,” she agreed as I stood before her.

  We stayed there with our eyes locked and bodies frozen. Even without touching, our connection was undeniable. I didn’t need to show her anything. From the look in her eyes, I was certain she understood all I was struggling to explain. For the first time in a while, I felt at ease, like life was finally coming together for me. I wanted to hold onto the moment of clarity and comfort if possible.

  A loud sound from the microwave broke our emotional embrace, and Ashley quickly retrieved the bag of popcorn before pouring its contents into the large bowl. I watched her closely, noticing more details about the way she moved. Her hair bounced, now tied up in the ponytail she usually wore. Her hips swayed as she carried the red bowl, a bright smile on her beautiful face.

  “Ready to watch a movie?” she asked, and I followed her to her living room.

  Unlike me, Ashley did not have a movie collection, but she had every streaming service imaginable. With her small frame wrapped in my arms, we scrolled the selections before picking a title. It was a family drama. One I would not have chosen myself. But she said she’d wanted to see it for months, so I agreed without hesitation.

  Occasionally, she would reach over her shoulder with a few kernels of popcorn between her manicured fingernails and I’d lean forward to eat out of her hand. It was intimate and comfortable, which was rapidly becoming my new normal.

  Halfway through the movie, the main character took on the task of planning a birthday party for her son. It reminded me of Jasper’s birthday, which I hadn’t prepared for at all. It was the first time I’d get to celebrate with him and I wanted it to be special.

  “Would you help me plan Jasper’s birthday?” I whispered in her ear.

  “Of course. When is it?” she answered without turning.

  “The twenty-fifth.”

  “Of this month?” she shrieked, turning to me with wide eyes.


  “Jake, that’s in just over three weeks!”

  “Good thing I told you then, right?” I shrugged as she began to calm down, relaxing into my arms again.

  “What would you do without me?” she asked, shaking her head.

  “I hope I never find out,” I said to myself. My voice was so low I doubted she’d hear me, but the sentiment was one of complete honesty. I wanted to do everything with Ashley right by my side. She was the perfect teammate, and I was determined to show her how much I appreciated her.

  Chapter 29


  “HELLO?” I ANSWERED the call without checking the caller id after rushing from the kitchen. I’d just put the green bean casserole in the oven, and I could already hear Jasper waking from his nap.

  “I’m confused. You’re home, but it sounds like you’re in the midst of a marathon,” Jake’s voice instantly calmed me.

  “And how are you so sure I’m home?” I sassed while walking to Jasper’s bedroom.

  “You share your location with me, remember?”

  I’d never given it much thought. After he taught me how to share my location with him using an app, I’d never given it much thought as it was for Jasper’s sake, not mine.

  “Did you learn about that on a stalking forum?” I teased.

  “Yep – that’s the one. Stalker 101,” Jake chuckled and I imagined his bright smile clear as day.

  “Do you have nothing better to do than track my every move?”

  “Is there anything better to do in this world?”

  “How about enjoying the real thing? When will you be home?” I asked as my tone softened with yearning.

  “I’m leaving now, but I’m an hour or so out,” he said. I could sense the longing in his voice, and my body weakened just thinking about it.

  “So, you’ll be joining us for dinner?” I couldn’t hide the excitement in my voice.

  In the beginning of my job, Jake rarely made it home in time for dinner. His schedule was all over the place, and he always had a reason to work late or go in early. Now, since we’d began dating, I could tell he was trying to be more present, not only for me but Jasper too.

  It had been a few weeks, and we always had the chance to have breakfast a few times every week. And dinners were almost expected. He would call if he couldn’t make it, and sometimes I’d even feed Jasper and wait for Jake to enjoy dinner together.

  “I would love
nothing more,” his voice was laced with seduction.

  “Then I’ll see you soon,” I whispered, leaning against Jasper’s door.


  I had to wait a few seconds to gather myself before opening the door. Jasper was only half awake, whining through his dream when I sat on the edge of his bed. Slowly, I woke him by rubbing his back. When he finally sat up, he climbed into my lap and I rocked him for a few minutes.

  “Want to go play now?” I asked when he pushed away to stare at me. It was his way of letting me know nap time was officially over.

