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The Angelic Wars I - Heaven

Page 12

by Andrew Gille

  “What is he doing? What is going on in Hesperides?” Lucifer said irritatedly to an angel who nearly dropped the crystals as he procured them from a satchel. At least 100 had now been captured and trapped within the temple.

  “I am not aware of the circumstances of Machenrauch’s conquest your highness. I am merely a courier and was asked to deliver these here post-haste exerting my conveyance spell to the maximum of my abilities,” was the reply Lucifer received from the courier.

  “Perhaps he met with some resistance,” Beelzebub opined.

  “We were able to march right into this city with no resistance, only one weapon was even drawn upon our soldiers. Compared to Cibolia, Hesperides is a tiny hamlet, I sent him down there at his insistence because of his garden to placate him. What kind of campaign needs to be waged to capture a garden? Hesperides is barely of any strategic importance, that was a mere tall tale. He should be saving his forces for the assault on Antares so we can get a city of actual use. What kind of resistance could you get in a town known mainly for vineyards? A bunch of indignant grape farmers?” Lucifer fumed.

  Just then, two more crystals appeared.


  Machariel slammed into the road along the entrance of his garden, as he stood he was met by Toriel an angel in the silver chainmail and white jerkin of the Order of the Powers Angels.

  “You and your companions are in violation of the transport laws of Hesperides, how do you think you can make an entrance like that? All of you have disturbed the tranquility of our beautiful city.” Toriel said.

  Machariel, helmet-less but otherwise clad in the golden armor of the rebellion, walked with purpose toward the angel. Toriel drew his sword and warned the approaching angel to stay back. Machariel ignored his pleas and dodged his sword. With one punch he knocked him to the ground, his sword fell out of his hand and Machariel with one motion picked it up and stabbed it through his heart. Toriel yelled in pain. Machariel kicked him in the head and silenced the screaming angel.

  “Crystal,” Machariel demanded. A rebel angel procured and threw him an empty Azurian crystal. Machariel held it over the angel’s body and waved his hand as he chanted the words of an incantation. Toriel’s essence faded, and he disappeared from the ground as a smoky amber light was sucked into the crystal.

  “Send that to Cibolia,” Machariel ordered as he threw the dimly glowing crimson crystal back to the rebel angel, “A maniple will stay here at this garden, if one leaf on one tree is harmed within, you will be personally responsible, but don’t worry, after we take this town no one will resist here.”

  The angel flew off with the crystal to a waiting soldier who would take it to Cibolia.

  As Machariel advanced toward the town, he attacked any Powers angels he saw with no quarter. Beating them, shocking them with his brutality, he poured out his rage upon them. Azurian crystals were filled, collected by the armful and sent back to Cibolia every few steps it seemed. Lowly angels appeared to be the only ones spared Machariel’s wrath that day. Machariel walked at the head of the group engaging any high angel who merely looked his way. One angel suggested he increase their advancement by allowing those who were inclined to retreat and run. Machariel chided him as a coward and then ran after an angel who attempted to run from him, soon his essence was contained within the transparent glass-like orb. The collection of crystals grew and was sent back as quickly as the courier could take them to the angels shuttling back and forth to Cibolia. Another angel warned Machariel that the supply of Azurian Crystals was running low, this was the only thing that caused him to give quarter to those who ran before him, now he engaged only the few that pitifully thought they had a chance against him.

  The other soldiers merely followed as they watched Machariel fight his way into the center of town, those who resisted fared the worst, Machariel made it hurt for them, drove down on them and punished them. Bewildered, his soldiers could merely watch as he dispatched angel after angel, some of whom were guilty of only staring, mouth agape as he speared, slashed and slammed their fellow citizens, sucking their energy into an Azurian Crystal. Empty crystals, something they’d previously regarded as trash to be sent back to Kalos for refueling, now contained their power, trapped them and once they were teleported to Cibolia kept them entombed within, weak, barely conscious, suspended in stasis.

  Machariel saw them then, a group of archangels, powers, and dominions. Congregating in a park, unaware of the invasion which was about to affect them.

  “Archers,” Machariel said calmly as a matter of fact.

