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Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Going to the Chapel (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Colter Family Book 1)

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by N Kuhn

  “Seriously Mr. Childress, could you please just calm down on the lecture a bit? I’ve never done this before. I’ve never been in trouble; now can we fix this?” The older man was slightly frazzled looking, his suit wrinkled as he huffed into the love seat.

  “What a wonderful Saturday morning. I wake up, watch the news, and there you are, walking down the aisle, looking like the most in love man in the world. In a Chapel. A shady Vegas chapel. I thought you were smarter than that. If you were going to get married to raise your rating, then you should have had an elaborate event, with the media and everything.”

  “We didn’t do this as a publicity stunt,” Justin sprang up from the couch. He paced the area near the couch, Mr. Childress frowned, watching his client move around.

  “Sir, we don’t know what happened really. I mean, we see the video, but, we just met last night. I came to spend the weekend here with my friend, and I don’t know how or why, but my mother arranged for us to..” Robin hung her head as she began to laugh.

  “What’s so funny, Mrs. Maddigan?” Justin asked sarcastically.

  “Can we speak privately?” She glanced between him and the attorney.

  “Anything we have to discuss can be done in front of him. He’s the one who’s going to help us out of this, and we have attorney client privilege. Right?” The older man nodded, leaning back in the chair.

  “My mother, she set this up. Her and Char. They had to of.”

  “Then how do you explain the roofies?” Justin moved back over to sit down.

  “Those boys Char pointed out, were just that, boys. She likes well-dressed men, not frat boys. I have to say, this is just seeming to make more and more sense as I think of it. Come on Justin. My mother knows your old nanny somehow? Asks you to just keep an eye on us? We get roofied, but Char doesn’t? And, if she wasn’t drunk, why would she let us get married? It seemed she was encouraging us. I keep having these flashbacks of champagne and a limo?” She ended with a question, unsure, since she couldn’t remember past dinner. Justin leaned forward on his knees, holding his head in his hands.

  “You think your mother set this up? To ruin my campaign?”

  “No, to get me married off. She’s had the urge for grandkids ever since the Anderson’s got their kids all married off with some meddling.”

  “And Julia has been asking me the same thing as well. So she’s been bugging me about settling down. Great, just great.”

  “So,” the attorney interrupted. “What are we going to do? When you first called, I could have easily gotten an annulment. But since this is all so public, it would ruin you more to annul the marriage than to make it real.”

  The laughter from Justin actually scared Robin. She scooted a little further from him on the couch and just stared as he cracked up, his face turning red.

  “Make it real? Make it real. Hey Robin, it’s nice to meet you. Let’s be married for the rest of our lives even though we know nothing about each other and you have a life in, where? Where are you from?”

  “Seattle,” she whispered.

  “Seattle. And I’m in Vegas. Wow, this is great.”

  “Justin, I was going to add, that I meant only making it real until the campaign ended and then we can do a trial separation where she returns to Seattle and claim unreconciled differences and file for divorce. You both leave with what you came with and Justin, you have a better chance at winning the election as a married man.” Waving his hands like a magician who just did a big trick, the attorney crossed his legs and leaned back in his seat again. Robin and Justin looked at each other silently.

  “I couldn’t ask you to give up your life for my campaign.”

  “It’s my mother’s fault, I won’t let you lose because she came up with some dumb scheme that has blown up in everyone’s face, even those of us who had no clue what was going on. I own my own business and can work from anywhere. I can just come down here, and I’ll get myself a room or something. We keep up appearances in events and the news. But otherwise, you run your businesses, I run mine from the hotel and that’s that.”

  “We are not staying married, we can’t. I don’t even know you. Hell, we have no prenup, we’re strangers. And if I were to be married for real, I would be married. I would not allow any wife of mine to just live in a hotel room without me.”

  “Fine, it’s your campaign, not mine. But just so you know, you sounded very controlling and chauvinistic right there, you jackass.” Robin slunk down into the couch cushion, crossing her arms. Even acting petulant, Justin could feel his excitement towards her rise.

