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The Angelic Wars I - Heaven

Page 11

by Andrew Gille

  Lucifer smiled, “So much of the groundwork for our victory had to be laid before we even began the planning of this battle. All of you are aware of Azurian crystals. These crystals, grown mainly in a mine in the city of Azura on the ringed planet Kalos. Of course, this is not the only place in the Heavens where these crystals are found but certainly the most plentiful. These crystals store energy, we use them for lighting. However, the crystals store energy and that energy is the same energy that makes up our being. With the proper modifications, sufficiently weakened Angels can be stored in an Azurian Crystal. When our foes lie incapacitated on the battlefield. We can collect them into Azurian Crystals where they can be transported easily. Now, the angel's power will grow within the stone and eventually cause it to explode. An angel’s power cannot be contained as he returns to full strength. It all depends on many things, the size of the crystal, the smoothness of the polish for some reason, the rounder it is, curious things. Your Azurian Crystals will be able to store the energy of an angel within it for only a short amount of time before it recovers and grows too powerful to be kept in the crystal. We’ve found that time, when performed on, well let’s say, some very dedicated volunteers, was about two Paradisian Days.”

  “So we’re going to take the entire kingdom in two days before all of our enemies come exploding out of the crystals we’ve stored them in?” Leviathan commented.

  “No,” Lucifer explained, “There is a second part of the containment. We’ve all felt the weakened state of being around the beautiful Innix tree. Certainly many of you may have visited Nibiru, there large forests full of the trees are plentiful. Many go for the express purpose of taking on the weakened state to meditate. I have done this and find it quite enlightening.”

  Leviathan looked skeptical, “Certainly I have felt the drain of the Innix tree. However, the weakening of an angel is barely perceptible when in the proximity of the tree. Certainly, I have leaned against an Innix tree and felt only a slight malaise, hardly noticeable until I realized what I was leaning against.”

  “Yes, but you are a powerful angel at his fullest strength. Innix has different properties to an angel who has most of the life force crushed from him. You see, when this tree is put by an angel who has been incapacitated, which you can do by beating most of the life force from him, draining his blood with a sword, decapitating him, all of the things our warriors will be doing to the loyalist forces, the Innix tree makes a recovery impossible. If we thought of our level of energy as a numeric value of 100. The Innix tree makes you recover 5% more slowly minus two. So if you are at 50 and you would normally recover to 60 within 1 minute, you would then recover only to 67.5. Doesn’t seem significant, until your health goes under a value of two. Then you recover that 5% more slowly, but the negative two keeps you in that state forever. When an angel is in this state, they enter a sort of stasis from which they cannot recover until the Innix wood is removed from their vicinity. The entirety of the massive entryway in the Temple of Os has been lined with Innix wood and will make suitable storage space for the Azurian Crystals containing the energies of our enemies. We estimate we could contain the entirety of Heaven within this entryway if need be. Each of our legions will have mages equipped with Azurian Crystals, who will collect the fallen loyalist angels and then teleport the crystals back to the Temple. As you know, teleportation of materials can be done instantaneously, directly into the room, no need to send a fireball out of the sky and then move it there, a portal will be opened to a netherrealm where the crystals will be stored, and that netherrealm will have a portal to the entryway as well. As mentioned the portal would destroy or seriously deform any loyalist angel that made the unwise decision to dive through and our legions on the other side are standing ready in case they get some wiser idea. Protective wards and sigils will prevent Os’ forces from casting any magic of their own on this important site in our strategy. Of course, they first would have to figure out what we are doing there, and our first order of business will be to secure the city of Cibolia to have unfettered access to the Temple and keep this site and its purpose a secret.”

  Lucifer continued as the council now sat entranced in his words, “I will lead our first legions into Cibolia. We expect little resistance and the Angels of the Order of Powers who do not resist or join us will be spared, the rest will be our first experiment in using the crystals. Machariel will lead another legion simultaneously to Hesperides, a city that would be Cibolia’s only lifeline to Antares. Hesperides happens to be Machariel’s home city, and he’ll take it while we secure Cibolia. Once we have these two cities, we brief you on our plan to take Antares, which would give us control of the majority of the population and defenses on Veritas. From there we’ll have a plan to take Kalos, then Aequiss and finally we will land on Paradiso itself and take Heaven back for its rightful rulers. Does anyone have objections to the plan?”