  “Commander,” Raamiel, of the order of the thrones, who had been by Machariel’s side throughout the violent and methodical destruction spoke up, “Do not use our new weapons on these innocents, the powers are the only ones for whom we need worry. These others do not deserve to take the impact of our new weapons.”

  The archers had already lined up on Machariel’s order, no one was interested in incurring his wrath after seeing what he’d done to angels several orders more powerful than him.

  “Archers fire,” Machariel ordered as Raamiel looked on helpless.

  The archers let loose a volley of fire that rained down upon the dozen angels in the park, shocked by the pain and horror of the piercing arrows. As they fell, their angelic humors spraying out onto the ground, Machariel was there to collect them in Azurian Crystals, which he ordered to be sent to Cibolia. From there he marched upon Hesperides Castle, with purpose. Now was his time, his time to even the score with all of those who had come through his garden with no respect and treated him like the grass upon which they strode. They regarded his park as an unimportant bore and came to visit to garner favor with those higher than them. Now they would pay the price for the indignities they had inflicted. Trodding without care across the garden, crushing the foliage, laughing at his animals regarding themselves as superior in every way to the animals and him. Now they would get what was coming. Now the elite of Hesperides would pay for their arrogance.

  Inamiah, the principality who had so many times brought dignitaries, and important angels to Machariel’s garden fared the worst, he drew his sword upon Machariel as he reached the top of the steps to the entrance of Hesperides Castle, the seat of government, the location of Inamiah’s office and the headquarters of the powers in charge of Hesperides. Inamiah had been warned by retreating citizens that Machariel was coming and he stood ready. He could not understand what had happened to the lowly angel or how he now dispatched angels several ranks above him, but he would put an end to it.

  “Machariel, what are you doing? What has happened to you? Stop now, you love our city, and you love your garden, I am certain that we can work something out to allow everything to return to normal. Just put down your sword and come…”

  Inamiah’s words were cut off by the clang of metal on metal as Machariel’s sword connected with his. He was able only to deflect two or three of Machariel’s strikes, only able for one second to appreciate that these attacks did not rain down on him from an ordinary lowly angel. Something had made Machariel infinitely more powerful than he. This was his last thought as his head was removed from his body by one cross strike that went under a feeble parry by the principality.

  Inamiah, looked back at his headless body, he was furious, he had helped Machariel so much with his beloved garden, and this was how he repaid him? He knew a little of the workings of celestial bodies and knew that he would soon reform himself by growing a body from his head or growing a head from his body. Either way, his body parts would meld into a new body for him, and then he would punish this insolent lowly angel.

  It was not to be, however, for Inamiah did not feel regrown into a new body. Instead, his body tore itself apart into minuscule pieces and was sucked into a crystal. Now he was no longer aware of himself, he had the distinct feeling of depersonalization. No longer within his body he merely existed, looking out of the distorted lens of the crystal and now transported like a trinket or a jewel to a room with which he was
unfamiliar. Weak and barely able to form a thought, yet still aware of reality, this was how he would stay for many weeks as the battles raged on.

  Machariel entered the sacred room that contained Antares most prized relic, The Horn of Entera, supposedly used to destroy the walls of Devros’ keep when Shalos defeated the Colossal. Then while examining the horn, he sat upon the throne Inamiah once occupied. His soldiers were a bit bewildered by the violence they saw inflicted upon their fellow angels, and for the irreverence Machariel showed toward one of the most Holy relics in all of Veritas. They feared Machariel now. Machariel sat looking at the horn that Shalos had used to bring down the old Gods and contemplated for a short time. He then announced, “One-quarter of the legion will stay here, the rest will accompany me north to Antares. Get ready to move out now, we will be in Antares by nightfall.”

  This caused a clamor amongst the soldiers, many of whom were still shocked by the speed and violence of the take over of Hesperides. They whispered that they should not act without the approval of Lucifer and that Machariel would not fare as well against the well trained and tremendous force of Powers within Antares. Others stated that it was with particular hate that Machariel acted, they were not eager to be in front of his blade and noted how he’d taken down multiple higher ranking angels alone. They made the case that it would be best to follow Machenrauch rather than face him. They also argued that the momentum from the victory in Hesperides would carry them on into Antares. It was these angels who won out. A small garrison stayed within Hesperides with most occupying Hesperides Castle. For the rest, Machariel had a mage calculate an intimidating, aggressive warp to Antares, the capital and largest city on Veritas.