  Shaking his head, he tried to clear the cobwebs of desire from his brain. This woman drove him nuts, there was no denying that. Surely he could play house for a few months with her and it wouldn’t be such a hardship? His gaze darted over to her as she pouted, pretending to ignore him. But the hurt was written all over her face. What an insensitive bastard he was. She just found her fiancé cheating and now, he didn’t even want a fake marriage with her. Sighing, he moved towards her. As his arm wrapped around her shoulder, a sob burst from her lips.

  “I’m sorry Robin, I know, you said what you went through that caused you to come here in the first place. I didn’t mean for what I said, to come across as rejection. I would never intentionally hurt your feelings.” His hand rubbed her leg as he whispered to her. Robin cried silently against his shoulder, listening.

  “I need you two to understand the ramifications of such a public concern. If you stay married, you have to act married and happy. If you choose to annul this, then there will be blowback and Justin, that will include not having a campaign anymore.” The attorney leaned forward, as if he was going to stand.

  “He’s right,” Robin agreed, wiping her eyes. “We have to do this. Honestly, I think being here, instead of Seattle, would be good for me anyways. I’ll have less memories, and the break up transition may be easier. You know? New place, new city, new surroundings.” The three sat there silently for a few minutes, just staring off into space. Each in their own world of thought. Justin realized he was still holding Robin. As he looked over, the golden band glinted, glaring at him. He took his arm from her, standing. As he walked over to the cart and poured a new coffee, he spoke.

  “Let’s do it.”

  Chapter 7

  Robin fidgeted at the pearl necklace she had on. Her peach dress and white sweater were supposed to look polished and opulent. Justin’s black suit was perfectly pressed with a US flag pin on the lapel. The setting sun shone brightly even with her large sunglasses. Her long dark hair was pulled tightly into a bun. Justin’s campaign manager brought in a stylist to help them look the part. The happy political couple. Justin leaned into the microphones on the podium.

  “Thank you for being here today. First off, I’d like to officially introduce my wife, Mrs. Robin Maddigan. Now, let’s get on with the real reason we’re here today,” he sounded intelligent, capable and like a leader. Robin smiled and it actually wasn’t forced. She could appreciate the passion he had for his stance on the main topics. Justin wanted to help convert the outer parts of the city, the areas that were forgotten past the strip. He wanted the year round residents to love their city again, not feel disdain towards the tourist trap. She respected that. As Justin finished his speech, the applause was almost deafening. The crowd loved him. As she moved to his side, he wrapped an arm around her waist, while waving to the crowd. She felt the heat between their bodies. Since waking up that morning, and deciding to do this, they had been whisked through outfit decisions, meeting with the stylist and campaign manager, as well as teaching Robin how to act and answer questions from the press if she was caught alone. She hadn’t even had a chance to yell at Char yet for her part in all of this. There was a text from her mother though, congratulating her and asking when she would meet her new son. Robin of course ignored it. Anger had flared through her at the words, but deep down she still loved her mother and knew she only meant the best for her.

  Justin led
Robin back inside the casino. Some of the paparazzi followed them, so they paused, kissing for the cameras. Though she knew in her heart he was only pretending, Robin couldn’t fight the feeling she got from his lips pressed against hers. The heat spread through her whole body, as she wrapped her arms around him, feeling his hardened muscles beneath the suit jacket. People in the lobby stopped to aww, cooing at the loving couple.

  “Oh my, you two certainly are an attractive couple. Next stop the White House?” Char ambled up to them in her bikini with a towel in her hand. Justin said goodbye to the press, wrapping an arm around her shoulders tightly and practically dragging both women to the elevator.

  “Let’s go darling, I think we need to have lunch with your best friend here and get you set up in my room, since you’ll be moving in.” Justin clenched his teeth as he spoke. Charlene laughed loudly, ignoring the fact that her friend was angry and Justin was on the verge of exploding.

  “This isn’t funny Char. Do you have any idea what this stupid idea you and my mother cooked up has done? You almost ruined Justin’s mayoral campaign. And now, I have to live in a hotel. Both of our lives are in turmoil and you think it’s funny,” Robin’s voice rose with each word and Justin jabbed the elevator button over and over with his finger, as if it would make the doors close any faster.

