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Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Going to the Chapel (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Colter Family Book 1)

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by N Kuhn

  “Justin,” she whispered.

  “Yes, beautiful?” he nuzzled her ear, kissing her neck in the dark.

  “Make love to me,” she demanded so quietly he wasn’t sure he heard her right.

  “As you wish,” he said as he positioned her hips to shove into her from behind. They made love, his hands finally freely roaming her body. As they lay spent, the two talked into the night. About exes, their work, until finally both succumbed to the blackness of sleep.

  Chapter 8

  Awaking to the sun shine, Robin stirred, yearning to stretch. The heavy arm across her waist prevented her from moving far. It took her a moment to remember everything that had happened. She was married! She had a husband. Whom she barely knew. Though they talked last night, it was more first date discussions. Work, the ex, mundane things. She didn’t know what he liked to eat, listen to, watch, read, who he was. But yet, she was willing to move herself here to help him. Of course she agreed, it was partially her fault they were in this position. He was an innocent bystander in some crazy scheme between her mother and best friend. She couldn’t believe they had done this. It was so outside the realm of who she thought her mother was. Robin knew the woman was desperate for grand kids, going crazy in her big empty home now that her kids were all grown up. But this, had to be influenced by the Andersons. She knew Katherine Anderson was her mom’s best friend. This plan though, was just something she would have never expected from the woman who raised her. Robin picked up Justin’s arm, turning to lay on her other side. She looked at him, so peaceful in his sleep, not uptight like he had seemed when they first met. It was refreshing to see. Stretching, she moved to get up.

  “Did you sleep well?” She heard his groggy voice. Looking over her shoulder, she smiled as he yawned, the blanket shifting so she could see his whole body.

  What if this was real? She wondered. Shaking her head, she smiled at Justin, her pretend husband.

  “Yes, thank you. I can’t tell you how long it’s been since I’ve actually been held all night. Plus, after the day we had, I think I slept like a rock.”

  After Robin emerged from the bathroom, Justin was getting dressed.

  “I need to get to my room and shower, put on some clean clothes. Do you want to do something today?” he asked her.

  “Like what?” She searched her carry on from her trip. Everything was dirty and all she had, other than clean underclothes from the shopper, was the dress that she apparently got married in, and the dress from the press conference.

  “Call Susie, tell her you need jeans and a sweater.”

  “Sweater? It’s Vegas. Isn’t it hot here?” she joked.

  “It’s winter everywhere my beautiful bird. You can wear a tank top under, but I’m thinking of doing something outside and you may get chilled. Better to be safe than not.” He stepped towards her, placing a kiss on her forehead. Looking down, he closed his eyes, trying to force himself to leave her glorious naked body. When he opened them, she was blushing again. He noticed her fingers fidgeting, as if she wanted to cover herself. He took her hand and looked into her deep ocean eyes.

  “Call Susie, get dressed, pack your items and leave them on the bar. Bring those keys, and address. And then come to the second floor. Back to my office. The elevator access code is 3524.” He kissed her forehead again and strode out the door.

  Robin pulled on her jeans and blouse from the day before and went to the living room. She picked Susie’s card up and called her. After telling her what she needed, she called her mother.

  “Good morning my baby bird.”

  “Mom, I’m not a baby anymore and I’m mad at you.” Her mother tittered, as if shocked. “Stop it mom. I didn’t call to be mad at you. Ok, what’s done is done and now I have to live with the consequences for now. Could you please arrange to have my apartment packed up and shipped to the house you and dad got us?”

  “Oh, I’m so happy you’re staying. Dad and I will arrange to come out with your belongings. We can’t wait to meet our son in law.”

  “Mom, please, just send my stuff and give us a few weeks. We don’t even know each other. Give us time before I overload him with our family. Besides, we have a lot of work to do, to save his campaign that you and Char almost ruined with your little charade. He is running for Mayor. You could have ruined everything.”

  “Oh dear,” she could picture her mother covering her mouth and fanning herself like any good shocked southern woman would do. “I didn’t realize. She never said,” her mother spoke, mostly to herself. Robin just sat there. “Yes darling, I’ll just make the arrangements and you make sure you let me know when you’re ready for us. I love you, I only want what is best for you, and your happiness.” Robin felt tears pool in her eyes. She knew, her mother only wanted her happy. If she were honest, she actually was. Excitement about a new city, new surroundings, and a man who made her body hum with just a look, she was happy. Who would have figured?

  After speaking to her mom a bit, she answered some work emails. By the time Susie got there, she had her belongings gathered and ready to be moved to wherever they were going. The new house, Justin’s room here, she didn’t care. In her time alone, Robin had decided to make this work. To make Justin fall so in love with her that he didn’t want her to leave. He was a good man, and there was already a spark there. Maybe there could be more. Susie was awesome. With the same perkiness of the first day, she showed Robin an outfit that was just perfect. Tight straight leg jeans, with a pale blue sweater that hung off her shoulders, bunching at the waist. It went perfect with her beige flats that she arrived in.