  Marble or gold? Marble would be regal and grand, something substantial about it, gold though, symbolic of his power, but it would be a waste to make it of solid gold and who would believe it was if it were? Everyone would just speculate that it was hollow or filled with lead. Perhaps a plaque could indicate to visitors that it was solid gold. No marble would be fine, solid, grand, fitting for a king such as him. Wait, a marble statue with gold foil depicting the armor that they’d worn during the battle for heaven. Yes, both solid and portraying him as the warrior who brought the mighty Os to his knees, perhaps a golden sword as well. Maybe he should begin carrying a sword. He’d need to have a distinctive golden sword made for himself so that the statue would not be criticized as historically inaccurate.

  Lucifer looked at the base in the entryway where they had toppled the statue of Os, a statue of himself was the natural thing to put here. His victory would employ so many sculptors and artists to redesign all of the monuments and artwork in heaven to his glory.

  Just then a herald came to him, “Lord Lucifer!” he urgently exclaimed.

  Lucifer looked at this herald, and said, “You, did you see Beelzebub out there?”

  “What? Well yes, but…” the archangel didn’t finish his sentence before Lucifer preoccupied interrupted him.

  “Tell him to have a golden sword made for me, it must have strength but still clearly be made of gold. Foil is fine, I don’t want it bending,” Lucifer commanded.

  “Yes sir, but my liege I have news…” again he was interrupted by Lucifer.

  “Also, tell him to get me a sculptor from Paradisio, I know our recruitment efforts are ongoing but surely by now we must have found artisans sympathetic to our cause,” Lucifer stated oblivious to the herald’s urgency.

  “Yes, my lord, might I tell you of…”

  “Yes, tell me of your opinion. A statue, better marble or gold? Or perhaps a marble statue, depicting me in this armor, with a gold foil overlay for the armor?”

  “Um, I would just choose marble, it is solid and depicts strength, I feel the foil would just make it look, um, rather gaudy. Sire, I really must tell you news of our conquests in Hesperides and Antares,”

  “Yes, I suppose you are right,” Lucifer said with his hand on his chin as he looked at the pedestal, the toppled statue of Os had broken at the knees, and two disembodied sandal-clad calves and feet still sat on the base. He wondered how they would be removed. Surely some artisan knew how to do this, and he wouldn’t have to figure it out himself.

  “My liege, our forces occupy Hesperides and Machariel has taken Antares as well. He stationed one-quarter of his forces in Hesperides including a large garrison that protects a garden sacred to him. The rest he has moved into Antares, he trapped the entirety of the powers’ forces there and now sits on the throne of Akriel, the Arch Principality and King of Vertias,” the herald blurted out before Lucifer could again interrupt him.

  “Perhaps, also a crown on this…Wait, what? Machariel occupies Antares?” Lucifer suddenly snapped to attention.

  “Yes, My Lord, Hesperides was taken in a few hours, and he completely wiped out the leadership and replaced it with his own. These Azurian Crystals represent the entirety of the principalities and powers in those two cities as well as those of other ranks who resisted or even those who just got in his way. He brought the rain of arrows from our new weapons down on unsuspecting high angels and collected their energies within the crystals, none were spared. Here lie their essence trapped in glass,” the Herald pointed at the crystals now forming a giant cube in the corner and guarded by a solitary rebel angel clad in golden armor.

  Lucifer, suddenly had a pallid expression of concern across his face, “Go now, have Beelzebub gather that which I asked for. Praise our victories in Hesperides and Antares, Machariel, the Enrauch, will be the destroyer who makes them fall before him.”

  “Yes, Lord Lucifer, praise be our victories. I will do as you command.”

  Lucifer stepped out of the cathedral and began an incantation, he was enveloped in energy and shot from the tiles of Cibolia’s Central Plaza leaving a burned black mark where he had left.


