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A Coin of Edward VII: A Detective Story

Page 7

by Fergus Hume



  The contradictory qualities of Mrs. Parry's nature came out strongly inconnection with the Rickwell tragedy. When Miss Denham was prosperousthe old woman had nothing but bad to say of her, now that she was afugitive and generally credited with a crime, Mrs. Parry stood up forher stoutly. She made herself acquainted with all details, and deliveredher verdict to Mrs. Morley, on whom she called for the express purposeof giving her opinion.

  "I never liked the woman," she said impressively, "she was artful andfrivolous; and to gain admiration behaved in a brazen way of which Ithoroughly disapproved. All the same, I do not believe she killed thegirl."

  "But the evidence is strongly against her," expostulated Mrs. Morley.

  "And how many people have been hanged on evidence which has afterwardsbeen proved incorrect?" retorted Mrs. Parry. "I don't care how certainthey are of her guilt. In my opinion she is an innocent woman. I am gladshe has escaped."

  "I am not sorry myself," sighed the other. "I was fond of Anne, for shehad many good points. But Mr. Steel says----"

  "Who is Mr. Steel?"

  "The detective who has charge of the case."

  "I thought the police from Chelmsford had it in hand."

  "Of course, Mr. Morley sent for the police the morning after poorDaisy's death. That is three days ago. To-morrow the inquest is to beheld. I suppose they will bring a verdict against poor Miss Denham."

  "Ha!" said Mrs. Parry, rubbing her nose, "and my greengrocer is on thejury. Much he knows about the matter. But this Steel creature. Wheredoes he come from?"

  "Mr. Morley sent to London for him. He has a private inquiry office, Ibelieve."

  "No such thing," contradicted Mrs. Parry, "he is from Scotland Yard. Agenuine detective--none of your makeshifts."

  "I thought you knew nothing about him?"

  "Nor did I till this minute. But I now remember seeing his name inconnection with the theft of Lady Summersdale's diamonds. He caught thethief in a very clever way. Steel--Martin Steel, I remember now. So hehas the case in hand. Humph! He won't accuse Anne Denham, you may besure of that. He's too clever."

  "But he is convinced of her guilt," said the other triumphantly.

  "Then the man's a fool. I'll see him myself."

  Mrs. Parry did so the very next day after the inquest had been held andthe verdict given. She possessed a small, neat cottage on the outskirtsof Rickwell, standing some distance back from the high road. Seated ather drawing-room window, she could see all those who came or went, andthus kept a watch over the morals of the village. This window was called"Mrs. Parry's eye," and everyone sneaked past it in constant dread ofthe terrible old lady who looked through it. Beyond Mrs. Parry's cottagewere the houses of the gentry and the church; therefore she knew thatSteel would pass her house on the way to The Elms, where he woulddoubtless go to report himself to Morley. To be sure Morley was to be atthe inquest, but Mrs. Parry took no account of that. He and thedetective would certainly return to The Elms to compare notes.

  Also there was another chance. Steel might go on to see Ware at hisplace, which was a mile beyond the village. Giles had caught a coldafter his midnight ride and search for the missing motor, and since thenhad been confined to his bed. His deposition had been taken down inwriting, for the benefit of the jury, as he could not be presenthimself. Since he was deeply interested in the matter, Steel wouldprobably go and tell him about the inquest. Mrs. Parry therefore postedherself at the window about twelve and waited for the detective.

  At half-past twelve she saw him come along, having on the previous daymade herself acquainted with his personality. He was a dapper pertlittle man, neat in his dress, and suave in his manners. Not at all likethe detective of fiction as known to Mrs. Parry. There was no solemnityor hint of mystery about Mr. Steel. He would pass unnoticed in a crowd,and no one would take him for a bloodhound of the law. He did not evenpossess the indispensable eagle eye, nor did he utter opinions with theair of an oracle. In fact, when Mrs. Parry captured him and lured himinto her parlor, she was exceedingly disappointed with his appearance."No one would even take you for a detective," said she brusquely,whereat Steel laughed cheerily.

  "All the better for me, ma'am. Folk speak more freely when they don'tknow my business. But you will excuse me," he added, glancing at hiswatch, "I am in a hurry. You say you know something about this matter?"

  It was on this pretence that Mrs. Parry had got him into her house, elsehe would not have wasted his time on her. She had therefore to make goodher words, but had not the slightest chance of doing so.

  "I know that Anne Denham is innocent," was all that she could say, butsaid it with the air of one who settles a difficult matter once and forall.

  "On what grounds, ma'am?"

  "On no grounds, save those of my own common sense."

  "You have no evidence to----?"

  "I have the evidence of my own eyes. You haven't seen the woman. I have.She is not the kind of person who would act so."