  “Yes!” he cheered, scrambling from my lap to race to the door.

  I playfully chased him, his squealing laughter echoing throughout the house. He went straight to his playroom, which had become a bit crowded with new toys. Jake had a problem with picking Jasper something up every time he found himself in a big retailer.

  Even with all the new additions, Jasper’s favorite was still the Army figurines. He liked to set them up throughout the room and crawl around on his hands and knees, leading them from one mountain of toys to the next. I joined him, asking questions about the mission and what his next move would be.

  It was there, on the floor of the playroom, where Jake found us an hour later. Jasper dropped his toys to race to him as his father lifted him into the air. I loved to see them together and happily joined them, wrapping my arms around both of them. Jake leaned down to kiss me, and then Jasper kissed my cheek. We laughed together before I led them both to the kitchen, certain my casserole was ready.

  We enjoyed dinner as a family before returning to the playroom. This time, Jake was on the floor with Jasper. He was much more involved than me with these toys, rolling around with an imaginary gun as he yelled and pointed for Jasper to follow. It was clear Jasper adored his father, and I watched from the doorway with a smile. It was so good to see the two bond.

  I’d always wanted children, and in a way Jasper was the answer to my wildest dreams. He clearly needed the love of a mother, and I could give him that. In just a few weeks, I could see drastic changes in his behavior and demeanor. He was happier and more open to communicating. Before, he had been timid and hesitant to tell me when something bothered him.

  Having Jake home was great. He cleaned the dishes while I took Jasper for bath time. After an intense playdate with his father, he was exhausted and went to sleep without much of a fight.

  Jake had cleaned the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine. I was elated when I returned to the kitchen, taking my glass as I settled into a bar stool.

  “Long day?” he asked.

  “Not too bad. I was hoping for a long night.” I batted my eyelashes. As much as I loved seeing Jake and Jasper play together, I was patiently waiting for adult time.

  Jake needed no translation, taking my glass from my hand before setting it onto the kitchen island. His mouth found mine with excitement as his tongue brushed past my lips. A soft moan escaped me as my body melted into his. Lifting me with little effort, he carried me to the bedroom as his hands roamed my body greedily.

  Pulling away from the embrace, I leaned back just far enough to remove my tank top, throwing it to the ground. Once we reached the bedroom, Jake placed me on the floor and we both stripped quickly. Gone were the days of artful seduction. Instead, we’d fallen into a routine of neediness, unable to muster finesse with raging appetites.

  We fell to the bed in our nakedness, our legs and arms intertwined. Jake knew my body better than anyone, teasing me with precise movements as my body came alive for him. Our bodies moved in unison, as well as any choreography I had ever learned. My legs draped around him as he thrust forward, groaning with ecstasy as my body welcomed him.

  “Yes!” I moaned, rocking my hips to meet his rhythm.

  Jake’s chiseled body was a masterpiece. My fingernails dug into his backside as he sunk deeper into me, waving his body to reach depths and corners only he had discovered. It was heaven, feeling my body stretch to accommodate him, as his tongue teased the sensitive skin along my neckline.

  His groans grew to growls as his body raced to his own release. Tugging at the sheets, I fought for leverage, but there was none. I was lost to him, adrift in a sea of pleasure, forced to embrace it. Our bodies crashed like waves as my climax began to take over.

  “Jake!” I cried his name, fighting the inevitable. I always tried to extend the pleasure, but could never last long.

  “Come for me,” he growled, his tone attempting to control his own needs.

  As always, I obeyed without question, allowing my peak to wash over me. My body tightened before releasing, clenching onto his manhood with desperation.

  “Oh baby! You’re milking me,” Jake groaned. I could feel him lose control, abandoning his composure as he bucked like an animal. Digging into me without regard, his aggressive pounding sent me into another orgasm just before his body stammered.

  Gripping me tightly, he moaned deeply into my ear as his body softened, and his length jumped inside me. I could feel the release and clenched my muscles to tighten around him, thirsty for every drop.

  “Ashley,” he groaned my name, and my sex clenched tighter. “Baby,” he wrapped his arms tighter.