  Unstoppable Force

  Michael left Elysian Palace, yet again, with no answers, it was as if Os wasn’t even there. Like he’d abandoned the heavens and no longer cared about the fate of his angels or the realm they called home.

  Downtrodden, exasperated, the news about Veritas had reached him via Kamael, an angel of the Order of the Powers who had escaped Cibolia during Lucifer’s invasion. Through telepathy, they had contacted other powers who came under the attack in the cities of Hesperides and Antares by a mysterious angel named Machariel. They spoke of a lowly angel named Machariel from Hesperides, a gardener, and shepherd, but this angel was no lowly angel, he attacked with ferocity, hatred, and power and almost single-handedly, he had wiped out the authorities, much more powerful angels, in both cities. Who was this angel who impersonated a lowly angel and how did he attain levels of power that Michael could have only expected from Lucifer himself? If there was an answer, Os was not revealing it.

  What made matters worse was that Lucifer had somehow found a way to capture and trap angels within an ordinary crystal usually used for lighting purposes. The price of Azurian crystal had skyrocketed in the weeks leading up to the invasion, most curiously the empty stones sometimes discarded, sometimes sent back to Kalos or other places where the crystals were mined, to be refilled. Someone should have questioned why Lucifer had such a need for lighting, but it was too late now.

  Michael walked through the streets of The City of God, he did not know what his next step should be. Should he assemble his army and take them to Veritas to quell this uprising? Or was Veritas already a lost cause and should he seek to prevent a similar situation on the other planets of heaven by stationing his armies in a defensive posture there? Lucifer’s forces attacked with an army of 10,000, but it was rumored that those sympathetic to him and willing to join him numbered in the hundreds of thousands now.

  Michael’s trained army of archangels numbered about 100,000 now, and he would have to decide what course of action to take to prevent further advancement of Lucifer’s army.

  He confided once again in his friend Gabriel. This time
rather than the sweeping vistas of his balcony, the two met in the dining hall of Gabriel’s palace. They drank Hesperidian wine as they discussed the situation.

  “Such sweet wines may become a thing of the past if the heavens are fractured in two, Veritas looks to be a loss, right now Lucifer’s forces make deals with the principalities in the remaining cities not under their control. Veritas has fallen to Lucifer’s forces. It’s rumored that they’ll use it as a base from which to advance on Kalos. Then they’ll have access to all of the Azurian Crystal they want. Not to mention the Oziel Diamonds. We all look to you to solve this problem,” Gabriel said with a smile as he took a drink of Hesperidian Red, the best wine in the realm.

  “I do not know why Os has put this on my shoulders, I am incapable of this. I will lose all of the heavens to Lucifer, he’s more cunning, a better leader and infinitely more experienced than I am. How can I match wits with him?” Michael said with a look of worry.

  Gabriel chuckled as he took another drink of wine, “It is perhaps not Lucifer you need to worry about, this lowly angel, Machariel, he seems the aggressor. Lucifer didn’t take Antares, his conquest of Cibolia, was bloodless and he was allowed to take the city, the powers didn’t understand what was happening, that much was clear by talking to Kamael,” Gabriel rolled his eyes, “They handed him Cibolia, Machariel was the one doing battle in the streets, I have heard the reports. Fearsome, angry, he beats the life force from angels indiscriminately. Machariel is an angry lowly angel who feels he’s been treated poorly by us those higher than him his entire existence. He feels he’s due payback and he’s getting it right now. This is a dangerous individual, he’s the reason the principalities of Veritas abdicate to Lucifer’s forces, they’d rather give up than face Machariel. Meanwhile, Lucifer is busy erecting statues to himself in Cibolia. I hear he’s ordered the quarries of Veritas to begin sending marble and has sent his heralds to several sculptors right here on Paradisio to create statues depicting him in heroic poses. He has always been so pompous. Certainly, not the best looking of us, who would want to see him all over their town? Just one more reason you need to stop this Michael,” Gabriel again laughed, Michael’s face stayed expressionless, he didn’t understand how Gabriel could be so flippant right now. He’d come to him with serious issues, and he wasn’t treating any of this like the emergency it was.


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