  "The jury take a different view," said Steel dryly. "They have broughtin a verdict of wilful murder against her."

  "Fools! But what can you expect from a parcel of tradesmen? I wish tohear on what grounds they made such idiots of themselves."

  Steel was somewhat taken aback by this coolness. "You must really excuseme," said he, rising, "but I have to see Mr. Ware."

  "All in good time, Steel," said the old lady coolly. "You might do worsethan spend an hour with me. There is precious little going on in thisparish I don't know of. I might be able to help you in your search."

  "After this woman?" Steel shook his head. "I don't think so. I expectshe has escaped to foreign parts."

  "Oh, I know all about that. I made Trim tell me. You know Trim, ofcourse. He was a groom once."

  "Isn't he a groom now?"

  "Well"--Mrs. Parry rubbed her nose--"you might call him an engineer.When Ware started a motor-car Trim refused to let anyone else attend tohis young master but himself. He was the servant of old Ware, and thinksit is his duty to look after the son--not but what it's needed," addedMrs. Parry spitefully; "but Trim learned how to work the car, and so heis what you might call an engineer."

  "All very interesting ma'am, but I have an appointment."

  "It will keep," replied Mrs. Parry suavely. "You had better wait, Steel.I have something to show you."

  "In connection with the case?"

  "In connection with Miss Denham."

  "What is it? Show it to me."

  "All in good time, Steel. I must first know what you think of thematter."

  "I think that this woman is guilty."

  "Oh, you do, do you. Humph! And I thought you clever. How easily one canbe deceived! However, you can sit down and tell me your grounds for thispreposterous belief."

  Steel hesitated. In all his career--and it had been a varied one--he hadnever met before with anyone like this determined old dame. She tookpossession of him in the calmest way, and was evidently bent uponpumping him dry before he left the house. As a rule Steel was not a manto be pumped, but after some reflection he concluded that it was just aswell to use a sprat to catch a mackerel. In plain English, hedetermined, with reservations, to gratify Mrs. Parry's curiosity, sothat he might get a sight of what she had to show him. If he werereticent, she would show him nothing; whereas if he told her all aboutthe evidence at the inquest--and that was public property--she wouldcertainly open her mind to him. Moreover, Steel knew the value of havinga gossip like Mrs. Parry to aid him in gaining knowledge of theneighborhood. Finally, he saw that she was a shrewd, matter-of-fact oldperson, and for the sake of making his work easy it would be as well toconciliate her. He therefore sat down with a cheerful air, and preparedhimself for an interesting conversation.

  "I shall be perfectly candid with you," said he, taking out his notes."These are the memoranda I made at the inquest."

  "Humph! You have a bad memory I see. I," said Mrs. Parry, with emphasis,"I carry a
ll I know in my head. Go on."

  Steel detailed the facts of the case. He related the threat of Anneagainst Daisy overheard by Mrs. Morley; read out a copy of the anonymousletter; emphasized the presence of Anne in the library for the fewminutes Morley was absent, when she would have had time to secure thestiletto; and explained how Morley had found the very weapon near thescene of the crime. Then he continued to relate what took place inchurch during the midnight service.

  "Martha James," said he, "was sitting not far from Miss Kent. The cornerwas rather dark----"

  "The whole church is badly lighted," interrupted Mrs. Parry. "I nevercould bear smelly kerosene lamps."

  "The corner was dark," resumed Steel patiently, "and Martha, as shesays, having a headache, was rather inattentive to the sermon. She saw aman near the door--a tall man, with a great-coat and a white scarf. Shecouldn't see his face plainly. He slipped along the wall during thesermon, when the attention of everyone was fixed on the preacher,and--as Martha saw--slipped a scrap of paper into the hand of Miss Kent.She started, and bending towards a near lamp, read the paper."

  "Did anyone else see her read it?"

  "No. She placed the paper in her prayer-book, and so contrived to readit without exciting suspicion. Martha saw the action, because she waswell placed for observation."

  "And couldn't mind her own business. I know Martha James. Go on."

  "After a few minutes Miss Kent seemed to grow faint, and slipped out ofthe church. Another witness--Samuel Gibbs--says that as she brushed pasthim she murmured that she felt unwell. However, she went out."

  "And the tall man also?"

  "No. He remained for another ten minutes. Martha James watched him,because she could not think why he did not follow Miss Kent after givingher the paper."

  "Of course, Martha thought of something bad," sniffed Mrs. Parry; "nodoubt she believed that the two had arranged to meet. So the tall manwent out ten minutes afterwards. What about Anne?"

  "She was a few pews behind, and apparently inattentive, but a small girlcalled Cissy Jinks----"

  "A most precocious child," interpolated the lady.