  Asteroth and Baal looked at Machariel who shot back an icy glare, staring them right in the eyes. They quickly averted their gaze as if they had looked in his direction by accident. Then Lucifer continued, “Excellent, we will leave this place when the sun’s rays first hit Cibolia tomorrow.”


  The Battle of Veritas

  Within the ziggurat, the armies assembled, golden helmets gleaming in the bright white light of the Azurian Crystals that lit the ziggurat’s interior. Each day more had come for the impending invasion of Jiran’s mother planet, Veritas. The initial two-pronged attack would start in two cities close to the hearts of Lucifer and Machariel.

  Cibolia, the island that Lucifer had just finished, he would lead this attack, he knew the city well and could lead his armies to the centers of power.

  Hesperides, the city near Machariel’s beloved garden, he wanted to ensure that it and his animals were spared any of the violence associated with the attack. An entire choir of angels was devoted to protecting the garden during the initial attack.


  In heaven, a rumor of war was whispered. Yet the action taken by the ruler of Heaven was comparatively light and concerned many among Heaven’s elite. He had appointed Michael as the leader of Heaven’s defenses, and he gave him dominion over the Powers and the ability to recruit any angel to his legions for the battle. Yet Michael was the weakest of all of the arch-angels and pleaded with Os to put Raphael or Gabriel in charge. He went to Elysian Palace and was allowed entrance through the alabaster gates, the seraphim directed him to a meditation room. A stark bare room containing one altar adorned with a blue cloth, trimmed with gold and two candlesticks giving off the only dim light aside from the faint blue glow from some small Azurian Crystals. To his dismay, he was never allowed to address Os personally and had to attempt to make his concerns known by kneeling at the altar in the meditation room.

  He bowed his head and prayed, “My Lord, why hast thou shouldered me with this impossible task? Surely there are those abler than me, do not put this monumental mission on the shoulders of a weak and unprepared angel like myself. Surely, the Halls of Heaven are filled with those who could confidently stand and gallantly lead. I am not worthy to carry the sandals of these angels. Please Lord, dismiss me from my role as General and choose another who will lead us to victory.”

  As usual, there was no response and believing that it had reached the ears of Os, was as much an act of faith as thinking he would relieve Michael of his duties.

  Gabriel came to Michael that night within the minor palace where Os had stationed him and provided as the headquarters for Heaven’s new defense force.

  “My brother, why do you wear this look of worry?” Gabriel asked Michael who poured over a floating model of the solar system of heaven.

  “Gabriel, I do not understand why Os has chosen me for this job, surely there are angels of the Order of Powers or Seraphs who would make a better war-leader than me. Right now our spies tell us that Lucifer equips and assembles a giant army. No doubt he plans to strike right at The City of God and take Elysian Pal
ace. How am I to stop the Arch-Seraph?”

  Michael put his hand on his brow and studied the model of the solar system.

  “I have no purpose, no direction in this realm, I am merely a herald, introducing higher angels like Lucifer. Indeed one of the highlights of my existence was coming before him to tell the people at a feast held in honor of Os that Lucifer would soon be arriving. I never have, had the ambition to attain more than that. Why not put another in charge who has a modicum of experience in this area or at least one that understands something about what we are trying to do. I know we have not before assembled an army to stop an internal threat, but certainly, the Powers with their experience keeping law and order would be a better choice than I.”

  Gabriel laughed, “Michael, perhaps Os has bigger plans for you than you have for yourself. Do you know Os to make mistakes? What plans do you make with the information you have regarding Lucifer’s rebellion?”