  The ride up to the penthouse was silent. Robin tapped her toes in frustration. Char checked her phone, smiling to herself and Justin stood in the middle, arms crossed over his chest and his face blank in frustration. The doors slid open for the suite and he gently shoved both women out of the elevator.

  “Let’s go sit, we need to talk.” Picking up the phone, he ordered a bottle of scotch, some coffee and wine sent up. Robin collapsed on the couch, exhausted from her morning. She had only a small lunch but couldn’t possibly think of eating right now. That wine sure sounded good, except that at the thought of drinking alcohol after last night, had her feeling weak and dizzy. She grabbed her head, moaning, leaning back. Kicking off the heels, she curled up on the couch. Justin sat down next to her and pulled her so she could lay her head on his lap. Char looked at the both of them and grinned.

  “What now Charlene?” He asked grumpily.

  “You two are just so cute. Oh, and I’d love to know what stylist you use, because I know the day after I take a few ecstasy pills, I can’t manage to look that glowing and awake!”

  “What?” Robin sat up quickly and the dizziness wavered her sight, casting darkness in her vision. “You drugged us? Not those guys?”

  “I don’t do drugs, you kidding me?” Justin shouted at her. “Do you not think before acting? I can lose everything from the stunts you have pulled.”

  “But you guys are perfect for each other. So, anyways. I have a flight in a few hours. I really need to get out of here. Oh, and your mom sent a wedding present.” She pointed towards the bar and wandered off to her room right as the elevator opened. The man wheeled in the cart of drinks in. Justin went to handle it as Robin slid over to the bar. She picked up the padded envelope and a set of keys clattered on the marble.

  “What’s that? What did your mother dearest give us that could possibly make this ok?”

  “Cut the sarcasm. You’re not making this any easier.” Robin looked inside of the envelope, pulling out a piece of paper.

  Darling Robin,

  I’m so elated that you found yourself an amazing young man such as Justin. I hope the two of you are happy and your father and I can’t wait to meet him!

  Enjoy your new home. I hope you like the décor.


  “What?” Justin asked incredulously. “They bought us a house. In Vegas. Just this morning? When did you leave Seattle?” He looked serious, so Robin sat down on the stool, thinking hard.

  “I called my mom at like seven. In the morning after I took a red eye home.” Her eyes widened and she finally realized that this entire thing, the trip, Char, everything was a set up.

  “I’m gonna kill them,” she growled, launching herself from the stool. Justin caught her as she tried to fly by him. Tumbling to the floor, he held her tight as she moved against him. She tried to get away, to go after her friend, but Justin held her to the white shaggy carpet that covered the floor under the couch.

  “I can’t believe they did this to us.” Robin fought like a trapped animal. Justin tried to not laugh. He rolled their bodies so that hers was pressed under his. He maneuvered his arms up, holding her head in place. Looking into her crystal blue eyes, he leaned in to kiss her, shutting down any complaints she had left. Robin’s body went from rigid to relaxed immediately. Her mouth moved with his, her tongue moving into his mouth, tasting him. She tried to move her arms from between them, to grasp at her new husband, but Justin grabbed her wrists, pinning them to the floor. He shifted his body, straddling her. With one hand, he held her wrists, the other, he moved up the peach dress that had drove him insane during his speech. The material had hugged each curve of her body. His fingers moved up, bunching the material at her chest. He leaned down, latching his lips to her breast as he tugged her bra down. Her milky breast called to the hunger as she ground her hips into his pelvis. Justin’s erection hardened and he rubbed it against her body. Small moans escaped her mouth as she closed her eyes, tossing her head back into the carpet. Her fingers clawed at his hand while he kept them in place. His fingers yanked aside the panties she wore as he circled her clit. He wiggled them inside of her, teasing and playing with her body.

  “Please,” she whispered against his lips. Her warm breath heating his cool skin. “Let me touch you,” she cried out, moving herself against the palm of his hand. Ignoring her pleas, Justin continued his assault on her, feeling her muscles tighten as her excitement grew.