  We lay there intertwined as our breathing began to slow, the ending to a long day that did not disappoint. Looking up to the ceiling, I was in awe at Jake’s ability to command my body. He could take me to levels I didn’t know existed.

  “You okay?” Jake looked over. He was still panting, as exhausted as me.

  “Better than okay,” I assured him, a satisfied grin on my face.

  “Good.” He returned my grin before climbing on top of me, pressing his lips to mine.

  Our tongues danced together with a passion that could only follow such an erotic exchange. Our bodies were coated in a sheen of sweat, and I silently hoped it would be an adhesive between us. There was nowhere I’d rather be than pressed tightly against Jake. He had become more than my employer, much more than a boyfriend. Our lives were intertwined now, and it left me with purpose and passion.

  Wrapping my arms and legs around him, I pulled him as close as possible. My eyes clenched shut as I prayed for the moment to never end, a wish for perpetual bliss.

  Chapter 30


  “LET’S TAKE A bath together,” Ashley suggested after an exhausting evening of love making.

  “A bath?” I tried to swallow my laugh. I’d never used the bathtub in my home, though my real estate agent claimed it was one of the newest models on the market.

  “Yeah,” Ashley didn’t seem deterred from my apprehension as she stood up from the bed, taking my hand in hers.

  “What are you doing?” I asked in amazement as she moved about the bathroom quickly. She had stored several toiletries beneath the sink. Now, as the water filled the soaker tub, she splashed one oil after another into the running water.

  “Just trust me,” she smiled. I was more focused on her naked body, seeing the redness fading from my tight grip earlier in the bedroom.

  I had to look away to stop my cock from reacting, already craving more of her. She was my addiction, and there was never enough. I could spend days on end alone with her, if she’d let me. Sex with Ashley was the cap to our growing relationship, the icing on the cake.

  Every time I lay with her, I felt I’d transferred another piece of myself. Our connection, which I thought was maxed out, knew no limits. Every second together we became more intertwined.

  “You ready?” Ashley asked as she leaned across the white porcelain to stop the faucet. I nodded as she carefully stepping into the water. “Come on!”

  There was an innocence about taking baths. As I climbed into the warm water to sit behind her, I felt calm, a vulnerability I hadn’t indulged since childhood.

  Ashley leaned back and I wrapped my arms around her. It was amazing how she could create these experiences I would never venture to partake alone. Beyond nurturing, she was a teacher. Every day it seemed I
learned more about how to express myself and my love for her.

  “This is nice,” I sighed, burying my nose in her hair. I loved all her scents – the lavender of her hair, the fragrant perfume she wore, and even the warm smell of jasmine whenever she began to sweat.

  “It is. I’ve been wanting to take a bath in here since I first saw it,” she admitted, her cheek brushing against my bicep.

  “You can always come in here,” I leaned down to make sure she knew that.

  “I know, Jake. But I wanted to take a bath with you.”

  A lulling silence filled the nonexistent space between us and I held her close. It was in the quiet moments I was unable to run away from the rush of feelings I constantly had about her. She was so special and pure. Ashley didn’t hide things, and instead showed me her true self. That was invaluable.

  “When I was younger, my dad wasn’t sure how to entertain a little girl,” Ashley said quietly. “He had all brothers growing up and like you, was a single dad. I guess he didn’t quite know what to do with a girl. When it was bath time, he’d line up Army men on the bathtub rim.” She smiled as she pointed to the edge of the tub with the memory softening her voice.

  “Then, one day, I told him Army men weren’t for girls. He looked shocked for a second, and then he just gathered them into the bin we kept them in. I felt sad, like I had hurt his feelings, but he just moved past it. The next night, when it was time for bathtub, he brought the same bin, but now the Army men had been spray painted bright pink.” She was grinning, her cheeks revealing a small dimple.

  “He told me they were Army women.”

  “It was just you and your dad, huh?” I asked, interested in learning more about her family.

  “Yep,” she answered, pressing her lips together. “I never knew my mom, she left before, and I quote, ‘things got boring.’ But my dad was an awesome dad. He filled both roles. I never felt like I was missing anything. But when he died, it felt like I lost everything.”


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