  “You find humor in strange things Gabriel. The forges have begun crafting armor and weapons that we believe match up against those that we found forges creating for Lucifer. However, the plans for the armor and weaponry were burned by his loyalists, and all of the remaining supplies were destroyed. I have assembled an army of volunteers which is growing. I have stationed the majority of my garrisons here in The City of God for a direct assault on the capital seems like the brash and arrogant move Lucifer would make. Unfortunately, under orders of Os, we cannot hunt him or make an attempt to find where he hides. Can’t even station our angelic forces at his palace in Excarian City. Only wait for him to attack us first.”

  “Os gives Lucifer the chance to stop these activities, he allows him the ability to walk away. No doubt should he repent, all would be forgiven, and he would be allowed to reassume his position of authority as the arch seraph. This is why I feel we’ll all be dragged into this war very soon,” Gabriel nodded to Michael and walked out the door, flying off into the golden sun.

  Michael yelled to his assembled choir and marched them out into the streets of The City of God, their shining silver armor and sharp spears a warning to all that siding with Lucifer would not be met without consequences.


  Lucifer and Machariel stood before the assembly of rebel angels. Clad in golden armor, shining in the white light of Azurian Crystals, they stood in formation within the ziggurat.

  10,000 strong, they knew the battle plan, one half of the forces would follow Lucifer to Cibolia where they would take over the town from the Powers Angels who were in control, one half would accompany Machariel to Hesperides, his hometown, where he would personally dispatch the limited number of Powers and then occupy the city.

  Lucifer and his forces would storm Cibolia and set up a garrison in the central Temple of Os, where captured loyalist angels would be held within Azurian crystals in the Innix Wood trimmed entrance to the Temple Cathedral.

  Both forces of angels would depart Veritas’ moon Jirian simultaneously, through Conveyance. Careful calculations had to be made to ensure that the angel made it to the planet they intended to arrive at during the time in which it was in the area of space in which it belonged. Most angels, like Machariel had when traveling with Lucifer, received help with this kind of spell. They often went to a specific departure port and were guided by angels astute in arcane knowledge which gave them the proper calculations they needed. Indeed, permission was generally required for interplanetary travel, very rarely was it denied. This permission was usually only needed to ensure the orderly arrival and departure of angels. The conveyance spell caused a meteor-like fireball to be seen in the skies when they arrived. To avoid having the heavenly skies blackened with departing and arriving angels, they followed restricted paths into specific areas, and their speeds were severely slowed down during their departure and descent. Most of the travel time was spent within the atmospheres of the planets. The Order of Powers carefully coordinated their arrivals and departures within the arrival and departure points set up on the four inhabited worlds.

  Today, they would follow none of these rules. A massive door in the ziggurat opened, and Lucifer’s armies stepped out. The angels, their shining golden helmets and breastplates gleaming in the sun of the black atmosphere lacking sky, cast the spell as they had been told by Lucifer. In formation, they shot off the surface of Jirian. Clouds of dust formed outside of the ziggurat, leaving a hazy glow from which the rest of the angels marched blindly. As they were accelerated off the surface, they saw their target the planet of Veritas.

  Screaming from the sky they came in hordes, the residents of Cibolia stopped to find out who would be so bold as to arrive in their fair city in this manner. Occasionally, an angel with an emergency or an urgent message from Os would disregard the rules regarding warp travel to the planets, and their fiery trail could be seen and heard as they screamed to the surface, but this was something different. Thousands of black streaks darkened the sky and the sound of explosions, and the hiss of the shield orbs sailing hot overhead was unignorable.

  The spell had been calculated to bring the rebel angels in as fast as possible, taking advantage of the surprise and shock of the unorthodox arrival. Angels slammed into the surface of Cibolia’s streets, some themselves shocked at the force of their landing. A few dropped their spears and lay on the ground before composing themselves and snapping back into formation.

  Cibolia was a town made for beauty, and it was dotted with plazas and parks for the enjoyment of the residents and to acclimate the beauty of the islands on which it was built. The rebel angels landed in these parks and headed for the central plaza containing the Temple of Os. Most residents curiously observed them marching with their shining armor through their streets, and there was no resistance until Kamael, commander of the Cibolian defense forces shouted to a group who had slammed into a park damaging several statues of Os and burning some of the trees and foliage of a garden.