  “Come for me, wife,” Justin said, his voice low and husky. As if following his command, she screamed out her climax, bucking her hips harshly on his hand. As she shuddered, riding the wave of pleasure, Justin sat up, undoing his pants. He threw off his suit jacket, pulling himself from the pants. Robin finally came through the haze of her ecstasy, she took advantage of not being pinned down anymore, reaching up and ripping his dress shirt open. Buttons flew across the room, scattering on the floor. Justin held himself up against her opening. He sucked air through his clenched teeth at the feel of the moistness coming from her. He thrust himself in deep, holding himself as tight against her body as he could. She moaned, writhing beneath him. Her soaking channel milked him, begged him for more. He pulled himself out, thrusting back in hard, enjoying the mews from her mouth.

  Justin leaned in, kissing her lips. Nipping at them, he pulled and tasted, as he attacked her core. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he plunged as deep as he could into her body until he felt her muscles go rigid, the noises getting louder. A low growl in her throat before she screamed out in pleasure sent him over the edge as he pumped his seed into her. Panting, they lay together as one, hearts pounding in unison. Robin giggled breathlessly.

  “You’re crushing me, not that it doesn’t feel good to have you inside of me.” Justin shifted to his side, pulling himself out of her.

  “Seriously? I get newlywed bliss, but you two couldn’t even get to the bedroom?” Char’s voice was full of humor and managed to pull them from their own world. Robin yanked her dress down from her shoulders, covering herself back up. She looked up from the floor into the face of the girl who was supposed to be her best friend. Justin scrambled to shove himself back into his pants and do them up while kneeling behind the couch.

  “You,” Robin screamed, pointing at the girl. “You and mom had this planned since I called you? Right? How the hell did you two get this all done in the time it took me to get to the airport? You’re both dead.” Robin turned to push up onto her knees.

  “We just want you to be happy. We love you.” Char turned and ran to the elevator before Robin could get off the floor. She snickered as the elevator doors shut, taking her with them. Justin just shook his head and laughed.

nbsp; “Seems we fell right into the plan those two conniving women came up with. If you’re being honest and didn’t plan this with them, then they put together one hell of a plan quite quickly.”

  “I had nothing to do with this. I came here fo-“ Justin cut her off by pulling her head to his and kissing her.

  “We’ll figure it out. We play happy couple for my campaign and then decide from there.”

  “So now what?” Robin inquired, getting to her feet. She wobbled slightly and Justin grabbed her waist to steady her.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted from this day and still not one hundred percent from whatever it is she gave us. Want to get some sleep?” His lids were half closed, making him look brooding and sexy. Robin licked her lips and nodded. He grabbed her hand, leading her to the bedroom. He couldn’t help but notice how her hair had come undone from the perfectly tight bun the stylist did. Her locks flowed around her shoulders, making her look beautiful and innocent. Something inside of Justin’s chest stirred. This woman had agreed to give up her life to save his campaign. What had he really sacrificed? Nothing, and he wondered about after the election. Would he be able to let her walk away or could make this something real?

  The couple made their way silently to Robin’s bed, Justin letting go of her hand to strip. He watched her pale face redden and he could feel her eyes rake over his body.

  “Really? Are you embarrassed? We have had sex twice and we’re married. You have a beautiful body that should be worshiped. I can’t understand why that creep you were with, cheated.” He crawled into the bed, covering himself with the blanket as she undressed. Her clothes cascaded to the floor and for the first time, he got a full view of her body. Though they have been intimate, both times, they were still dressed. She deserved more. As his eyes drank in the sight of her ivory mounds and mouthwatering curves, her long hair added to the effect. An innocent seductress. That’s what she was. She nervously got into bed, and he felt himself come alive, ready to go again. But he didn’t want to push her or scare her. He wasn’t sure she was ready for more. He turned off the bedside lamp, turning towards her. Robin moved closer, the heat from her body driving him insane. Justin reached out, pulling her to him, spooning her. She sighed, moving her behind against his erection.


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