  “Oh,” Susie said over her shoulder as she waited for the elevator, “Congratulations. You two are just so adorable together.” Robin just nodded her thanks, moving off to the bedroom to change.

  Within the hour, she was freshly showered and heading down to Justin’s office. As she approached, she heard voices. Robin listened closely as she approached the cracked door.

  “Justin baby, I miss you. It’s not about Wendell. We both agreed we were done. He didn’t dump me. You’ve missed me, right?” Robin rolled her eyes at the whiny voice.

  “Sara, you need to leave. I didn’t respond to your email for a reason.” This must be the gold digger ex he told her about.” Robin straightened her back, pushing her shoulders up. She held her head high as she pushed through the doors. Conversation stopped and the tall stick thin blonde beside Justin turned her way. The girl couldn’t be any older than he was, but her over worked, pinched face and fake chest made her seem much older. Her obvious try at seduction made her look trashy instead. The tight sequined blue dress barely covered her privates. It certainly didn’t contain the massive breasts. Her talon like red nails pulled at a strand of hair.

  “He’s in a private meeting, come back later with whatever work issue you have honey,” the woman waved at her dismissively. Robin ignored her and continued until she was at Justin’s side. She stood on her toes, pushing up to kiss his lips. If looks could kill, Robin would be mauled and a bloody heap right now.

  “Sara, meet my wife.” Justin placed an arm around Robin’s waist.

  “I thought that was just a publicity stunt.” She took a step back as if slapped in the face.

  “If you have nothing else to say, I’m going to take my wife out for the day.” He turned his back to her, leading Robin to towards his desk.

  “He’ll get tired of you, and I’ll be there waiting.” The woman huffed out, almost tripping on her sky high heels. She slammed the office door behind her. As if it would matter to them that she threw a fit.

  “So, what are we doing today?” Robin asked as soon as they were alone.

  “A picnic in City View Park. By the pond. I’m going to show you the city you’re going to live in. Plus, we can check out our new house. No more living in a hotel for either of us.” He grinned, pulling a basket from behind his desk. Robin was elated. It was sweet of him, and somewhat romantic. He took her arm and lead her to the elevator.
Robin couldn’t help scanning the office floor for Sara, but thankfully she was gone. She smiled, and couldn’t help but think how right this felt. Her elation continued down to the lobby and into the waiting town car. The drive to the park was quick and it felt great to be out in the sun shine. Robin drew her sunglasses down onto her face, turning up towards the light. It warmed her inside and out. After a crazy couple of days, it felt nice to relax, unwind and maybe finally get to know her husband. It still felt weird to say that word. Justin laid out a blanket he had in the car, spreading out their lunch. She had to admit, she was shocked. Having been used to men with money her whole life, she expected caviar and champagne. Instead, their meal looked like deli sandwiches and potato salad, with fresh bread and iced tea. Justin looked up at her as she still stood over him.

  “I went a little overboard,” he chuckled as he pulled out six different sandwiches. “Sit down, you already know I won’t bite, hard.” She kneeled onto the blanket and looked at him, suddenly feeling nervous. For the first time, they were alone, awake and not being pulled in different directions, no drama and no sex.

  “So,” Robin asked as she picked up a turkey sandwich and began to eat. “What do you enjoy outside of work?” They sat and chatted, eating and enjoying the day. They watched the birds on the pond, fed them some of the bread and walked around, holding hands. Robin caught some paparazzi here and there, snapping photos and realized that her life was now thrust into the limelight. Her actions and behavior were now a reflection on her new husband.

  “Ready to go see our new home?” Justin asked her as they approached the car.

  “Sure,” She said weakly. Coming to open her door, Justin cupped her face.

  “What’s wrong? Are you not having fun?”

  “I am. Honestly, this doesn’t feel fake anymore. I really, I don’t know. I just,” Justin cut her off with a kiss. “I feel like I’ve already fallen in love with you. But that’s stupid, right? We met two days ago.”

  “I know the feeling. It’s not stupid at all. There were sparks when we met, but I figured it was just lust. Now, I feel like it’s a burning flame and I love how it feels. Maybe we can do this for real. What do you say?”

  “I’m scared though. Your life is in the limelight. I mean, we couldn’t even picnic in the park without people taking photos. What if something from my family or past, or my ex comes up and embarrasses you or ruins your chances?” He shook his head.

  “There’s nothing that we can’t figure out together. Right? I mean, we turned a drunken video into a plus. Why can’t we turn a fake marriage into a real one? Win or lose the election, it doesn’t matter. If you’re by my side. You’re unlike other girls I’ve met. You don’t care about my money or what I can do for you. You agreed to move your life here, to help me save my campaign when you barely knew me. Waking up next to you this morning, was one of the best mornings ever, and I want that every morning, my beautiful bird.” He kissed her again and she smiled. Sitting in the car, she looked out the window with a recharged elation at the future. She was going to see her new house, with her new husband and a happiness she hadn’t ever felt.