  “Halt! What business do you have here in our fair city Cibolia?” Kamael demanded.

  The rebel angels did as instructed and continued their march to the central rendezvous point. Kamael stood in front of them, and they marched around him as if he were a rock or obstacle that was part of the natural landscape.

  Kamael then ran to the front and grabbed the two angels leading the group, they threw him to the ground, and he drew his sword on them.

  “Speak, tell me what you do here in Cibolia, the city in which I am charged with keeping order. You violate our arrival laws and disturb the peace and geniality of this beautiful place and for what? Tell me why you are here!”

  The angels were told not to address the populace but to take down any resistors. However, none acted against Kamael. They stood and looked at each other when finally the leader of the group spoke, his voice muffled and echoing from behind his golden helmet.

  “We march by the orders of Arch-Seraph Lucifer, do not resist, remove yourself from our path or we will neutralize you.”

  “What words are these spoken against another angel? Lucifer built this city, with pride we speak of him and the plaza has a statue dedicated to him, why would he allow such rampant desecration of the sanctity of this place?” Kamael said shocked, then the formation parted, and he saw a terrifying sight. The Arch-Seraph, Lucifer himself marched toward Kamael of the Order of the Powers.

  “These angels speak the truth, remove yourself from their path or I shall destroy you Kamael.”

  Kamael, stood to the side as Lucifer allowed his troops to march on. He continued with them from the rear flank. When he was sure that the soldiers and Lucifer had moved on, Kamael spread his wings and flew off in sheer terror at what was happening.

  Lucifer’s legions soon assembled within Cibolia’s Central Plaza before the doors of the Temple of Os. Their plan had gone better than expected, there had been no resistance with the exception of Kamael who had been too shocked to fight. The rest of the Powers in Cibolia had stood by stunned as the legions marched by offering no fight, too bewildered to unders
tand what was happening to their city or not knowing what to do about it.

  Lucifer addressed the assembly within the plaza, “Victory! You have accomplished the first step in the campaign to right the evils of this realm. This temple, once dedicated to a god who does not care about you and reigns in apathy to the awful things happening under his watch will now be known as The Temple of Lucifer!” The soldiers cheered, less because they were enthusiastic about helping Lucifer rename landmarks in his own honor and more because they had won this victory and all of their fears and concerns had not come to fruition. There had been no battles, no bloodshed and not even a captured angel. For this they were grateful. Cibolia was now theirs, the Principality in charge agreed to come down to bow before Lucifer and accept him as his new lord and ruler. This ceremony would happen tonight at sunset in the cathedral of The Temple of Lucifer. Preparations would need to be made, and all offending imagery of Os would need to be removed. Lucifer wished to gaze upon the grandness of the cathedral one last time before it was transformed into a monument to his omnipotence. Two of his gold clad warriors opened the door. What Lucifer witnessed as he stepped inside was a reminder that another battle raged in another part of this world. Dozens of Azurian Crystals glowed within the entryway, their deliverer’s already departed. As Lucifer stepped within the vast expanse of the temple, an angel carrying three more appeared.


  Lucifer stood within the grand, expansive entryway of the former Temple of Os, it was made of marble from nearby quarries and trimmed with copious amounts of Innix wood. Its ceiling was 200 feet from the floor, two 15 foot high polished metal doors opened to the even grander cathedral which had a 450-foot ceiling and was entirely made of marble trimmed with gold.

  As Lucifer watched over the removal of a statue of Os in the middle of the circular entryway, a stream of angels delivering Azurian Crystals containing weakened angels arrived. These crystals no longer glowed their natural bluish, white light but instead had a smoky red swirling light within them. Like their benign counterparts used for lighting, these crystals had a magnetic quality and were stacked onto each other into a large rectangular prism which glowed with dim shimmering red light. The light now illuminated the wood grain of the walls within the entryway. This glow had become much brighter since they had first stepped into the entryway.


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