  "She is smart," admitted Steel. "Well, she declares that Miss Denham waswatching the tall man all the time. Whether she saw him give the paperto Miss Kent no one seems to know; I think myself she must have done so,if she was as watchful as Cissy Jinks declares. Moreover, she followedthe tall man when he went out."


  "Five minutes afterwards."

  "Ha! Then it was a quarter of an hour before she followed Daisy. Humph!Didn't Trim see them come out of the church?"

  "The groom? No, he was at the lych-gate with the car, and the snow wasfalling fast; besides, the night was so dark that he could see nothing.The first intimation he had of Miss Denham was when she came through thelych-gate to tell him that his master was with Miss Kent on the way toThe Elms and wished to see him. Trim followed, and left her in charge ofthe car. When he was gone she went off, leaving the body of the girlbehind her. The case is dead against her."

  "As you make it out, it certainly is," said Mrs. Parry scathingly. "Butwhat about the tall man--what became of him?"

  "He has vanished, and no one seems to know anything about him."

  "Ha!" said the old lady, with satisfaction; "well, I can enlighten youon that point. He was the man who called to see Mr. Morley, and who leftjust before Anne entered the library."

  "Are you sure Morley said nothing about that?"

  "Morley can hold his tongue when necessary," said the old lady dryly."Yes, that was the man. The footman at The Elms told me that Mr.Morley's visitor wore a great-coat and a white scarf."

  "The same dress," murmured Steel, "and the man was afterwards in church.He passed a note and went out apparently to see Miss Kent. I mustquestion Mr. Morley about him. I wonder if he went away in the motoralso."

  "Of course he did," replied Mrs. Parry calmly. "Anne was watching him,according to Cissy Jinks, and she followed him five minutes later. Itwould seem that she knew him, and after he killed Daisy helped him toescape."

  "What do you say," asked Steel, wrinkling his brows, "that this mankilled Miss Kent?"

  "The evidence is nearly as strong against him as against Anne. He was inthe library also and might have obtained the stiletto. It was he wholured Daisy out of the church. He was five minutes absent before Annefollowed--quite long enough for him to kill the poor girl."

  "It sounds feasible, I admit," said the detective thoughtfully; "buteven if this is true, it incriminates Miss Anne. She helped him toescape, according to your theory. She must, therefore, have known aboutthe murder, and that makes her an accessory after the fact. In any caseshe should be arrested."

  "But not hanged," insisted Mrs. Parry. "I am sure she did not kill thegirl. As for the man, she had a strong reason to get him out of the way,but that does not say she knew of the crime."

  "I don't see what other reason she could have had," said Steel. "Idaresay you are right, and that this stranger did go with Miss Denham onthe car. What a pity no one saw them!"

  "Did no one see the car?"

  "No, it was found overturned in a hedge, near Tilbury."

  "I know," said Mrs. Parry, not liking to have her omnisciencequestioned; "Trim told me. He came on the car by chance. It was quitecold--the furnace was extinguished. It must have been abandoned for sometime when he came across it. I wonder where the pair went then."

  "You seem certain that the stranger was with Miss Denham."

  "Yes, I am quite satisfied on that point. Tilbury--ha! they were makingfor Tilbury. Did you inquire there?"

  Steel nodded. "I could find no trace of them. No one saw them, or ratherher, for I asked only after Miss Denham. It is my opinion that they musthave got on board some ship, and have escaped to foreign parts. I couldnot learn of any ship having left that night, though. Well, that is allthe evidence, Mrs. Parry, and you can see for yourself that the caseagainst Miss Denham is almost conclusive."

  "All the same, I believe she is innocent," insisted the old lady; "itwas the man who committed the crime. Ask Morley about him."

  "Do you think he knows anything?"

  "Not of the murder; but he must know the man's name. And now as you havebeen so frank with me I'll show you what I promised. Do you remember theanonymous letter and the reference to the Scarlet Cross?"

  "Yes. Miss Denham said that her father--who is now dead--wore ared-enamelled cross on his watch-chain."

  "I know. Mrs. Morley told me so. Now see here." Mrs. Parry opened herleft hand, which for some time she had kept clenched. In her palm lay asmall gold cross enamelled red.

  "Where did you get that?" asked Steel, astounded.

  "Mrs. Bates, the pew-opener, found it in the church and brought it tome. It was found near the spot where the stranger stood."

  "What?" Steel started to his feet.

  "Ah, you are beginning to see now!" said the old lady. "Yes, Steel, youmay well look. Anne is innocent. On the evidence of this cross I believethat her father is not dead. He was the stranger; he killed Daisy, andbecause he was her father Anne aided him to escape."


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