  Chapter 9

  “Wow,” Robin exclaimed as the car drove up to their new home. In the affluent part of Las Vegas, far from the bright lights and noise of the strip, her parents had actually found her a dream home. This was more mansion, than home, but not in an obtrusive way. The white abode was two floors, with a wraparound porch, much like the southern home her mother had grown up in. Black iron wound around the flower beds of the second floor. Robin shoved the sunglasses up on top of her head and looked over at Justin. He smiled, coming around to her.

  “This is nice.” He scooped Robin up, her laughter warming his heart. She wrapped her arms around his neck, as he walked to the door.

  “Can you, um,” he stuttered, shifting her in his arms. “I can’t unlock the door too,” he chuckled. Robin pulled the keys from her pocket, leaning over to unlock the door. As she twisted the handle to open it, Justin nudged with his foot, carrying his new bride over the threshold. The house was fully furnished, with a warm and inviting feel to it. She had to admit that her parents did good. To the left, they could see a living room, warm beige furniture and sage colored walls pulled the room together well. In front of them was a large white staircase that divided, going to the left and right. Pictures of her family were on one side of the upper hallway, and surprisingly, pictures of Justin’s were on the other side.

  “How did..?” Justin didn’t finish his thought. Robin shook her head. Her mother was a scheming old woman. God help her brothers when her mom turned her gaze to them.

  “I guess we should have the family talk huh? I didn’t realize you had siblings,” Robin said to her husband. She was shocked at the thought her parents put into this home for them, they got it almost right. All of it was so much like what she dreamed of having for her own one day. Someone cleared their throat.

  “I’m sorry Miss.” Robin looked over Justin’s shoulder before he turned to face the hallway behind him. In the doorway stood a well put together woman, with an apron on. Justin put Robin down on her feet, looking at the stranger in their home. Raising his eyebrows, he approached her.

  “Justin Maddigan, you are?” She shook his hand, smiling.

  “Yes, Mr. Maddigan. I’m Jerri. Mrs. Colter hired me to keep the household running while you and Mrs. Maddigan are on the campaign trail. I’ll handle the cooking, cleaning and scheduling. Mrs. Maddigan, I’ve worked for the Mayor in Greensville, South Carolina for twenty years until he and his wife retired to a smaller home and I wasn’t needed. I’ll be here to help guide you, as you’ll be hosting political parties, gatherings and dinners. Please, let me know what types of foods you do and don’t like and we’ll go from there. I look forward to working for such a lovely young couple.” Robin couldn’t help but fall in love with her immediately. She reminded her so much of her mother, that it made her feel more at ease in this new city.

  “Ma’am, if you’ll come this way, I’ll show you to your office.” Jerri pointed towards a door to the right of the staircase, “Mr. Maddigan, yours is there. You can have your campaign manager work from there while you’re at the casino if need be. Mrs. Maddigan, yours is upstairs.” Jerri led Robin up the staircase. She grinned as she ran her fingers along the golden frames of her family portraits. Pausing at the end of the hallway, she stared at her big brother, Grayson. She couldn’t contain the giggle building in her throat. Jerri stopped to look at her.

  “Are you ok ma’am?” Jerri paused outside of the only door on this side of the floor.

  “Yes, Jerri,” she laughed. “I’m great.”

  And soon, Char and Grayson will be great too. Payback is a bitch, my friend. She grinned to herself. Robin couldn’t wait to come up with a plan for her best friend. She knew Char harbored a crush on Grayson their whole life, now was the time to get her back for this weekend. Not that Robin was mad, in fact, she couldn’t remember a time she was happier. Full of joy, Robin bounced down the rest of the hallway to finish the tour of her new home, her new life.


  Three months later

  “I want to thank the city of Las Vegas for electing me your next mayor. I promise to do everything in my power to make this our city again. Yes, we love the tourism and it’s great for our city, but it seems my predecessor forgot about those of us who make Vegas, Vegas. I also wanted to make a special announcement. My wife, Robin, and I would like to announce the expectation of our first child. This is going to be one special year!” The crowd cheered as cameras flashed, taking pictures of the happy couple. “I also want to announce that the position of Deputy Mayor has been given to my brother in law. Seth Colter. He worked for the ADA office in Seattle and comes highly recommended from political officials there. I hope together we can help turn things around in this city and bring a brighter future to us all.” Turning to his wife, he kissed her, his hand resting on her baby bump.

  “My b
eautiful bird,” he whispered in her ear. She grinned at him, looking happier than any newlywed could.

  “I love you Mr. Maddigan.”

  “I love you too, Mrs. Maddigan.”

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  N Kuhn grew up in a small town in Western New York. Having spent her afternoons outside or with a book, she grew up with a love of reading and writing. Her mother and grandmother fully encouraged this in her. She made a promise to her grandmother to fulfill the dream of being an author. Her grandmother lived to see N's name in print. This was a turning moment for her. Driven by ambition and a promise made, she has since published several titles including the Mohawk Trilogy, The Buffalo Rocker Series, the Tricks series and many more titles.


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